Spice & Wolf XVII (DWT)

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Spice & Wolf XVII (DWT) Page 2

by Isuna Hasekura


  Eve barely has time to utter that much before the door opens and we’re greeted by the spitting image of a witch from all those fairy tales.

  “I am Dian Rubens. But please: call me Diana.”

  The woman smiles, and her black hair audibly brushes up against her. It is immediately clear that she has a different disposition from either my master or Eve. After seating herself next to my master, she squints and looks outside, still smiling.

  I’m still in master’s lap (even though I don’t want to be) and yet I can still sense what’s happening above me. Eve is stealing glances at Diana. So is master. The reason is obvious. After all, how could someone like her be involved with that stupid sheep?

  “Well then.”

  It is Diana, who reminds me of a crow somehow, who finally breaks the silence.

  “Are the two of you friends?”

  Her calm smile makes her look rather gentle, but my nose is not that easy to fool - she is more like Eve than my master. Eve seems to instinctively recognize this too, given how impolitely she’s sizing her up with her eyes.

  “Do we seem to be?”

  “Not at all.”

  She says that, but her expression remains the same. Slowly, she turns that gentle smile toward master.

  “But I doubted he had the courage to pursue several at once, so I wanted to check.”

  My master nearly bursts out laughing, but manages to steady herself before smiling at Eve.

  “He truly doesn’t.”

  “Not at all.”

  Diana turns her head back to Eve, with her hair almost singing as it slides behind her. My hair is also black, but it can’t compete with hers anymore.

  “That said, you certainly seem to know him well.. as well as us.”

  “Well.. you could say I was their counselor. In a sense.”


  Eve raises an eyebrow, but she’s clearly used to concealing her real thoughts. Master’s chin shifts subtly, like a strange wind is moving her.

  “Are you married?”

  Eve chuckles under her breath before raising her hands straight up, palms outward. If I’m not mistaken, that’s a gesture of surrender.

  “I’m far too busy counting money.”

  “Oh ho..”

  Diana doesn’t seem the slightest bit surprised. She’s still wearing the same smile, and when I look up at my master, that smile is on her face as well.

  “And from what I was told, you must be.. ah..”

  She has turned to face us, but is looking at me.

  “You must be the one who protected them that time?”

  With that, she has won my approval. I bark in response, and look up at master.

  “Yes. He’s been protecting me for a long time now.”

  Master rubs my head, then covers my eyes with both hands.

  “Haven’t you, Enek?”


  I bark in the affirmative, but I know master has covered my eyes so I don’t see the look on her face. She only gets more beautiful with time, but I do not. Being a sheepdog, my abilities have been dulling for the past five years. I am past my prime. In truth, I don’t have that much time left.

  “And yourself? Are you married?”

  Diana looks at Eve as she interjects.

  “I was once.”

  She answers readily enough to make it clear that it’s now a distant memory for her. Interestingly, that’s the moment the beast-like Eve begins to treat her more politely. That said, Diana is even more interesting, holding her white hand over her breast and talking like a young girl sharing gossip with her friends.

  “At any rate, I take it you were both very excited by their invitation, even though so much time has passed?”

  She looks at master and then Eve, who then look at each other and smile.

  “If anger counts as excitement.”

  “If envy counts as excitement.”

  Diana seems surprised by their answers, but a smile quickly reappears on her face. This time, however, it feels like a genuine smile from her heart, and not one of simple politeness.

  “As for me, I simply could not think of a way to decline an invitation after all this time, for such a distant trip.”

  “Definitely anger.”

  “Definitely envy.”

  Both of them reply insistently before laughing in unison.

  “He’s the type who always looks so defenseless that you just can’t resist reaching out.. even if you end up burned.”

  “True, but then she’s the one who was burned the most by that flame.”

  Eve’s smile betrayed just how much respect she had for that sheep. Everyone laughed; despite the differences in their ages, origins, and experiences, they all seemed to feel the same way about him. In fact, I basically agree as well. I just don’t have anything I could add to the conversation when it came to that couple.

  “Still, what surprises me the most is that they’re really going to celebrate their wedding, as stated in their invitation.”

  Diana pulls out her invitation, which my master looks at as though it’s a secret message to be burned after reading.

  “Ha ha.. yes, they always seemed so embarrassed that I never expected them to do this either.”

  “With her attitude, why would she even think to invite us?”

  “Why else?”

  Master answers with a question, then looks over to Eve. Eve sighs happily before stating the obvious.

  “So she can say ‘I win.”’

  “Yes, that certainly would be just like her.”

  Diana nods in agreement. My master hesitates a moment before asking her a question.

  “So.. you say you were like a counselor to them? How so?”

  I look up, surprised at master’s change in tone. She seems positively shy, like the same girl who couldn’t contain her curiosity so long ago. But she’s never been the type to gossip much with the other women in town.. has she finally reached that age?

  “Are you sure you want to know?”

  Diana can’t help but flash a malicious smile at master.

  “We have plenty of time.”

  Eve cuts in, returning the same smile to Diana. She then huddles in toward Diana, and master follows suit.

  “Their love story has become somewhat famous in this town..”

  Diana begins with that line, and the atmosphere instantly changes to one that a knight like myself shouldn’t really listen to. But they have plenty of time, and enough wine and food to help them pass it.

  I catch flashes of smiles, surprise, anger and admiration - they’re quite engrossed in this tale. The subject of their ages would be taboo around the likes of Eve and Diana, who seem like the types who would take such inquiries very personally.

  And yet, the way they smile one could mistake them for young maidens. My master is rather quiet, but sips her wine as she determinedly listens. If I was to be asked which one of them is the most maiden-like, then my answer would hardly be a surprise.

  It is the one I want to spend the rest of my days with. My master.

  * * *

  It’s said that dogs can be kept occupied for 20 or 30 minutes by throwing them a bone. Well, these three have been occupied ever since we left that last town, so what does that say? They’ve finally stopped, but only because they’re lethargic after lunch.

  Even the beastly-looking Eve shrugs her shoulders and heads off to the wagon full of goods, presumably for a windless nap under the sun (or perhaps to improve her digestion after this story). She clearly still harbors feelings for that idiot. She looks like a dog taking her bone off to chew it in peace. Meanwhile, master is fanning herself with her hands, a bit drunk and overheated after Diana’s story.

  Apparently, everyone in town could tell those two were in love.. everyone except them. They didn’t realize until after one of them was challenged to a duel over the other. Back when I met those two they seemed quite intimate, so I was quite shocked to learn j
ust now that the wolf was being just as stupid as the sheep, and the sheep was just too naive to move in for the kill.

  In fact, the sheep ran around town like a chicken with its head cut off, not realizing his worries were all unfounded. The situation only escalated until it came to a head, at which point the two finally saw eye to eye and began trusting each other long enough to cooperate, bringing the duel to a close. What can I even say to this story?

  The one who made the initial challenge was unlucky, but deserved his fate. Thankfully it wasn’t even a bad fate in the end, because he ended up catching the eye of someone with a big enough heart to accept an idiot like him. Apparently he was better off this way; or at least that’s what Diana’s tone seemed to imply.

  These three women had just now enjoyed this story, the kind of tale that they wouldn’t even be able to dream up when they were younger. I would have preferred a more bitter ending, but as long as master is happy then I can’t say I really mind. I’ve since laid myself down on floor next to her as she partakes in the food and wine, breathing in the cool outside air.

  The shutters of the carriage window are flung open again, and the wind is quite soothing. Even the sounds of the carriage’s wheels is relaxing in this atmosphere.

  “My my. Truly featherbrained.”


  Master nervously unhands her collar when she hears that, worried Diana is talking about her unbecoming behavior.

  “I mean those two.”


  Master sighs and joins Diana in a smile before replying.

  “They truly are.”

  A moment later, she continues.

  “But I envy them.”


  I wonder if master’s dropped her guard a bit too much from the drink, and sure enough Diana takes advantage of her lowered defenses.

  “You ought to have had your share of chances.. don’t tell me no one’s introduced you to someone nice?”


  Master smiles as she thinks it over.

  “Were they just not good enough?”

  Diana’s just playing around with her question. She seems more interested in pouring herself some more wine and having fun. Master squints, leans back and thinks some more before answering.

  “They weren’t my type.”

  Master seems to be cutting loose for a change. It’s a bit surprising to hear her say such a thing, though.. I didn’t realize she’s ever taken the matter that seriously.

  “Are you sure.. that it’s alright to talk about this in front of him?”

  Master looks at me and smiles.

  “Not even Mr. Lawrence?”

  Master leans back, like she’s trying to cope with the alcohol. She has a good relationship with the people in town, even though she’s a foreigner, but she’s always secluded in a church. She never has a chance to relax with a drink, so she’s nervously distanced herself from this kind of interaction. She only voices her complaints to me, and only shares her joy with me. That’s why I’m always so confident around her.

  “Ah, so the only one for you is the fellow already at your side.”

  Diana gets the point, but master just stares at the ceiling like she hasn’t heard anything. I know the truth, but if she doesn’t confirm it now, I’ll grow concerned. In fact I’m already getting worried now, seeing Diana’s playful expression. Finally, I look up, wondering if master has fallen asleep.

  “I’ve never wondered whether things would be better if Enek was human.”

  I tense up a bit at her answer; I’m unsure how I should interpret it.

  “I did tell you I was a shepherdess?”

  “Yes, when you introduced yourself.”

  “Ah. Well.. he has been with me this whole time, sharing my experiences, and yet I never think about these things.”

  Shepherds were always shunned by townspeople, and viewed as the offspring of humans and wild animals. Is it wise for master to share such things in the open? I’m quite concerned, but master isn’t backing down. She turns to Diana, very slowly.

  “You’re.. the same as Holo, aren’t you Ms. Diana?”

  What? I wonder how that could be.. and yet, Diana stays calm. She runs her finger around the rim of her glass and replies.

  “I’m not a wolf.”

  She sighs.

  “But how did you know?”

  Master is smiling proudly as Diana continues.

  “Are you saying it’s because you’ve been with your knight for so long?”

  That seems a cleverly roundabout way to say such a thing, but then these two are playing mind games. Master is still smiling as she tilts her head back and slowly closes her eyes.

  “I wanted to bring Enek with me because of this.”

  “Because of this?”

  Diana doesn’t raise her voice to ask, but master still closes her eyes and smiles in embarrassment.

  “Mhm. Because of this.”

  “Oh? You wish to go to the Wisewolf and ask her what you should do?”

  She’s pretty daring to ask such a tough question so openly, but I’m the only one caught off guard. Master’s even more calm now than when she’s taking confessions. She replies, ever so slowly.

  “What I should do?”

  She reveals a sly smile and looks at Diana.

  “No, she has it even worse.”

  I wonder if master is talking about that gold smuggling thing we went through, or what followed.. all those things seemed quite childish to me.

  “Then why are you going?”

  Diana’s question is met with an instant response.

  “I just want to see them again.”

  “Just to see them?”

  Master’s eyes slowly open, and she looks at me, calling for me. I stand up and set my front paw on her knee.

  “Just to see them.”

  She grabs my paw and playfully shakes it. Diana is staring at her, but master pretends not to notice. She rubs my face with her hands, turns my lips upward, gently whispers “roar!” at me, and smiles.

  “God doesn’t solve any of our problems.”

  She’s willing to say things I would never say, even with all these fangs to defend myself.

  “And yet, everyone still goes to church.”

  She releases me and smacks her palms on her knees, asking me to jump up. There’s nothing I can do but obey. I’m quite confused, but I gracefully hop up on her lap and lick her face.

  “I’m not sure if I’m making any sense.”

  “No, I understand.”

  Diana reaches out and rubs my neck.. but somehow it doesn’t feel so bad to be touched by another.

  “It has been decades since I went on a journey, you see, so I feel that alone is worth celebrating. I suspect that Miss Eve has similar reasons to mine: she can finally face the Wisewolf again, her only worthy opponent.”

  Diana is quite a confident woman, if she dares to openly refer to Eve as “miss.”

  “So we’re all holding ourselves back, really just wanting to go see them in the end.”

  Diana smiles, leaving her own mystery unanswered. What is she holding back? Does it have to do with those two, or master and I? Or her own past?

  “Heh.. you are all living so happily.”

  That’s all she’ll say. She lifts her glass to drink some more, but changes her mind and sets it down again. She stares out the window at the wide view of the fields outside. It’s always so beautiful after a long winter, with green grass growing everywhere.. but that view goes on and on like it extends forever. Anyone leaving a walled town would feel that way.

  At the end of this trip, however, we’ll be greeted by that pair of idiots. That’s why master’s been willing to step back outside.

  “One has to do their best to live on.”

  Master clearly treasures me more than anyone.. but I’m just a dog, and she’s human. Nothing can change that, no matter how hard we try to live on. No one can escape those bonds, only shake them t
o keep from suffocating.

  That’s why those two are such idiots, and look so childish. They’re doing their best to ignore reality. Many people have tried this before because of so-called “human nature.” They’re all proof of how naive such hopes are. When master hugs me and sighs, all I can do in response is lick her.

  “This wedding of theirs..”

  Diana takes a drink before continuing her complaint.

  “..might very well make us all vomit.”

  Master smiles in agreement, and I join in with a bark.

  * * *

  We’ve made it to a small village, where we pick up two more people. One is a tough-looking clergywoman, though tough in a different way from Eve. The other is a silversmith. The carriage is quite warm now, with five people sitting inside of it. The two newcomers are also related to the pair in some way. It’s like those two will always be the topic of conversation.

  Once in awhile, I hop outside and walk beside the carriage or lie down in the wagon behind it. Being alone is nice sometimes. I can’t really say I’m any better than that man, though, because I sleep in master’s arms every night. His story is also something of a miracle, just like the one master and I share. If it wasn’t, then there wouldn’t be so much laughter and screaming coming from the carriage.

  That pair is taking this event seriously, but as far as I’m concerned I’d respond to Diana’s story this way: they’re chasing a rainbow. In fact, they’re already standing where it ought to touch the ground. I may be just a dog, but I know that’s a clever analogy. It’s a shame that I can’t share it with anyone.. or maybe that would defeat the point?


  I rest until master has the carriage stopped and calls for me. Having more possessions just means you have to carry more with you when you travel. Likewise, the more one talks the more chances there are for confusion to set in, so it’s quite obvious why she’s calling for me.

  The sooner that pair comes to realize this reason, the better off they will be. I sigh, but then bark in response before dashing back to my master.


  Lawrence knew he was in for it now. In fact, he had a headache. Not the joking type, but the kind that really made his head throb. Its cause was quite simple: the letter that Holo had sent out without telling him in advance. It was sent to Norah, Eve, and the other girls they had met on their travels. It was an invitation for them to visit in the spring, for a feast on Saint Arozury’s Day. He didn’t quite know what was happening until Holo told him to “take care of the males” and handed him a copy of the letter.


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