Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 14

by Veronica Cane

  “That sounds great. I’ll be here around noon.”

  As Mistress Sophie was leaving my eyes became heavy and I felt myself falling asleep. I tried my best to fight it. I wanted to talk to Devlin about what happened but in the end sleep won out.

  By the time I woke up the next day Mistress Sophie had come and gone. When I opened my eyes I took in the new decorations in my room. She replaced the ceiling fan with a beautiful crystal chandelier. Instead of the boring mini-blinds from before, the windows now had flowing drapes that perfectly matched my new bedspread and the rug at the foot of my bed. On my nightstand was a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers and above my headboard where three large paintings, side by side.

  I hate that I slept through all of it and didn’t get a chance to thank her. I hoped that she would return soon so I could show her my sincere appreciation for her decorating skills.

  I heard some clanging noises coming from the other room and then was distracted with the smell of maple syrup. My stomach started growling and I crawled out to the kitchen to see what it was Devlin was cooking.

  Devlin told me to get up and take a seat at the table. I did so very carefully, sitting on the edge of the chair, careful not to let the chair scrape against my still very tender skin. He put a stack of pancakes in front of me. I was so hungry and devoured everything on my plate.

  “You are such an amazing cook Master. These are without a doubt the best pancakes I’ve ever had. They are so light and fluffy.”

  “It’s nice to have someone to cook for.”

  When Devlin got up and put my dishes in the sink, the doorbell rang and I caught him rolling his. He mumbled something under his breath and then went to answer the door.

  I ran to my bedroom because I didn’t have any clothes on and didn’t want whoever it was at the door to come into the kitchen and see me sitting there at the table completely naked. As I was throwing on a t-shirt I overheard Devlin telling Mistress Sophie that I was in my room. Before long she came in pulling her slave on a leash behind her.

  Mistress Sophie was very tiny so the last thing I expected was her to have a slave that was well over six foot tall and weighed probably two hundred and fifty pounds. He was a big guy, and I mean linebacker big. It was a sight to see this mammoth of a man follow around such a tiny little Sophie like a love sick puppy.

  “There’s my baby girl. How are we feeling today?”

  “Much better Mistress Sophie. I love what you did to my room. It’s all so beautiful.”

  She waved it off. “Don’t be silly. It was nothing.”

  I looked up at her slave. “Who is your friend?”

  Mistress Sophie tugged on his leash and he stepped forward. “This is my new toy. Isn’t he dreamy?”

  We both giggled as he stood there at attention, waiting for Mistress Sophie to address him.

  Devlin entered the room and Mistress Sophie’s entire demeanor changed. There really was some strange tension between her and Devlin and I had no idea why.

  “Well I better be heading out now. Slave and I were just heading out to the club and I wanted to stop by on the way to see what you thought of your new room.”

  She leaned over and kissed my cheek and then Devlin showed her out. After Devlin returned to my room.

  “I don’t recall giving you permission to get dressed.”

  “I’m sorry Master. It won’t happen again.”

  “Remove those clothes.”

  I took off my t-shirt and then my panties. I noticed Devlin watching me carefully. He seemed to really enjoy watching me undress.

  “Why don’t you like Mistress Sophie?”

  Devlin chuckled. “What makes you think that?”

  “I saw the look on your face when the doorbell rang. I also remember the first night I met her, at the club. You didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in speaking with her, like you did others.”

  He sighed. “Let’s just say that Mistress Sophie and I are two very different people.”

  “What do you mean? You seem to get along well enough with other Dom’s from the club. Why not her?”

  “It’s not that I dislike her per say. Mistress Sophie comes from a very wealthy family, one of the most powerful oil families in the entire state of Texas. When Sophie turned eighteen her family married her off to the son from a family in Venezuela with large oil holdings.”

  I gasped. I couldn’t believe that Mistress Sophie was married.

  “From what I understand the couple has never spent more than a few days together. He stayed in South America with his mistress and she stayed in Texas, choosing instead to entertain herself with a stable of slave boys.”

  “A stable? I thought you said a Master only ever has one slave.”

  “That’s true for a male Master with a female slave. It’s an issue of trust. There is a very special relationship between a Master and a slave. But when it comes to female Dom’s and male slaves, the psychological makeup is different. The need for fidelity isn’t ingrained into the male psyche in the same way that it is in the female brain. So while it’s not common, it is perfectly acceptable for a female Dom to have more than one slave as long as she is able to provide for all of their needs.”

  “Does Mistress Sophie still keep a stable of slaves or does she just have the one now?”

  “I think she just keeps one for now. But she doesn’t seem to keep one for any length of time. She gets bored quickly and moves on from one to the next.”

  “Is that why you don’t like her Master, because she’s flighty?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like her, I just don’t know that she’s necessarily a good influence on you. She seems to be fixated on you though, so I don’t think she’ll be going away anytime soon.”

  I put my arms around Devlin’s neck and played with the back of his hair.

  “I like her Master. She’s pretty and it’s fun to have another female to talk to. Maybe the three of us could do that thing we talked about before?”

  Devlin looked at me quizzically, perhaps trying to remember what it was I was talking about.

  “Oh no, no. It doesn’t work that way. Two Dom’s together is a bad idea. Trust me when I say, someone like Mistress Sophie doesn’t do it for me in the slightest. If you want to play I’ll find you a toy, but not Mistress Sophie. You can play with her if you want though. I don’t mind if you are with other women.”

  I stood up on my tippy toes, pulling his face down to mine and kissed Devlin.

  “I don’t need any new toys Master. All I need is you.”

  I dropped down to my knees and unzipped his pants. His cock had a drop of fluid on the slit and I took great pleasure in licking it off as I took it out from the confines of his pants.

  I wrapped my lips around his cock and sucked vigorously. I leaned forward, taking in as much as I could. He put his hands on the back of my head, threading his fingers in my hair and pulling me into him.

  I felt his hardened cock slipping through my parted lips and hitting the back of my throat. I grabbed his balls with one hand, while stroking his cock with the other. His breathing was short and furious so I pulled back, not wanting him to come just yet.

  I slid my tongue slowly down his length. I put his cock back in my mouth, sucking enthusiastically and his hips moved as if they were on fire before he finally exploded into my mouth.

  Chapter 16

  “Come with me,” Devlin said as he led me into his office in his penthouse.

  I’d only seen the room once or twice before. He usually kept it locked up. He motioned for me to sit down at his desk. When I did he opened his laptop and then clicked on the icon for the email program. When it opened I notice it was my email that he had loaded up. I looked up at him, wondering what it was he wanted me to do.

  “You have some messages I want you to respond to. Your sister has sent you a few emails and is worried about you and there are a few from some of the ladies in the office. I want you to let them know you are okay.”

/>   “Yes, Master.”

  I clicked on the emails from my sister and read them. They were mostly just updates about her dogs. She sent several pictures of them dressed up in various outfits and then told me about some of the things they have been doing. She seriously loves those dogs way too much.

  I typed up my replies to each of the emails, keeping what I had to say light and casual. I decided not to mention Devlin and instead just said that I was doing well and had been so busy lately with work.

  The next email I read was from Corbin Tedlow. He was just touching base with me from the last time we ran into each other and wanted to know what was going on with me and Devlin. He didn’t know we were a thing and he demanded I fill him in on all the juicy details. I had to laugh. That’s so Corbin.

  Devlin who was still standing over my shoulder reading every word I read and wrote, just grunted, clearly not happy about my friendship with Corbin.

  I replied to Corbin’s email as well as a few others from some of the girls, letting them all know I was doing well and missed them so much and said that I hoped to see them soon. If nothing else, maybe we could all do lunch sometime.

  “I wrote a letter for you to send. You’ll find it in the draft folder.”

  I clicked on the email he was speaking of and read it. It was an email to Mr. Moretti thanking him for the opportunity to work for Ashworth and Kent but letting them know I was quitting.

  “I have bills. If I quit my job how am I supposed to pay them?”

  “I told you Mary Elizabeth, I will take care of you. That means provide for you in every way including paying your bills, providing for a roof over your head, food in your stomach and new clothes.”

  I couldn’t believe Devlin was making me quit my job. I guess if I really thought about it, I was probably about to be fired anyway since I had been gone so long but still, this was really just so overwhelming. Plus I had several credit cards. Surely he doesn’t intend on paying those off.

  “I have credit card debt Master. I can’t ask you to pay those off.”

  “I’ve taken care of that already.”

  “All of them Master?”

  Yes. Now let’s drop the subject. I told you I would take care of you and that means your past debts, and all future purchases.”

  “Thank you, Master. That’s so generous of you.”

  I turned back to the laptop, put a few personal touches on my resignation email and then pressed send. I would miss some of my co-workers but I knew this was the right thing to do, especially if I wanted my relationship with Devlin to work.

  During the next two weeks Devlin made extra effort to take care of me while my body recovered from the branding. When he worked from home he let me come into his office and help. It was nice to feel needed. Devlin was always doing so much for me, I loved that he let me finally do something for him.

  After a few hours of filing Devlin sat back in his chair and smiled at me. He seemed to take extra pleasure in watching me bend over and organize his files.

  “You getting hungry?”

  “Yes Master, I really am. What are we having for lunch?”

  “I haven’t given it much thought. You hungry for anything special?”

  “You know Master, I could whip us up something while you finish going through those contracts. I know you still have a lot of work to do.”

  “That sounds good. Let me know if you need help with anything.”

  I went into the kitchen and started going through the cabinets and refrigerator to see what I could come up with to make us for lunch. I wasn’t exactly the best cook so I needed to find something simple that still tasted delicious.

  I decided to make grilled chicken salad. It wasn’t fancy but it would do. After lunch Devlin informed me that he had to go to the office to drop off the contracts and find some missing paperwork for an important client. He wasn’t sure how long he would be gone but that Mistress Sophie would be stopping by to keep me company.

  I was excited to see Mistress Sophie, it had been awhile since her last visit.

  Devlin was distracted with work so after lunch I did the dishes and let him get back to his contracts.

  Afterwards I sat down on the floor next to Devlin while he worked, to quietly read a book on the Kindle Devlin had bought me from Amazon. It was a romance novella about a girl who was in love with her best friend’s older brother.

  Just as I finished the doorbell rang and Devlin ordered me to answer it. I looked down at my completely naked body and looked back at Devlin pleadingly.

  “I said go answer it.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I got up and did as I was told. Still, I was mortified. I couldn’t believe he was going to make me answer the door without my clothes on. I worried who would be at the door. It was still far too early for it to be Mistress Sophie, she wasn’t due for another hour.

  It could be anyone on the other side of that door and they were about to see my naked body. I was freaking out on my way to answer the door, hoping whoever it was would walk away before I got there. I however wouldn’t be so lucky and had to open the door and face whoever it was.

  I opened the door and on the other side was Mistress Sophie. She was early and I was relieved. She let her gaze run down my body and a big smile came across her face.

  “Well, well, what do we have here?”

  I opened the door all of the way and ushered her and her slave inside.

  “Hello Mistress Sophie. You are early today.”

  “Yes baby girl, I am. I couldn’t wait to see you.” She handed me a stack of DVDs. “I picked out some movies we could watch tonight. Pick your favorite.”

  I plopped down on the couch while looking through the stack of movies she brought and Mistress Sophie took a seat next to me. Her slave stood in the corner as he always did, waiting to be called upon. It was amazing the self-control he had. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say a single thing except “Yes, Mistress” or “No, Mistress”.

  The movies she brought where all romantic comedies, something I never got to watch with Devlin. I decided on ‘Ever After’ with Drew Barrymore. As I sat it down on the coffee table Devlin came out of his office to greet Mistress Sophie. He glanced down at the stack of movies and rolled his eyes.

  “I’m glad you are early. I need to get to the office. Will you girls be okay while I’m gone?”

  I jumped up and kissed his cheek. “We’ll be fine Master. Don’t worry about us.”

  As soon as Devlin left, Mistress Sophie and I turned on the movie. I don’t know what it was about being with Sophie but I like having her around. She just had a way of putting me at ease.

  We cuddled together on the sofa watching the movie when for some reason my eyes drifted over to her slave standing in the corner of the room.

  He wore a collar like I did, only his was wider. The first time I met him he wore a leather Gladiator kilt. With his muscular build, it was pretty sexy. Last time he had on black sheer boxer briefs but tonight he wore nothing but a black leather harness across his chest.

  His cock was tied up with what looked like a thick black leather strap. It was just hanging out there in the open all floppy. I don’t know what came over me but I couldn’t help but want to smack it and see if it moved. Thinking about it made me giggle and when I did I caught Mistress Sophie’s attention.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just thinking about your slave. What’s his name?”

  “He doesn’t have a name, other than slave boy.”

  “He never talks. How in the world do you get him to stand there quietly for so long? He’s like one of those guards in London who stand in front of the palace and no matter what you do or say they don’t move or show facial expressions.”

  Mistress Sophie choked back a laugh.

  “I don’t know about that but he is a former member of the military special ops force and he knows better. He is not to speak until spoken to, unlike you. You are so lucky your master won’t le
t me punish you. I would love to get my hands on that sweet little ass of yours.”

  Mistress Sophie rolled me on her stomach and ran her hand over my bare ass. Her touch was gentle and erotic.

  Before I knew what was happening she flipped me back over and had put a finger inside of me and began stroking my clit. It felt so amazing and I soon found myself lost in the sensation of her touch.

  “You need to learn to let go Mary Elizabeth.”

  I didn’t understand what she meant by that. Let go of what?

  “It’s one thing to say you embrace the lifestyle. But if you ever want to be truly happy with Master D then you need to let go of your fears and inhibitions and learn to just be free. You need to learn to trust him, truly trust him or you’ll never find that peace and happiness you want with him.”

  She leaned in to kiss me while she continued to tease my pussy with her fingers. The feel of her velvety, moist tongue in my mouth had me aching with desire.

  “Do you love Master D?”

  “Yes I do, with all of my heart.”

  “Then stop worrying about what other people think or what might be right or wrong. Just be with him and trust that he will always take care of you. Until you can learn to do that, you will never be truly happy.”

  What she said made sense. I guess I hadn’t really thought about that before now.

  “If you worry too much about what others think is right or wrong, you will always be a prisoner to their feelings and their way of doing things. You have to live for yourself and for your love of your Master. If he tells you to walk to the door naked, like he did today, you can trust that it will be okay. It doesn’t matter who the person is on the other side of the door or what they may think when you open the door and stand before them with no clothes on. All that matters is your love and trust of Master D. You deserve to be happy, so be happy. Trust he will take care of you.”

  “I do trust him.”

  “Don’t just say the words, really mean them. If you really trusted him then you wouldn’t have been so scared to answer the door when I came over today. I seen the look of relief on your face when you opened the door and saw it was me.”


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