Marked and Mated

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Marked and Mated Page 12

by Delta James

  As they walked, JD offered, “Let’s get Jean-Michel. If she’s coming home with us, she may as well get used to the idea that she’ll get disciplined by either Jean-Michel or myself.”

  Nick laughed. “You’re welcome to her. I’d like to spend one day of this house party enjoying myself rather than having to chase down and/or discipline some member of Bae Diogel. They are difficult,” he said as they found Jean-Michel and Dylan standing together.

  Having overheard him, Jean-Michel laughed. “Not difficult, Nick, spirited. I take it our Summer has once again been sent to her room?” He turned to Dylan. “If you’re going to send her home with us, I’d just as soon introduce her to discipline New Orleans style.”

  Dylan nodded. “She may as well start answering to you as her alpha. I’m giving Summer over to your care, Jean-Michel.”

  “We will do right by her, Dylan. Please assure your mate she is in good hands. JD, please place one of our men on her door and inform the lady I will see to her myself after brunch.”

  JD nodded toward one of the men from the New Orleans pack and took him to the other residence where Summer had been staying.

  As JD entered the room, Summer said, “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m JD of the New Orleans pack and your beta. Best have a care as to how you speak with me, little girl.”

  “Roz Kincanon was my beta. Now, I recognize no person as such.”

  “Whether or not you recognize me as such does not change the fact that I am. Dylan has entrusted your care and well-being to our alpha, Jean-Michel. As this will be your first punishment within our pack, he will see to it himself. I urge you to lose your surly, petulant attitude. It will not serve you well with him.”

  “Fuck off.”

  JD laughed. “I’d best let Mrs. Hastings know we’ll be needing to buy more goat’s milk soap. I have a feeling we’re going to need it. Jean-Michel will be up to see to your correction in a bit. Were I you, I’d be either standing in the corner or sitting on this bed with a very contrite expression.”

  “Good thing you’re not me.”

  JD laughed again. “Yes. I would not want to have our alpha angry or disappointed in my behavior. We’ll see how long that haughtiness lasts once he puts you over his knee. My guess is that it won’t be long.” JD left her.

  * * *

  Jean-Michel waited until JD had returned and they had been able to enjoy the sumptuous brunch. He informed Darby that her friend was about to get a taste of her new alpha’s discipline. As he thought it might, it upset her. He soothed her and reminded her that she did not get to make the decision about when and how females in their pack were punished. But that he did see her role as being supportive of them afterward without encouraging further bad behavior. He rose to head to the other house and go up to Summer. He asked that JD see to having their people start gathering their things to take out to the plane. Darby again tried to advocate on Summer’s behalf.

  “She’s just so unhappy and scared. The raid really rattled her and everything has been in upheaval ever since. Please don’t be harsh with her, Jean-Michel,” Darby pleaded for her friend.

  He bent down and kissed the top of her head. “Enough, Darby. You have pleaded her case. And if this was the first display of this behavior from her, I might be inclined to be lenient. But as you pointed out, I don’t know Summer at all… mostly because she has been so misbehaved that she has spent most of her time in her room. That has proven to be ineffective with her so we will come up with a new game plan. But never fear that I will shirk my responsibility to her. Now be a good girl, mate and go get our things ready to go home.”

  He walked away and Darby turned to Megan. “This is not good. Summer hasn’t a clue.”

  “That bad?” asked Megan.

  “Yes, remember when Nick spanked you?” Megan nodded. “It’s worse. I can’t even begin to explain how much worse and that’s even if he only uses his hand.”

  * * *

  Jean-Michel dismissed the guard at the door, asking him to get the others and be prepared to leave when he was done punishing Summer. He opened the door to enter and heard something heavy being thrown at the door. He closed the door and heard it crash. He reopened it and stepped in. This time when she threw something at his head, he caught it.

  “Even my Darby knew better than to throw things at her alpha. I can see, little one, that we will need to start from scratch to teach you how to behave as a member of our pack. As we have not been formally introduced, allow me to do so. I am Jean-Michel Gautier, alpha of the New Orleans pack. And you are the newest member of what was the Bae Diogel pack entrusted to my care.”

  “I don’t need or want your instruction.”

  Jean-Michel chuckled. “I believe that you do not want my instruction or correction. However, it is obvious that you are in need of both. I will give you a choice. You can come to me and formally offer me your fealty as a member of my pack and agree to behave from this time forward. Or, I will put you over my knee, bare your bottom, and give you a spanking that will leave you regretting that decision for days. What is it to be?”

  “Fuck you,” Summer spat at him.

  She looked for something else to throw at him. Taking her eyes off of him would be the first of many regrets she would have. Jean-Michel crossed to her, took hold of her arm, sat down on the bed, and drew her across his knee.

  “Lesson one,” he said pleasantly. “Little girls do not curse at their alpha or any ranking member of the pack.” He landed a hard swat across the middle of her bottom.

  “You bastard,” she screeched.

  “Let’s try again,” he said, landing three more swats across her backside. “You are a little girl and you do not curse at your alpha, beta, or omega.”

  “That hurts.”

  “Good. It was supposed to. And if you think that hurts, you are in for a nasty surprise when I’m through warming up your backside and begin to punish you on your bare bottom.”

  Having trapped her so that she wasn’t able to get away from him, Jean-Michel began to lay down a series of swats to her bottom that made her wail within short order. It didn’t take long before Summer was in tears and regretting having crossed the man who now stood as her alpha. He continued to spank her as he laid out what was expected of her.

  “Two, little girls do not throw things at people in order to try to hurt them. Three, little girls are to be respectful at all times. You are allowed to speak your mind, but you will do so respectfully and not with a belligerent tone or manner. Four, you will mind me, JD, and Geoff, as well as the other male members of our pack when you are told to do or not to do something. Five, when we get home, you will write a note of apology to both Dylan and to Nick for being such a monumental brat while in their care. Do you understand all that I have said to you?”

  “Yes,” Summer cried. “Please stop.”

  “Very well, little one. Let’s see if your behavior or attitude have improved.” He stopped spanking her and let her rise up from off of his knee. He stood and tilted her chin up to look at him. “You go over to the corner, take your pants off, and stand there and wait for me to give you the rest of your punishment.”

  “No, please. You said you were through.”

  “No, I was very clear that what you just received was the warmup to your punishment spanking. I assure you that your new pack and its ranking members take your care and concern and hold them in high regard. You need never worry that your need for structure and correction will not be seen to. Now, take your pants off and go stand in the corner.” He turned her toward the corner and gave her a light swat to start her in the right direction. “Go on. Show me you can be a good girl.”

  Summer walked over to the corner. It had been many years since she’d been disciplined. She’d left her father’s pack to escape a forced pairing she didn’t want and had been out in the world alone until she had found the pack at Bae Diogel. Once in the corner, she stood facing it.

  “Take your pants off, S
ummer. You don’t want me to have to do that for you.”


  He chuckled. “Yes, your butt is going to be a lot more sore when I’m through with it.”

  She bent down and took off her pants, stomping her foot when she was done.

  “Good girls do not stomp their feet. Good girls get their punishment spanking from their alpha just with his hand. Bad girls get a much worse punishment spanking and end up with welts across their bottoms. Do you want to be a good girl?” he asked in a conversational tone. Jean-Michel watched as she struggled. He was glad she could not see the smile he had. The women of the former Bae Diogel pack were strong and proud. He felt lucky to be able to include three of them in his pack. They would add strength and spirit to their line.

  “Yes, Alpha,” she finally said.

  “Very well then.” He sat back down on the edge of the bed. “Then come back over to me and I’ll finish your spanking. When I’m done, you will pack your things and we will go home.”

  She turned to look at him. “Please, no?”

  He smiled sympathetically and patted his thigh. “Had you greeted me with this attitude, little girl, your spanking would have ended when you were sent to the corner. But I will not allow you to continue to act and lash out at others. So, let’s get this done.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Of course you don’t. I suspect your bottom is already on fire and you anticipate, correctly so, that the sting you feel now will only be increased by my spanking your bare bottom. But you need to be spanked well enough that you will think twice before choosing to be naughty again. If you submit to my authority right now, I will only use my hand. Resist your punishment and you will feel my belt across your backside. My Darby would tell you that is not something you wish to have happen. Now, come here and let’s get this over with.” Again, he patted his thigh.

  She stood feeling rooted to the spot. He was right in that her butt was on fire and she could feel both the heat and the swelling starting. She didn’t want to submit to a more thorough punishment, but also did not doubt for a minute that he would take his belt to her. He reached out his hand toward her, beckoning with his fingers.

  “Please, Alpha. I don’t need to be spanked any more. You spank harder than Nick. I’ll behave.”

  He smiled and felt genuine regret that he would have to finish what he had started. “I’m glad to hear that, Summer. But you do need to be spanked further and I will see to it. I’m going to count to three and if you are not standing between my legs waiting for me to pull your panties down to bare your bottom for my discipline, then I will assume you wish to continue being a bad little girl and will take my belt off to use on you.”

  Again, he held out his hands and beckoned her to come to him. She started to cry.

  “One,” he said slowly. “Two.”

  Reluctantly she put one foot in front of the other until she was standing between his legs. He turned her so that she was situated to be put back across his knee. He reached up and tugged her panties down to her knees, before helping her back into position.

  “Good girl,” he said softly as he began to spank her already pinked globes. She tried to reach back to protect them, but he caught her hands in his one of his and pinned them to the middle of her back. “That’s naughty, Summer. When you get a spanking, you do not reach back to protect your backside.”

  “It hurts,” she cried.

  “I know. And it will be even more painful before I’m finished with you. But let this be a lesson that you do not want to continue to go down the road you have traveled since you got here.” He increased the strength of the blows being delivered to her bottom, which quickly turned a deep shade of red. She had gone limp over his knee and was sobbing that she could and would behave better. Sensing he had gotten through to her, Jean-Michel stopped and then rubbed her backside soothingly. “I think you’ve learned your lesson, haven’t you, Summer?”

  “Yes, Alpha. Please be done.”

  “I will let this be the end of the actual spanking. I’m going to let you up. You go back to the corner and stand there with your panties around your knees. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  He let her up and she obediently went to the corner and stood. He sat for a minute. She made no move to pull up her panties or to soothe her own bottom. At some point she’d been taught to mind. He wondered what had brought her to this point. But he felt heartened to know it didn’t appear that it would take much more to make her well behaved.


  “Yes, Alpha?”

  “I’m going to leave you now. I want you to put back on some form of pants. My Darby prefers to go without panties right after a spanking and to wear something loose and soft against her derriere. But that is up to you. Please pack your things and be ready to leave within the half hour. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  He chuckled and walked over to her in the corner. He turned her around and kissed her forehead. “Do not give me a reason to spank you again, little one. Now be a good girl and let’s go home.”

  He left her and went to see to his own mate.

  * * *

  Jean-Michel walked up to the main residence and jogged up the stairs. He opened the door, not knowing what to expect. As he had feared, Darby had worked herself into a state.

  “Is she all right? You didn’t hurt her too badly, did you? How could you do that? I told you she was upset and scared. Couldn’t you have let me deal with it?”

  He wrapped her in his arms and held her close until she ceased struggling against him. “I know, beloved. You didn’t want to see your friend punished. When we get home tonight, you can go upstairs and speak with her. I suggest that you remind her that she is no longer Bae Diogel, but rather pack of New Orleans and subject to my authority.”

  “Shit, Jean-Michel.”

  He swatted her backside. “Careful, mate. While I love that you are concerned about Summer, I will not let you slide back into bad behavior.”

  She glared at him and then her eyes softened as did her smile. “I’m sorry. I know you were doing what you thought was best.”

  “And?” he said, knowing that wasn’t all of it.

  “I would prefer not to say.”

  “And I would prefer that you did.”

  “But I would prefer not to get in trouble.”

  “Why? What have you done?” She reached up to pull his mouth down for a kiss. He chuckled. “Nice try, mate. But you tell me now or Summer will not be the only one to need an extra pillow for the trip home.”

  “I haven’t done anything. I was just feeling something I realize I shouldn’t.”

  He chuckled again. “What’s the matter, mate, were you worried I would return aroused from having spanked Summer because spanking you always leaves me in that painful state? Tell me the truth.”

  “Yes, but I realize that wasn’t worthy of you. And I am sorry to ever have thought it.”

  He kissed her again. “Naughty mate. I shall have to correct your erroneous thinking when we get home. I shall have to prove to you that the only one for whom I grow hard and/or form a knot is the one I hold in my arms.”

  She smiled seductively and wrapped her arms around his neck. “And how, pray tell, will you do that, my beloved?”

  “I shall have to mount you and ride you hard repeatedly.”

  “And will you finally force your knot into me?”

  “Would you like me to knot and tie you?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very much so. I understand that when one is with her fated mate it is an exquisite sensation beyond compare.”

  He held her close and whispered, “I promise, beloved, the brief pain you will have to endure as I force the knot will be forgotten in the aftermath of being knotted and tied to your fated mate.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The members of the New Orleans pack gathered on the drivewa
y and bid adieu to their hostess. Dylan felt that it might be best if they took their leave early as he anticipated some push back for the New Orleans pack leaving with three of the eight women from Bae Diogel.

  Summer was very subdued, but seemed calm. Both Meg and Darby were close by her side and seemed to be taking good care of her.

  Jean-Michel kissed both of Skylar’s cheeks in farewell. “She will be safe with us.”

  Skylar looked at him and smiled. “Yes, but when will she be comfortable?”

  He returned her smile. “As soon as she learns to behave. And I think we made great headway in that area this morning. Do not worry about your girls, Skylar. They are my pack now and I care for those who are my family.”

  “I know you do, Jean-Michel. Thank you for all you have done and will do for them. I’ve never seen Megan or Darby happier. I think even Summer is going to start coming around. We are here if you have need of us.”

  “And like the young wolf out of Savannah,” said Jean-Michel, “should Calon Gwyllt have need, please know that the pack of New Orleans stands with you. You and yours are always welcome in the Crescent City. I am deeply in your and Dylan’s debt for allowing my pack to have the honor of adding such beauty, grace, strength, and spirit to my line.”

  Turning to Darby, Skylar said with a huge smile, “You are so screwed. You are never, ever going to be able to stay mad at him or get the upper hand. He is too charming for words.”

  “Now you tell me,” Darby said, giggling. “And you’ve only been up against his verbal skills. Trust me, that’s nothing compared to his physical and sexual ones.”


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