Tiger's Heart

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Tiger's Heart Page 2

by Leslie Chase

  Escaping from peril seems to do something for us, part of Lenore thought. The rest of her was too busy pulling Maxwell’s shirt open, and admiring his gorgeous body as he leaned over her. His hands stroked over her clothes, a rough and strong touch that energized her.

  She groaned as he lifted his hands long enough to pull the shirt off and throw it aside.

  “How did I ever deserve a man like you?” Her question came out with a gasp as his hands returned to her, caressing her breasts through the fabric of her blouse. Maxwell smiled down at her and tutted.

  “I’ve told you, Lenore, don’t doubt yourself. You are beautiful, and there’s no one I’d rather be with than you.” There was no doubting the sincerity in his eyes, the need, the urgency. “I want you Lenore, and I mean to have you.”

  With that, he grasped her blouse and pulled it open, buttons popping off and flying across the room. Lenore gasped, her eyes wide, and Maxwell growled a deep animal sound of need and lust. She pulled him down to her, their lips meeting and sending a spark of desire flashing through her. His tongue met hers, pressing, exploring, his body a solid pressure against her, the perfect warmth of hard muscle on top of her.

  Lenore’s fingers stroked his bare back, tracing the lines of his muscles, the faint trace of the gunshot scar from the night they’d met. God, was that only a few nights ago? It was hard to think of how much her life had changed in such a short time. Right now, she didn’t want to think at all. What she wanted was more immediate, more physical.

  Maxwell reached down between them and her skirt parted under his fingers. With a satisfied growl he pulled it off her, leaving her in only underwear beneath him. Lenore groaned, the chill air on her bare skin heightening the sensation of his heat where their bodies touched. She could hardly believe how much she needed him, how much her body cried out for his. It was as though nothing else in the world mattered. Just him, and her, and the contact between them.

  She shuddered as he rose from the bed, and started to follow, only for his firm hand to keep her flat on her back. He grinned at her, took a step away, and she almost spoke up, almost objected. But the words wouldn’t quite form — he was in charge here, and on a deep level she accepted that. No, she reveled in it; the feeling of being in his hands, of being under his control, was absolutely wonderful.

  So she watched as he kicked off his shoes and undid his belt, undressing for her in the dawn’s light, the sun’s warm glow caressing him as she longed to. His body was as perfect as ever, muscles moving smoothly under perfect skin as he cast the last of his clothes aside. He was already hard, erect for her, and the sight of him made her body tingle with a deep-seated need.

  “Take off your underwear,” he ordered. “No, don’t get up. Do it where you are.”

  Lenore looked him in the eyes, smiling and blushing simultaneously. Arching her body, she reached behind herself to unfasten her bra, casting it aside. His eyes traced down, savoring her, and he growled a low and hungry sound as he watched her full breasts move, reaching down to stroke his hard cock.

  Licking her lips, blush deepening, Lenore slid her panties down, squirming out of them without rising from the bed. His breath was speeding up, she saw, and he was flushed too. It was as though their naked bodies called out to each other, needed each other.

  Daring, she spread her legs, letting him look at her. The hungry little noise he made in response was her reward, and she smiled up at him as he stepped closer.

  Leaning down, he slid his hands up her legs, strong fingers barely touching her. His lips followed, kissing their way up the insides of her thighs, alternating between one and the other in a slow, sensuous dance which left Lenore panting by the time his mouth brushed over her pussy.

  She felt his tongue dart out, lapping at her. Arching her back again, she tried to press herself to him, but his lips moved on, leaving her aching and hungry for him. A trail of little kisses up her stomach and to her breasts made her writhe, and when his lips closed around a nipple, sucking, Lenore’s low moans grew desperate.

  Between her legs, she could feel his hardness brushing against her, and she knew he needed her as much as she needed him. His self-control was fraying, she could feel that, but still he made her wait.

  Lenore pressed her face into the hollow of his shoulder, kissing him, inhaling the manly scent of him and groaning. Reaching down between them, she took hold of his cock and stroked, feeling it grow even harder at her touch as she guided it to her eager entrance. Maxwell chuckled at her impatience, though she could feel his body aching for her too, and his voice was breathless as he whispered into her ear.

  “You are perfect, my Lenore.”

  As he said her name, he thrust, a single hard motion which carried him deep into her and made her cry out. His shoulder muffled her voice, and when he withdrew to thrust again, she sank her teeth into the solid muscles there. He growled and pounded harder. Pushing her head back onto the pillows, he rose above her, his amber eyes gleaming in the low light. His rhythm never faltered as he thrust over and over.

  Lenore’s hands caressed his body, stroking and pulling, urging him onward, both of them panting for air. The tension which had built up in them turned into animal passion, and she arched her back, crying out as he pounded harder and faster.

  Each thrust sent a burst of pleasure through her, building as Maxwell sped up until Lenore could barely stand it. Sweat glistened on Maxwell’s brow, and his teeth clenched in concentration.

  She couldn’t hold back another moment, and the crashing wave of her orgasm overtook her. She shuddered under him, crying out his name in a passionate howl. He answered with his own release, filling her and shouting with joy before collapsing atop her.

  They stayed like that, shaking and panting, until Maxwell recovered enough strength to roll aside and pull her to him. Lenore snuggled into his broad chest, and he smiled down at her.

  “I needed that,” he said softly, brushing her sweat-drenched hair from her face. “I needed you.”

  She smiled back at him, still out of breath, still shaking from her release. “We both needed that, I think.”

  He hugged her tight, holding her, as the two of them drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.


  Morning Dreams

  Lenore stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes. The room looked different, darker and colder, and the wall beside the bed was made of bare wooden boards, missing the plaster she remembered from before.

  Ah, I’m dreaming, she thought sleepily, somehow unsurprised by the revelation.

  Sitting up, she saw that the whole space was different. Wooden walls, the floor covered in a thick woolen rug rather than a carpet, the kitchen now mostly filled with an ancient iron stove. And the biggest change of all — there was no sign of Maxwell.

  Moving with the inescapable logic of the dream, she found herself walking to the door and moving outside. Cold winter stars wheeled above her as she walked around the building to the bank of a nearby stream, gleaming in the starlight. Beyond the stream, the woods began, dark and deep and menacing. Dark shadows flitted beneath the trees.

  “I hope I am not disturbing you,” a woman’s voice said. She had an accent Lenore couldn’t place, a musical lilt to her speech. The words seemed to come from all around. To her surprise, Lenore didn't find that at all frightening. Rather, the voice was comforting.

  “Who are you?”

  “You know who I am, Lenore,” the voice said, sounding amused and friendly. Perhaps it was Lenore’s imagination, but the shadows in the forest seemed to retreat as she spoke.

  It took Lenore a moment to think who might be speaking, but she could only think of one name. “Devi?”

  “That’s right, dear,” the voice said. As Lenore watched, a tiger stalked out of the darkness between the trees. “I am Devi, wife of Caulley Walters, and Maxwell’s ancestor. Welcome to the family.”

  Lenore felt herself blushing, but she found that she had no fear of the tiger. Even Maxwell in
his tiger form had terrified her, but this was different somehow. Or perhaps it was just that she knew this was a dream.

  The tiger curled herself up on the bank of the stream opposite Lenore, watching her.

  “Did you come here?” Lenore asked after a few moments’ silence. “I mean, all the way up to Scotland?”

  “When one has traveled all the way from Bengal, a few hundred miles is no distance at all,” the tiger replied. Her lips didn’t move as she spoke, but the voice was clearly hers.

  “Besides, I wanted to see my Caulley’s home, and this is where he was born. The house he built us in England, that was a fine place to live, and more befitting a princess in many ways. But there was something about this place that always stayed special to him.

  “That is why he kept it, you know. It was always his heart’s home, which is why we were buried here. And why it is still in the family so that your Maxwell can hide you here.”

  Lenore watched Devi’s eyes, seeing love and sadness and a bittersweet joy in them.

  “Was it worth it? Moving half way around the world, leaving the world you knew behind?” She paused and shook her head. “I’m sorry, that’s not a fair question.”

  “Oh, but it’s a natural one, my dear,” Devi told her, chuckling softly. “You are being uprooted too, aren’t you? It’s only natural that you want to know if it will be worth it for you, but no one can answer for you. All I can tell you is that, if I had the choice to make again — I would make it in a second.

  “My only regret with Caulley is that I didn’t say yes straight away. I kept my poor darling waiting longer than I should have, because I feared the future with him. Was there sadness in being away from the jungles of my home? Yes, of course, but it was all worth it for him and for the children we raised together.”

  Devi rose to her feet, offering a smile that by all rights should have been terrifying. But in the dream, it just seemed welcoming and friendly, and Lenore found herself smiling back at her.

  “Make your own choice, dear Lenore, but know that Maxwell is bound to you by fate as surely as I was to Caulley. He will put himself between you and harm, no matter what happens.”

  With that last bit of advice, she turned and walked back into the trees, her tail swishing behind her. Lenore waved at her as she went, feeling an immense warmth towards the matriarch of Maxwell’s family as the dream faded to darkness.

  * * *

  Waking slowly, Lenore smiled to herself. Usually she didn’t remember her dreams, but the one from the night before was as vivid as any memory. She was actually surprised to wake in the modern cabin, rather than the rustic house she’d dreamed of.

  Maxwell lay beside her, sound asleep, his breath a gentle murmur and his strong arm around her. She wasn’t sure how long she spent there. Snuggled up against his warm and reassuring bulk, feeling his chest rise and fall with the slow steady rhythm of his heart beat. She wished that they could stay like that forever.

  Eventually, though, her hunger grew to the point at which she could no longer ignore it, and she rose to find something to eat. The sunlight filtering through the closed curtains was enough to let her see the room, what little of it there was. She paused, unsure of where to start, and looked down at Maxwell’s sleeping form.

  He looked so peaceful, his face relaxed in a way she’d never seen when he was awake. Calmer, he looked almost vulnerable, and Lenore realized how much of a strain it must have been to always look strong for her, despite the terrible threat he’d been under. How hard he had worked to keep her feeling safe. She leaned in carefully and kissed him on the cheek, smiling at the happy little murmur he made at her touch.

  Quietly, not wanting to disturb Maxwell, she opened the wardrobe to find a robe. It was clearly meant for Maxwell, far too big for her but at least it would keep her warm despite the morning chill as she explored the cabin.

  There wasn’t much to see, admittedly. It was one large room, with a small bathroom attached. The kitchen area was state of the art, but the fridge was empty — which made sense, she supposed, for an emergency hideaway. Having someone come up every few days to change the milk would make for a hard secret to keep. Still, there was a well-stocked freezer and all manner of canned goods, so she set about cooking breakfast as quietly as she could.

  Something, the sounds or the smells filling the cabin, was enough to wake Maxwell from his slumber. He sat up, blinking sleep from his eyes as he looked around. Lenore smiled at him, feeling her heart race at the sight of him — he looked both adorable and sexy running his hands through his unkempt hair. Like the big cat he was, there was something graceful about him even at his least dignified, and Lenore thought for the thousandth time how lucky she was that fate had chosen to put them together.

  “Good morning,” he said after a moment, with a smile of his own. “I see you found the supplies.”

  “Morning,” she called back. “You stay where you are. I think I owe you breakfast in bed.”

  He laughed but didn’t argue, sitting back against the headboard, watching her work. There was a satisfied air to him, a quiet feeling of accomplishment, a happiness which made Lenore’s heart sing. It was hard to believe that she made him this happy, but it was starting to sink in.

  Finishing her cooking, she loaded a tray with the meal and brought it back to him, seeing his eyes light up. She felt herself blushing as she placed the tray in his lap, sitting herself down on the bed. Compared to the meals he’d made her, it wasn’t very impressive.

  Looking up, her eyes met his, and she saw amusement in his amber gaze, as though he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “Don’t be silly, Lenore,” he told her firmly but kindly. “This is lovely, and no one could do better with what’s here.”

  With that, he dug in, and she joined him. To her surprise, she found that despite the lack of fresh food, it was still delicious. Toast and beans, bacon, hash browns - it was all better than she’d have expected from frozen or canned food. Between the two of them, they quickly polished off breakfast, washing it down with tea.

  As she took the trays back to the kitchen to wash up, Lenore felt the mood change. Sighing, she looked back at Maxwell, who pulled himself up and stretched, looking pensive.

  I guess we do have to make plans, she thought glumly, sorry the happy mood couldn’t carry them a little longer. We’re not just on holiday here.

  “What now?” she asked him, loading the dishwasher and setting it running.

  “Now?” Maxwell padded over to her, naked and unconcerned with modesty. Despite the suddenly somber mood, she couldn’t help smiling as she watched him move. “Now we get dressed, and I show you around, and we figure out where to go from here.”

  Outside, the chill air bit deep, and Lenore snuggled in against Maxwell. Both of them wore heavy coats, though hers didn’t fit well. It barely fit at all, in fact, being one of his. Unfortunately, the place only held clothes for the Walters, and anything meant for Maxwell dwarfed Lenore.

  I could borrow some of Penelope’s clothes, she thought with an inner laugh. Maybe, if I diet and exercise for a year or two, they’d even fit. The idea of trying to force herself into something meant for Maxwell’s tall and athletic sister was more than a little ridiculous.

  Behind the cabin, there was a small garden area surrounded by a rough stone wall gone somewhat wild. Beyond that, a stream ran past and down, a beautiful and picturesque sight right out of her dream. Lenore felt that she should have been surprised to see it match so closely, but she wasn’t. It just felt right. Maxwell stepped out through a gate in the wall and sat back against it, watching the stream run past.

  They sat together in silence for a while, the cold damp air settling around them as the sun moved overhead. Lenore sat against Maxwell, resting her head on his shoulder, and he took her hand in his, holding her tight.

  Eventually, Maxwell heaved a heavy sigh and broke the silence. “I wish we could just stay here forever.”

  “I was thinking that whe
n I woke up,” Lenore replied, squeezing his hand. “Just the two of us. Though I’d like to get some better-fitting clothes first.”

  He chuckled at that, making her smile too. It was nice to hear him happy. “I’m sure we could arrange that. Not while we’re being hunted, though. I’m afraid that far too many people would notice me spending money on you right now.”

  “I know, I know,” she reassured him. “We need to get out from under that before you can take me shopping. But you made me abandon all my spare clothes in the Castle, so you are taking me shopping, mister!”

  He leaned back, turning his face to the heavens and sighing again in an exaggerated mockery of resignation. “What did I do to be saddled with you?”

  “I guess you were very good in a past life?” She giggled, and he laughed.

  “Maybe I was. Certainly I’m lucky in this one! Aside from the whole being hunted thing, I mean. We have to do something about that.”

  Lenore picked up a pebble from beside her, flicking it into the stream below and watching the splash. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m not sure yet. This place, well, it’s meant as our last-ditch hiding place, so it’s as well protected as my family could make it. The wards might be even better than those on our estate in England! No one else even knows we own the place — as far as I know, you’re the first guest from outside the family to be here in hundreds of years, so we should be safe here for a while, as long as we don’t leave.”

  “But we will have to leave eventually.”

  Lenore felt a warm shiver run through her at that — the fact that he trusted her enough to bring her to this private place was wonderful, even if it came with the terrific danger. The thought of leaving, though, now that they were somewhere safe; that, she could do without.

  She put her arms around him and held him tight as he continued.

  “Don’t worry, Lenore. Once I know where he is, I can go and get him and the sword that started all this. Once that’s done, we should be in the clear.”


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