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Becoming Batman

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by E. Paul Zehr

  cognition and, 250–54

  motor performance and, 250–51, 254–57

  physiological effects of, xi, 248–50, 254–55

  professional athletes’, 257–58

  steroids and, 238

  agility, 58–59

  aikido, 124, 129, 133, 153, 162

  air temperature, heat loss and, 195–97, 200

  air travel, ix, 200, 205–9

  alcohol intoxication, 107, 213–14

  alertness, subjective, 203–4, 210–11

  Alfred, 60, 211, 223, 233–35

  al Ghul, R’as, 59, 88, 142

  Ali, Muhammad, 254, 258, 262

  alleles, 16–17, 25

  allometric scaling, 93

  Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 117, 248, 252–54

  amino acids: metabolism, 84–85, 87–88

  in proteins, 20, 80–81

  amyloid plaques, neurologic, 252–53

  anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASs), xviii, 83, 236–37, 256

  abuse of, 40–41, 233, 235, 237–38

  anabolism, 37, 41, 57, 77, 236–37

  nutrients’ role in, 81, 83–84

  anaerobic metabolism, 87–88, 91, 95

  androstenedione, 40, 237–38

  animal species: brain mapping, 46

  genetics, 24

  head trauma, 227

  life span, 250–51

  sleep requirements, 199, 211–13, 215

  anticipation, during combat, 139–40

  apolipoprotein E (APOE gene), 253

  Arkham Asylum, xi, 41, 191, 233

  arm: conditioning, 184–85, 190

  weak parts, 176–77

  arm movements, biomechanics, 162–65, 171

  armor, for body protection, 191, 193

  Armstrong, Lance, 7, 24 286

  arousal level, performance and, 146–49, 155

  Asian martial arts, 124–25, 185

  astronauts, 167, 192

  athletes, professional: aging and, 257–58

  Batman / Bruce Wayne as, 3–4, 7, 10, 29

  body compositions, 7

  elite, 29, 168

  energy expenditure, 93, 95

  identical twin, xvii, 10, 22–23

  jet lag and, 206–7

  mind-set, 140, 143

  overtraining, 42

  peak performance, 262–63

  sleep requirements, 211

  steroid abuse, 40–41, 235, 237–38

  ATP (adenosine 5’-triphosphate), 51, 79, 86–88

  ATP-CP (adenosine 5’-triphosphate-creatine phosphate), 88–89, 95

  attacks: aiming for weak points, 176–79

  anticipating, 139–40

  gender and, 243–46

  in martial arts, 130–31, 135–36

  mental detachment for, 139–40, 144

  attention, 139–40, 147, 149

  axons, 48

  motor, 49–50, 118, 256

  back: injuries, 219, 221, 233–34

  small of, as weak, 176–77

  balance, influences on, 170–73, 244–45

  ballistic actions/movements, 60, 112, 162

  Bane, 41, 89, 91, 152, 164, 220–21, 233, 235

  barbells, 54–55, 63

  Barber, Tiki, 22, 222

  basal ganglia: deficits, 107–8

  emotion and, 141

  movement feedback, 103–4, 106

  trauma and, 254

  basal metabolic rate (BMR), 92–95

  baseball: motions for, 163–64, 168

  steroid use, 235, 237

  strike zone, 243

  Bat, The, xvi

  batarang, ix, 134–35, 152, 243

  Batcave, 134, 145

  Batgirl, 171, 239–46

  Batgirl #50 (2004), 245, 271

  Batgirl: Kicking Assassins (2005), 242, 272

  Batgirl: Year One (2003), 242, 271

  Batman: aging of, 247–52, 256–59, 262

  as athlete, 3–4, 6–7, 10, 29

  body clock challenges, 134, 199–200, 202, 209–13

  conditioning, 182–83, 187–88

  energy expenditure, 93–94

  energy systems, 88–91

  environmental influences, 22, 145–50

  evolution of, 4, 53–55, 57, 61, 101, 147, 260–61

  historical description, xv–xvii

  injuries, 220–23, 226, 230, 233–34, 253

  lethal/nonlethal force, 150–57, 176

  as martial artist, 123–24, 126, 128–29, 133, 153

  martial arts training, 128–33

  mental control, 140–44, 147–48

  motor learning, 113–15, 117–21

  as ninja, 133–37

  physique changes, 7–10, 83

  possibility of becoming, xi, xiii–xv, xvi–xviii, 260–63

  protective armor, 153–55, 180, 191–98

  reflexes, 109, 112

  retired, 248–49

  steroid use, 235–36

  strength/power training, 61–63

  Superman vs., ix–xi, xiv

  use-of-force hierarchy, 154–56

  weapons used, 135–36, 151–52, 154–55, 249

  Batman (1966–1968

  TV series), 101, 138, 242, 247, 272

  Batman (1989 movie), 22, 272

  Batman (comics): #1 (1940), 54–55, 151–52, 239, 266, 269

  #3 (1940), 173–74, 269

  #4 (1940/1941), 136, 152, 239, 266, 270

  #31 (1945), 266, 270

  #47 (1948), xv, 270

  #113 (1958), 266, 270

  #200 (1968), 266, 270

  #217 (1969), 151, 270

  #232 (1971), 58, 141, 267, 270

  #237 (1971), 7–8, 270

  #243 (1972), 88, 187, 267, 270

  #260 (1975), 123, 222, 267, 270

  #404 (1986), 182–83, 189, 267, 270

  #497 (1993), 41, 187, 233, 271

  #509 (1994), 152, 239, 271

  #529 (1996), 154, 271

  #567 (1999), 239, 271

  #604 (2005), 193, 271

  #608–619 (2002–2003), 140, 271

  #620–625 (2003–2004), 156

  Batman and Robin (1949 movie), 272

  Batman Robin (1997 movie), 272

  Batman Begins (2005 movie), 22, 45, 94, 133, 135, 149–50, 267, 271–72

  Batman Beyond (1999–2001 TV series), 152, 248, 272

  Batman: Blind Justice (1992), 150, 271

  Batman: Broken City (2004), 178, 271

  Batman: Child of Dreams (Asamiya, 2003), 29, 247, 260, 271

  Batman: Contagion (2003), 271

  Batman: Dark Detective #2 (2005), 272

  Batman Forever (1995 movie), 272

  Batman: Four of a Kind (1998), 271

  Batman Handbook (Beatty), 269

  Batman Knightfall, Part 3 (1994), 271

  Batman Returns (1992 movie), 272

  Batman: Shadow of the Bat #29 (1994), 271

  Batman Special #1 (1984), 21, 270

  Batman / Superman / Wonder Woman, Trinity (2003), xi, 89, 267, 271

  Bat-Man, The. See Batman Batman: The Complete History (Daniels), 180, 191

  Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (2002), 271

  Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2002), 271

  Batman: The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Knight (Beatty), xvi, 123, 193, 269

  Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (1993), 221, 271

  Batman: Venom (1993), 62, 83, 235, 237, 271

  Batman: Year One (Miller, 2005), xvi, 3, 182–83, 270, 271

  batsuit: color importance, 153–55

  as combat defense, 180, 191–93, 227

  materials, x, 193

  modification for aging, 248

  physiological concerns, 194–98, 210, 256

  Batwoman, 239–40

  Beatty, Scott, xvi, 123, 193, 221, 269

  bending stress, bone response, 65, 70–71

  beta amyloid, 252–53

  biochemical energy, cellular, 86–87

  biological aging, 248. See also body clock biological
work: energy expenditure, 77–78, 83–84

  homeostasis mechanisms, 96

  biology: cellular, 12–14

  molecular, 18–19

  biomechanics: becoming Batman, 260–61

  break-fall movements, 173–76

  energy flow and, 162–65

  human tissue, 53, 162

  of martial arts, x, xiii, 162–65

  musculoskeletal strains, 230–31

  strikes/punches, 165–70

  throwing, 170–73

  weak points, 176–79

  bladed weapons, 135–36, 152, 165, 169, 173–74

  Blockbuster, 170, 220, 243

  blood flow, traumatic cerebral, 225–26, 229

  blood pressure, influences on, 39, 209, 234

  blood sugar, 37–39, 84–85

  blood types, 17–18

  boards, breaking of, 165–69, 181

  body clock: factors influencing, 39, 200–205, 212

  functions, 200–201

  jet lag and, 205–6

  light-related adjustments, 202–3

  professional athletes, 206–7

  shift work, 200, 205, 209–12

  body composition: athlete comparisons, 7

  exercise-related changes, 4–5, 95

  measurement, 5–6

  body conditioning, 180–91

  as good/bad, 188–90

  method of, 180–84

  pain and, 185–88

  skin deep, 184–85

  body mass index (BMI), 6–7, 95

  body movements, biomechanics, 162–64

  body temperature: batsuit and, 194–96

  body clock and, 201–6

  endocrine role, 34–35

  normal range, 194, 200

  regulation, 32, 78, 195–97

  body types, 8

  bogu, 228

  Bonds, Barry, 168, 235

  bone disease, degenerative, 65, 189, 248, 254, 256–57

  bone mineral density, 65–66

  aging and, 189, 248, 254, 256

  body hardening, 183–84

  exercise-specific adaptations, 72–75

  bone remodeling, 8, 66–71, 73

  bones: basic structure, 67–68

  body composition, 4–5

  exercise and, 8, 66, 70–71, 73, 75

  force of motion and, 168–70

  functions, 65–66

  growth, 65

  hardening training, 181–91

  injuries, 221–22, 230–31

  mechanical stress response, 41, 53

  modification over time, 66–67

  shift work and, 209–10

  transference of force across, 64–65

  types, 71–72 288

  bouldering, bone adaptations in, 74

  boxing: aging and, 257–58

  biomechanics, 162, 169–70

  force in, 169–70

  head injuries, 221, 226–28

  as martial art, 125–26, 262

  rules, 228

  brain, 102–3

  activity during battles, 140–41

  injuries, 107, 166, 169–70, 193, 220, 222–27, 229, 253–54

  memory formation, 116–18

  motor learning, 113–14, 118

  movement control, 103–6

  muscle contraction physiology, 46–50

  pain perception, 186–87

  steroids and, 237

  brain mapping, of muscle activity, 46–47, 121, 163

  The Brave and the Bold #197 (1983), 220, 270

  break-falling, 128, 173–76, 193

  breathing, batsuit effect on, 194

  Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Volume I (2002), 239, 271

  budo, 124

  Cain, Cassandra, 242

  calcium: head injury and, 225

  metabolic functions, 13, 81, 83

  in muscle contractions, 49, 57, 62

  calisthenics, 94

  calluses, in body hardening, 183–85, 189–90

  calorie (kcal), 77, 85, 92–94

  calorimetry: bomb, 85–86

  indirect, 92–94

  Cannon, Walter B., 31–33, 41

  Caped Crusader, xi, 113, 123, 139

  Father Time and, 246, 249, 257–59. See also Batman

  carbohydrates: classifications, 80

  energy content, 85–87

  intake recommendations, 79–80, 95

  metabolism, 37, 84–85

  carbon dioxide, cellular, 86, 91–93

  cardiovascular fitness: aging and, 249, 254–55

  genetics, 25

  hormones and, 37, 39

  measurement, 92

  shift work and, 209

  cartilage, force of motion and, 168–70

  catabolism, 37, 39, 77, 234, 237

  nutrients’ role in, 81, 83–84

  catecholamines, 36, 39, 96

  Catwoman, 89–90, 119–20, 175, 220

  performance vs. Batman’s, 239, 245–46

  Cat-Woman. See Catwoman

  cell death, 33, 41, 249–50, 255

  cell division/growth, 249–50

  cell membrane, 12, 14, 20, 31, 78

  cells, human body: aging of, 249–50, 255

  components, 12–14

  functions, 13, 20, 31, 55

  metabolism, 13–14, 77, 84, 86

  mortal/immortal, 249

  trauma, 224–25, 234

  types, 14, 34, 41, 53, 56, 69, 184

  cellular respiration: aerobic/anaerobic, 87–88, 91, 95

  biochemical energy, 86–87

  central nervous system (CNS): aging and, 117, 248, 252–54, 256

  alcohol effect on, 107

  components, 103

  emotional processing, 141–42

  head trauma and, 223–26, 228

  homeostasis, 32, 37–38, 85, 95, 195

  injury and healing, 192

  motor learning, 113–14, 117–19, 121

  movement control, 101–3

  pain perception, 186–87

  in strength/power training, 46, 52–53, 62

  cerebellum: deficits, 107–8, 254

  emotion and, 141

  movement role, 103–7, 109, 117

  cerebral cortex: concussion and, 223, 225–26, 229, 253

  motor commands, 46–49, 104, 141

  movement feedback, 104–6, 109

  organization, 103–4, 116

  Chan, Jackie, 132–33

  chaos, and performance, 145–50

  chemical signals, training response, 57–58

  Chinese martial arts, 124–29, 133, 151

  body hardening, 180–83, 187

  chin’na, 177

  Chitose, Tsuyoshi, 119

  chokes/choking, 132, 156

  cholesterol, 12, 37, 39–40, 81

  chromosomes, 16. See also DNA; genes/genetics

  ch’uan fa, 127

  Chuvalo, George, 258

  circadian rhythm: factors of, 200–207

  shift work and, 200, 205, 209–12

  Clemens, Roger, 235

  climate, as performance factor, 195–98

  climbing, 72–74, 94

  gear for, 134–35

  clothing, protective, x, 155, 191, 193–94

  for combat, 153–55

  Cobblepot, Oswald Chesterfield, 105, 108.

  See also Penguin

  cognition: aging and, 250–52

  repetitive head trauma and, 252–54

  collagen, 14, 68

  collision biomechanics: body, 164–65

  material, x, 165–70

  combat: Batman’s, 135–36

  defenses against, 180–98

  lethal/nonlethal, 150–57, 176

  martial arts, 126, 129–30, 135–37

  mental detachment, 139–40, 144

  repetitive effects, 248, 252–54

  Comic Book Nation (Wright), 269

  compensatory response, in GAS, 41–42, 46

  concealment, in ninjutsu, 134–36

  concrete, breaking of, 165–69, 181, 183

sions, 223

  mechanisms causing, 166, 169–70, 220, 222

  pathophysiology, 223–26, 234

  prevention, 227–29

  repeated, 225–27, 252–53

  symptoms, 222–23, 225, 228–29, 253

  conditioning. See body conditioning; hand conditioning

  coordination, physical, 52, 105

  cortisol, 39–40, 96, 203

  counterattacks, as female tactic, 243–44

  Couture, Randy, 262

  cowls, for protection, 193, 225, 227, 229

  Crick, Francis, 12, 18–19

  crime fighting, xvii, xviii, 4, 21

  aging and, 257–59, 261, 248–49

  body clock and, 210–11

  energy for, 89, 94, 164

  injuries, 220–23, 226, 230, 233–34

  lethal vs. nonlethal force, 150–57, 176

  mental control, 138–39, 144

  motor skills, 119, 135

  strength/power, 58–59

  cyclists, 7, 24, 93, 95

  cytoplasm, 12–14

  cytosol, 14

  danger, dealing with, 140, 144–45, 156

  Dark Knight, xiv, xviii, 76, 83, 137, 173–74, 207, 221

  The Dark Knight (2008 movie), 272

  The Dark Knight Returns (Miller, 1986), 192, 248, 270

  Darkseid, 135

  dart weapons, 134–35

  DC Comics, xv, 248

  characters in, 21, 123, 138, 270

  “death touch,” 176

  degenerative bone disease, 65, 189, 248, 254, 256–57

  degenerative cognitive disease, 107–8, 117, 252–54

  degrees of freedom, in joint locks, 179

  dementia, 248, 252–53

  dendrites, in neurons, 48

  depolarization, of muscle fibers, 49

  Descartes, René, 109

  detachment, mental, in combat, 139–40, 144

  Detective Comics: #27 (1939), x, xv, 151, 266, 269

  #29 (1939), 72–73, 269

  #33 (1939), 54, 269

  #33 (1940), 22

  #38 (1940), 126, 266, 269

  #46 (1940), 219, 269

  #349 (1966), 170, 270

  #359 (1967), 239, 270

  Detective Comics #397 (1970), 175, 270

  #400 (1970), 36, 270

  #442 (1974), 161, 270

  #568 (1986), 137, 267, 270

  #598–600 (1989), 108, 114, 199, 211, 267, 270

  #664 (1993), 271

  Detective Comics, early characters, ix–x

  Detective Story Hour (radio), x

  Detective Story Magazine, x

  dexamethasone (Decadron), for cord injury, 234–35

  dexterity, manual, conditioning and, 189–90

  diabetes mellitus, 38, 209

  diet: body composition and, 5, 62

  Dark Knight, 79–95

  energy balance, 76–79

  metabolism, 13–14, 37, 77

  nervous system and, 95–96

  performance influences, x, 22–23

  shift work and, 209–10

  stress response and, 96–97

  supplemental, 95

  disarmament, during combat, 153–54

  disc weapons, 134

  distractions, dealing with, 139–40, 144


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