Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 10

by Veronica Cane

  I knew I couldn't take that many. I was still sore from the beating I had taken from my initiations. It was then it dawned on me that he had said five were to be across the pussy. I gasped in horror.

  “Believe me you are getting off lightly.”

  I shivered in apprehension. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through this. I felt like I was about to be sick.

  “I want you to lie on top of the table first.”

  I climbed up, trembling, and laid down on the wooden surface while he put my ankles in the cuffs. Next he fitted my wrists into the cuffs above my head.

  “I will exempt you from having to thank me after each stroke. I doubt you will be in any condition to speak.”

  I felt him tap the cane lightly against my mound, carefully measuring the distance. There was a swish and then a searing, white-hot pain that shot through my body.

  “One. Four more to go.”

  The next lash of the cane hit me with full force across my defenseless pussy. I let out a loud wail and he struck me three more times, leaving angry purple marks. I screamed out in pain, begging for mercy, with tears rolling down my face. I struggled to get away without any luck.

  “That is all for the front.”

  My pussy throbbed with an agonizing pain.

  “Please no more,” I begged him but he didn’t listen. Instead he just unfastened my restraints and repositioned my body. I didn’t know how I was going to get through the rest of my punishment. Perhaps I would get lucky and pass out.

  The same thought must have occurred to Devlin because he left me laying there and returned with a bowl of water and a sponge.

  “Cold water to keep you alert.”

  He helped me off the table then bent me over its smooth wooden surface. He attached my wrists to the restraints leaving me with my ass exposed for further punishment. I still had twenty eight more strokes to look forward to.

  He took up his position behind me and I felt the first stroke burn like fire across my ass. It was followed by another in the same spot. He was deliberately laying the strokes on slowly to give the pain time to sink in.

  Another deliberate blow struck me across the thighs. Another blow fell and then another. I heard myself cry out, a strangled, almost animal-like cry of pain. But it fell on deaf ears. Devlin just continued hitting me with the cane over and over again.

  He stopped for a minute to wipe my face down with cold water. Then the strokes resumed again. Hard stinging blows. Deliberately placed to cause as much pain as possible. He stopped again and sponged down my face. He resumed the punishment and I felt a stroke along the crack of my ass. There were many more strokes and I began to grow faint.

  I heard his voice as if it were far away.

  “That is fourteen.”

  Things began to turn grey and I passed out. I came to with him sponging my face down with ice cold water.

  “Looks like you passed out there.”

  The burning of my ass and throbbing of my pussy soon reminded me where I was. I groaned, realizing my nightmare wasn’t over yet.

  “Your punishment is now half over.”

  “Please Master, no more,” I begged.

  “When I pass sentence, I will always carry it out, no exceptions. And as I told you before, once the punishment has been carried out, there will be no more mention of the offense. You will start again with a clean slate.”

  That’s all well and good, I thought, but I still had fourteen more strokes of the cane to endure. He put down the sponge and resumed his position. Despite being restrained, my body shook. I felt the burning pain of the next stroke across my thighs. There was a long pause then the next stroke hit me across the ass. Another long pause and he laid another stroke across my left cheek. My body was trembling uncontrollably.

  Gently increasing his tempo, several more strokes landed on the same spot as previous strokes. I didn’t think I could stand much more, especially as the cane bit deep into my tortured flesh. Swish, swish, swish, swish.

  I thought I surely would pass out again, but I didn't. I was totally conscious for the rest of the strokes.

  “There, your punishment is over.”

  He undid the restraints but I just laid there, unable to move. He gathered me into his arms and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me down, bent over and kissed me.

  I winced as my ass made contact with the bed. He noticed this and gently rolled me over onto my stomach and covered me with the sheet.

  “You had better sleep on your front tonight.”

  I heard his footsteps retreating from the bedroom and cried into my pillow. I didn’t know how I was going to get any sleep. My pussy and ass were both on fire. Even the light touch of the sheet hurt.

  Chapter 12

  I laid in the dark for a long time, the pain keeping me awake. Eventually, as the birds began to sing, I drifted off. I must have slept most of the day because when I woke the sun was low in the sky.

  I was very stiff and found it hard to move. I managed to turn over and sit up in bed. He must have heard me because he appeared at the bedroom door.

  “Do you need any help sitting up?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I was grateful for the offer. He came over to the bed and arranged my pillows and helped me sit up properly.

  “I thought you might like something to eat. I’ll help you to the bathroom and then come back with your food.”

  After using the restroom I stood up and looked at myself in the mirrors. Seeing the welts across my body made the memories all come flooding back. As I started to cry, he poked his head in the bathroom.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I'm just coming out.”

  He helped me back to the bed and arranged the pillows so I could sit up more comfortably.

  He sat down next to me and fed me an assortment of fresh fruits and cheeses. In the middle of the tray was a delicious dip. There were grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, little cubes of watermelon and cantaloupe. He also had three kinds of cheese, Cheddar, Gouda and Swiss, cut up into little bite sized squares.

  “I love this dip. What’s in it?”

  He gave me a big smile. “I’m glad you like it. It’s my favorite. It’s a mixture of cream cheese and marshmallow crème with just a dab of cool whip.”

  “I just love it. It’s so sweet. Did it come with the fruit tray or was it part of a mix?”

  “I made all of this myself. It’s not a pre-bought fruit platter from the store.”

  “Seriously? You made all of this? How?”

  “It’s not that complicated. I just bought the type of fruits and cheese I thought you might like, cut them up into small pieces and arranged them on the tray. The fruit dip is something that I’ve been making for years. It’s a family recipe.”

  “I can’t believe it. You never cease to amaze me Master.”

  I really had to admit, I never thought Devlin would be the kind of guy that would also have any sort of domestic skills. Sure he had been making me food while I was here but it was mostly simple things like toast and eggs and pasta. This fruit platter was so fancy with so much attention to detail. And the dip, oh that dip, so beyond delicious.

  After breakfast he ran a bath for me and I soaked in a warm tub with bath salts that helped sooth my aching muscles and sensitive skin. We spent the rest of the day watching old movies and just enjoying each other’s company.

  We talked about his love of cooking and I found out he even knows how to make his own Mozzarella. He promised to make some for me soon. Although my body still ached from the beating of the night before, the day was still wonderful. It was intimate and genuine without being sexual and for the first time in a long time, I spent the entire day happy.

  I fell asleep that night on his lap watching a movie. He carried me to bed and when he covered me with a blanket and left the room, I felt a longing for him to stay with me. I hated that he didn’t sleep in the same bed as me. I wanted to wake up the next morn
ing wrapped in his arms.

  As he started to pull away I grabbed his hand and gently tugged, letting him know that I wanted him to stay.

  “It’s late my slave, you need your rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He kissed my forehead and left my room. I didn’t get what I wanted, but it was still a wonderful day I had with him and that is what I was thinking of when I drifted off to sweet slumber.

  The next morning I awoke to Devlin entering my room with a breakfast tray. I sat up on my own, gleefully awaiting to see what he had made for me today. He sat down next to me and started feeding me bacon wrapped chicken bites and deviled eggs. While not your typical breakfast food, it was still mouthwateringly delightful.

  “I have to head into the office for a bit. Will you be okay on your own for a few hours? There is a case I’ve been working on that really needs my attention.”

  “Of course, Master. May I have a book to read while you’re away?”

  He kissed my forehead. “That’s a good girl. And yes I’ll bring you a few books before I head out. For now go shower while I get dressed.”

  By the time I got out of the shower and shaved, he finished getting himself ready for work. He came back into my bedroom before leaving and as promised brought me a selection of books he thought I might like to read. He attached my restraints and headed off for the day.

  Time passed quickly while he was at work, thanks to the book I was reading. It was a romance novel, a story about a girl who fell in love with her boyfriend’s best friend. She would never act on her feelings for this other man but when she found out her boyfriend betrayed her with another woman, she went running to the other man’s arms and that’s when things got heated. And that’s also just about the time Devlin returned.

  “Were you a good girl while I was gone?”

  “Yes, Master I was.”

  “I brought you a gift.”

  I looked up at him, unable to contain my excitement. “What is it?”

  He handed me a box and inside I found a breathtakingly beautiful opal bracelet.

  “It’s so pretty. I can’t believe you got this for me.”

  “I always thought relationships were like opals,” Devlin said as he put it on my wrist.

  “What do you mean?”

  “They both must be handled with care. They are beautiful when they are new. It seems as if nothing could go wrong. However just as extreme temperatures can crack the opal, extreme emotions can cause cracks in a relationship. Over time these cracks can cause the relationship or the opal to shatter.”

  “I’ve never heard that before. That’s so lovely and so true.”

  I held my wrist to my heart, which now donned the bracelet. “I promise to always handle with care.”

  “My family has been in Opal mining for generations.”

  Most of our mines are in Australia, but we also have a rather large mine in northeastern Brazil. We also have a small mine in Nevada, about two hours northeast of Las Vegas. In fact, on the day I was born they found a giant two hundred carat fire opal.

  “Is this from one of your family’s mines?”

  “Yes, the stones in your bracelet are from one of our Australian mines.”

  My heart felt it was going to burst with joy. Devlin never talks about his family. It’s almost as if over the years he has gone out of his way to avoid the subject at any cost. And now here he has not only revealed something about his family but also shared with me part of their legacy with this gift.

  We enjoyed a late lunch together and then he had me get dressed. He didn’t say where we were going, but I didn’t really care. I was just happy to be getting out of the house.

  When he got to the car he realized he needed to stop and get gas so we headed to a nearby station.

  “Are you going to tell me where we are going yet Master?”

  “You’ll see.”

  He unfastened my leash and handed me some money, telling me I could go inside and get a fountain drink.

  “Thank you Master. Do you want anything?”

  “No. But hurry up, don’t doddle. I want to get to where we are going?”

  I kissed his cheek and ran inside the gas station. I was standing at the drink station trying to decide if I wanted a Coke or Pepsi when I heard someone calling my name.

  “Elizabeth, is that you?”

  The voice didn’t sound familiar so I turned around to see who it was. It was Corbin Tedlow from work. He was an intern I worked with at Ashworth and Kent.

  “Oh my God, Elizabeth it is you! I can’t believe it. Everyone has been so worried about you.”

  He pulled me in for a big hug and I looked around nervously to make sure Devlin was still outside, pumping gas.

  “It’s so wonderful to see you as well Corbin.”

  “Are you coming back to work soon?”

  “Well, I’m not sure. Things are still up in the air right now.”

  “You better Elizabeth, because you are missing all of the good gossip.”

  “Oh really? Do tell!”

  Corbin was always such a great little gossip. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had for me this time.

  “It’s about everyone’s favorite office slut-bag.”

  Of course it was about Brianna Bristow, I always hated her. That girl is always doing something or someone.

  “Well, the rumor is she has been spending a lot of time blowing a senior associate, during office hours, under his desk.”

  “No way!”


  When he said senior associate, my mind immediately went to Devlin and my heart sank. He wouldn’t do that, right? Surely it wasn’t him.

  “Which senior associate?”

  Corbin shrugged. “That’s the thing, nobody seems to know which senior associate she’s blowing.”

  “There are only six of them, and one of them is a female, so it can’t be that hard to figure out,” I said, desperately hoping he knew something more about the identity and praying it wasn’t Devlin.

  “All I can say for sure is it’s not Walter, he’s been out of the country for the last six weeks.”

  “Come on Corbin, you have to know more than that.”

  I laughed and playfully patted Corbin’s arm and when I did I heard Devlin clear his throat.

  “I came to see what was taking so long.”

  He glared at Corbin and then looked back at me. Corbin took a step back, putting more space between us.

  I took a step towards Devlin and hooked my arm into his. The tension between Devlin and Corbin was intense and I realized that Devlin was jealous. I don’t know why I liked it so much that he was, but much to my shame, I did.

  “Devlin you remember Corbin Tedlow from work?”

  Devlin nodded. “Of course.”

  Devlin put his hand out to shake Corbin’s.

  “Corbin was just telling me some juicy office gossip about a senior associate being naughty with the office ho-bag.”

  Corbin chuckled. “Hello Mr. Kent. It’s nice to see you, it’s been awhile.”

  “Yes, I guess it has been.”

  “We better get going,” Devlin said. “We have a lot to get done. Corbin, it was nice seeing you again.”

  “Yeah. Elizabeth call me sometime soon and fill me in on what’s going on. We miss you so much at work.”

  “I will, I promise,” I said to Corbin as I walked off with Devlin or more specifically was dragged off.

  When we got in the car Devlin didn’t say anything but I knew he was upset. Still, all I could do was smile. I liked his possessive side, it was endearing. I was smiling to myself as we drove down the road, headed to who knows what location.

  “What’s so amusing?”

  “Nothing, I was just thinking.”

  “Take off your panties?”

  “What?” I turned to him surprised at what he was telling me to do?

  “I said, take off your panties.”

  I did as Devlin asked me to and removed my pan
ties. After he exited the highway and turned off onto a side road, before pulling into the parking lot of a nearby shopping center. I got a little worried that he might ask me to get out and bend over the car in the parking lot and spank my bare ass in public.

  He got out of the car and went to retrieve a bag out of the trunk. I sat there quietly and watched him as he returned and opened up a box and put batteries into a shiny silver thing that was about two inches long and about an inch wide. He took out a tube of lube, rubbing it in, covering the entire little silver thing with a thin layer.

  “Do you know what this is?”

  “No Master, I don’t.”

  “It’s called a power bullet.”

  He put his hand between my legs and inserted it into my pussy and then turned it on. It was tiny but it packed a powerful punch as it started to vibrate against my clit.

  I put my hand on the dashboard to secure myself. I flung my head back and let out a soft moan.

  “Exactly what I thought.”

  “Huh?” I could barely concentrate, as the little bullet stimulated my clit. It felt so good.

  “Your body is very responsive. Your inexperience makes it hard for you to control your urges. So even if you were upset with me, I could still make you come.”

  “That’s so not true,” I panted. “I’m not always turned on when touched.”

  “You are going to learn control starting today. You may not come until I give you permission.”

  “Yes, Master,” I barely was able to say.

  He put his hand on the silver bullet inside of me, tapped it, turning the speed up. He then started the car up and began driving again, taking us to whatever our final destination may be.

  I was so distracted on trying not to come that I didn’t pay attention to where we were going. After about fifteen minutes, I could barely stand it. I was trying everything I could to focus on anything but my body.

  I tried hard to control my orgasm. I desperately needed release, but I also wanted to prove Devlin wrong. I wasn’t responsive to any and every touch. I could control my body.

  “How we doing over there?” Devlin teased.


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