The Moon Stealers and The Children of the Light

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The Moon Stealers and The Children of the Light Page 22

by Tim Flanagan

  ‘This is not a community,’ continued Tracker, ‘this is just a house full of slaves and the American is playing God, choosing who lives and who dies. As soon as you or anyone else isn’t required you will be disposed of. It might be because you get ill, injure yourself or simply grow old. However it happens you will only be permitted to live for as long as you are useful.’

  Steven walked over the plush silk carpet towards the door beside the fireplace. Behind it Coldred could be armed and waiting to fight his way out.

  Georgia suddenly stepped along the corridor and appeared behind the overturned book shelf. She looked into the room, saw Steven and spoke to him.

  'We've barricaded the external door you put that chair through and we’ve managed to wedge the door closed on the corridor side as well,’ she said.

  ‘Good,’ replied Steven nervously as his hand reached for the handle of the interlinking door.

  ‘But that’s only solved one part of the problem,’ she added. Her voice quivered slightly as she spoke.

  They all turned towards the shattered doors of the Council Room that Georgia was staring at. On the patio outside, they could see a crowd of creatures stalking their way up the steps ready to enter the room, drawn in and excited by the scent of the blood that had pooled around the bookshelf.

  Tracker felt a wave of terror and panic wash across everyone inside the room. He knew that the instinct for most of the survivors would be to turn and run, but unless they secured the room, the creatures would feast on everyone that hadn’t taken an antibiotic.

  ‘We have to stand together,’ shouted Tracker to the survivors. ‘Grab whatever weapon you can find. We must try and block the patio doors.’

  The first creature lurched up the steps, stuck its head through the door frame and sniffed at the blood scented air. Its single white eye darted erratically around the room, assessing the potential victims.

  It took a step into the room.

  No one dared move or draw the creature's attention. One of the survivors who had taken a gun from one of the guards, quivered nervously. The creature released a low breathy gasp like a muted scream in his direction. The fear it created caused the man's body to shake uncontrollably. The index finger on his right hand contracted in a spasm of fear that released a shot towards the creature. It missed and lodged itself into the ceiling, releasing a shower of plaster dust. With lightening speed the creature turned towards the survivor and with a powerful thrust of its wings lifted itself into the air ready to pounce.

  Tracker released a shot from his own gun. The force of the bullet knocked the creature from the air and back out of the patio doors.

  But more creatures came.

  They began to enter the room together. All the guns began firing, but for every creature they hit, two more replaced it. Quickly the room filled with the sharp smell of the acidic juices of injured creatures that had collected on the priceless carpet, dissolving it to nothing more than a moth eaten rag. Those nearest to the external door were the first to be eaten, overcome by creatures that swarmed into the room. There were so many around the patio doors that no part of the lavishly decorated wall could be seen.

  The guns continued to fire, but ammunition was not going to last for very long. Steven, Georgia and Tracker knew the fate of the survivors was rapidly approaching. Maybe they had been wrong to try and lead them to a better future.

  Amongst the gunfire and screams of the desperate victims came a new sound. At first it sounded like a low rumble similar to an earthquake far away in the distance. But the sound grew so quickly that it seemed to overtake everything else.

  The creatures heard it too. Their animal instincts told them that something different was happening. Those that were outside the room trying to climb over the mountain of bodies to get in began to fly away instead. In the gaps that emerged, the survivors could see a bright light, almost like daylight. But, in the panic, they thought their eyes were deceiving them; only moments before the sky had been black. Creatures fell back, no longer interested in the human feast inside the Council Room. Outside the light was so brilliant and white that it illuminated everything to look like an overexposed photograph. The humans squinted as more light flooded into the room. The creatures withdrew and began flying into the sky. Momentarily the white light dimmed, but was instantly replaced by another, even stronger wave. They watched as the creatures fell from the sky or flew blindly into one another. Those that had remained on the ground int the garden seemed to be chirping in a vulnerable way. Some fell down the steps, whilst others stumbled into the plants of the garden.

  Those that remained inside the Council Room watched with amazement. With every wave of white light that passed through the sky they felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness and hope in every fibre of their bodies. The light was like a sponge, cleansing the planet and washing the creatures away.

  They then watched in amazement as something else began to happen. The creatures that stood on the grass or amongst the shrubs seemed to be swallowed up by the earth, as easily as if they were standing on quick sand. In the fields that stretched out beyond the back of Osborne House, branches of trees seemed to be moving violently in a non existent breeze, batting the creatures from their flight towards the ground. Confused and blinded, the creatures lashed out at an imaginary foe, but grey tangles of roots burst through the ground, binding the creatures helplessly before being sucked into the earth.

  ‘Well that appears to change things slightly,’ said a deep gravely voice from the side of the room. Steven suddenly felt the edge of a cold knife pushing against his throat. He didn’t dare swallow, every slight movement made him take an intake of breath as the sharp blade cut lightly into his skin.

  On hearing the voice Tracker turned away from the window and stared across the room and into the eyes of Coldred. He was directly behind Steven holding a knife to his throat. The door to the room that Steven had been about to search was still slightly ajar. Whilst their attention had been drawn to the strange pulsating white light, Coldred had taken the opportunity to emerge from the adjoining room and take Steven hostage.

  ‘As you can see,’ Coldred said loudly to the group of survivors in the room. ‘These people that you follow have cost some of your colleagues their lives. By giving you false hopes and feeding you lies, they have let the creatures into the home that I kindly gave to you. A home that was secure from the creatures. A home where you were fed, clothed and cared for. You are my family and I only want the best for you all.’ Coldred smiled to the survivors, trying to regain their support. ‘But, I am not the tyrant they think I am. Every child rebels against a parent at some stage, and I understand that. Therefore, I am willing to let you stay in my family, under my protection. Join me once again and I will overlook this small demonstration of rebellion, but if you persist in being disloyal, know that you will be destroyed. The creatures have created a future of uncertainty. You need someone to guide and protect you, not a group of social misfits.' Coldred pointed to Tracker, 'this one, who has some weak link to royalty, has shunned attention and duty and hid himself in some big mansion in Yorkshire, whilst this woman only has one functioning arm. Or, maybe you think this one could be your leader. Steven Knight worked at MI6 waiting for evidence of alien life forms, but by the time one appeared on our planet it was too late. He wasn’t prepared. But I was! Even his parents didn’t want to stay with him so he wasted his whole pathetic life looking for them. Do you see how useless they would have been leading the community? Turn you weapons on these three and join me once again. Join my family.’

  There was a pause before anyone moved. One of the survivors, lifted his head and stared towards Coldred and Steven. He put his hands in his pockets, stepped forward and began threading his way between everyone else towards the American.

  Everyone watched. Coldred began to chuckle. ‘This is a wise man, anyone else going to join my family?’

  ‘You know nothing of family. Let go of my son,’ muttered the man who now stoo
d behind Coldred. The American turned and looked into a pair of old eyes, there was an icy stare in them that appeared threatening.

  Without warning Coldred removed the blade from Steven’s throat and swiftly twisted his body round together with the knife as he attacked the man. The survivor, Rhys Avall, moved surprisingly quick. He thrust his foot into the back of Coldred’s knee causing it to violently dislocate. The useless and flaccid knee could not support Coldred and he fell towards the ground. The impact knocked the knife from his hand and spun it across the floor.

  Steven turned to the man who had saved him.

  ‘Dad?’ he said, looking into the man’s eyes. He didn’t recognise the old man that stood before him. Compared to the newspaper cuttings or the old photographs he had seen, this man was older and tired, but there was something so familiar about the man that he knew he must be telling the truth.

  Rhys nodded. ‘I have been searching for you all my life and I have so much to tell you.’

  Outside the pulses of light continued. The creatures were no where to be seen, but the survivors barricaded the external doors followed by the double doors that led into the corridor. They were taking no chances in letting the creatures inside, even though they were unsure what happened to them.

  35. The Building blocks of Life

  Following the defeat of Coldred, the rest of the guards inside Osborne House reluctantly handed in their weapons.

  All of the dead or injured were taken from the Council Room along the main wing of the house to the Health Sector.

  Georgia led a small group of survivors back to the Durbar Wing. She walked along a corridor of framed portraits and stepped into a large room where she saw groups of children huddled together nervously around a candle or watching through a gap in the blinds at the strange pulsating white light in the sky. There had only been two guards placed to look after the children, but they quickly realised they were outnumbered and surrended their weapons to Russell.

  Georgia walked amongst the children. It seemed they hadn’t been restrained in chains in the same way the adults had, but bound by rope around their wrists. Russell had already been round removing them, but the children still looked frightened and stressed.

  Georgia was looking for one child in particular.

  Out of the corner of her eye Georgia’s attention was drawn towards a child that had turned away from the window and was now staring directly at her. Georgia turned and saw a crystal clear teardrop catch the white light that forced its way in through a gap in the blinds, and fall from her cheek.

  ‘Annie,’ Georgia whispered. The word seemed to catch in her throat.

  ‘They said you never came back and were probably dead,’ the little girl explained.

  Georgia ran over to Annie and pulled her tightly to her chest.

  ‘We've come to take you home,' Georgia said. 'Steven’s here too. And Tracker.’

  Over the coming days and weeks, every member of the community was immunised against the creatures, but every night since the strange white light had appeared in the sky, there had been no further sightings of them. The only signs that remained were several black scars in the earth. Animals began to emerge from their hiding places, birds began to sing and crops grew with a renewed energy. Steven spent many days walking around the estate talking to his father, finding out about his mother and the magical bloodline he was part of. Rhys explained to him about the children he had met on his journey and where the light in the sky had come from.

  But the time came for part of the community to leave.

  'I'll be over to see you all soon,' said Tracker as he hugged Georgia.

  As he pulled away Georgia kissed his cheek. 'Make sure you do.'

  Steven stepped forward and grasped Tracker's hand. 'Goodbye,' he said. 'We're heading back to Yorkshire, to the place this all started.'

  'Parsley Bottom,' replied Tracker with a smile on his face.

  'There are some special children heading there that need a family. Do you mind if we borrow Butterwick Hall for a while?'

  'Be my guest. Look after each other,' Tracker added. He had decided to stay on at Osborne House to help rebuild separate communities across the Isle of Wight whilst Steven, Rhys, Georgia, and Annie returned to England.

  Two boys nervously rowed across a lake in Snowdonia. They searched the sky for signs of the Moon Stealers, but there was nothing more than a lone Chough acrobatically riding the breezes that whipped off the top of the mountains. They had another journey to make, one they had agreed with Scarlet and Peter before they had separated at Ingleton.

  They were heading back to Parsley Bottom.

  They were going home.


  About the Author

  At some point in Tim's childhood, he was abducted by aliens and sent on a voyage of knowledge and discovery across the universe. Eventually the aliens realised how pointless this was and, as a failed student, he was returned to Earth and left with a family who brought him up as a human bean. But, the persistent memories of new worlds, dragons and other creatures, continued to knock at his frontal lobe, desperately trying to break out.

  To avoid making a mess and calm his imagination, Tim began writing as a way to communicate with Earthlings. Fuelled by Chilli and Nachos and a bottle of wine, Tim manages to balance a love of loud rock music and fast cars (preferably red!) with emotional chic flicks, smart leather shoes and a well tailored suit. He has successfully infiltrated the humans and hides behind the façade known as a family. He learns from his children, but is regularly told to stop acting like a child by his wife.

  Naturally shy and unsociable by nature, he is selective of the human company he keeps, preferring to be around old books, bonsai and art. He cries at 'It’s a wonderful life' but sulks if fed evil vegetables disguised as Parsnips or Peas. He is bored by mundane conversation, excited by architecture and castles and fuelled by Caramel Latte Macchiato's.

  Occasionally, he likes to catch up with old acquaintances on Tatooine, Westeros, and Middle Earth, and stare at fantasy and concept art as if it is a window to his childhood adventures. He is always trying to learn lessons from the masters; Mr Charles Darwin and Mr Lionel Ritchie, about life and love. Tim's galactic mission is to translate his brain activity into a language that inspires and entertains you, transports you to different worlds and grants you an audience with the characters you have dreamt about, but never dared to remember. All of this in an attempt to redeem himself with his childhood alien abductors and travel the stars once more.

  He is also the author of :

  The Moon Stealers and the Quest for the Silver Bough (Book 1)

  The Moon Stealers and the Queen of the Underworld (Book 2)

  The Moon Stealers and the Everlasting Night (Book 3)

  The Curious Disappearance of Professor Brown

  Lawrence Pinkley's Casebook. Vol. 1

  My blog is the best place to get an insight into my mind. There are various posts and videos that have nothing to do with writing, sometimes just things that made me laugh or made me think.

  Social Media




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  Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review at Amazon, even a little one is appreciated! Reviews make all the difference.

  Table of Contents

  Available from Tim Flanagan:


  Notes to accompany Book 4

  1. Ingleton Forest

  2. The Light of the White Knight

  3. The Grey Man

  4. Invasion Plans

  5. The Mind of a Moon Stealer

  6. Following the Path of Water

  7. On the Edge of the Solent

  8. The Italian Restaurant

  9. The Pendle Hill Witches

  10. Watching t
he world from a distance

  11. Beach Landing

  12. A Frosty Visitor

  13. The Forest of Dean

  14. A Close Encounter

  15. The Wailing Wall

  16. Life after Death

  17. Destiny Beckons

  18. Across the Island

  19. Obedient Migration

  20. Community Integration

  21. The Checkpoint

  22. Andromeda's Sacrifice

  23. The Trail of Blood

  24. Rallying the Troops

  25. The Road to Avalon

  26. Across Tryfan

  27. Slaves to the Community

  28. Return to Osborne House

  29. A World within a World

  30. A Choice for the Greater Good

  31. The Uprising

  32. Completing the Family

  33. The Druid's Oak

  34. The Final Showdown

  35. The Building blocks of Life

  About the Author




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