BlackThorn's Doom

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BlackThorn's Doom Page 24

by Dewayne M Kunkel

  Garoul: Also known as Naz’Haruk.

  Gayn: Nephew of Carl Dunburrow, scribe in Graystone.

  Gellan: Murdered King of Trondhiem, father of Gaelan.

  Gil’Galdov: Red spire in the days before the Tal’shear left the world.

  Glin’eress: the Lake at the heart of the Nallen Forest.

  Goliad: Usurper of Trondhiem, one of Sur’kar’s Balhain.

  Gorcrahlg: Pass through the Black Mountains.

  Gor Farail: Drake that plagued the Kingdom of Thral’duras, slain by Jerud.

  Graymane: Mountain from which emerges the Delin’ Tor hills, and the plateau of Delin’ Tor.

  Graystone: City in Eastern Lakarra, On the Taelus River.

  G’relg Halmfist: Cytheran Raider, leader of the attack on New Hope.

  Gre’Doth: One of the Balhain, also known as Lord Vad Goliad.

  Gre’Koth: Brother of Gre’Doth also known as Vool.

  Grel’in: Possessed heroes who serve Sur’kar.

  Gren’dour: Legendary bow of the Keshian Kings.

  G’thur: Member of the Keshian Home guard.

  Guall: Yellow leaves, mild stimulant chewed by men of Caleph.


  Haego: Small kingdom conquered by the Lakarrans.

  Haft: Keshian cavalry unit of 1500 men.

  Havoc’Mor: Forest north west of Trothgar.

  Hurin: One of the Lords of Trondhiem, Member of the Landsmarch.


  Illuminai: Metallic spheres fashioned by the Mahjie that Generate light and heat.

  Imnos: Settlement on the shores of the Evtor Wash in central Trondhiem.

  Irson Qual: One of Burcott’s trusted officers serving Gaelan.

  Isembahl: Temple in Anghor, it is where Suni was trained and tested to become Anghor Shok. Also known as the crystal palace.


  Jehnom: Warrior from the Randorien forest.

  Jerud: King of Thral’duras, a kingdom of the old world. Lost during the breaking.

  Jerudan: Son of the King of Ril’Gambor.

  Jhed Adar: Holy men of Anghor who teach the arts of combat. They are responsible for the testing leading to the selection of the Anghor Shok.


  Kadril steppes: Northern most region of Kesh, famous for the warhorses bred there.

  Kale: Island east of Ao'dan

  Kalmari: Iron staves, only weapons wielded by the Anghor Shok.

  Ka’rich: Throwing knives used by the men of Caleph.

  Kesh: Kingdom north of Ao’dan east of the Dragon Spine Mountains.


  Lakarra: Island nation south of Ao’dan.

  Lakarrans: People of Lakarra.

  Landsmarch: Formed of eight houses, they are the greater nobles of Trondhiem, and form a council advising the king. Each of these is comprised of several lesser houses. Together they form the basis of the king’s power.

  Larkoth: Carnivorous apes from the western lands.

  Lenar: Bard of Ril’Gambor, famous for his heroic epics. His works survive long after his death.

  Lon Hawsell: Butcher of New Hope on the isle of Kale.

  Lo’Wyren: Dawn Singer, sword forged by Ma’Rail. Carried into battle by Na’Boal, Warrior of the Tal’shear.

  Lycian Mountains: High peaks within the heart of Cythera.


  Mahjie: Last of the high men, Guardians of the resting place of Thoron’Gil. They are small in number but fighters who are only surpassed in skill by the Anghor.

  Majik: Human name for the power wielded by enchanters and Warlocks, Also used to describe any ability that defies explanation.

  Ma’ul: Demons from the time before the world was created. Powerful and utterly evil they stand thirty feet in height. They have the bodies of bulls with the torsos of a muscular man. The face is skull like with flaming orbs for eyes and great horns wrapped in flame about the heads and backs.

  When the world was created they were cast into the abyss of the netherworld, a prison to hold them until the end of days.

  Ma’Rail: Tal’shear metal smith who forged the four great blades used during the war of the breaking.

  Marcos: Last of the Tal’shear warders, his true name is Ash’Kelon.

  Moinas Ard: Range of Mountains, claimed by the Mahjie as their own.

  Moinar-Thur: Wild lands that lay between Morne and Trondhiem.

  Morne: Arid lands that lay to the west of Tarok nor, realm of the Morne warriors, worshipers of Sur’kar. It is an inhospitable lands filled with deep canyons and rocky plains.

  Morne Warriors: Non-human inhabitants of Morne, superb swordsmen who wear black robes over dark chain. They are merciless foes slaying men, women and children alike. They worship Sur’kar whom they have also named the storm god. To die in his service is the highest honor in their society.

  The Morne live in scattered tribes ruled by a chieftain who is also their spiritual leader, sacrificing the old and sick to the storm god on altars constructed from the bones of the dead. Warfare among tribes is not uncommon, daring raids are looked upon as opportunities to hone their skills. It is only in rare of circumstances that they unite, often under the banner of a powerful chieftain.

  They are short between 4 and 5 feet in height, powerfully built weighing over 250lbs. Their skin is a dark mottled green with a pale yellow belly. The eyes are large and golden in color with narrow slits for pupils. Their mouths are broad stretching from ear to ear and filled with small shark like teeth. From their necks hangs a brightly colored fleshy mass that is inflated as a threat display.

  The Morne females lay their eggs in warm dry sands. The females jealously guard these areas. It is death for a male to enter them. Among the Morne there is no greater delicacy than dining on the eggs of ones foe.

  Muel’Don: Volcanic waste land to the southwest of Trothgar.


  Na Phay’ge: The dark side of the Phay’ge. Power of destruction wielded by Sur’kar and his minions.

  Nahl wood: Forest on the island of Kale.

  Nall: Largest Lake in Lakarra, its northern shore borders the Nallen wood.

  Nallen wood: Forest in northern Lakarra, Supposedly haunted few men ever venture far within its borders.

  New Hope: Village on the Isle of Kale.

  Naz’Haruk: Creature created by Sur’kar. It is a relentless tracker that mindlessly pursues its prey until it is destroyed. Also known as a Garoul in the tongues of man.


  Ogorum: Tal’shear word for Ice Trolls and Rock Trolls,

  Ice Trolls are one-eyed giants that haunt the frozen north. Ranging from 12 to 15 feet tall heavily muscled with large canine teeth and a snout like mouth. Their hair is thick and matted sprouting from the shoulders and upper back. The skin of the Ogorum is thick and arrows find it difficult to penetrate.

  Rock Trolls are slightly smaller than their northern kin reaching 8 to 10 feet in height, their bodies devoid of hair.

  Otess: Steward of the King of Trondhiem.


  Padwen: Lord Vernal’s brother.

  Pelatus: King of Ao’dan.

  Parin: Coastal town in Northern Lakarra.

  Phay’ge: Power of creation wielded by the warders, also known as Majik in the lands of men.

  Peyetor Dunburrow: Son of Carl and Winowa, murdered by raiders at an early age.


  Rahlcrag Mountains: Mountain Range that forms the Western Border of Trondhiem. Snow clad year round, it is a daunting barrier that is not easily crossed.

  Randorien Forest: Vast woodland south of Trondhiem, Home of tribes of men known as savages by the people of the north.

  Raobahn Mountains: Mountain range forming the northern border of Trondhiem.

  Ravenslaugh: Swamp in Moinar-Thur, poisoned by waters from Tarok-Nor.

  Ravin Suni: Anghor Shok, guardian of Marcos.

  Redeff: Owner of the Fouled net inn.

  Re’lith: Eastern watchtower in Moinar-Thur.

  Rildrun: River in north Trondhiem.

  Ril'Gambor: Land west of Kesh.

  Rodderdam: City about the keep of Thorunder.

  Rukash: Giant hawk that lives in the lands of the Mahjie making the high mountain crags its home. Forty foot wingspan with razor sharp talons and a fierce beak. They are white, banded with light gray stripes.


  Sa’ramir: Well in the center of the standing stones on Eol, Enchanted keeper of the rings of the Warders.

  Sahrencor: Oasis destroyed by the Morne in the Gaul-Tyrian waste.

  Sahri: Leader of the Nomadic tribes of the Gaul-Tyrian wastes. Revered by his people, to be almost godlike. Also known as the Sahri kahlamm.

  Senatum: Enforcers of King Ganeth of Lakarra, Corrupt officials who are nothing more than hoodlums and murderers.

  Se’estra: Blind seer and leader of the Mahjie.

  Seh’ja: Family or clan of Mahjie.

  Shardwall: Line of mountains forming the eastern border of Trondhiem.

  Ship Thane: Title given to an individual who is the foreman of a shipyard.

  Shoffal: One of G’relg’s crew, who attacked New Hope.

  Sirel Tellius: Captain of the guard serving the house of Fullvie.

  Songart River: River that flows south along the foothills of the Rahlcrag Mountains in western Trondhiem. At its southern end it joins with the Evtor Wash as it remerges from the Easterling Marsh and flows into the Randorien Forest.

  Sorvahk Gohn: Arena of testing in Anghor. It is where those selected are tested to become Anghor Shok. The scarlet steps at its heart, is where the sacred oath is taken.

  So’san: Tal’shear warder who nearly destroyed the world in desperation during the war of breaking.

  Sur’kar: Tal’shear warder, who was corrupted by evil. Seeks dominance of mankind and believes himself to be a god.


  Taelus: River in Lakarra on whose banks stands Graystone.

  Talen: Gold coin used in all kingdoms of the east, emblem of an eagle’s claw stamped into them. Minted in Ao'dan.

  Tal’shear: Race of immortal beings who crossed the darkling sea on three ships.

  Tanuth the axe: Legendary hero of northern Lakarra. Slain in treachery by his friend and companion.

  Tarok nor: Cursed land of fell beast and poison, Sur’kar’s realm.

  Taur Di: The name the forest dwellers of Randorien forest call themselves.

  Te’Caleph: Language of Caleph.

  “Tel’lav an Amos”: an old phrase meaning for honor and glory, a tribute to those that had passed in combat, the battle cry of the house of Fullvie.

  Tel’Ganduil: Ship of the Tal’shear, upon which Marcos was born.

  Tharlas: River originating beneath Trothgar and headwaters for the Ravenslaugh marsh.

  Thelikor: Island nation that sunk into the sea before the war of the breaking.

  Theranduil: Lowland Plain located in east Central Trondhiem. At its heart stands the Capital of Rodderdam.

  Thral’duras: Kingdom founded before the breaking, destroyed during the disaster caused by So’san.

  Timosh: Keep that wards the entrance to the lands of Moinar-Thur. In the old tongue it was known as Timosh Kahlen Ahned, Shield of the east.

  Thraldur: The gateway into Trothgar, also named the gate of skulls.

  Thoron’Gil: Wielder of Aethir, Hero from the lands of what is now known as Ao’dan. A farmer who grew to greatness, undefeated in battle he was chosen to slay Sur’kar.

  Thorunder: Half brother of Thoron’Gil, He survives the breaking and builds Thorunder keep to protect the eastern lands should Sur’kar ever return. Only his descendants can sit upon the throne of Trondhiem.

  Thorunder Hall: Keep located in the city of Rodderdam, Residence of the King of Trondhiem.

  Towers of Torinth: Twin towers that guard the entrance to Cythera's Harbor.

  Tor’lith: Western most watchtower in Moinar-Thur.

  Trothgar: Volcano within the heart of Tarok nor.

  Trondhiem: Kingdom bordering on the wilds of the west.


  Un’eldur: Pass through the Black Mountains leading into Tarok-Nor.

  Urbas Ugei: Caravan master from Caleph.

  Urold Rhaine: Ship thane of New Hope and father of Casius.

  Ursai Do: Mahjie guardian of the way, protector of the borders of their lands.


  Vaelan Wall: A rugged plateau marking the southern frontier of Trondhiem.

  Valdecar: Lake in northern Trondhiem.

  Valliness: The white city of Ril’Gambor and its capital.

  Varsus Valley: Valley in Southern Lakarra carved by the Darkwater River.

  Vell: Lake in Ril’Gambor.

  Vel’Gallum: A range of mountains destroyed during the war of the breaking.

  Vi’Erud: The keep of the damned, destroyed during the war of the breaking.

  Vi’Eruk: Fortress guarding the entrance into Tarok nor.

  Vool: Balhain one of two Tal’shear enslaved to Sur’kar.

  V’rag: A tower of Sur’kar erected within the Calderas of the volcano Trothgar. It now stands in the land of Tarok nor, a great crater created when the hammer fell during the first age. It is the seat of Sur’kar’s power and his sanctuary.

  Vurgwall: Range of mountains forming the rim of the ancient crater about Tarok nor.


  Wahlen: Blacksmith of New Hope.

  War of the Breaking: Fought during the first age, when Sur’kar tried to conquer the world.

  Warder: Member of an order of Tal’shear mages, sworn to the protection and preservation of the earth.

  Warlock: Human skilled in the use of the Na Phay’ge. Evil by nature they care nothing for normal men and see them as a lesser being.

  Westerling Trail: A narrow track that winds out of the town of Low fall, and down into the southern edge of the Nallen Forest.

  Weyass: Princess of Trondhiem and sister of Gaelan.

  Weyre Mountains: Long chain of mountains that run north through the heart of Lakarra.

  Whiten: One of the lesser houses of Trondhiem.

  Whitenshire: Wine producing region ruled by the house of Whiten.

  Winowa Dunburrow: Wife of Carl Dunburrow.

  Wolhan: King of Kesh, Connell’s father.

  Wood King: Fabled seedlings of the first tree. They were not tied to the earth and wandered the world spreading the forests throughout the lands. They sleep for millennia beneath the earth, rising only to defend the wood in which they dwell. Thought to have passed from the earth long before the coming of Man and Tal’shear.

  Wyremounds: Tombs in the garden surrounding Red Spire.

  Wyrenatt: A single tomb within the Wyremounds.


  Ysrex: Sea serpent slain on the shores of Thelikor.

  Ythia: Great Lake of ancient times that once surrounded the hill on which Rodderdam was built.

  About the Author

  Born in 1964 at a U.S Military installation in France, DeWayne M Kunkel has served in the U.S Navy and has widely traveled the world. Painting and writing are two of his passions. He currently lives on the Space Coast of Florida.




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