Their New Home [The Men of Space Station Two 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Their New Home [The Men of Space Station Two 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 1

by Marla Monroe

  The Men of Space Station Two 1

  Their New Home

  Bryson and Mason chose Randi as their woman when they were sent along with seven other people to start a new space station closer to the outposts on planet Alpha. The only question is will she accept them as hers?

  Randi is worried they settled for her instead of choosing her. After all, they were the last ones to speak up. What kind of relationship can they have if she isn’t the one for them?

  The guys want to give Randi time to get used to them before taking their relationship to the next level, but maybe they’re waiting too long. Instead of drawing her closer they’re pushing her away with their patience.

  Sometimes it takes a near disaster to remind everyone of what’s important or who’s important in their lives. Bryson and Mason find that out when they nearly lose Randi.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Science-Fiction

  Length: 30,742 words


  The Men of Space Station Two 1

  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Marla Monroe

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-810-3

  First Publication: December 2017

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  As always, I thank my wonderful readers for having faith in me and reading my stories. Without you, I wouldn’t have the joy of creating them.


  Marla Monroe has been writing professionally for over thirteen years. Her first book with Siren was published in January of 2011, and she now has over 75 books available with them. She loves to write and spends every spare minute either at the keyboard or reading. She writes everything from sizzling-hot cowboys, emotionally charged BDSM, and dangerously addictive shifters, to science fiction ménages with the occasional badass biker thrown in for good measure.

  Marla lives in the southern US and works full-time at a busy hospital. When not writing, she loves to travel, spend time with her feline muses, and read. Although she misses her cross-stitch and putting together puzzles, she is much happier writing fantasy worlds where she can make everyone’s dreams come true. She’s always eager to try something new and thoroughly enjoys the research she does for her books. She loves to hear from readers about what they are looking for in their reading adventures.

  You can reach Marla at [email protected], or

  Visit her website at

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  Twitter: @MarlaMonroe1






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  For all titles by Marla Monroe, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven




  The Men of Space Station Two 1


  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Randi watched as the last group of boxes was loaded onto the massive transport. She wasn’t at all sure she wanted to live in a remote section of planet Alpha, but it was settled. She and nine others were settling an area on the far reaches of the planet in order to cut down on travel time for those at the outer fringes of the planet.

  They would be less than an hour away from the farthest ranch, and no more than two hours from some of the settlers growing their food. It would make things much safer for all concerned if they had less travel time where anything could happen.

  “Looks like we’re about ready to go, Randi. Everything is loaded and strapped down. This is going to make everything much safer for those settlers on the outer edges of civilization.” Chuck nodded at the transport. “Might as well climb inside. The others should be along directly.”

  Randi sighed. She’d agreed to go along with the others. There was nothing for it now. They’d all get to know each other on the trip over and hopefully have decided who would live with whom. That part worried her almost as much as moving out into the wilds of the planet. If only she’d had more time to get to know the men. She already knew the women, they’d all had small apartments in the boarding home and gotten to know each other fairly well.

  Jane had been a secretary back on Earth, now she was a storekeeper, and Felicity had been attending college to be a chemical engineer before Earth began to deteriorate. The solar flares had left the majority of the women sterile, and those who were found to be fertile were secluded beneath the earth in bunkers designed to withstand the flares. Those women had been systematically sent out to other planets thought to be habitable for humans.

  I wish I’d been born well before all of this happened. I wanted a home and a family of my own, but not like this. This is almost barbaric when we are forced to live with two men we barely know.

  She and the others had been one of the last ships to make it to planet Alpha. None had shown up in the last six months, making everyone believe that the planet had finally succumbed to the sun’s continued rise in temperature on Earth. No doubt it had finally imploded as they’d predicted all those years before.

  She tried not to think about her friends and family since there was nothing she could have done to save them. Instead, she concentrated on the present, and what she was going to do once they reached their outpost. They would set up a store and several storage silos for part of the food and grain being produced by the outlying farms and ranches.

  “Hey, Randi. Are you ready for this?” Jane asked as she climbed up next to her.

  “Not really. I guess I can’t complain since we all had the same chance at being chosen to go, but I don’t have to be excited about it.”

  “I’m sorry you’re not happy with it. I
’m a little excited. It’s somewhere different than where we are. I’m sick of living out of a box of an apartment. I want a home and a family. Plus, I’ll get to use my secretary skills running the business side of the outpost.”

  “I’ll help Felicity in the storefront and handle the garden for her. I don’t mind the gardening. I enjoyed it back on Earth, but the idea of being out in the middle of nowhere sort of scares me.”

  “The guys will keep us safe,” Jane said.

  “Keep us safe from what?” Felicity climbed up next to Jane.

  “From whatever is out there where we’re going. I sure hope we don’t see one of those mantises. They really frighten me.” Randi scooted over to make room for the men as they climbed up.

  Two of them would be driving and navigating the transport, while the other four would be sitting in the back seat with them. Randi watched as the four men climbed in, three of them sitting next to her and the fourth sitting next to Felicity. All four of them were nice looking. None of them appeared the least bit worried about the trip or their future.

  “How are you ladies doing today?” one of them asked.

  “Good. Apprehensive about moving out to the back of nowhere, but that’s to be expected,” Felicity said.

  “It will be fine. They’ve already built the store and our homes. All we have to do is unload everything and settle in. We’ll be fine.” The man held out one hand. “I’m Mason, this is Bryson, Jared, and Rusty.” The man smiled over at where Randi sat.

  Randi shook his hand then nodded at the other three men. Felicity spoke up for them.

  “I’m Felicity, this is Jane and Randi. Do you know the guys up front?” Jane asked.

  “That’s Marcus and Aaron,” Jared spoke up. “I take it you guys aren’t exactly happy about the trip.”

  “Oh, I’m fine with it.” Jane lifted her chin toward the other woman. “Randi isn’t as thrilled, but I think Jane is okay with it. Right, Jane?”

  “Yeah. I was going stir crazy in town. It will be nice to have somewhere different to explore and see.”

  Rusty told them. “No exploring without someone with you. It’s dangerous to be alone out there.”

  “See. That’s what has me worried,” Randi told them.

  “Don’t worry, Randi. There’s an eight-foot fence around the entire compound. The transports have the keycode to open it when they need to come in to load or unload, but otherwise, it remains closed at all times.” Bryson nodded at her.

  “I hope so. I can’t help but be a little afraid of being out here,” Randi said.

  “We’ll keep everyone safe as long as you don’t wander off,” he said.

  “Look over there at the trees,” Felicity pointed out the side window of the transport. “Have you ever seen anything like them? They’re so pretty.”

  “What is that over to the left? It’s staring at us,” Randi asked.

  “Fuck, that’s a mantis. Let’s hope it doesn’t decide to attack us,” Bryson said. He leaned up into the front driving area of the transport and spoke to Aaron and Marcus.

  “So far it isn’t doing anything, just watching us,” Jane said.

  Randi couldn’t help the slight shiver that raced down her spine like a car at the Daytona 500. Just the thought of one of those attacking got her gut to churning fast enough to make butter. This was what she was afraid of. The unknown and all the dangerous creatures that roamed the planet.

  “Looks like it isn’t going to move. It’s just watching us,” Aaron called back between the divider.

  “What are each of you going to be doing?” Bryson asked.

  Randi was sure he was changing the subject to take her mind off the mantis standing among the colorful trees. It wasn’t helping just yet.

  “I’m going to be handling the business side of the store to keep a record of what we have on hand and what we need to get in or ship out.” Jane smiled at the four men. “Sort of like a bookkeeper only for supplies instead of money.”

  “I’m handling the front of the store to help anyone who comes in to find what they need and organize a transport of goods if they need more than what they can carry. I’ll also be helping Randi with the garden that will be for all of us,” Felicity said.

  “What about you, Randi?” Mason asked. He was the one sitting next to her.

  “I’m mostly handling the garden but helping Felicity with whatever she needs in the store and supply sections.” The garden was the part that worried her. What if something got under or over the fence?

  “The garden is going to be a lot of hard work,” Bryson said.

  “Jared and I will be helping with the garden since it’s got to be large enough to take care of all of us,” Rusty told them.

  “Breaking up the ground is going to be tough this close to spring. It might still be a bit frozen. Have to wait and see what it’s like once we get there.”

  “That’s probably why that mantis didn’t attack. It’s still sluggish from winter,” Rusty pointed out.

  “How long will it take us to reach the outpost?” Jane asked. “I could use a nap. I was up early this morning packing and getting ready to go.”

  “We figured about eight hours. Go ahead and rest. We’ll wake you up when we get there, or if there’s something interesting you might want to see,” Mason said.

  The three women took his advice and leaned back against the seat to try to get some rest. Randi really didn’t think she’d be able to sleep with so much circling in her head, but she drifted off almost immediately.

  * * * *

  “Wake up, Randi. We’re nearly there,” Mason whispered in her ear.

  Randi opened her eyes, realizing that she’d used Mason’s shoulder as a pillow. She jerked upright and wiped her mouth in hopes that she hadn’t drooled on him.

  “Sorry. I guess I slept harder than I thought,” she said.

  “No problem. I didn’t mind. I think everyone took a nap, us included. It’s been a long ride without being able to get out and stretch our legs halfway.” Mason nodded toward the window. “We’re about twenty minutes away from the outpost now.”

  Jane clapped her hands together. “I love an adventure.”

  “I just hope that it’s as safe as you guys think.” Randi knew she was being a wet blanket, but couldn’t help it. She’d read all the pamphlets that had been put out in the past months concerning all the dangerous plants and animals on the planet. She’d pretty much memorized it, so she wouldn’t accidentally touch something that could hurt her.

  “You’ll see, Randi. It’s even safer than the post back at Space Station One,” Mason said.

  Twenty minutes later, the tall fence came into view along with several buildings, two grain silos and three houses situated around the compound. Each of the three houses had their own fences, as well. It all reminded her of a prison yard. She hated that she was so pessimistic, but Randi was scared.

  “First things first, guys. We unload all the supplies into the back area of the shop where there will be plenty of storage. Then we need to decide who will pair up in family units and choose housing. I want to have everything unloaded before it gets too dark,” Aaron said from the front area of the transport.

  “Rusty and I have already spoken with Jane about joining us,” Jared said.

  “What about you, Randi?” Aaron asked.

  “Um,” Randi began.

  “Aaron and I want to ask Felicity to stay with us,” Marcus said.

  “Is that okay with you, Randi?” Mason asked.

  “Y—yes. None of us really know each other, but we don’t have the luxury to think about it for a while,” Randi said.

  “Felicity, are you happy with Aaron and I?” Marcus asked.

  “Yes, as long as you’re okay with me,” Felicity told them.”

  “Actually, it works out better this way,” Rusty said. “We’re handling the supply warehouse and the grain bins so with you keeping records of everything, we’ll be the ones giving you the numbers and locations
of everything, Jane.”

  “What are you guys doing?” Felicity asked.

  “We’re in charge of transporting to and from Space Station One. We’re officially called Space Station Two out here,” Aaron said.

  Randi turned to Mason. “What about you and Bryson?”

  “We’re going to handle rowing up the ground for the garden, keeping it tilled. We’ll help with harvesting and transporting supplies to surrounding families that need it but are too busy to come themselves.”

  “All of us will take watch off and on at night to be sure nothing gets through the fence. Once we unload, we’ll set up the rotation for that,” Marcus said.

  “Look,” Jane shouted. “It looks like a ghost town. I expect to see a tumbleweed rolling across the front at any second.”

  “That will change now that we’re here,” Mason said.

  “I hope so. It’s kind of creepy,” Felicity told them.

  Randi agreed with her, but she didn’t say anything. She’d been nothing but negative the entire trip. Now that they were here, she wanted to put that behind her and look on the positive side. She was going to have a family and be productive instead of filling in off and on for the other women in town.

  The front gate opened automatically when they approached it. They drove through, then it closed right behind them. Aaron and Marcus parked next to the warehouse part of the storefront and cut the engine so that they settled on the ground with a soft thump.

  “It’s safe to get out now,” Aaron called back.

  Mason opened the side door and jumped down. He reached up and took Randi by the waist and swung her down as if she weighed nothing. She couldn’t help but admire the muscles of his forearms. They were impressive, but then so were Bryson’s. The men helped the other two women out then walked around the back to help with unloading all the supplies.


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