Limitless (Journey Series)

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Limitless (Journey Series) Page 4

by C. A. Williams

He moved to my other breast, giving it the same treatment, before he slid further up my body, his excitement digging into my stomach. “Are you still too tired for this?” he murmured out in that low, husky voice of his. He arched his hips against me and I let out a groan.

  “Uh no, I think I’m good right here.” He smiled against my lips at my response, darting his tongue out and tracing the outside of my lips, before pushing in. I would never get enough of this. I knew we would be old and gray, still like teenagers making out in the back of their parents’ car, that’s how good Chase’s kisses were.

  His hand dipped into my panties, never breaking our kiss, and I moaned into his mouth when his fingers made contact. We had kept plenty busy on the honeymoon part of our trip, but I was still instantly turned on. “Already so wet for me, baby.”

  “Mmhm,” I murmured, slightly sitting up. “But I think I need to have control this time.” I pushed his body back, and we twisted around until I was straddled on his lap. I had to take a second to look at his beautiful body, my fingers tracing over the hardened muscles in his stomach and chest. Every inch was perfect. Really, this was my husband?

  “You like what you see?” he asked, his hands tucked behind his head with a cocky smirk. “Oh, I love what I see.” I wiggled my hips and he let out a groan, exactly the reaction I was going for. I slid down his body, pulling down on the waistband of his boxers until they were completely off.

  I kissed every inch of his muscular stomach, while my hand went to work on his length. When my mouth finally landed on the tip, he hissed between his teeth. I traced small circles with my tongue, before fully taking him into my mouth, and his hands came down to clasp tightly behind my head. I could tell how close he was, but instead of letting me finish what I started, he gently pulled on my hair, and pushed my body backwards.

  “Now I get to be in control,” he growled at me playfully. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, biting back the smile that was trying to break free. We always ended up this way. He liked to tease me about always being in control, but in all actuality, it always ended up with Chase taking the lead.

  He thrust in hard and fast, dipping his head down to meet my lips once again, and I was instantly lost. My hips arched to meet him every time, his pace wild as we both moaned together. His fingers slid between the two of us, rubbing on that one spot that always sent me over the edge, he knew every inch of my body so well. I moaned out his name as I felt my walls tightening around him.

  My nails dug into his shoulder blades as I came down from the high and he was behind me just seconds later, collapsing on top of me. “I love you so much, Mrs. O’Neil,” he murmured against my neck. It felt so weird having those words come out of his mouth, but so right. Mrs. O’ Neil. Leah O’Neil. What in the hell? I was someone’s Mrs.; it was truly mind-blowing. “And I love you, Mr. O’Neil.”


  “Caleb, hurry it up little man, we are going to be so late.” I glanced at the clock one more time, cursing myself for scheduling such an early class on a Monday morning. Sure, the house that we had rented was practically smack dab in between Chase’s school that he would be teaching at and my campus, but I really hadn’t planned my time out well for a thirty minute drive. Plus, I had to drop Caleb off at his preschool. Luckily, it was located right on campus, so I wouldn’t lose much time.

  “All ready, Mommy.” Caleb jumped in to view, and I had to stifle a laugh as I grabbed my bag. He had insisted on dressing himself for the first day of school, and you could tell. His red shirt and green pants most definitely didn’t match, unless somehow I didn’t realize Christmas was already upon us, and I’m pretty sure his pants were on backwards. Oh well, I guess he has his own little style. Hopefully, the teachers at the school didn’t think I was some sort of bad mom who couldn’t dress their kid.

  “Ok, buddy. Let’s roll.” I locked the door behind us and buckled him into his car seat when we reached the car. The only thing my mom had left behind for me was still putzing along, even though Chase hated that I drove it, but there was no way I was letting him buy me a new car. We were married now, but that didn’t mean I was going to let him pay for everything.

  Maybe after I was finished up with school at the end of the semester and landed a job, I could afford a new one. “Are you excited to go back to school, buddy? I bet Miss Clarissa missed you so much. You’ll have to tell her all about our fun vacation.”

  I glanced back in the mirror, smiling when I saw his unruly brown curls bob up and down. Chase was always trying to cut those things off and give Caleb a buzz cut like he had, but I wouldn’t let him touch them.

  “Yup, I’m all ready. I’m gonna tell Rissa all ‘bout how we played in the sand and built castles. And how pretty you looked when you got to marry Chase.”

  “Aw, thanks Caleb.” I swear this boy was going to be a little heartbreaker. Even though Chase wasn’t his dad, I could tell his charming ways were rubbing off on him. “Don’t forget Auntie Al’s going to pick you up from school today. I have to go back to work today, remember?”

  “Okay, Mommy. Sounds like fun. Auntie Al always spoils me.” I snorted when he said it. That was the truth, just about everyone spoiled him, but you would never know it. He was still one of the sweetest little boys.

  I dropped him off, giving him a longer hug than usual. The three of us had basically spent the whole summer together and it was going to be weird being apart from him again. Plus, I knew this day would probably change our lives forever.

  Before Ally would head back to our place with Caleb in tow tonight, she was taking him to the lab for his DNA testing. I knew it was inevitable, so I didn’t want to put it off any longer. Roy had called once since we were back from vacation, but just to check up on Caleb and nothing else. I didn’t feel any sort of pressure from him to get the test done, but I really just wanted it over with.

  Ally had offered to take him, I think after she saw how nervous Chase and I were about the whole thing, she felt like it would be a good thing. I pretty much already knew what the results would be. Caleb looked so much like Roy; it would be hard for anyone to argue that they were related.

  I just wasn’t sure what it would mean when it was officially confirmed that he was in fact Caleb’s dad. I had taken care of that little boy basically his whole life and I wasn’t sure what I would do without him. Roy reassured me that he just wanted to be a part of his life and wasn’t trying to take him away, but sometimes these kinds of situations could get messy. I definitely didn’t want lawyers getting involved.

  “Leah, over here!” I heard Remy’s familiar voice as soon as I stepped into my first class of the day and turned, instantly spotting her flaming red hair near the front of the classroom.

  We had every class together this semester since we were both finishing our nursing degrees, which really was a good thing since she wasn’t working at Gino’s anymore. It had been a total bummer when she put in her two weeks. I loved working with Remy; she really was a breath of fresh air at that place when I was running around on my feet all night. I understood though, she didn’t really need to work since her parents helped her out a lot and she wanted to focus solely on the last semester of school so her grades didn’t slip at all.

  “Hey Mrs. O’Neill, I saved you a seat. Running a little behind this morning? Could your sexy husband have anything to do with that?” She wiggled her eyebrows at me as I pulled out the textbook that had cost me an arm and a leg and set a fresh notebook on my desk.

  “Actually, Chase was out the door before I even rolled out of bed this morning, I think he was a little excited for his first day of school. Mary even dropped off a packed lunch for him in a little lunchbox, it was so cute.” I rolled my eyes and Remy stifled a giggle when class started up. I hoped Chase didn’t expect me to pack his lunch every day. That was not going to happen.

  My mind raced as Remy’s words registered in my head again. Mrs. O’Neil. Husband. I now had a husband. I don’t think the reality of that really se
t in until I stepped foot into the classroom.

  I looked down at the antique band and centered diamond that sat on my ring finger, the light hitting it just right to make it sparkle. Did we get married too soon? I mean, I was only 20 years old, shouldn’t I be running around right now, being irresponsible, flitting from one guy to the next. Partying it up with my friends? I suddenly felt like an old, decrepit woman.

  No, no, no I couldn’t think that way. I had been dealt a different set of cards in life when I ended up with the mom I had. Sure, I took on a lot of responsibility when it came to Caleb, but I would never change the way it all played out.

  Screw anyone who thought I was too young to get married. If they were trying to judge me, I’m sure it was just because they were jealous. Who wouldn’t be of my husband? That sexy body, with the toned muscles, that I had no idea how they were even real. The expressive green eyes that always did something funny to me every time he looked my way. That low, husky voice that made my panties wet almost every time I heard him speak. If the whole teaching thing didn’t work out, he could totally be a phone sex operator. I would let him.

  And who could forget that mouth that was almost always curved into a cocky smirk? Just thinking about it was making me wiggle around in my seat, wanting to be anywhere but here, as long as it was with Chase.

  Chapter 7


  My first day of school, well of teaching, was officially over. It had gone surprisingly well. I was teaching English to juniors at the local high school. Truthfully, it was a little weird.

  I mean, if I thought about it, these kids were only a few years younger than my wife. How fucked up was that? It made me feel like a male version of a cougar, maybe like a jaguar or something. Whatever.

  I had been a little uncomfortable in my last class of the day and really wasn’t sure what to do. The first day of school was always the day for going over the syllabus of the class, which even I had to agree, was a little boring.

  As soon as the bell rang, all of the kids darted out of the classroom, except for one. I could tell this girl definitely fell into the popular crowd. I had been in it myself, so I guess I spotted other members of the crowd easily.

  I wasn’t some kind of sick pervert, checking out his students, but you could just tell. Her blonde hair fell way past her shoulders and her deep tan made me think that she had spent plenty of time partying by the lake over the summer.

  “Hi, Mr. O’Neil,” she purred out, leaning across my desk, her boobs that were spilling out of her tight buttoned up white shirt, pushed right into my line of vision. I was sure she was doing it on purpose.

  Leah had been teasing me ever since she found out that I was going to school for teaching, that the girls would be drooling over me. And when she found out that I was teaching at a private school, where all of the kids had to wear uniforms, she pretty much lost it. She envisioned something straight out of some Britney Spears video and teased me about the naughty school girls that I was going to have to avoid.

  Apparently, I had some kind of bad boy vibe that I threw off and tended to turn the girls on with it. I didn’t really take her seriously, until I had showed up today, and I saw almost every girl giggling to each other whenever I walked by.

  I wasn’t full of myself or anything. But I was sure they weren’t giggling and making googly eyes about the sixty year old white haired man next to me. Just what I needed. Apparently, I was the hot new teacher. It truly felt a little degrading.

  “I just wanted to formally introduce myself, I’m Brittany.” She stuck out a manicured hand and I looked down at it, unsure of what to do, before quickly shaking it back and pulling my hand away. Was I supposed to find it ironic that this girl’s name was Brittany? I really wasn’t going to give this girl the wrong idea with the whole touching thing. No lines were going to be crossed.

  “Nice to officially meet you, Brittany. I hope you enjoy the class this semester, I’m kind of new at this.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll do just fine. Your students will love you, especially the girls,” she responded with a small, high-pitched giggle, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

  “I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite class.” She wiggled her fingers at me before sashaying out the door and I let out a loud breath as soon as the door clicked shut. Was I going to have to deal with that all semester? Maybe she was just being overly friendly. Leah would definitely get a kick out of this.


  “Honey, I’m home,” I called out as soon as I opened the front door. I dropped my bag in the living room and headed towards the kitchen where I heard pans being clanked around. There was my sexy wife, still dressed in her work shirt with those tiny black shorts, cooking dinner. She turned around and placed a quick kiss on the corner of my mouth, before going back to stirring the pot set on the stove.

  “Did I seriously just hear you call me honey when you came home? What, do you think this is the 1950s or something? Don’t expect dinner to be waiting on you every night when you come home from your long day of work.”

  I pushed aside her hair and instantly my mouth landed on her neck. I had missed that taste all day. So sweet. “Well, I would prefer you naked over dinner any day, baby, so as long as it’s one of the two, I’ll be a happy man.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She leaned back into me, her eyes squeezing shut tightly and a soft moan left her mouth as I sucked on her neck. “I would love that too, but don’t get used to it. We were pretty dead at Gino’s, that’s why I’m home so early. It was kind of nice, the first day of school is always a little draining.”

  I pulled back and placed a kiss on the top of her head before turning to the cabinet to pull out plates for dinner. “Well, I’m glad you got a little bit of a break then. Where’s Caleb? Did the thing at the lab go all right?”

  Luckily, I’d been pretty busy all day so I hadn’t thought about that whole mess. Leah was pretty convinced that this guy was Caleb’s dad and I wasn’t sure what in the hell would happen after it was confirmed.

  “Caleb is still with Ally.” She held up a spoon with tomato sauce to my mouth after cooling it off and I opened to take a taste.

  “She was planning on keeping him longer since I was supposed to work till about eight o’clock, so when I called they were at the park and going to grab something to eat. She said the thing at the lab went fine. Caleb really had no clue what was going on and wondered why they were sticking a swab in his mouth, not his ear. He did ask about the dog thing again though. I don’t think we can keep putting him off.”

  Oh, yes. We had been hearing about getting a dog since the day I had proposed. I guess I had kind of bribed Caleb with it, so he would help me out with the proposal. And that kid didn’t forget anything. Leah was a little pissed about it since she really didn’t want one more thing to take care of, but I told her I would help out as much as possible.

  We had pacified Caleb for the most part, telling him we could get one when we got back from vacation. I think Leah was hoping he would forget, but apparently not.

  “That’s good the lab thing went well, I hope this whole process is easy on him, but he’s still young he normally goes with the flow pretty well. I think I’ll take him to the shelter this weekend and we can all pick something out, maybe one that’s house broken. That is delicious, by the way.” I pointed to the sauce that was lightly bubbling, trying to distract her from thinking about the dog anymore. Dinner looked about ready, but I was really hungry for something else.

  “So Caleb’s gone, think dinner can wait for a little bit?” I twisted her body around so she was flush with mine and lifted the hem of her shirt to trail my fingers up her bare stomach, feeling the familiar softness of her skin. We had barely been apart for ten hours, but I had already missed her so much. I guess we were still in the honeymoon phase and I planned on keeping it that way for a while.

  “Mmhmm,” she murmured before crashing her lips into mine, her hands finding the back of my head to
tug me closer. I had already been hard from the moment I walked into the kitchen, but when her small hand reached into my pants and began to tug up and down, I got even harder.

  I let out a groan as her pace quickened and pulled slightly back. “If you want this to go any further, you need to stop that right now. I need to be inside of you.” Her gray eyes widened and she let out a small gasp when I sunk my fingers into her hips and quickly twisted her around so she was bent over the kitchen table.

  “Sorry baby, this is gonna have to be fast because I need you now,” I murmured against her neck as I made quick work of her shorts and panties and then cupped her breasts from behind. “Promise, I’ll make it sweet and slow later.”

  “I don’t mind,” she whispered huskily, her hips arching back into me, just as anxious as I was. My hands slipped out quickly from under her shirt as I tugged my pants and boxers down. I gently pushed down on her lower back so she was lined up perfectly and reached around one finger and then two, feeling how wet and ready she was for me.

  I pushed in hard and we both let out a groan when our bodies connected. I reached my hand around to her heat, circling her slow at first and picking up the pace, when she panted out my name and arched her hips back into me at a frenzied pace. I moved both of my hands to her waist, snaking my arms around her to bring her body even closer as I slammed into her over and over again. I pushed my length into her one last time and we both exploded together.

  Leah went limp in my arms, so I scooped her up and carried her into the bathroom. “Oh my god, Chase, I probably won’t be able to walk for a week after that.” She buried her head into the crook of my neck and I just held her in my arms, loving the feeling of her body against mine.

  “Well, if I could you know I would carry you everywhere.” I sat her down on the bathroom counter and walked the few steps over to the bathtub to start the water, before turning my attention back to Leah. “I’ll finish up dinner, while you take a bath.” I pulled her T-shirt up over her head, while she reached around to unclasp her bra.


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