A Thin Line

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A Thin Line Page 2

by Tammy Jo Burns

  Kala rose from the chair and hobbled to the door, anger suffusing every fiber of her being. She paused at the door and looked back at her brother, anger causing her eyes to spark green and blue fire.

  “It is so heartwarming to know that friendship is more important than family.”

  “Kala,” Tessa began to cross the room until her husband grabbed her hand.

  “Let her go.”

  “But she shouldn’t leave like this.”

  “Perhaps it is for the best. There are things she should not know, nor should she be involved in. The anger will pass, given time.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Me, too.”


  Kala sequestered herself in her room at Drucilla’s house the following week while her ankle mended. She wrote a letter to her father stating she loved both him and her mother very much, but she would not be returning home until after the Little Season. She and Derek merely had a misunderstanding, but all would be well. She also penned a letter to Tessa apologizing for her behavior. She found she felt much better after writing both letters and sending them off.

  She spent her time convalescing replaying what she had overheard, even going so far as to write down the scene much like a playwright might. Once satisfied she had captured every detail, she reread it carefully several times. Gabriel was indeed involved in something nefarious, she only wished she could be more certain as to what it might be. On the fifth day, she considered her ankle fully mended and felt the need to be outside. Stuart McKenzie requested she join him for a ride in Hyde Park the day before. She dressed in her sapphire riding habit with the gold epaulets on the shoulder and her riding boots.

  Mikala made her way downstairs late that morning after having breakfast in her room. Dru sat in her small parlor with her three children gathered about her as she told them a story. Mikala scooped little Eric off his mother’s lap and blew a raspberry on his cheek causing him to giggle uproariously. She sat next to Dru so the little boy could finish hearing the tale she told. Once she had finished the story, Mikala let Eric scamper off her lap to join his brother and sister as they played on the rug in the middle of the room.

  “So, you have allowed the children to escape the nursery?”

  “Yes,” Dru grinned. “You look much improved.”

  “Oh, I feel it as well.”


  “I am going riding in Hyde Park a little later.”

  “Oh? Be certain one of the footmen escorts you.”

  “No need. I will not be by myself.”

  “And who will be with you?”

  “Stuart McKenzie.”

  “Mikala, you are playing with fire.”

  “I do not know what you are talking about and since no one seems fit to share information with me, I do not see the harm in going riding with the man. He is perfectly respectable, handsome, and is the Director of the War Office. Can you tell me one reason I should turn down his request?” Dru remained silent even though she knew several reasons. “Since that is settled, I am going to go visit Venus before my escort arrives.” Dru watched her leave, worry etched across her face.

  Mikala wiled away the time until McKenzie arrived making Venus’ coat shine. The horse seemed to enjoy the attention that her mistress bestowed upon her.

  “Oh, to be that horse,” a deep voice with a Scottish brogue said longingly.

  “Mr. McKenzie, you shouldn’t sneak up on a person like that,” Mikala spun around placing a hand over her rapidly beating heart.

  “You must have been lost in thought to not have heard me walk up.”

  “Just enjoying the day. What do you think of Venus?”

  “Lovely animal. Good lines,” he walked around, patted her flank and lifted a hoof. “Hooves are sound. How does she ride?”

  “Like the wind.”

  “She would be an excellent one to breed with a racehorse.”


  “Shall I get your saddle?”

  “Please.” McKenzie disappeared into the stable and exchanged words with a lad before both he and the other man came out carrying the saddle and bridle. The men made short work of saddling Venus and soon they were ready to begin their ride.

  “Do you have an escort?” McKenzie asked politely.

  “Mr. McKenzie…”

  “Please, call me Mack,” he interrupted.

  “Mack, I am old enough to not need an escort and could not care less what society thinks about me as I hope this is my one and only season.”

  “Plans for marriage?”

  “No,” she replied easily. “I’ve just had enough of society.”

  “I see,” he chuckled. “Well, in that case, shall we go and set society on its ear?”

  “Let’s do.” She quickly mounted Venus, hating not being in the country and able to ride astride as she so often did. Mack quickly mounted his horse and the two made their way towards Hyde Park.

  “I understand I missed quite a show the other morning.”

  “Hmph. I have possible knowledge of one of the men in your office sharing information with the enemy. So let me ask you this, Director, do you want to know who it is?” She replied haughtily.

  “If this is about Hawkescliffe, as much as I would love to haul him before the magistrate for being a traitor, I’m afraid you are mistaken.”

  “Not you, too!”

  “Mikala,” her name rolled easily off his tongue, “in this day and age enemies can be friends, friends can be enemies, and sometimes people are a combination of the two. Unfortunately, in the case of Hawkescliffe, I can guarantee you that he is a friend.”

  “I’m sorry if I don’t believe you. Not after what I heard and I will find some way to prove it to everyone. Now, if you are not going to tell me why I should trust Hawkescliffe, I suggest that we change the subject.”

  “What would you like to talk about then?”

  “Tell me about yourself. No one seems to know much about you.”

  “Oh, they know, Miss Simmons, they are just waiting for the drama to play out.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “All you need to know is that my father is a Scottish Laird, and even though I am his firstborn son, I have a younger brother that will inherit instead of me.”

  “How can that be?”

  “You will find out in due time. We will save unsavory talk for another time. Instead, let us enjoy this beautiful autumn day, shall we?”

  “Indeed,” she agreed, but she found her curiosity peaked. How could a younger son inherit? She snuck a look at the handsome man who seemed so familiar to her somehow. If only she could place him. They entered Hyde Park to see people already there. The Four-in-hand club could be counted as present this day as well as several reigning London beauties. Mikala and Mack made several passes, stopping to visit with a particularly well-known matron of the ton. A couple of dandies made their way up to pay their respects to Kala.

  “It seems my companion is extremely popular with the gentlemen.”

  “I am just an oddity, an ugly duckling among swans.”

  “Oh, but I think you besmirch yourself. I would compare your beauty against any woman here.”

  “You are too kind, Mack,” she looked at him and bestowed a beatific smile on him. As she faced forward once more, she pulled up sharply on her reins causing Venus to side-step and toss her head in agitation. Mikala leaned forward and patted the filly’s neck and spoke soothingly to her.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine.”

  “Ach, I see,” Mack said, when he followed her gaze.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off the couple rounding the bend. The man sat tall, even in the phaeton he rode in. He had dark hair and a scar that ran from the corner of his right eye to the juncture of his lips. His eyes were light blue rimmed in dark blue. His thick brows and lashes made him look sinister. Tessa had called him a wolf before she knew his name and Kala had never heard a be
tter description, particularly since he tended to growl more than smile.

  Next to him sat Lady Clarissa Blackerby. Clarissa, a petite blonde, could definitely be called a diamond of the first water. Lady Clarissa was the most popular of the debutantes this season, and it seemed that Gabe had determined her to be the next Duchess of Hawkescliffe. His mother must be hounding him again to produce an heir. Kala chuckled under her breath about that. She could be a veritable dragon at times. She constantly hounded Gabe to produce an heir so the line wouldn’t go to his weakling cousin.

  She had to give Gabe credit, he did have excellent taste. She counted Clarissa as her only true friend here among the beau monde. Lady Blackerby refused to speak ill of anyone. She did not act feather-brained and would make the perfect duchess, especially considering her father was a duke. It would be the wedding of the season. And Kala, as much as she wished it, could not hate her at all. Kala tossed her hair back and rode up to the couple.

  “Good afternoon, Your Grace. Clarissa, how are you?”

  “Fine, Mikala. Isn’t it a beautiful day for a ride?” Lady Clarissa replied sincerely.


  “Are you here alone, Mikala?”

  “Of course not,” Kala arched a sable brow at Gabe’s question. “I do believe you know Stuart McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie, allow me to introduce you to Lady Clarissa Blackerby.”

  “Mr. McKenzie, it is a pleasure. My father speaks highly of you.”

  “You are too kind, my lady. And how are you, Your Grace?” Mikala heard the acidity dripping off the last two words.

  “Fine. And you, McKenzie?” Gabe gritted his teeth while he spoke, barely making the words understandable.

  “It is a glorious day, and I am being accompanied by one of the most beautiful women in London, no offense, my lady. I can’t imagine asking for a better day, can you?”


  “It is indeed a beautiful day, and you are right, Mikala is indeed one of the most beautiful women of the ton. I only wish that the other women could see her worth,” Clarissa said with a smile. “She has truly been a friend to me this Season.”

  The girl did not have an evil bone in her body, Kala thought before addressing Clarissa, “Some people can’t see past their own nose. Well, it was wonderful seeing you both. Perhaps I’ll see you this evening at the Chatham ball?”

  “Of course. Gabriel,” Clarissa broke off and blushed. “I mean, Lord Hawkescliffe is escorting me this evening. I do so hope to see you there.”

  “Your Grace.”

  “Miss Simmons, McKenzie,” he nodded at both of them before snapping the reins. The Duke of Hawkescliffe unobtrusively watched as Kala and McKenzie whirled their horses around towards the entrance of Hyde Park. He watched the form she presented and found his body tightening in response to her presence. Gabe attempted to shake himself free from her spell and remind himself he was in the process of courting Lady Clarissa. Kala would never be his wife.

  “She seems like such a nice young lady. I wish the other girls were nicer to her.”

  “Pardon?” Gabe hated being caught off guard, but Lady Clarissa politely repeated herself. “What do you mean?” Gabe questioned.

  “Many of the girls and their mothers see her as an outsider who doesn’t belong. But she seems so alive, so full of energy. I’m sure if they took the time to know her, they would like her as much as I do. Sometimes I wish I were more like her.”

  “You are fine just the way you are,” Gabe commented off-handedly before urging their horse on. He made a mental note to visit with Derek about his sister’s choice of suitor at the next opportunity.

  Chapter 3

  Dru’s butler greeted her at the door. Mack had left with promises of seeing her at the Chatham ball that evening. Despite running into Gabriel and Clarissa in the park, Mikala found herself to be in relatively high spirits.

  “There is a gentleman waiting for you, Miss Mikala.”


  “Lord Dewhurst. Her Grace is currently entertaining him in the parlor.”

  “Oh dear,” Kala quickly stopped in front of the mirror located in the hall and removed her hat. Then she made sure she looked as tidy as possible after having come from riding. She quickly pasted a smile on her face before entering the parlor. “Lord Dewhurst, I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. If only I had known you were coming by today, I would have rearranged my plans.”

  “Oh, do not worry yourself, Miss Simmons. Her Grace has been more than accommodating,” he stood and crossed the room, took Mikala’s glove-covered hand and bent over to kiss it. Before her stood the true image of a dandy, as he tried to emulate the very look of Lord Byron. Dewhurst’s light-colored hair lay in curls about his head. His eyes were a nondescript gray color that leaned more towards being blue. He dressed in the latest fashion and women practically threw themselves at him. She had to admit that he cut a fine figure, broad of shoulders and narrow at the hips with long legs. Kala could not understand why he chose to court her. She knew that men found her attractive, but there were others more attractive and with more money than she. Something about him just did not sit well with her, so she always made certain they were never alone.

  “It is very good to see you, won’t you sit down?” She asked indicating the chair as she took the seat next to the quiet but observant Drucilla.

  “Thank you,” he moved to the indicated chair and perched on the seat as if he might take flight at any moment. “I had not seen you about in several days and became worried you had perhaps snuck out of London without us knowing.”

  “No, Lord Dewhurst,” Mikala chuckled throatily. “I merely turned my ankle and had to wait for it to heal before going out.”

  “I hope it was nothing serious.”

  “Nothing that a few days rest couldn’t cure. It was very sweet of you to come by to check on me.”

  “I must admit, I have ulterior motives,” Dewhurst gave a lopsided grin. “I have received an invitation to the Chatham’s ball this evening and had hoped I might talk you into allowing me to escort you.”

  Mikala thought quickly before replying, “That is very kind of you, but I will actually be riding there with my brother and his wife. But if you would like to meet us at ten in front of the Chatham’s, I would be more than delighted to accompany you inside.” They heard a knock at the front door.

  “I will be honored,” he stood and approached Mikala. She quickly came to her feet so as not to feel at a disadvantage. Dewhurst took her hand once again and brushed a kiss over the back then bowed low for Drucilla. “Your Grace, it has been a pleasure. Miss Simmons, until this evening.”

  “Until this evening,” she said. When he left the room, she collapsed in an unladylike heap on the chair he just vacated. She heard the exchange of male voices in the hall and assumed that Richard had arrived home and exchanged pleasantries with Dewhurst in the foyer.

  “What was that fop doing here?” A familiar voice asked before the butler could announce him.

  “Southerby! Where were you a few minutes ago when I truly needed saving?” Kala stood and greeted him warmly.

  Viscount Justin Southerby stood tall and broad-shouldered, but one could tell his superfine had not been padded by anything but his muscular form. He had blonde hair with auburn highlights and his eyes sparkled green. He spoke with just a hint of a Scottish brogue. Southerby had been actively flirting with Kala since she began her season, neither feeling they fit in very well. Being a mere viscount, he felt inferior to others of the ton, especially since he came in line for the title quite accidently when his brother died of a fever leaving only a daughter behind. Society also did not approve of his mother’s Highland background. Now Southerby trolled the waters of the ton to find a wife, and it appeared he had chosen to court Kala.

  “Where were you when I needed you?” Kala asked Southerby teasingly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You failed to ask to escort me to Chatham’s ball tonight and now I�
��m forced to attend with Dewhurst.” She dropped onto the settee next to Drucilla.

  “He’s a fop and a dandy. What makes him think he can even keep up with you?”

  “I haven’t a clue.” She watched Southerby stroll to the window and look out the curtains.

  “The man has the oldest nag I’ve ever laid eyes on. Seems to me if a man is going to claim to be a peer of the realm he should spend money on better horseflesh.” Kala jumped up and crossed to the window in time to see the man turn the horse around and leave the square.

  “Funny, it does look inferior. I’m just glad he’s gone for now.”

  “Kala, you really should not talk about others in front of people.”

  “Please, Dru. Even you have little patience for Dewhurst.”

  “I apologize, Kala. I thought, well, I don’t know what I thought. But just because he escorts you doesn’t mean he has your sole attention.”

  “Too true. So did you come just to visit?” She asked blatantly.

  “Actually I came to ask if I could escort you to the Chatham’s ball,” he replied a bit sheepishly. This looked somewhat comedic on a man of his stature.

  “Southerby,” Kala laughed.

  “How about I make it up to you and escort you to the masquerade ball in Vauxhall Gardens on Saturday?”

  “Dru?” Kala looked at her anxiously, finding that she did enjoy spending time with Justin. He didn’t set her heart to racing, but they got along well together. And most of all he seemed truly to care for her.

  “The masquerade is one of the last things Richard and I planned to attend this season. I don’t see any problem with it. Perhaps Derek and Tessa would like to join us as well. Masquerades tend to be unlike anything else that takes place among the ton.”

  “Wonderful. I will even let you escort me from here.”

  “I truly feel special.”

  “You should,” she answered cheekily.

  “I promise to rescue you tonight from Dewhurst.”

  “You’d better, or I’ll never forgive you. But if you don’t, I imagine Mr. McKenzie will.”


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