The Good Neighbor

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The Good Neighbor Page 12

by Kimberly A Bettes

  It had been so exciting last night to fondle her while she slept. It would’ve been even better to be inside her as she woke.

  Even though she’d dealt a nasty blow to my privates, I’d still managed to keep a boner most of the day. That boner now throbbed and tingled, knowing what was getting ready to happen. It was time to take care of it.

  I headed upstairs.

  44 Owen

  I heard a noise downstairs and froze in my tracks. My mind raced. I knew it had to be Bernie. Who else would it be?

  I carefully and quietly headed back to Carla’s bedroom, still carrying the dirty linens. I looked around the room, trying to come up with a plan of action.

  I arranged the dirty linens on the bed, under the clean blankets, to appear to be a woman sleeping. It wasn’t perfect, but I knew it would fool Bernie. He was always half-drunk, and horny enough to not pay attention to the details. This would work. It had to.

  I had no weapon. The golf club had remained downstairs with us last night. I had only my fists, but I was sure that would be enough.

  I slipped into the closet and closed the door almost completely. I left a crack so I’d be able to see the right time to pounce.

  I struggled to keep my heart from beating out of my chest and keep my breathing steady.

  Now, I waited.

  45 Bernie

  I slowly pushed open the bedroom door, hoping like hell it didn’t squeak to give me away. I wanted to surprise her like I had last night. I wanted her to know nothing until she opened her eyes and stared up into mine as I was banging her.

  I stood beside the bed, undetected so far, and thought of what I wanted to do to her and how I would do it. There were so many things and so many ways, it would take all night to do them all. Did I have all night? I didn’t know.

  I quietly stripped down to nothing. I stood beside the bed, naked, holding a knife. My heart was pounding with excitement.

  I reached down and felt my dick. I was ready. I was more than ready. I’d never experienced this level of horny before. Not even last night, when I came on her bed was I this horny. I think the pain that came with the hard-on added to this new level of desire.

  I felt that animal urge building in me again. It was stronger this time. There was no way I’d be able to fight it. But it didn’t matter. I didn’t want to fight it. I wanted to let it consume me. I wanted to step aside and let this urge take over and do what it wanted to do to this whore.

  I wanted to do as much as I could without waking her. I wanted to violate her in every way, but I wanted her to remain asleep until things were well under way. If she woke before I had started, she would fight me. I was sure she was going to fight me anyway, but it would be harder to do if I was already on her and things were already happening.

  The thought of her under me, struggling, only turned me on more. I felt my dick throb as I imagined her wiggling around under me, beating my chest with her fists, screaming and crying.

  I stepped closer to the bed.

  I could smell her again. I could smell the same scent that was in her panties, only not as strong.

  The room didn’t smell of sex this time. I wouldn’t be wallowing in Owen’s gunk. He hadn’t done her tonight. It would be all mine. That thought made me shudder. I could wait no longer.

  I leaned over and pulled the blanket gently down her body.

  46 Owen

  I stood in the closet for several minutes, waiting. I was getting uneasy. Nothing was happening.

  If I left the closet now, I chanced running into Bernie and would lose my surprise attack strategy. The surprise was what I’d been counting on.

  I decided to chance it.

  I slowly opened the closet door.

  No one.

  I walked out of the bedroom, looking around carefully. Still no one.

  I walked downstairs, pausing on each step to listen for any sound the house had to offer, but hearing nothing.

  I searched the entire downstairs, and found nothing. The back door was closed, as I’d left it. The sound I’d heard must’ve been the house. After all, that was the more logical explanation. I had probably just assumed it was Bernie because my nerves were frayed from last night’s adventure.

  I was more wary now. It was better safe than sorry. Just in case Bernie was in the house, I wanted to be ready for him. I wanted to hear him before he heard me.

  I headed back upstairs to retrieve the dirty bed covers again.

  47 Bernie

  Once I’d pulled the blankets completely off her, I paused at the foot of the bed for a second to admire her naked body.

  She was lying on her back, which made things extremely easy for me. It was like she was waiting for me. Her head was turned toward the far wall. Her breasts rose and fell as she breathed. Without the blankets, her nipples were hard. She seemed to be just as ready as I was.

  I put my left knee on the bed slowly and carefully, and then my right. I still held the knife in my right hand and I was careful not to cut her. At least not until I had to.

  I slowly moved forward until I was in the right position. I rested my upper body on my elbows beside her shoulders. I held my left hand ready to cover her mouth when she woke and my right hand where she could see the knife. I paused in that position for a moment, watching her sleep. I wondered if she was dreaming about me.

  I lowered my waist toward her until my dick was touching her crotch. It was barely touching her since I wanted her to remain asleep as long as possible, but it was enough to bring me pleasure. I continued staring at her face as I enjoyed the feeling that was coming from my dick. It was like bolts of lightning shooting up from there to my stomach. I hated teasing myself like this, and I loved it at the same time. Oh, how I wished I had all night to do things to her. I wished I’d thought this out better and had taken her and tied her up somewhere where I could do whatever I wanted to her for however long I wanted to do it.

  I slowly let my body down onto hers, pushing her legs gently apart with mine. She mumbled something I couldn’t make out, and then sighed, but remained asleep. I hesitated until she was silent again, then I took aim with my manhood and jabbed it into her.

  She woke then.

  Her eyes focused on me and she started to scream. I quickly clamped my hand over her mouth. She began pushing against me, her fists on my chest. I almost came. I held the knife in front of her face. When she saw it, the scream stopped in her throat. She fell silent and quit struggling.

  I smiled. I would’ve preferred her to keep struggling as it turned me on, but I didn’t want to chance waking anyone else.

  “There you go. Keep silent and this’ll be as good for you as it will be for me,” I whispered. “You know you want this as bad as I do. I’ve seen you teasing me. Well, you’re getting it now.”

  Tears rolled from the outer corners of her eyes and down the sides of her head. “You can cry if you want to. I’ve waited a long time for this.”

  I moved up and down on top of her, unable to keep from moaning with pleasure.

  “It was definitely worth the wait,” I told her through my ragged breath. I went faster now, though I had to stop from time to time in order to make it last longer. I didn’t want it to be over so quickly. I had waited so long for this. I’d gone through hell to get it, and I wasn’t going to waste it.

  I noticed her eyes never left the knife. I could feel her sobs, though I never heard them.

  I didn’t care if she cried until she threw up. I was getting what I wanted, what I knew she wanted. She probably was just pretending to not want it now so that damn Owen wouldn’t be mad at her. Well, it didn’t matter to me. I didn’t care what he thought, and I didn’t care what she wanted or didn’t want. She’d sent the signals, and I’d received them. Now, it was happening and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

  If Owen hadn’t wanted it to happen, he shouldn’t have left her alone. He had to know that I’d be watching. He had to know that I wouldn’t give up so easily. His thr
eats meant nothing to me, and neither did that red-haired guy’s. I wasn’t afraid of them. If this didn’t prove it, nothing would.

  I couldn’t help myself now. I bounced up and down on her furiously, pounding myself against her as hard as I could, biting her breasts as I went. I was biting her hard, undoubtedly too hard, but I didn’t care. I loved the way her flesh felt crushed between my teeth. I also didn’t care that she would surely have bruises from the way I was thrusting myself into her. Again, I didn’t care. Why should I?

  I decided I wouldn’t fight it this time. When the urge to cum came, I would just go with it. I really didn’t think I had enough will power to hold back any longer. I hadn’t been with a broad in weeks, if not months. This broad had been flaunting herself next door and teasing me. Not to mention that I’d been walking around with what seemed to be a permanent hard-on.

  Yeah, this was definitely going to be impossible to fight. I would just go with it, ride it out.

  And there it was. The tingling that started deep down, and worked its way up until I was caught in the thrall. I exploded into her, gasping and biting her breast so hard, I was certain I tasted blood. The metallic taste made me thrust harder, like a madman. I emptied myself into her with a final shudder.

  Now, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get out of here without her screaming. And how was I going to keep her from going to the cops? I really should’ve thought this through more, but it was impossible to think when all the blood in my body was in my aching loins.

  In the clarity of the moment, I wasn’t sure what to do. But I had to think fast.

  “I’m going to get off you now and get dressed. If you make a sound, I’ll slit your throat and watch you bleed, and then I’ll go downstairs and do the same to those brats of yours. Got it?” I asked with my mouth no more than two inches from her face.

  She nodded.

  I pulled myself out of her and started to get up, but realized that my hard-on was still there. The orgasm hadn’t gotten rid of it. That had never happened to me before.

  I put all my weight on my arms and looked down between the broad and me to my dick, as if seeing it would change the facts. I threw the broad a strange look. I didn’t know what to do. If this hadn’t gotten rid of the damn thing, what would? Why wouldn’t it go away?

  “All right,” I mumbled to myself. Surely, it was still there because I wasn’t done with her.

  I forced myself back into her with more force than before. She sobbed, but that didn’t stop me. I kept on, as if she was enjoying it, which I was sure she was.

  I was banging her now with all I had. I was throwing myself against her so hard, it was hurting me.

  But I had to.

  I was breathing so hard and fast, my chest hurt.

  But I had to.

  I was sweating so much it was dripping down onto her face. I didn’t care. This wasn’t even about her now. This was about me. Me and my eternal hard-on.

  Sure, it felt good banging her. Damn good. Hell, I’d already came once. What the hell was the problem? I didn’t understand. All I knew to do was keep banging her.

  So I did.

  I kept on slamming myself against her over and over until I couldn’t do it anymore. I didn’t have the strength, I didn’t have the breath, and I didn’t have the time. I was sure Owen would be back any second.

  Finally, I stopped. I laid there on her for a minute catching my breath. I could feel her sobbing underneath me. It still turned me on, but I just couldn’t do anything about it.

  I was pissed.

  I put my face closer to hers and said, “Remember what I said.”

  She nodded.

  48 Owen

  I put the trash bag containing the bed clothes Bernie had ruined in the trash can at the curb and replaced the lid.

  I yawned, happy to be finished with this chore. I wanted more than anything to get home so I could cuddle with Carla and get some sleep.

  Oscar ran up to me, coming from who knows where. I scratched behind his ears before heading home.

  I saw that everything was still dark at Bernie’s house. I wondered what he’d been up to all day and night. He was probably nursing his wounds. I’d done more than tap his head with that golf club. Carla had done a number on his crotch as well. He was sure to be in agony.

  I quietly opened the door and stepped inside my house. I went into the living room and checked on the kids before I headed upstairs.

  I had only gone up a couple of steps when I heard a crash and a thump come from my bedroom.

  I bolted up the stairs and burst into the room. It took a few seconds to register what I was seeing.

  Carla stood naked, crying. She had her arms folded across her chest, covering as much of her body as she could. I saw blood on her right breast. Even from across the room, I could see her trembling.

  I saw all that in one second.

  In the next second, I saw Bernie crumpled on the floor, naked with an erection, surrounded by shards of glass. The remnants of the lamp from my nightstand were scattered around him.

  I was both furious with Bernie and concerned for Carla at the same moment. I decided Carla was more important. Bernie was out cold, so I had a minute or so before he regained consciousness.

  I ran to Carla and threw my arms around her.

  “Are you okay?” I wanted to squeeze her against me to let her know it was okay, that she was safe. But I didn’t want to hurt her. I knew if her breast was bleeding, there was no telling what other injuries she had. “What’d he do to you?” I asked, doing my best to keep from sounding angry. I didn’t want her to think I was angry with her. That was the farthest thing from the truth.

  She didn’t have to say it. She looked up at me, eyes full of tears, chin quivering, and I knew. I knew what that bastard had done to her. And I knew what I was going to do to him.

  “Carla, grab your clothes and go downstairs. Don’t come back up here, no matter what.” I kissed the top of her head and turned to deal with Bernie.

  Before I was fully turned around, Bernie lunged at me. I threw up my arms to avoid the impact of his bulky body slamming into mine, but it was too late. He hit me with all his weight and we stumbled backward, falling onto the bed.

  I felt it before I knew what it was. As Bernie stood, I saw the knife, dripping my blood. The overwhelming stinging in my side was explained now. He had stabbed me. I reached down and touched the spot where it stung the most. It didn’t feel like a large wound, but when I brought up my hand, my fingers were red.

  Rage rushed through me then. I sprung up from the bed and punched Bernie in the nose. He dropped the knife and stumbled backward, holding his bleeding nose.

  Before he could recover, I rushed him again, punching his oversized gut.

  He let go of his nose and wrapped his arms around his stomach, doubled-over in pain. I used this opportunity to knock one of his teeth out with my knee.

  I saw the opportunity to go for the knife and took it. Though it only took a second for me to bend down and grab the knife with my right hand while holding my bleeding side with my left, it was enough time for Bernie to see an opportunity of his own.

  When I stood, he was gone. I heard him thumping down the stairs heavily and took off after him.

  I didn’t make it far, though. I heard Carla’s sobs as I passed the bathroom. It stopped me briefly. I wanted to go to her. However, I needed to make sure that Bernie was gone before I did.

  I went downstairs and quickly checked the kids. They were fine, and there was no sign of Bernie in the living room. The front door stood open. I ran to it and stepped out onto the porch. I saw Bernie running up the steps to his house, naked, with his arms full of clothes.

  One thing was for sure, I knew where to find him. And I would find him, and I would deal with him. I stepped back in the house, closed and locked the door behind me, and ran upstairs to Carla.

  The shower curtain was pulled back, allowing me to see Carla sitting in the shower, naked, with hot wa
ter beating against her body. With the water going, I couldn’t see the tears that I knew were pouring from her eyes, but I could see the way her body heaved with her heavy sobs. She was trembling.

  I walked slowly toward her, unsure of what I should do. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to wrap her up in the safety of my arms forever, stopping only long enough to kill Bernie. But I wasn’t sure what I should do.

  As I stepped closer to her, she leaned forward quickly and vomited in the shower. As I watched her dinner swirl down the drain, I thought of Bernie. If it weren’t for that piece of shit, none of this would be happening now. He didn’t deserve to live, but death would be too good for him.

  Perched on the side of the bathtub, I reached slowly toward Carla to stroke her face. Just before I touched her however, she pulled away.

  It hurt my feelings that she didn’t want me to touch her, but I knew I couldn’t take it personally. She’d just been raped. I couldn’t even imagine the toll that had taken on her. And like I said, I didn’t know what to do.

  So I called Jill. I didn’t tell her what had happened, just that I needed her and Andy to come over immediately. Maybe another woman could comfort her at such a time. I hoped. I hated to see her in pain, and knowing that I couldn’t do anything for her only made it worse.

  49 Owen

  I met Andy and Jill at the front door to keep them from ringing the doorbell and waking the kids. The worry was evident on each of their faces. Unfortunately, what I had to tell them was only going to make it worse.

  They came in and I quickly closed and locked the door behind them.

  “What’s going on, Owen,” Jill asked. She leaned against Andy, ringing her hands together out of nervousness.

  In little more than a whisper, I said, “Carla and the kids stayed the night here tonight. I slipped out after Carla fell asleep and went down to her house to clean up the mess Bernie left. While I was gone,” I swallowed, trying to make this easier to say, but failing miserably. “Bernie came in and he...raped Carla.” I hoped they didn’t hear the crack in my voice.


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