Fur, Fangs and All (The Elementals Book 2)

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Fur, Fangs and All (The Elementals Book 2) Page 12

by Meredith Allen Conner

  Sweet and gentle lover was one thing, determined force of nature, something else.

  Somehow, despite all the evidence otherwise – she’d forgotten how primal he could be. She’d dismissed his predator.

  She couldn’t ignore it now.

  Large paws jerked her hips up higher. He pushed her legs wide apart. His heat hit her first, then the brush of fur and the determined press of his hard cock in between her thighs.

  Livie sucked in a sharp breath. Wait.

  Right now? What happened to foreplay? Shouldn’t they have more foreplay? Livie tried to scramble forward, but he held her firmly in his grasp. He snarled, his teeth snapped abruptly.

  Her breath stuttered in her lungs. A fine trembling began in her legs and moved slowly upward, driving both her arousal and her sudden fear.

  Livie pressed her face into her shoulder. She braced for his entry.

  The thick head of his cock pressed at her entrance, sliding through the moisture gathered there. It entered slightly, forcing her muscles to widen and accept him. She grit her teeth against the sting, the threat of the pain to come.

  She had to be out of her mind to think she wanted this. She’d never survive.

  She wouldn’t be able to accept his beast after this. Maybe that’s what she’d really wanted. For him to force her, show her how animalistic he could be, so she wouldn’t have to accept him. She wouldn’t have to acknowledge her feelings for him.

  She would not be able to forgive him for hurting her like this.

  She caught the sob before it escaped.

  Large paws covered her breasts, squeezing slightly. She held her breath. He gripped her again, this time a little stronger, the rough skin of his palms rubbed over her nipples, drawing them tighter and sending a bolt to her stomach that caused her to clench around the tip of his hard cock invading her.

  He growled low and squeezed her a little harder this time. They both groaned as he pushed inside another inch.

  Livie panted, the bite of pain had turned somehow. She didn’t understand. Pinning her lip between her teeth, she swallowed the next moan. She couldn’t possibly want this, could she? He’d hurt her.

  His tongue lapped up the length of her spine, from the tip of her tailbone to the sensitive base of her neck. Riotous tingles quickly followed and she shivered unable to hold back her breathy moan.

  “I want to hear you, Livie,” his voice washed over her ear. “No holding back.”

  Oh god, his deep growly voice created sensual spasms deep in her womb, she responded to every part of him.

  A brief sharp pinch at the nape of her neck, startled her, sending her nerves into overdrive. She automatically hunched forward, nervous with him behind her, unable to see what he was doing.

  Another nip, had her tilting to the side, exposing her tender skin. He was biting her. Livie swallowed hard. Like wolves bit their mates when they mounted them, dominant male to submissive female.

  Shivers chased down her spine. She waited for the panic to overwhelm her. It was all too easy to visualized those large fangs. Another small bite.

  Moisture gushed from between her legs. He growled his approval. Slightly horrified, she tried to clench her thighs, but succeeded in pressing hard on his legs. Roc took advantage of her momentary distraction to ease more of his cock inside.

  Oh god, she liked this. Hell, like didn’t come close to what she felt. She craved this. This helplessness, him completely surrounding her, controlling her body, protecting her and taking her at the same time.

  She wanted to submit to him.

  Dear god.

  Her trembling increased.

  Fangs gripped her neck. “My mate,” he growled as he bit her, thrusting deep at the same time.

  Livie yelled. Her inner passage adjusted, widening and stretching to fit around his girth as he tunneled all the way into her, bending over her, his head to hers, taking her completely.

  Pain swarmed her. Intimate nerves shrieked, at their limit, balanced on a thin line between pleasure and pain. She shook uncontrollably, breathing in deep gulps. As bad as that was it didn’t compare to the searing agony flaring from her right wrist.

  Her Elemental mark.

  She whimpered. It hadn’t hurt like this when her Element became active. Hell, it hadn’t hurt at all. Why now? She didn’t know, she just wanted it to stop.

  The stabbing torment grew like a flare shooting through her body until it exploded. Livie cried, barely aware of Roc growling as she pressed her face against his.

  As quickly as the burning came on, it left. She gasped, disoriented for a moment by the abrupt change. What the hell?

  She tilted to check out her tattoo just as Roc shifted slightly. Livie sucked in sharply, but he didn’t move again. Fully embedded, he held completely still.

  He hadn’t split her in half, but she thought he might once he began thrusting. It shocked her that he’d fit at all.

  Would he stop if she started screaming?

  Slowly, her body settled. The pain gone, her shaking decreased as she continued to adjust to his possession. It was then that she became aware of him.

  She’d been so focused on one part of him – a very, very large part of him – that she’d ignored the rest of him. Now it all came into focus.

  His big body shook around her and she knew he shuddered with the force of his desire to thrust inside her, but he’d clamped down on his instincts to allow her the time she needed.

  Deep, soothing sounds rumbled through his chest, vibrating over her back as he gentled her. He licked continually at her neck, where she was pretty certain he had bitten her, but if he had, the pain had been lost amongst all the other sensations.

  She relaxed fractionally, Roc groaned and his cock shifted inside her. Livie opened her mouth, prepared to scream until she realized that he hadn’t moved, she’d been so tense that as her muscles eased, she’d loosened around him enough for his penis to move just a little.

  That tiny bit rubbed her inner nerves. Instead of a yell, Livie moaned. She rocked her hips half an inch forward. And back. They both groaned.

  She still felt stuffed, but suddenly that wasn’t as important as it had been. His paws gripped her hips as he eased backwards, ever so slowly. One inch. Two inches. Three inches. Four. She clenched around him.

  Roc snarled. He thrust back in hard. Livie gasped. Sweet heaven.

  He pulled out again, further this time and again she clenched tight around him. She couldn’t help it.

  A deep groan thundered out of him. “Livie.” He yanked her hips to him as he pushed forward. “Mate.” He began pounding into her, no longer concerned if she could take him.

  The chain hooked on the cuff rattled and the bed shook under the force of his possession. He lifted her hips, pulling her higher until his powerful thighs spread her wide. Totally at his mercy, she had no control, unable to counter his depth or his speed, Livie let go.

  Tension wound tighter and tighter in her womb with every thrust. The width and length of him kept her balanced on that border, knowing he could hurt her but also keenly aware that he never willingly would.

  Low, continuous rumbles poured out him. He tightened his grip around her hips, his claws biting into her skin. Livie arched back, every nerve ending straining towards release.

  Hot breath beat at her neck a second before he bit her. There was no mistaking it this time. His fangs slid into her skin. Livie screamed as wave upon wave of ecstasy poured through her.

  Tingles raced across her in a continuous flow. Her inner muscles clenched repeatedly over his cock. He swelled larger inside of her and she gasped as her climax soured higher in response.

  Hot pulses of his seed hit her womb. Livie felt each and every swell and release, locked so tightly around him, knowing that he felt every spasm of her pleasure as well.

  Finally, the pulses of satisfaction began to ease. Fading gently to be replaced by a total lethargy. Her mind silent, her pulse slowing, Livie focused on the steady beat of he
r heart and drifted.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gradually, she became aware of her surroundings. They lay on the bed, Roc spooning her, still inside of her and still in his Were form.

  She couldn’t have cared less.

  And to think I was terrified of this?

  Roc could go werewolf on her any day of the week.

  It boggled her mind that they had fit, even now after he’d ejaculated, he still filled her up. And then some. But those magazines were right. Oh yeah. Size mattered.

  Hoo baby, no wonder Sela is always smiling.

  Livie thought she just might have a perma-grin on her face as well.

  He swelled and pulsed inside of her.

  She stiffened slightly. Did he just . . . ? No, that couldn’t be right. She nuzzled deeper into the pillow and him. He tightened his arm around her, rumbling deep.

  Her thinking on the fur issue had definitely been rearranged. Really, what woman wouldn’t want to travel around with her own furry blanket? She sighed, enjoying the soft caress over her back. He didn’t even have to move and yet she . . .

  He swelled and pulsed again, uttering a low purr at the same time.

  Little electrodes of intelligence began to spark to life in her brain. Cautiously moving her hips, Livie eased forward.

  The purr took on a warning edge as he pulled her back flush with his body. She swallowed hard. Get a grip girl, you just imagined that.

  Slowly, ever-so-slowly, she arched outward.

  The arm at her waist became a steel vice. Hot air brushed over her ear. His voice hardened, “Stay still, Livie. We’re not going anywhere.”

  No, they definitely were not because he was stuck inside of her!

  Shit. She knew they wouldn’t fit. All right, maybe they had fit, but now they didn’t. How could he have gotten stuck inside her?

  His penis hadn’t looked defective before. Granted, she really had not checked it out as thoroughly as she probably should have. Its size had intimidated her.

  She should have gone with her first instinct and run. Oh wait, she had.

  You ran before, not after.

  Livie scowled, she’d deal with her Inner Taunt after she figured out a way to extradite herself from this situation.

  What was I thinking?

  Not much, obviously.

  Tears stung her eyes. She’d been off-kilter since she’d met Roc – before she’d met him. Nothing seemed to work right for her lately. Meltdowns, so many fears and now this . . .

  She’d faced her fear of the big werewolf, in the most intimate way possible and this was what she got? Him stuck inside her?

  Livie blinked away the tears, dug her nails into his arm and managed a fair growl of her own. “Get off me!”

  Damn him, he should have known this would happen. He was the werewolf with the malfunctioning penis. This was all his fault.

  His fur tickled her skin as he chuckled behind her, “not a chance.” Tightening his arm, he snuggled her closer, his cock actually surging deeper. Eyes widening, Livie dug her fingers into his forearm as she braced for pain. It didn’t come.

  All right. Good thing, bad thing sort of situation. I’ve somehow adjusted to his size, but we’re still stuck together.

  Oddly, Roc did not seem perturbed by their predicament. Maybe she was wrong? Livie scooted her hips to one side and then the other. Nope. Definitely stuck. The combination of their orgasm appeared to have triggered . . .

  His cock swelled and she felt wetness spurt deep inside once more. He rumbled softly, running his muzzle over the top of her head as he did so.

  Cheeze-its. His cock had a leak.

  Swallowing her panic, she removed her fingers from his forearm. Now might be a good time for a little diplomacy.

  “Um, Roc?” She slid her hand over his arm, enjoying the velvety thickness while she tried to gather her thoughts.

  A huff of air ruffled her hair. She took that as a response.

  “I think we might have a problem.”

  He sighed heavily. “What problem?” He shifted behind her and once again more moisture flooded her channel. His corresponding purr agitated her hair and all of her nerves. He wasn’t giving this problem the serious attention it deserved.

  Livie dug her nails into him, “Look, you don’t seem to understand . . .” Another rush of semen followed by a masculine grunt.

  To hell with diplomacy. “Roc, something is wrong with your . . your . . . damn it, your penis.”

  He stiffened. “You have complaints?” Oh god, trust a man to think she was insulting his size – get real – or his prowess instead of focusing on the issue at hand.

  “Yes, I have complaints,” she snapped at him while she tugged futilely at his arm. Ignoring his snarl, she wiggled, growing breathless in her attempt to separate them as she fought off her mounting panic.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  As if she didn’t have enough on her plate already, now she had to contend with becoming some sort of sexual gryphon. She swallowed hard.

  “I don’t remember hearing a complaint when you were screaming your release,” he growled in her ear.

  Oh, for heaven’s sake. “Would you forget your skills as a lover and pay attention, you big fur-ball,” her voice rose alarmingly, “We’re stuck!”

  I’m not hyperventilating. I’m truly not.


  Her hands were reaching behind her and latching onto his head before she consciously realized it, as she turned to yell directly into his face. “We. Are. Stuck!”

  Roc lowered his muzzle until they butted noses, “Fur-ball?” His growl almost rivaled her shout.

  Large fangs loomed directly in front of her face, Livie bared her own teeth. “Stuck! Glued together! Fused! Unable to separate!”

  His cock swelled and semen poured out. This close to him, she watched as the swirls in his eyes flared and a look of near ecstasy crossed his face.

  She screamed.

  Balling her hand into a fist, she swung, aiming for the tip of his muzzle. Unfortunately, she was off balance, swinging to her back and he was much, much faster. A hard palm wrapped around her fist.

  “Mates do not attack each other.”

  Livie swung her other fist. After a few years of living on the streets, she’d taught herself to be ambidextrous. He caught that one too.

  The thought barely crossed her mind before she arched her hips. Without the brace of his arm, she could surely escape the locked grip of his cock.

  Intimate nerves shrieked in protest just before he rolled them, stuffing her face into the pillow and pressing her body deep into the mattress.

  Breathing immediately became a memory. The big werewolf had gained several hundred pounds with his transformation. Every bit of it solid muscle.

  Livie sniffled. Better to be smothered than suffer the humiliation of being stuck like this.

  And they were truly stuck. He really would rip her apart if he tried to withdraw right now.

  The massive weight lifted from her back, but she kept her face firmly planted into the pillow.


  She bit the cotton pillowcase.


  Squeezing her eyes shut, she considered clapping her hands over her ears. Which would show him nicely she didn’t care to listen to anything he had to say, except for the fact that he still held her fists.

  Sharp fangs nipped her neck. “Livie.” He didn’t question this time, he demanded.

  Outrage poured through her, extinguishing the humiliation. She spat out the fabric and jerked her head up. “Don’t talk to me, you oversized carpet. You had to know this would happen. You’re the werewolf. You knew what would happen when we . . .” her voice wobbled. “We . . .” She bit her lip. Damn it, her anger disappeared as she faced their situation once more.

  “We’re not stuck.” He nuzzled her hair.

  Hope briefly flared. She wiggled and the spark sputtered out. So totally stuck.

  “We are too,
you . . .” Teeth snapped next to her ear.

  “No more insults.”

  Steam roared out of her ears. She knew it did. There was no way that the rage building inside of her could be contained. She sincerely hoped that he saw the signs. Explosion was imminent.

  “How can you say that we’re not completely stuck together?” She circled her hips around, emphasizing their predicament. A low growl and another release of sperm was her response.

  She head butted him — take that – and enjoyed the satisfying crunch behind her.

  “When I’m done, I’m going to turn you over my knee for that.”

  “What do you mean when you’re done?” Oh please, please let that mean there is hope yet. She ignored the rest of his ridiculous statement. Spank me? I don’t think so.

  Like she would really allow him to turn her over his knee with her naked bottom up in the air and . . . her vaginal walls contracted around his thick cock.

  They both groaned.

  Well, just call me Ms. Kink. Damn his handcuffs.

  “Sex is different when I’m in this form.”

  No shit. A frown creased her forehead, “Don’t you mean mating?” The moment the words were out, she wanted to snatch them right back. Was she nuts? Did she really want to get into that now?

  For a long moment, he said nothing. “I thought it might be easier for you if I said sex.” Roc paused as if waiting for her to say something.

  My lips are zipped tight. Livie didn’t know what strange force compelled her to bring up the whole mate situation, but she had enough problems right now without adding to it.

  Another swelling, release and groan. She squeaked. Would he admit that his penis had some serious problems?

  “Relax, Livie. We really are not stuck.” He released her hands, rubbing up and down her arms as if to comfort her. “In this form, we mate more like wolves than men. It takes me longer to orgasm, but when I am finished, the swelling goes down and we’ll be able to separate.”

  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  She sent the prayer out to the entire universe. She’d thank any and every god right now, she was so happy. They weren’t stuck. As soon as he finished . . . whoa. Hold everything. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, she still had not allowed herself to actually acknowledge that he was indeed climaxing – again and again and again.


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