Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 43

by Veronica Cane

  "Please, Sir, don't do it." I begged, squirming.

  "If you move, it will be worse, I'll do it wrong and I'll have to repeat it." He warned, and I froze immediately.

  He pushed the needle through my nipple neatly, and I let out a small cry. It only took him a couple of minutes more to replace the needle with the gold ring and securing it in place. Two drops of blood ran down the small holes and he cleaned them with the cotton balls.

  I sobbed out loud and begged some more. "Please, Sir, please…"

  "Oh, come on, I'm sure the cane hurt more than that simple sting." He teased me, while he prepared my right nipple. Again, he worked fast and neatly, and in no time I had both my nipples pierced with golden rings.

  "Oh, yes… you look just perfect." He said, losing the gloves, as he closed the distance between us, taking his hand down to my pussy. "I'm sure you'll love them." He added, caressing my clit with his thumb as he pushed two fingers inside me, fucking me and playing with my clit, hard and gently until he had me panting and moaning as an orgasm ripped through my body.

  After that, he untied me from the cross just to bend me over a bench nearby. I could feel the pain from each and every welt he had drawn on my skin in that position and my body was already shaking, anticipating what he had in mind. My buttocks were still covered with the welts Master had left with his leather belt just a few hours ago, and I could still feel the pain.

  But apparently he had no more desire tohurt me. He stood behind me for a few seconds before he ran a finger over Master's brand. "A hot iron?" he asked.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Nicely done. Did you agree to have this done to you or was it a punishment?"

  "A punishment, Sir." I could still remember the excruciating pain when master had applied the hot iron to my buttock, branding me as if I was just livestock.

  "I see." He ran his finger once more through the mark and only seconds later he was shoving his hard cock deep inside my pussy. All this time I could only think of what could I possibly have done to deserve such a punishment from Master: being left in the hands of a complete stranger to suffer whatever he decided fit. I was drained, all of the night's pain and stress left me pretty much a ragdoll, so I just laid there and let him find his own pleasure. It didn’t take him much to come deep inside me and as he was pulling himself out of me we heard a bell announcing the end of the bought period.

  Master Alexios helped me to me feet, and with a last check on my new piercings, he said:

  "You are a very receptive little slave. I believe I'll ask your Master if he is willing to sell you to me permanently."

  "Are you insane? You can't buy me, I'm not an object." I ranted furious.

  "How can you still say that after tonight?" he asked laughing. "You're his slave, and he can do what the fuck he wishes with you. And who knows? Maybe he would be willing to sell you to me for the right price." He said, pulling me behind him as we got back to the main room.

  Master was there, and by the look on his face he hadn’t been waiting for me by sitting patiently.

  "Who's your Master?" Master Alexios asked me, and I signaled Master to him. He took me to where Master Devlin was. "I believe this is yours." Master Alexios said, pushing me in Master's direction. "She was an excellent buy. Very responsive and endures a lot of pain."

  Master's face was dark. He wasn’t pleased with what he was hearing. "Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed her." Master's eyes fell on my pierced nipples. "Why did you pierce her?"

  "I like piercing my slaves, even if they are mine just for a short period of time." Master Alexios answered. "Are you interested in selling her to me? I have to say I would love to keep her with me for a while longer."

  Master's expression showed even more fury and I shuddered. I knew he was going to blame me for this.

  "No, I don’t have any intention of selling her for now. I've just started to train her."

  "Well, you know where to find me if you change your mind." With those words he left us.

  I remained in silence not wanting to add fuel to Master's rage.

  "Let's go. I've had enough of this place." He said, clipping my leash and leading me out of the room towards the locker room. I put on my clothes as fast as I could, which was quite an ordeal since my extremely bruised body ached terribly, and returned to where Master was waiting for me impatiently. We left immediately.

  Chapter 5

  We took a cab back to the hotel in silence. The welts on my whole body seemed to hurt a bit more and when we arrived at the hotel it hurt a lot. I had trouble walking across the lobby up to the elevator, but even so I managed to see, through the corner of my eye, a man sitting in an armchair in the lobby wearing a white fedora. For a moment, I thought it was the same man I had seen so many times in Ios, but my tired brain dismissed the idea for ridiculous and followed my silent Master to the suite.

  Master only spoke when we arrived to our suite.

  "Assume your position!" he barked at me and I quickly removed my clothes and kneeled near the door. "Why did you let that man pierce your nipples?" he yelled, letting out all his rage.

  "I was in no position to stop him, Master." I answered in a calmed voice, my head down.

  A vicious slap crossed my face, almost sending me to the floor. I managed to maintain my position and bite down on my lips to muffle my sobs. "I should pluck them out of your nipples, but I guess the result would be worse."

  "I'm sorry Master." I whispered, but inside me, a voice was yelling it was his fault for putting me through all that. That he was the only one to blame, not me.

  "Maybe I should sell you to him. He seems to get better results from you than me."

  "Sell me, Master? Is that a joke? How can you say that you would sell me? I'm not an object…" This time it was impossible to stop the words from coming out of my mouth. It's true that I had accepted a lot of things from him since the night he kidnapped me and forced me to be his slave, but I sure wasn’t going to accept being treated like a disposable object.

  But his hand on my throat, pulling me up and squeezing it cut off my rant.

  "Of course it's not a joke. You fail to understand that I own you. I decide if you live or die. If I keep you or not, if I let others use you or not." He squeezed a bit more, almost cutting my air off completely. "I even decide if you breathe or not." He added releasing me abruptly to the floor, gasping for air, tears running down my cheeks.

  All of a sudden I felt too tired. It had been a hellish night and I couldn’t stand anything else. And maybe he sensed I was at the edge because his next words were to order me to my room.

  There I threw myself over the bed and closed my eyes letting Morpheus render me to his spell. I was too tired to think, to analyze Master's words.

  The next morning my whole body ached terribly, but I managed to pull it out of bed, after swallowing a couple of painkillers. I took a look at myself in the mirror and almost let out a cry. I had a huge bruise on my face, near my eye, where Master had slapped me. I tried not to pay attention to it, and decided to crawl to the living room to wait for Master. But he was already there, wearing casual pants and a polo shirt.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked in a very cold tone, looking at me.

  "I'm alright Master, thank you for asking." I managed to answer.

  "Good. I've decided to head to Turkey immediately. I've had enough of Athens, so pack our things while I go to pick up something I ordered before we arrived here." He announced, still with a cold tone. "I expect to find you ready to leave when I get here. You better take care of those piercings. The last thing we need is for them to get infected."

  "Should I remove them, Master?" I asked, doubtful.

  "No, sooner or later I would have pierced you, so it's foolish to take them out now." He answered and I could still sense his rage and frustration.

  "Yes, Master."

  He left the suite and I went to my room to take a shower, taking special care of my bruises and the piercings and to start packing our

  My mind kept going back to our fight last night, trying to decide if he was talking seriously when he had said all those things. I was still in shock, like I was the first time he had told me I was going to be his slave. I had resisted him and had even tried to escape him, but my feelings for him kept me beside him, but I was starting to doubt I could take much more of this. I had gone through enough for him, for the love I felt for him and the love he said he felt for me. But how could he love me, if he was willing to give me to strangers and would even consider selling me to others as if I was really his slave, someone with no rights, no will and no saying in anything. Doubts swirled wildly in my mind and I didn’t know what to do. Amazingly I had grown used to his orders, bound to his will that I wasn’t sure I could act on my own.

  When he returned to the suite, I was ready, waiting for him, wearing a summer dress and more makeup than usual, to hide the bruises he had left on my face last night. I was tired of the looks we usually attracted because of them.

  "Good, you're ready. I have a car waiting for us downstairs to take us to the airport." He entered the room carrying a parcel wrapped in brown wrapping paper. I couldn’t tell what was in the parcel. He placed it in his suitcase.

  "Yes, Master." He called a bellboy to take our luggage downstairs and only a few minutes later we were closing our account at the desk.

  While Master was at it, I looked around the hotel lobby, trying to forget the pain all over my body, when I spotted the man with the white fedora. This time I was able to see his face clearly and now I was sure it was the same man I kept seeing on Ios. I considered telling Master about him, but since he had always dismissed my suspicions, I decided to ignore the man. I had far more important things to think about.

  We arrived to Istanbul a few hours later. And this time, when we arrived to the hotel I managed to get hold of my passport. My instinct was telling me I would need it sooner than later.

  The room at this hotel was similar to the one in Athens: a very luxurious suite with two rooms. I unpacked our things and left the parcel master had picked up before we left Athens over his bed, still wondering what that could be.

  At that moment he entered his room. "Ah, yes, it's time to see the work of my dear friend." He said walking towards the parcel and grabbing it.

  He took out his Swiss army knife and cut through the thick tape that was wrapped around the parcel. "You see," he said, as he pulled the tape off, "I have a friend in Athens who makes things out of leather." He pulled the paper away from the parcel, unwrapping it. "He mostly makes bags and purses," Master continued, revealing more of the contents of the package, "but sometimes he makes special items to order." He pulled away the last of the paper. And there, on the bed were two brown leather paddles. One was just an ordinary one, the kind Master had used on me before. The other one was wider and had holes drilled in it. I had never seen one like that one.

  Master could see me looking at the second paddle. "I imagine you are wondering what the holes are for." Master said. "They are to stop the air cushioning the force of the stroke. You will find out soon enough that it increases the strength of the blow." I didn't like the sound of that, but I kept silent. "Yes, one of these babies can be as effective as a cane and it fits in your luggage perfectly." I definitely didn't like the sound of that. "As I said," he grinned "you will find out later." Master collected up all the wrapping paper and tape and put it in the waste paper bin. He placed the paddles on top of the dresser, and left the room. I crawled behind him, to hear about his plans for the night. Still feeling the sting of the welts spread through my body, the last thing I needed was another beating session.

  "Since it's too late to go sightseeing, I believe we should enjoy the hotel pool and have dinner in a close by restaurant. We'll have plenty of time to explore the city in the next few days." He said when I joined him in the living room.

  "Can I skip the pool part Master? My bruises are still too fresh, I wouldn’t bear the effect of the pool water on them." I asked, avoiding mentioning that I didn’t want people staring at me again.

  He looked at me, obviously upset. "Get up, let me look at you."

  "Yes, Master." I obeyed immediately, exposing all the welts Master Alexios and his cane had left on my skin, most of them still of furious red, some already purplish.

  "Yes, I guess it's not convenient to take you to the pool. We better be a bit more discreet here, since this is a Muslim country. The good thing here is the amount of awesome dungeons that we can visit. Masters here really own that title." He said, after examining me completely. His words sent shivers down my spine and I knew I wasn’t going to enjoy those visits. Master's enthusiasm could only mean the men were sadists and that meant trouble for me. "Well, you can stay here and rest before dinner. I'll go to the pool and enjoy it for a while." He concluded, going to his room to change clothes.

  "Thank you, Master." Happy for the time to myself I crawled to my room and laid over the bed, deciding to have a nap.

  Master returned to the room around five in the afternoon. I was still in bed, sleeping when he came to my room and pulled the blankets off of my body. When I opened my eyes startled he was flipping me to put me face down before he jumped over me, spreading my legs on his way.

  "I need you now. I've waited way too long to have you." He whispered in my ear as he rested the head of his cock in my entrance and with no further notice, raw and hard he shoved himself inside me, pumping in and out, stretching my walls painfully to make room for him, in his quest for his pleasure, his hands kneading my sore buttocks, while his hard cock quickened its pace, thrusting deeper and harder each time.

  He took one of his hands underneath me and reached my clit, rubbing it and pinching it the way he knew would make me respond to his assault and in no time he had me gasping for air, shuddering under the power of pleasure.

  "Yes, slave, come for your Master. I want you to come with me." And a few more strokes took us both over the edge, deep into a sea of bliss and pleasure.

  When the wild waves subsided, he stayed there, over me, for a few moments, laying sweet little kisses all over my back, making me recognize that it was the moments like this that kept me with him: those moments of deep affection.

  He got up and pulled me up with him. "Let's take a shower together." He ordered, dragging me behind him towards my bathroom.

  "Yes, Master."

  In the shower, he made me kneel under the warm water and clean his cock with my mouth, licking clean all of it with the help of the water. When he was pleased, he gave me a cloth and soap and ordered me to wash him, that I did happily. I hadn’t done this in a while and I really enjoy caressing his impressive body with my hands and the washcloth. He handed me the shampoo and leaned his head for me to wash his hair. When he was done, he grabbed the cloth from my hands and proceeded to bathe me, taking care not to hurt me more than necessary to wash me thoroughly.

  When I was done, he left me in my room to get ready for dinner, not before warning me. "Put on the clothes I got for you, they're over the chair. I want to have a pleasant night."

  "Yes, Master, I will."

  Like he said, there were clothes waiting for me over the chair. He had bought me a three-quarter sleeved shirt and a flared skirt that covered my legs up to my knees. Normal clothes, just a bit more discreet than the small dresses he liked me to wear. Again, I put on enough makeup to hide the fading bruise on my face and combed my hair elegantly, before I met Master in the living room.

  "Good. I met a tour guide while I was at the pool and he told me the best place to eat is the night market, so I hired him to take us there." Master announced, and I almost sighed with relief, the night sounded so well I had trouble believing it.

  But it was. The guide took us to see the sunset over the ancient cathedral Aya Sofia, now made a mosque, but still holding its original magnificence. Then he took us to visit a food market and enjoy the typical food, surrounded by the smells and colors of the orient. It was amazing and the
food simply delicious, a real feast for all your senses. It was a night to remember.

  We returned to the hotel fully satisfied and Master crowned the night making love to me without the usual rudeness and without adding pain to the recipe.

  The next morning, Master woke me up early and after a splendid breakfast at the hotel we went sightseeing around town. Seeing the mosque Aya Sofia was fantastic even when at the door I was asked to wear a tunic with a hood and was separated from Master. They had tours for men and tours for women inside the mosque but even so I enjoyed it very much: the amazing high ceilings, the walls covered with tiles forming incredible pictures, the sense of peace and history that made you think what those walls would tell if they could speak. Something unforgettable.

  Once out of there, we walk through the streets, enjoying the amusing chaos of the city. The only problem was the heat, which was starting to affect me.

  "Master, could we stop to get something to drink? I'm very thirsty." I dared to ask.

  Master looked at me a bit upset. "I guess we can make a short stop." He led me to a small restaurant nearby and we sat at the esplanade. Master asked for cold drinks and a couple of local sweets to accompany them. "Are you enjoying your stay here?"

  "Yes, Master, very much. It’s a fantastic town."

  "Yes it is. I can't wait to see how the Lustra club here is. It's something I've always wanted to visit but hadn’t had the opportunity."

  I could sense Master's enthusiasm in his voice, but I wasn’t that thrilled with the idea. Actually, I hated it. Every time I had gone to that damn club I had ended up in pretty bad shape. But that wasn’t something I could say to Master. "When are we going there, Master?"

  "Tonight. I don’t want to wait any longer. And I've been told they have a special event tonight. They're auctioning a virgin. If that's something special back home, here is the top event." Master answered, sounding like a kid in a candy store. "I expect your best behavior tonight, Mary Elizabeth. I want these people to get a good impression of us and if you do anything to ruin that you'll be very sorry." He warned me with his darkest tone. And I knew he meant every word.


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