Arena Mode

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Arena Mode Page 10

by Blake Northcott

  “About six hours,” Peyton said softly. She smiled warmly and did her best to calm my frayed nerves, but her eyes reflected a sense of deep concern. “We ... Gavin rushed over when they called. He was the emergency contact. He got you out of there before Frost’s medics could examine you.”

  “What did I miss?” I asked, propping myself up on an elbow.

  “The last two competitors were announced,” Gavin explained. “The first was an Australian woman named Arirose. She’s a mind-reader or something? At least that’s what it said on her profile. She didn’t do much. I think she’s saving her powers for the big day.”

  “Then things got weird,” Peyton said. “Your buddy Kenneth comes out of the curtains dressed in his wacky homemade costume. You could hear the laughs from the crowd over the simulcast feed. He struts across the stage and shoots this blue dust out of his hand. All of a sudden it starts coming together, and it turns into a huge freaky octopus monster with wings and a lizard body.”

  “A Cthulhu.”

  Peyton blinked.

  “It’s Lovecraftian,” I added.

  She stared back at me, quiet and puzzled.

  “It’s a porn thing,” Gavin insisted, with the most stone-faced expression he had ever managed.

  “Ew!” she shouted. “What?”

  “It’s a big tentacle sex monster,” Gavin explained. “Japan is way into that stuff.”

  I shook my head. “Peyton, H.P. Lovecraft was an American author who specialized in horror and dark fantasy – the Cthulhu was one of his creations. Gavin, as usual, is full of shit.” Even when throbbing in pain, my brain didn’t stop processing a mile a minute.

  “Nope,” Gavin insisted, completely deadpan. “It’s porn. Mox, I think your tumor might be getting worse.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. Gavin had a way of cheering me up in almost any situation.

  Peyton shook her head, narrowing her eyes at her brother before re-focusing her attention on me. “How are you feeling? Are you all right to compete tomorrow?”

  All I could offer was a weak shrug. “I’m as ready as I’m going to be, I suppose. A killer headache and some ringing in my ears, but I’ll deal. It’s not like I can get a doctor’s note and call in sick for the tournament.”

  “Any hallucinations?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so,” I replied without any real sense of certainly. “I did see a giant robot come out on stage before I passed out ... did that actually happen?”

  “Yeah,” Gavin confirmed. “Some dude in a mech suit called Fudō-something or other. He’s one of the odds-on favorites to win the tournament.”

  Odds. I had almost forgotten that now, a day before the tournament, the official betting lines would be announced. Based on whatever information the bookies and odds-makers could get their hands on, the thirteen (or now, twelve) competitors would be listed in order of their perceived chances of winning the tournament. Whether it was betting credits through the government-sanctioned Vegas Network, or using an underground bookie in the Dark Zone, this would no doubt be a record-breaking day in terms of gambling.

  “Let me see the lines,” I asked, sitting back up.

  “You need rest,” Peyton insisted, placing her hand on my chest. “Just sit back, relax. You’re competing in twelve hours – you don’t need to stress yourself out.”

  I appreciated her concern, but Cameron Frost had left out an alarming number of details until the last minute, including most of the competitors; I had to gather all the information that I could. Sleep was not an option. “Please, bring up the odds.”

  With a click of his chunky antique television remote, Gavin fired up the old Trinitron, and logged onto the Vegas Network.

  Judging from the numbers, the bookies didn’t see my absence from the weigh-ins as a positive sign.

  Odds for Arena Mode

  (-850) Sergei Taktarov “Russia’s Son”

  (even) Kenneth Livitski “The Living Eye”

  (even) Dwayne Lewis “Sledge”

  (+250) Fudō-myōō “The Immovable One”

  (+300) Paul Glendinning “Dozer”

  (+500) Serafina “The Butcher”

  (+650) Ayumi Ozaki “Lioness”

  (+850) Cassandra Cole “The Crusher”

  (+950) Jérôme Fontaine “Vitesse”

  (+1200) Winston Ramsley “The Gentleman”

  (+1700) Arirose “Transcendent”

  (+3000) Matthew Moxon “Mox”

  *WARNING* Any attempt to gamble outside of the United States government sanctioned Vegas Network will result in a mandatory five-year prison sentence, with no chance for parole.

  “What does that mean?” Peyton asked, scanning the numbers next to each name.

  “It means that no one believes Mox will last more than five minutes,” Gavin replied soberly.

  “It’s all right,” I explained, “these are just guesses based on who the bookies think have the best chances of winning. See the numbers to the left? That’s how much money you could win based on the competitor you place a bet on. So for example: if you bet a hundred dollars on Serafina, you’d win five-hundred if she takes first place.”

  “That makes sense,” she says with a small nod, “but then why does Russia’s Son have a minus sign beside it?”

  “It means you need to bet eight-hundred and fifty dollars to win one hundred,” Gavin explained. “It’s a way to discourage bettors from putting money on him. Everyone is sure he’s going to win tomorrow.”

  Peyton stared listlessly at the chart, nervously twisting a length of hair with both hands as if she was wringing out a wet towel.

  “His implied winning probability is eighty-nine percent … but again, it’s just a guess,” I reassured her. “Manhattan is a big place, and there’s a good chance I won’t even run into Taktarov.” My mouth was moving independent of my brain. I was trying to convince my friends that the odds against me weren’t as astronomical as they actually were, simply because I couldn’t bear to watch them suffer – I wasn’t sure whether I was doing more harm than good. Up until that point, I’d been trying to stay realistic, preparing them for the worst-case scenario. Now I was just spouting nonsense, ignoring the facts that were staring me in the face.

  As I spoke, I continued to itch the back of my left hand. It was an involuntary reaction at first, and I didn’t become conscious of it until my skin was scratched raw.

  Gavin glanced down at my hand. “About that,” he said, “I need to explain what they did to you after you passed out.”

  “What they did to me?” I asked.

  “Your epidermal implant. They grafted it to the back of your hand as part of Cameron Frost’s solution for campers.”

  Oh shit. As soon as Gavin said the word ‘campers’ I knew exactly what the implant was designed for. Frost certainly enjoyed his gaming terminology: in first-person shooter video games, occasionally a player will choose to employ a strategy that involves hiding in an elevated location on the map (usually with a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher) picking off unsuspecting opponents as they saunter by. ‘Camping’, which basically means remaining stationary for prolonged periods of time, is allowed in multiplayer games only because there is no way to prevent it – but to say the tactic is frowned upon would be a massive understatement. Calling someone in the video game community a ‘camper’ is the same as calling someone a ‘jackass’ in real life. It’s a derogatory term used for lesser-skilled and unethical players, and they inevitably draw the ire of every player they encounter.

  “So what happens to campers?” Peyton asked innocently.

  “They didn’t tell me,” Gavin replied. “But if I had to guess? Nothing good. The medical guy just told me that the implant was required for all competitors, and sealed it on before he would let me take Mox out of the building. I didn’t have time for follow-up questions.”

  I’d spent weeks studying maps of Manhattan. I memorized every street, alley, fire
escape and manhole. I pored over satellite images that indicated the location of every potential hiding place, from dumpsters to abandoned cars. All for nothing. Surviving until the final four was going to require a lot of evasiveness, and (even though it would be less than viewer-friendly) a lot of standing still. The epidermal implant would ensure – somehow – that I kept moving, which would inevitably result in more confrontations. Violent confrontations that I had very little chance of surviving.

  “I know this sounds like a setback, but I have some good news,” Gavin announced. “I have a friend of a friend who knows this guy out in the Zone – he was able to snap me some satellite photos that he ganked from a weather satellite this morning. They’re crystal clear, and you can see all the weapon locations.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “That is good news. Can we check them out?”

  “Let’s get to it,” Gavin said with a smile. “Take your time. We’ll review them when you’re vertical.”

  When her brother had disappeared from view, Peyton sat on the couch next to me, gently rubbing my lower back in small circles. “Can we talk?”

  I nodded tentatively. I feared we were about to have the conversation I’d been dreading for weeks. The conversation. The follow-up to our night together, where I would inevitably have to come up with suitable answers to questions like, “where is this going?” and “why have you been avoiding me like a spineless jerk?” Questions that I either didn’t have a good answer for, or couldn’t explain without coming off like a bigger asshat than I already was.

  “I know you don’t believe in this stuff,” she began, “but I do, so I want you to stop being a dick for a minute and just listen to me.”

  “You sure know how to sweet talk a guy,” I replied with an awkward grin. Definitely not the start to our chat I was expecting, but she did manage to call me a ‘dick’ in the first five seconds – maybe she was working her way up to the more volatile four-letter words.

  “I had something made for you.” She reached into the pocket of her jeans and removed a small ruby-colored bag, pulled together with a tiny drawstring. She tugged it open and plucked out a ring. It was a thick, ornate silver band with a cube-like design in the center. It was a tessellation, wrapping back around itself in an infinitely continuing pattern. I’d seen artwork with similar designs (M. C. Escher made a career out of them) but never anything quite like it in real life.

  “It’s...nice.” What else was I supposed to say? I’m a guy. I had no idea how to respond when I saw a piece of jewelry.

  “It’s yours,” she replied, nervously brushing the pink tresses from her face, tucking a lock behind her ear. “If you want it, I mean. Here, I’ll show you how it works.”

  She carefully twisted the band in different directions and it unscrewed, falling into three distinct pieces. Separated they were simply unrelated shapes, but connected, they formed a never-ending geometric shape that flowed together, like a snake eating its own tail.

  “These represent your life,” she explained, touching each ring in succession. “Past, present and future.” She opened my hand and dropped the rings into my palm. “I know your past has been a little rocky. And let’s face it, your present isn’t the best right now, either. But there’s always something good waiting for you in the future if you have the will to make it happen.” She reached out and touched my chin, tilting my head upwards until our eyes locked. “And everything that happened in the past, good and bad, is what led you to this moment. This is a reminder.”

  Peyton’s power was her ability to open up. She was so unafraid to leave herself raw and exposed – it made her one of the strongest people I’d ever met. It was amazing to see, and also humbling. At times, her confidence was like a mirror, reflecting my emotional cowardice. “I don’t know what to say,” I mumbled, glancing back down into my sweaty palm.

  “I know you suck at this, so don’t say anything.” She pulled a long silver chain from her pocket and laced it through all three rings, attaching it around my neck. “It won’t fit under your gloves so wear it here, beneath your armor.”

  Her perfect lips curled into a mischievous smile. “I know you hate the ‘L’ word, so I won’t say it.”

  My face must have gone white, because she burst into a fit of wild laughter at the sight of my expression.

  “Not that L-word. I’m talking about ‘luck’, you emotional retard.” She just shook her head and continued to smile as she adjusted the rings around the chain. “I have no idea if these things will actually bring you any, but wear them anyway. Can’t hurt, right?”

  It was usually around the time when I’d make a snide remark, mocking Peyton about her childish adherence to blind faith and ridiculous superstition.

  I just smiled.

  I didn’t believe in luck, and I definitely didn’t believe in lucky charms, but I was starting to figure out why some people did. It was a physical representation of hope, and sometimes being able to wrap your hands around a concept offered a special type of comfort that words couldn’t provide.

  I reached down and touched the rings dangling around my neck. I parted my lips to thank her, but she shook her head. “Thank me when you win the tournament.”

  Gavin shouted to me from the back of the store. Without another word, I left Peyton and began my final strategy session.

  We spent hours studying the holographic image of Manhattan, where twenty-six weapons were hidden. They were scattered throughout the city, in alleys, on rooftops, and occasionally out in plain sight. The only issue was that I couldn’t identify them: they were encased in large ornate boxes, like treasure chests a pirate might find in a low-budget movie. The boxes were identical, with a single exception: half had a gold ornament on the lid, and the other half had a silver one.

  I wasn’t sure what the symbols represented, but my intuition was telling me that thirteen of the twenty-six boxes should not be opened.

  Committing the map to memory, I could easily locate the weapons within The Arena. It was just a matter of being quick enough to get to one before a competitor beat me to it.

  Midnight came quickly. After a long strategy session, we decided it was time for some rest and to close down the store.

  Gavin opened one set of his security shutters at the front of the store to reveal a small group of reporters, snapping pictures and shouting questions when they spotted me through the glass. I used my forearm to shield my eyes from the flashes, and heard a spattering of questions, each stranger than the last.

  “What other powers do you have?”

  “Is it true that you’re a shut-in?”

  “Is that guy to your left a personal trainer, or your secret lover?”

  Gavin sneered and waved them off. “Get the hell out of here! The tournament is tomorrow, Mox needs some rest.”

  Realizing that the group wouldn’t disperse, he stepped back and slammed the shutters closed and lowered the security bars into place with the touch of a button. Gavin wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being followed home by paparazzi, and neither was I, so we decided to spend the night at the store.

  Gavin pulled a red blanket over Peyton, who had passed out on the couch with a textbook curled tightly in her fingers.

  He retired to his office and crashed on his couch.

  I was stressed and exhausted, but on the eve of the tournament, I knew that sleep wouldn’t come easy.

  I spent the night pacing the length of Excelsior’s stacks, stopping periodically to remove a comic from the long transparent drawers. I re-read some of my favorites, and casually flipped through others. I scanned the sequential art, page-by-page, studying the epic battles between good and evil. Punches thrown, plasma bolts fired, conflicts that raged from the smallest towns in America to the deepest reaches of space.

  Then something occurred to me around three in the morning: when a hero and villain did battle, more often than not, there was a common theme that played a part in their struggle: a moral code. The code
is why Lex Luthor is still alive after more than a thousand issues, given that his arch-enemy is Superman. The Man of Steel is an immortal demigod from the planet Krypton, infused with more power than any being in the universe; he possesses superhuman speed, hearing, vision, flight, and enough strength to literally move a planet ... and yet, his biggest rival is a middle-aged bald dude in a crappy suit.

  It never made any sense. If Lex was that big of a threat, why didn’t Clark just grab him by the collar, fly him into outer space and toss him into the sun? It would be simple: one incinerated bad guy, and humanity continues on without having to worry about a ruthless criminal mastermind.

  Of course everyone knew the answer to that question. It’s the same reason why Batman never kills the Joker, and why Spider-Man hasn’t finished off the Green Goblin once and for all. Because without an antagonist, Marvel and DC would have a really hard time selling new issues. Imagine Peter Parker spending twenty-two pages ironing his spandex while Aunt May sits in the background watching reality television? Not the most compelling reason to run out and buy comics on a Wednesday afternoon.

  Heroes need conflict, and to create a great conflict, they need an equally great villain. That’s the world of fiction. In real life, however, there are no moral codes that superhumans will adhere to, ensuring that next month’s issue has a suitable enemy.

  In reality Arena Mode wasn’t a sporting event – it was a depraved social experiment. A ten billion dollar prize all but ensured that the competitors would be ruthless and unrelenting, because that amount of money represented more than freedom, or security, or a monumental leap into a prestigious new social class. It was power; the pure, unadulterated power that comes with being one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

  Superman was created in the 1930s, back when words like ‘ethics’ and ‘honor’ were still being used unironically. But in a few short hours, when the cameras started filming and the games began, the values of a bygone era would not apply. If comic book enthusiasts expected a series of battles guided by a moral compass that now ceased to exist, they were going to be in for the shock of their lives.


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