Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 111

by Veronica Cane

  He continued striking her, in her buttocks, in her thighs, in her back, pushing more and more to the edge, until he dropped the belt to shove himself deep inside her, easily dragging her with him, to the orgasm he had been building inside them.

  She had to change her mind about the clothes she was wearing that night. She had chosen a short, red dress, with a nice cleavage in the back, but with it anyone could see the red welts he had left on her back and on her thighs. So she chose instead a red silk blouse and black pants. She combed her hair in a loose braid that fell on her shoulder and she was ready. Looking at her reflection on the mirror, she noticed her collar. She had grown so used to it, that she had put it back on after her shower. Slowly she took it off again, leaving it over her dressing table.

  She went downstairs to grab the pie and call a taxi. Alec was in the kitchen when she came in. "Oh, I left you some pumpkin pie, Master, in case you like it."

  "Did you bake it?" he asked, looking at her, frowning.

  "Yes, Master, sometimes I think Lucy only invites me because she wants my pie." She answered teasingly, trying to erase the frown from his face.

  "Why are you wearing pants, girl?" he asked, in a cold tone.

  "Ah, yes, I wasn’t going to, Master, but the dress I was going to wear showed the welts on my thighs." She explained.

  "I see. Where did you leave your collar?" he asked, his expression getting even darker.

  "In my room. Most of the friends going to this party know nothing about my kinky side, and I want to keep it that way, Master." She explained.

  "Why? Are you ashamed of it?"

  "No, but there is still a lot of ignorance regarding BDSM, and most people still consider it taboo. In my line of work I need to be discreet."

  "Very well. Wait here."

  "Yes Master, I'll call the taxi." She said as he started to walk out the door. Her words though, made him stop.


  "Yes Master, I don’t like to drive when I go out at night."

  "No taxis, I'll drive you, and when you're done I'll pick you up." He informed.

  "That doesn’t make any sense…"

  "I wasn’t asking you your opinion." He cut her, storming out of the kitchen.

  She sighed, trying to understand the complex man her heart had chosen to love. Because she loved him, she had no doubts about it.

  He returned in only a few moments. "I was saving this for our first night out together, in a public place, but I think this a better moment." He said handing her a small box. "Open it."

  She took it, not sure she wanted to see it, but she slowly opened it, gasping with the surprise.

  It was a collar, but this one was made of gold and platinum, a chain formed by symbols of infinity with a heart shaped pendant. But not, just any heart. This one had a lock on it. It was beautiful.

  "Do you like it?" he asked her, a bit wary.

  "It's gorgeous! I've never seen anything so beautiful, Master." She answered, still looking at it, feeling a tear escaping the corner of her eye.

  "Will you wear it?" he asked.

  "Of course I will, Master." She accepted, and kneeling she handed the collar to him.

  With a grin, he took the collar from the box and wrapped it around her neck, locking it in its place.

  "Now, you're ready." He said, helping her up and kissing her.

  "Thank you Master."

  "Let's go now, before I change my mind." He said walking to the garage.

  When they arrived at Lucy's place he insisted once more for her to call him, and she accepted knowing he wasn’t going to change his mind.

  The party was fun and she enjoyed spending time with her friends, but he had done a good job on her and she was unable to take him out of her mind. And when she did, a rush of pain through her body from a sudden movement would take her right back at it. She missed him very much and it just wasn’t the same without him beside her.

  He picked her up when the party was over and that night he fucked her as if there was no tomorrow, with a hint of desperation in every touch, in every kiss.

  Chapter Twenty two

  Weeks went by in what she felt was light speed, and though she tried to talk to him about Christmas, she always ended up postponing the subject until there was no more time. They were two days away from Christmas Eve and her mother was expecting her home that night. Her parents lived five hours from her town, so she had to talk to him that morning.

  She went looking for him at his study, praying to convince him to do this for her.

  "Master, I need to tell you something." She entered the room, finding him seated by his desk.

  "Yes, girl, what's the problem?" he frowned a bit, looking up.

  "I know you don’t celebrate the holidays, but I do, Master, and so does my whole family." She started, twisting her hands out of nervousness. "I know I should have told you about this earlier, but it never seemed to be the right moment…"

  "Get to the point Katherine." He ordered and his frown grew deeper.

  "I'm expected tonight at my parents' house to spend the next week, Master. It's tradition for us to gather the whole family for Christmas." She explained.

  "I see."

  "So far, I was able to keep from my parents, the fact that I moved in with you…"

  Alec stiffened when he heard her. "Why did you do that? It shames you to live with me?" he interrupted her.

  "Of course not, Master, but if I had told them, they would have demanded to know you, and it didn’t feel the right moment for that." She tried to explain. "But I can't keep omitting it to them. So I thought this could be the perfect moment to tell them and for you to meet them."

  A thick silence fell in the room. His face had turned into that hideous mask he used to wear when something disgruntled him.

  Alec got up, and crossed his arms over his chest. What were her intentions? Was she trying to force him into assuming a compromise with her? Maybe he had made a huge mistake when he brought her to his house. "What makes you think I want to meet your family?" he asked in a disdainful tone.

  "The fact this is very important to me, or otherwise I wouldn’t be asking you, Master." She said, starting to feel the squeeze of an iron fist over her heart. She had known this wasn’t going to be easy. "My parents would be extremely worried if I told them I had moved in with a man that doesn’t want to meet them."

  "Then don’t tell them." He retorted.

  "I can't do that anymore, Master. You don’t have to spend the whole week there, you just need to show up and let them know you."

  "No." His answer was curt and emotionless.

  "Why not, Master? Am I asking that much?" she insisted, feeling the grip in her heart tightening.

  "Because it's pointless. It's not like I'm your boyfriend or something similar. I've never met any family member of my previous slaves and I see no reason to start with you. What we have between us, has nothing to do with them, the same way it has nothing to do with your friends or mine for that matter." He explained, trying to convince himself of his own words.

  "What do we have between us, then? What am I to you?" she asked, stiffening, having trouble to accept what she was hearing.

  His face became as impassive as a rock. "I thought I had let that clear when I asked you to move in with me, Katherine." He said, impatiently scolding her. "You're just my last fuck toy, a good fuck toy, but still a toy." He answered, his eyes locked on hers, to make sure she had no doubt about it, even when every word tasted like lies in his mouth.

  She looked at him in total disbelief. She couldn’t believe he was actually saying that.

  "Why did you go through all the trouble of looking for me?" she asked, struggling to utter every word.

  "You had proven to be a good fuck toy." He insisted.

  "Stop calling me that." She yelled, overwhelmed by the pain crushing her heart. "I'm no toy, I'm a person, and one with feelings, but I'm sure you have no idea what that means. A damn rock has more feelings than you."

  "You can't say I didn’t tell you from the beginning what I wanted from you, so this argument has no sense. You're free to do whatever you want with your parents, but be certain I'll never accept to meet them." He said, colder than ever, dismissing the whole subject.

  "Don't worry; I would never expose them to a pitiful excuse of a human being like you." She retorted. "Sadly, you’re right, I can't say I wasn’t warned. This time, stay out of my life. I'm sure you'll find a replacement for me in a blink of an eye.”

  “Are you going to make this a habit? To storm out every time things don’t work the way you would want them to?” the annoyance in his voice was remarkable.

  “Do you think I could stay after the things you just said?” her astonishment was big.

  “I fail to see the novelty of what I said. The day I asked you to move in with me I told you what I wanted from you, I told you, you were my toy, my slave. So what changed?”

  “Silly of me, I never thought you meant it. So you can say that I changed.” She replied.

  “No, you didn’t. You just think you did. I can still make you feel like no one else can.” He assured her.

  “You are probably right, but it’s not enough for me. I want more, I deserve more, and you obviously aren’t going to give me more.”

  “I’m giving you all I can.” Somehow those words sounded familiar to his hears, but he refused to analyze it. He wasn’t going to change, he didn’t want to.

  “Well, I’m afraid that’s not enough for me. I'll send someone to pick up my things." With tears gathering in her eyes, she left the room and walked to the bedroom she had been using and that had never felt like it was hers.

  She gathered the bag she had prepared for the trip to her parent's house and taking her collar out and leaving in over the bed, she left the house, got in her car and left the place without looking back.

  A few miles later she had to stop the car. Tears rolling down her cheeks made it impossible for her to see. She let tears fall and cried out all the pain she felt inside her. When she finally calmed down, she started the car and drove off to her parents’ house.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  In his study, Alec stared at the door, for a few moments feeling a strange sensation on his chest. She was leaving him, again. Well, surely it was the best. She was starting to demand more than he was willing to give.

  He poured a scotch and drank it of a single sip, pouring another one right away. He walked to the widow and looked out, just in time to see her car disappear into the street. He closed his eyes for a second, forcing himself to believe this was for the best. He sipped the drink he was holding in his hand, feeling the burning from the scotch down his throat.

  He had to keep busy. So he decided to go to work and forget all about it. After all she was right, he would find another submissive in a split second.

  He returned to the house late at night, still feeling like shit. He had been drinking the whole day, and not even alcohol had given him the numbness he was looking for. The weight in his chest didn’t go away, by the contrary, it only grew heavier and heavier as the day went by.

  The moment he entered the house, a deep silence was the only thing that greeted him, so he went straight to his study, decided to keep drinking. He wanted to forget. Just for today. He hadn’t been able to take her words out of his mind, playing them in his head over and over.

  With the bottle in his hand he threw himself over the chaise longue near the window and, just drank himself to sleep.

  Alec felt a kick in his hip and the next thing he knew he was landing on the floor, tripping with the empty bottle of scotch.

  “What the fuck…?”

  “Are you planning on sleeping while your life goes down the drain?” a male voice sounded from behind him.

  Still on the floor, feeling a thousand stabs in his head, Alec turned to see who was there. A man, around his age, dressed in black leather, heavy boots and holding a leather paddle in his hands.

  “Who the hell are you?” he muttered, slowly getting up.

  “I would say that by now you should know the answer to that. Is your memory that bad?” he mocked him, rudely.

  “I’m not in the mood for this, so take a hike.” He retorted, lying down on the chaise longue again and closing his eyes.

  Another kick knocked him into the floor.

  “Get up, although I agree with the redheaded, that you don’t deserve a second chance, it’s my job, and I always do my job.” He shouted, sounding like damn staff argent, making his head ache so much it seemed to be ready to explode.

  “Ok, let’s get over it. I want to get back to sleep in peace.” He stammered through gritted teeth, getting up and facing the man.

  “Do you really believe you’ll be able to have another night of peaceful sleep in your life?” the other man asked mocking him. “Tell me, did you father find peace when your mother gave up on him?”

  “Don’t mention my father.” He threatened, closing his hands into tight fists.

  “Or what? I’ll mention him as much as I want, because he’s the one to blame for you being the cold, arrogant badass you are.” The spirit replied. “His coldness, his indifference was the responsible for your mother’s departure. She got tired of being miserable, of feeling less important than a rug.”

  “She left because she didn’t love us.” Alec shouted.

  “Of course she did, especially you. But you turned your back on her, too stubborn to listen to her. And you’re doing the same again. You know why Katherine’s words sounded too familiar to you? Because you heard them on your mother’s mouth fourteen years ago, the day she left your father.”

  Alec rubbed his face, controlling his urgent desire to knock out the man in front of him. He didn’t want to hear this, he didn’t want to accept the truth in his words, because he didn’t want to admit he had just destroyed the best thing that had ever happened in his life.

  “Let’s take a look at the brilliant future you have assured yourself.” The man said, taking him by his elbow and throwing him into a wild swirl that almost made him throw up, when they finally came to a stop.

  They were at the club. The place had the usual crowd, but seated at a table, old, with a bitter grin on his face was a man that he recognized as himself. He was alone, and looking at him he was sure he had been alone for a long time.

  “Look at you!” the spirit’s voice sounded scornful. “You don’t even bother trying to find someone to warm your bed for a few hours. You know it’s useless. You’re so bitter no one even tries to talk to you. You no longer have friends and your employees only stick around you the minimum time possible.”

  Alec crossed his arms over his chest and tightened his lips, and didn’t utter a single word.

  “Now, let’s take a look a James’ future. According to you, he must be as miserable as you.” The spirit said, taking him to another spin. They arrived to James’s house. It was Christmas, and the house was decorated with colorful lights and even a huge Santa’s sleigh, over the roof. The main door opened up and an older James came out dragging an older Hannah outside.

  “See, this year there are no flaws.” He was saying to a mesmerized Hannah, holding her close to his chest.

  “Oh, Sir, it’s so beautiful. The kids will love it!” she whispered, delighted.

  “The only one that matters for me is you, pet. You’re the owner of my heart, and the keeper of my soul.” He said between kisses.

  “Oh, yes, I can see it clearly. The man couldn’t be more miserable.” the spirit said, contemptuous. “The woman, you thought only wanted him for his money, is still beside him, thirty years later, and still loves him as much as she did on day one.”

  “I’m happy for him.” Alec said coldly. And he was, but he was also sorry for losing his friend, for not believing in him. At the end, he seemed to be a better judge of character than he was.

  The spirit shook his head with despair. “No wonder you ended up alone. A dead fish has more emoti
ons than you.” He retorted. “Let’s take a look at the woman you destroyed a few hours ago.” He added, taking him inside the turmoil again.

  They landed on a grave yard, in front of a recent grave, still bearing no name.

  “She died?” Alec turned to the spirit, grabbing him by the lapels of the jacket he was wearing, his voice hoarse from the bulge on his throat, and the crashing weight in his chest.

  “Why do you care? After all she was just a fuck toy to you. I’m sure that by now, you don’t even remember her.” The punch landed on his face throwing him a couple of feet away. The spirit slowly got up, rubbing his chin. “I’m just using your own words to describe her.”

  “Shut up. Just shut up.” Alec threatened. “Where is she? What happened to her?” the dream didn’t look like a dream anymore, and desperation was lodging in him like a weed.

  “Don’t worry, she doesn’t lie there. That’s the grave of her dreams and hopes.” The spirit admitted with a sneering smile. “She resigned to BDSM, and never found someone to share her life with. She dedicates her life to her work.” He made Alec turn around in time to see Katherine strolling through the park near her house. She looked older, but she still had the power to warm his heart, and arouse his body. She still looked amazing.

  “Are you done?” he asked the spirit, turning to face him.

  “I just have a few questions for you: is saving your heart from a remote possibility of getting hurt worth the price of losing her? Is your stubbornness worth losing the love and respect of a man you care for, more than if he was your brother? Is your misdirected loyalty to your father worth losing the opportunity to fix things with your mother and enjoying her last years?” every word felt like a dagger directed to his heart.

  “What do you want from me? To admit that I screwed everything? Yes, I did. I let fear from getting hurt to lead my actions. But now it’s too late!” he shouted, his words pouring all his pain and regret.

  The spirit led him through an even wilder swirl to make him end up back in his study. This time it was impossible to Alec to keep the contents of his stomach and he was only able to reach for the paper bin next to his desk, before he threw up violently. He had drunk way too much.


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