TAINTED SPIRITS: A Carter McBride Supernatural Thriller (The Demon Wars Series Book 2)

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TAINTED SPIRITS: A Carter McBride Supernatural Thriller (The Demon Wars Series Book 2) Page 4

by Richard Alanson

  As Anja made her final descent with claws bared, Carter took hold of the punching bag in both his arms, hauled it back and then swung it powerfully like a pendulum. Anja was fast enough to dodge the brunt of the attack but it still caught her legs, sending her off balance. By this time Carter had already sprinted to another punching bag and had pulled that one back, letting it fly again. It hit Anja full in the chest and disrupted her flight. She thudded to the ground and before she could rise again Carter had already pulled his gun and fired at her. She screeched like a banshee and wrapped her thick wings around herself. If the bullets had any effect it was negligible. Carter ran forward in the hopes that he could catch her by surprise and knock her out but Anja was too quick. Just as he came upon her she batted him away with her wings and sent him flying.

  Lying sprawled across the floor, his gun had flown from his hands and Carter was defenseless. The long talons of Anja scratched against the floor as she came towards him. Opening her mouth, Carter saw sharp teeth waiting for him. Her lithe body was naked and it looked as though she had shed all sense of humanity. She landed astride him and brought back her hand to deal the death blow and slash his flesh off his bones. The wings stretched out before him and the only thing Carter could smell was the stench of death.

  'God, take care of my family,' was his last thought as Anja brought her hand down. There were still so many questions left unanswered. For some reason Carter had assumed the mysterious events would all have been solved before his death. With another deafening shriek Anja brought her razor clawed hand down but then seemed to suddenly pull herself back. Her face twisted and her entire body convulsed. The shriek turned into something more recognizably human, and then the blackness faded from her eyes. She was human again. For a moment their eyes locked and a look of utter terror came upon her face. Then she rose up from his body and flew through the same window from which she had entered.

  Chapter 8

  W asting little time as he knew he would never survive round two, Carter picked himself up, retrieved his gun, and then limped outside. Again he spat out blood and cradled his stomach, which ached from the fight. When he got outside he looked up into the sky to see if Anja was anywhere near but it seemed she had flown away again. Carter had never been as close to losing his life and he was getting tired of being so vulnerable. But with Anja out there his life was always going to be in danger. She could stalk him from the sky and he would never know from where she was going to strike. He made his way to his car and slammed the door shut, wincing as he sat down. Continually peering through the window to check that Anja wasn't about to fly down and land on the roof of his car, Carter pulled out his cell phone and called Constantine.

  “We have a big problem,” Carter began, “Anja just attacked me again. There was something about her eyes. I think she's possessed as well. We have a shape shifting demon loose on the streets. We have to do something before it kills someone else. I only just managed to escape with my life.”

  “Thank the Lord for such mercies,” Constantine said, “I must admit that I am at a loss for words. I do not think we have the resources to fight this demon yet. Perhaps you could talk to your fellow police officers about it? If there is danger loose on the streets then it is their duty to handle it.”

  “Vincent, this flying demon stuff might seem natural to you but if I come out with this nobody is going to believe me. They'll farm me off, put me on desk duty, and I won't be any good to anyone. Besides, I think the only answers we're going to get are from the demon. If it's surrounded by cops it'll just turn back in Anja again and I'm not sure that Anja knows anything. We need the knowledge of the demon inside her. And I hurt so much. Damn it...” Carter felt his sides throbbing with pain. He was so tired and he hurt everywhere. His head lolled back and as the phone dropped to his lap the last thing he heard was Father Constantine saying that he was going to come and take Carter home.

  The next thing Carter knew he was being checked over by the priest. “The wounds are not serious. You won't have to go to the hospital.”

  “At least there's some good news around.”

  “You may wish to come up with an explanation you're going to tell your wife though.”

  “I can't...I can't lie to her anymore,” Carter wheezed. Constantine's brow furrowed in confusion. “This is dangerous. We're fighting powerful forces that want to tear this world apart. We could very well die and if I am to do die then my family deserves to know why. I don't want them standing over my grave wondering what I was doing with my life. I want them to know that I was one of the good guys.”

  “I understand,” Constantine said, placing a hand upon Carter's shoulder. “Let's get you home.”

  Once at home, Nicky expressed shock at the state of Carter.

  “I'll tell you all about it once I'm patched up and I have some whiskey,” he also introduced her to father Constantine. Nicky and Constantine patched Carter up, applying some bandages and cleaning the wounds. Nicky looked at the deep scratch marks.

  “Do I even want to know about this?” she asked.

  “Probably not.”

  “I also didn't know that priests dabbled in medicine,” she said, eyeing Constantine with suspicion.

  “I dabble in a lot of things but many of my congregation comes in with scrapes and bruises. I like them to know that I can take care of more of their needs than just the spiritual kind.” Carter shot him a look and Constantine said that he would give them some privacy. Carter was sitting at the dining table. Nicky perched on the surface.

  “What's going on Carter? What did this to you?”

  “I have something to tell you Nicky and it's not going to be easy to believe. Hell, I barely believed it myself at first but it's the truth, okay? I'm not lying to you.”

  “Okay,” she said, folding her arms, “I'm waiting.”

  “You remember that case I was working on, where the fighter got murdered? It led me down one hell of a rabbit hole. I got involved with the priest over there and, well, it's a hell of thing but Mickey Sosa’s death is tied up in with it as well. There are so many others too. I could go on-”

  “Carter, stop beating around the bush and just tell me. Whatever this is I can handle it. I've been your wife long enough to know that you're mixed up with dangerous people. I made my peace with that a long time ago. I'm a cop's wife. I can handle this.”

  Carter smiled at her. She was a woman of steel and he was the luckiest man alive. He reached out and clasped her hand, bringing it to his lips where he planted a soft kiss. “You're one hell of a woman. I ever tell you how much I love you?”

  “A few times,” she said, unable to hide a smile, “but come on, tell me what's going on.”

  “You know Leo Tanaka? He wasn't really responsible for killing Mickey. He was possessed by a demon. I've just been fighting with another one, a woman who can sprout wings and fly. There's a cult called the Lords of Baal. They're trying to bring some dark force into the world and I've been recruited by the powers of good to fight them. It's all true Nicky, religion, God, the Devil, all of it, and I've been caught in the middle. I'm sorry for not telling you before I just didn't know what to tell you. I didn't think anyone would believe me and I wanted to wait until I had more. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept it secret.”

  “No, you shouldn't have,” Nicky said, “but I understand why. But what changed inside you? All the time I've known you Carter you haven't had any time for God but now you're hanging out with a priest and you say you're a part of some holy army?”

  “Actually at the moment I am the army,” he coughed as he laughed and poured himself another shot of whiskey. Before he could drink it Nicky grabbed it and took it herself.

  “I think after hearing that I'm in more need of it than you,” she said, then considered the bottle and took another shot.

  “I know it doesn't sound like me but the things I've seen...the only way I could fight the demon was to accept God into my heart. I can't explain it but some things just make
sense now. These Lords of Baal are dangerous. The two of us,” he gestured towards Father Constantine, “have been trying to gather as much evidence as possible. I've been working under the assumption that a crime boss called Seth Aguilero was the leader but apparently that's wrong. I didn't know if I should tell you or not, you and Robbie. Part of me wanted to be honest but then I was worried that if I told you you'd only worry, and it's not like there was anything you could do. This war is hidden and unseen. Not many people would believe us. I'm almost surprised that you do.”

  “It's not exactly the easiest thing to hear but I know you wouldn't lie to me, especially not about something like this. But I have to admit that I'm afraid, not just for myself but for Robbie too. If this evil is as powerful as you claim then you can't go up against it on your own. I know you've always liked to think of yourself as a lone wolf but you can't be an army of one. It's not fair on your or us.”

  “I know, and I've thought long and hard about what I have to do. That's why I'm telling you this now. I know that you deserve to know. But I can't walk away from this. That's not my way.”

  “And I'm not asking you to, but you can't leave Robbie without a father. You have to tell someone who can help. There has to be somebody out there who can fight by your side. I can't believe that these Lords of Baal can gather up a number of men but those who fight on the side of truth and justice can't get more than you.”

  “I'm not in charge of recruitment unfortunately,” Carter said. Nicky laughed too and kissed his forehead. Father Constantine cleared his throat and stood a few paces away from them.

  “I believe I may know some people who could help us,” he said quietly. Carter pulled away from Nicky and glared at the priest.

  “Are you kidding me? All this time you've known some people we can call?! Why the hell haven't you told me this before?”

  “It's, well, it's a matter of promises you see. I swore an oath a long time ago that I would not reveal their order under any circumstances. I did hope that we would be able to contain the threat ourselves but after you told me about this latest demon I have been thinking that we should pay them a visit.”

  “Yes, I think that would be a good idea too,” Carter said tersely.

  “I shall go and make arrangements for travel,” Constantine said, and bid farewell to the two of them. Nicky and Carter were left alone.

  “How do you want to handle this with regard to Robbie?” she asked.

  “I don't know. I don't think we should tell him yet. He's already got a lot on his mind and he doesn't need this. Plus he can't tell anyone. They won't understand. I hate keeping secrets from him though. I hated keeping this one from you. ”

  “I know you do,” Nicky said, wrapping her arms around him, “but don't you dare do this again, okay? If I'm in danger then I want to know about it. I don't care where that danger is coming from. And I want to know for your sake as well. You shouldn't have to go through this alone.”

  “I'm scared Nicky,” Carter said, his voice cracking with emotion.

  “I'd be surprised if you weren't, but you'll be okay. You have a good heart and I know that whether it's the Lords of Baal or the devil himself they should be quaking in their boots because nobody messes with Carter McBride.” She kissed him firmly and he felt his resolve strengthen. A strong sense of determination swelled up inside him and he knew that he could do whatever he needed to do because he wasn't just fighting for himself or for God, he was fighting for his family, and he would do anything before they got hurt.

  Chapter 9

  “D o we have to go down there ourselves?” Carter asked Constantine. They were in the study. Nicky had wisely decided to keep her distance. Carter couldn't blame her.

  “No, a phone call should suffice. I wanted to tell you that I think you handled that situation very well, and you're lucky to have a woman like Nicky in your life. I can tell she is a source of great strength.”

  “She is Vincent, but if anything happens to her because of this I won't be able to keep things under control and God be damned. That is not going to be a part of his plan,” Carter said. Ever since the fight with the winged demon his emotions had been frayed, almost as though this was all catching up with him and flooding over him like a tsunami.

  “I understand,” Constantine said. He walked over to the desk and sat down, taking hold of the phone. Carter planted himself on the couch. The office was small, used mostly by Nicky, but it provided Carter with relief to be working from his home.

  “Can I ask you something Vincent?” Carter said just as the priest was about to start dialing. Constantine relaxed in the chair and inclined his head. “I've got Nicky and Robbie...is there anyone you have? Anyone close to you? I just realized that I've been afraid I've been fighting this alone but you've been aware of this longer than I have. Who do you have?”

  Constantine smiled thinly. “I have the Lord, and He is all I need.”

  “I kinda expected you'd say that. It's not the same though, is it?”

  “I suppose not but He is enough for me. I also have my congregation and the people who seek my church for shelter. I am connected to many lives and love does not always have to come in the form of romance.”

  “I suppose you're right. Okay, get on and call these people in. Where did you say they were again?”


  Carter looked at him quizzically.

  “It's an ancient part of Mexico,” Constantine elaborated, “a very interesting place actually. There are still many indigenous tribes that have survived to this day. It is a place of great culture and spiritual energy. Would you like me to put them on the speaker phone?”

  “I think that would be for the best,” Carter said.

  Carter watched as Constantine dialed the number and then waited as the phone rang. Carter was wringing his hands, hoping that whoever these people were, they could offer aid. The phone crackled and a voice answered. The line wasn't the best quality and Carter had to strain to make sense out of what the man in Oaxaca was saying.

  “This is Constantine. I need to speak to Monsignor Torrez,” he said. The man on the other end of the line mumbled something and then there was another period of silence as the phone was handed to another person.

  “Vincent! It is pleasing to hear from you,” Torrez said. Constantine flashed a glance at Carter.

  “I am afraid that you will not find it so pleasing when I tell you what I have learned. This is something that requires the attention of the Brothers of Amity,” Constantine said.

  “Ah,” Torrez said. Carter could almost feel the tension in the air rise. He had no idea what the Brothers of Amity did, but it sounded impressive. “Please, go on.”

  Constantine proceeded to tell Torrez about the demon that Carter had encountered. When he mentioned Carter, the tone of Torrez's voice changed. “You have told him about us?”

  “I have Monsignor. I am sorry but there was no other way.”

  “You made a vow of secrecy Vincent. If the Brothers of Amity are to fulfill their role we must remain as hidden as possible.”

  “I understand, and I did wait until the last possible moment but I could not wait any longer. The state of the world is precarious. Carter can be trusted. I vouch for and trust him fully. He is doing the Lord's work and he is one of the most devoted servants I have ever met.” At this Carter arched his eyebrows. Constantine shrugged.

  “Hmm, if things are as bad as they seem then perhaps you were right in this. However, I hope that Carter will not reveal anything about us.”

  “Of course not Monsignor. Now, please, the demon?”

  “Ah, yes, from what you describe it sounds like a succubus.”

  “Is there any way to save the woman that possesses it?” Carter blurted out. For a moment there was silence on the other end of the phone.

  “I assume I am speaking to Carter?” Torrez said. Constantine exhaled deeply and Carter felt as though he had made a mistake.

  “It is Monsignor,” he said h
umbly. Torrez said nothing further about his presence.

  “Unfortunately I do not believe there is. From the way Vincent described your encounter it seems as though it has reached an advanced stage of control to be able to transform the woman's body in such a way. You must kill it,” he said. Carter had been afraid he was going to say that.

  “Thank you for your advice Monsignor,” Constantine said.

  “May the grace of God guide you both,” Torrez said, and the call was over.

  “That was it?!” Carter exclaimed.

  “What more did you expect?”

  “I don't know; maybe ask them to send some warriors up here to help us? Maybe tell him about the Lords of Baal and how this world might be coming to an end soon?”

  “That is not how the Brothers of Amity work Carter.”

  “Yeah, and another thing, who are they? I think I have a right to know.”

  “Of course you do my friend. The Brothers of Amity are demon hunters. This darker side of the world has always been here and there are many regions that have been troubled by evil. The Brothers of Amity have devoted themselves to protecting the world from this evil and believe me, there is nothing we could tell them about the state of the world that they do not already know. They will already have their own plan in place and be working from the monastery in Oaxaca.”

  “Hmm, well, I still think he could have been a little more supportive.”

  “Monsignor Torrez is the oldest and wisest of the Brothers. He will not fail us, of that I am sure.” A strange look came over Constantine's face and Carter wasn't entirely sure what to make of it.

  “Are you okay Vincent?”

  Constantine cleared his throat. “I am well. It is just that...well; it has been a long time since I have spoken to him. It brought back many memories of my youth.”

  “Are you a part of them? Is that how you know all of this?”

  “I am...aware of their existence. Monsignor Torrez mentored me when I was a young man. He taught me everything I know. I would not be the same man if it were not for him. When you asked me if I had anyone I presume you meant a family...Monsignor Torrez was like a father to me. I was something of a wayward youth but he taught me about the good that needed to be done in the world. He taught me many valuable lessons and I hoped that I could do the same for people who needed it. That is why I took over the church in an area that has been ravaged by crime. I want to help others and show them a better way. That monastery was home for me for many years and I remember my time there fondly. It was incredibly difficult to leave and I still do not think that the Monsignor was happy with my decision. Still, what is past is past and he seems to have come to terms with it.”


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