Marrying an Athlete

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Marrying an Athlete Page 4

by Anne-Marie Meyer

  Besides, his relationship with Anna was fake. And from the calm response she had after their kiss, there was no way she felt the same for him. He needed to remember that. For Anna, all she saw him as was McKenna’s older brother. A family member.

  When they got to the TSA agent camped out before the metal detector, Michael handed him his license and boarding pass. The guy checked his ID and then glanced up at him.

  “Michael Jones, as in, the defenseman for the Rangers?”

  Michael nodded.

  The agent glanced around and then pulled out a pen from his pocket. He scooted the sheet of paper on the stand over and laid the pen on top of it. “Can I get your autograph? My buddy’s a big hockey fan, and he’s never going to believe that I met you.”

  Michael smiled. “Sure.”

  After he scribbled his signature, he shook the agent’s hand who then waved him over to the x-ray scanners. After removing his shoes, and everything in his pockets, he walked through the metal detector.

  As he was putting his shoes back on, Anna appeared next to him. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you being famous,” she said, bending down to slip on her shoes.

  “I’m hardly famous,” he said, straightening and glancing over at her.

  Anna reached out and grabbed her other shoe. Just as she moved to shove her foot into it, she teetered on her leg. Out of instinct, Michael reached out to steady her. His hand landed on her lower back.

  Anna’s gaze flew up to meet his. Her lips parted as if she wanted to say something. Heat rushed across Michael’s skin. He really needed to stop touching her. And from the look on Anna’s face, she agreed.

  “You okay?” he asked, dropping his hand once he saw that she wasn’t in danger of falling over.

  Anna nodded. “Yeah. I think I’ll be just fine.”

  Michael smiled at her, and then grabbed the rest of his belongings and shoved them into his pockets. Had she noticed what touching her did to him? Why was he acting like such an idiot?

  Thankfully, McKenna and Sam walked through the detector just then and proceeded to grab their things from off the belt. Anna and McKenna started talking about the outfits they’d packed for the resort, which soon morphed into squealing and laughing. Sam seemed oblivious as he grabbed his phone, and continued staring at the screen.

  Michael took advantage of their distraction to meld into the background. He rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced around. A few people who walked by studied him as if they were trying to place him.

  Hoping it was because of hockey, and not the local newspaper, Michael just nodded and waved toward them which caused them to drop their gaze and quicken their pace. Anna and McKenna moved away from the checkpoint, and Michael and Sam followed.

  Michael was grateful for the silence. He needed to take some time to calm his mind. Get away from the serious feelings that seemed to be brewing inside of him and lighten the mood.

  Just as they walked by a Burger King, Michael’s gaze landed on a jewelry shop. An idea began to form in his mind. If the guard didn’t believe they were married, maybe he should get Anna a ring. After all, if they were going to play the part, they might as well go all the way.

  Besides, it sounded like fun to propose to Anna. If anything, it would take away the stress he felt about his past mistakes. And a distraction was just what he needed.

  “I’ll be right back, guys. I need to. . . grab something,” Michael said. When he glanced over at them, McKenna had linked arms with Anna, and they were heading to the nearest coffee shop. Sam was still focused on his screen.

  Great. He was on his own. A feeling of anticipation washed over Michael as he stepped into the shop. He couldn’t wait to see Anna’s expression when he knelt on one knee. And the ring he was going to get her? It would blow her away. Finally, for the first time in the last few days, he felt excited.

  Chapter Five


  Anna glanced over at McKenna, who sighed as she leaned back in the chair. It’d been ten minutes since Michael had said he had something to do and disappeared. McKenna didn’t seem interested in knowing where her brother went. Instead, she’d dragged Anna over to the coffee shop where they bought overpriced lattes.

  Now, they were sitting at their gate as the customer service agents were busy behind the counter getting ready to allow boarding. Anna couldn’t help but occasionally glance around. Despite her better judgment, she allowed herself to wonder where Michael was.

  And then, she felt stupid. He was a single, very attractive adult. Wherever he was, and whomever he was flirting with, was none of her business. It was better for her to forget any feelings she’d had toward him since the moment he walked into the coffee shop. Just watching him flirt with Teresa proved he wasn’t interested in her or settling down. Everything was a giant joke to Michael Jones.

  “I can’t wait to go snorkeling.” McKenna’s voice drew Anna’s attention back over to her. “It sounds amazing. And I read that we get to do couple’s massages.” She sighed as she rolled her shoulders. “I’m in desperate need.”

  Anna studied her. “Couple’s massage? Like, we’re in there. . . together?” The idea of lying on a table in the same room with Michael with only a sheet for protection caused heat to race across her skin. She cleared her throat and forced a smile. “Is that mandatory?”

  McKenna glanced over at her as if she had five heads. “You don’t want a massage?”

  “Well, it’s more like I don’t want the getting naked part.” She felt uncomfortable in the locker room at the gym. There was no way she’d be able to be undressed in front of Michael.

  McKenna laughed. “I don’t think Michael will care. After all, it’s not like he hasn’t seen it before.”

  Anna’s eyes widened as she pulled her cardigan closer around her body. “Excuse me?”

  “I didn’t mean yours.” McKenna rolled her eyes. “Geez, that would be gross. You’re like a sister to us.”

  Great. Just what Anna needed to hear. Not only that she was a relation to Michael—which would make their fake marriage illegal in all fifty states—but McKenna quickly reminded her of just how flirty her brother was. Anna’s tiny B cups would look minuscule in comparison to the well-endowed models he’d always showcased on his arm.

  As those images floated around in her mind, she stifled down the reaction to throw up. This talk with McKenna was not helping, and it only made her more nervous at the thought of a couple’s massage. Or swimming. Or wearing any type of flattering dress. Right now, all she was going to do was stay holed up in the hotel room and never leave.

  “What do you think Sam keeps doing?” McKenna’s question pulled Anna from her thoughts.

  She glanced over to see Sam leaning back on the chair with his phone brought up to his face. “Reading, maybe?”

  McKenna shrugged. “I have no idea. That man has become so quiet around me. He barely talks to me anymore. When he does, it’s to nitpick what I’m doing.” She sighed. It was deep and soulful. Like she was moments away from giving up. “I just don’t know if this will work out.”

  Anna wrapped her arm around her best friend’s shoulders. “Kenna, it’s going to be okay. I’m here. Whatever you two decide, I’ll support you.”

  McKenna nodded. “Thanks. That means a lot.” She turned and glanced around. “Where is Michael?”

  Just then, McKenna’s phone chimed. She glanced down at it. “Michael wants us to meet him outside of the Starbucks.” She glanced down the gateway. “Says there’s a surprise.”

  McKenna stood, and Anna followed suit. They rolled their luggage over to Sam.

  “Watch our stuff, Sam. Michael wants to show us something,” McKenna said.

  Sam glanced up and nodded. Now free of their suitcases, Anna followed McKenna who led them down the walkway which opened up into a large food court. Restaurants lined the walls. A piano sat in the center where a man in a tuxedo was playing some incredibly fast concerto.

  “Starbucks,” McKenna
said, nodding toward the left.

  Anna followed her toward the shop. Tables were lined up outside where passengers were sitting, sipping their drinks and watching people walk by. She scanned the faces and stopped when she saw Michael sitting at a far table, looking suspicious.

  “He’s over there,” she said, nodding toward Michael.

  McKenna nodded, and the two of them made their way over. As soon as they approached, Michael pushed away his chair and stood. He wiped his hands on his pants as if he were nervous. What did he have to be nervous about?

  “You guys found me,” he said, smiling at Anna and then over at McKenna.

  “What’s going on? You’re acting strange,” McKenna said, narrowing her eyes.

  “I was wondering if I could talk to Anna, alone.” He shot Anna one of his million-watt smiles, and her insides melted just a bit. “Please, Kenna?”

  McKenna paused but then shrugged. “Sure. I guess. I’m hungry anyway.”

  Once she was in line at Starbucks, Anna turned to see Michael smiling at her. She hesitated. “What’s going on?”

  Michael wiggled his eyebrows and motioned for her to sit. “I have a surprise for you.”

  Anna studied him, and then turned her attention to the chair he’d waved toward, half-expecting to see a whoopee cushion or a tack sitting on it. Growing up, surprises from Michael never ended well.

  The coast was clear, but Anna didn’t let her guard down as she sat, just in case he had a trick up his sleeve.

  “You look a little terrified, Anna,” Michael said as he peered down at her.

  “Well, forgive me for saying this, but surprises from you always ended up either hurting or terrifying me.”

  Michael’s eyebrows rose. “That was when I was a dorky kid. I’m not like that anymore. I’m little more. . . smooth.” He winked at her as he grabbed his phone from the table, and a few seconds later, Marry You from Bruno Mars came over the speaker.

  Anna’s heart hammered in her chest as she stared at him. “What are you doing?”

  He grinned at her as he slipped down on one knee and pulled a tiny box out of his back pocket. “You didn’t think I’d take you to a marriage resort without properly asking you to marry me?” He paused as his head bobbed to the lyrics. “And I thought one of those corny YouTube-like proposals would be up your alley.”

  Of all the ways she’d imagined a proposal going, sitting at a Starbucks in the airport listening to the cheesiest marriage song was not one of them. “Michael, you should get up,” she said, glancing around at the crowd that was slowly starting to form.

  “What?” he asked, glancing to the side. Suddenly, his face paled as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. He turned his attention back to Anna as panic glinted in his eyes. “Be my fake wife? Please?” He leaned in, as if he didn’t want people to hear what he was asking

  This fake proposal had taken a strange turn. What was going on? But the desperation in Michael’s eyes tugged on her heart, so she nodded. “Of course, I’ll marry you,” she said.

  A look of relief passed over his face as he flipped open the box to expose a sparkly, ice-rink-sized diamond ring. “Sorry, I may have gone overboard,” he said, pulling it from the box and slipping it onto her finger.

  “A little.” Anna replied. She could almost feel the weight of the diamond. Before she could say anything more, a cheer rose up around them.

  Glancing up, she saw the crowd that had formed. A few had out their cell phones, and were taking pictures. Nerves ate at her stomach as she turned her attention back to Michael. He looked worried for a moment, but then plastered on a smile.

  “She said yes,” he said, turning to address the crowd.

  “Kiss her!” someone yelled.

  Anna’s eyes widened as she stared at Michael. What were they going to do? They’d never discussed this before. Why had he joked about the boundaries that she’d wanted to set? A list would be perfect right now.

  The crowd began to chant kiss her.

  Michael lifted his hands up and shrugged. “I don’t think they’ll let this go,” he said, leaning closer. “And mob mentality can get out of hand.” He smiled over at her.

  The look in his eyes told her that she could trust him. And she wanted to. After all, they’d done this before. Kiss. Why couldn’t she do it again?

  “I guess so,” she said, moving closer as well. It seemed best to just act and not think too hard about it. Recalling all the ridiculous proposal videos she’d seen in the past, she flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

  Electricity raced from her mouth, across her skin, and flooded her body. It took a moment for her brain to register what she’d just done, and as soon as it did, she regretted it. But she couldn’t back away now. So she sat there, not sure what to do.

  Michael seemed to be having the same reaction, as if he too, was stunned by the kiss. But then, she felt his hands find their way to her arms and then around to her back where he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.

  Whoops and hollers could be heard from the crowd around them. But they sounded muffled and far away. Like her body had given into the feeling of Michael next to her. As if it wanted to divert her nerves to drink in every point on her body where he was touching.

  Thankfully, he pulled away first. Anna wasn’t sure she had the strength.

  “What was that?” he asked. His voice was low and husky.

  She opened her eyes to see him staring at her. Not sure what she would sound like if she spoke, she decided to just shrug and act like that kiss hadn’t completely taken over her entire body.

  “You better warn a guy next time you plan to kiss him like that,” he said as the corner of his lips turned up. If he’d felt the intensity the way she had, he seemed to be recovering much faster.

  “Um,” she began, but wasn’t sure how to end the sentence. Did he mean he felt the same way she had from the kiss? And if that were true, what the heck did that mean?

  Michael pulled her to standing and held their hands in the air. “She said yes,” he exclaimed.

  The crowd applauded and then began to disperse. A few adoring fans came up and asked for a picture. Anna watched as he hesitated at first, but then forced a smile and agreed. When they got a moment alone, she was going to ask him what that meant. Why was he suddenly camera shy? Was it because of her?

  And then she felt stupid. Of course, it was because of her. With plain-Anna on his arm, he was going to look like he’d gone mental. He didn’t want all his adoring fans to know that he’d settled—in more ways than one.

  McKenna walked up, slow applauding. She had a brown paper bag tucked under her arm. “Wow, Michael. That was”—she clicked her tongue—“interesting. Had to do it in front of a crowd, huh?”

  Michael laughed, put his arm around Anna, and drew her closer to him. She hesitated, but then allowed it. His unsure demeanor earlier seemed to have passed, and he was back to his flirty ways. Perhaps, she’d made up his reaction in her mind. It wouldn’t be the first time she misread signs from Michael.

  Besides, right now, the last thing McKenna needed was a friend who was obsessing over her brother’s intentions. That was not what she was here for. Fixing McKenna’s marriage was her first, and only, priority. She needed to remember that.

  “That was great, Michael. I almost believed you meant it,” she said, forcing a laugh.

  They both turned to look at her with their eyebrows lifted. Anna let her laugh die down as she glanced around.

  “We should probably get back to the gate, huh?”

  McKenna glanced at her watch and nodded. “Yeah. Good idea. Hopefully, Sam’s still there and didn’t decide to head to the bathroom and leave our stuff just sitting out so any creep can stuff things into it.”

  Anna made sure to walk in a way that would cause Michael to drop his arm. She’d had just about enough touching right now. She needed some space, physically and emotionally, from him. If she was going to survive this trip with her heart
still intact, she needed to start building higher walls that separated her and Michael.

  When they got to the gate, Sam was still at his seat. He’d leaned back, resting his head on the back of the chair. His legs were strewn out, and he was snoring.

  McKenna sighed, but took the seat next to him. As Anna watched them, she felt sorry for her best friend. This wasn’t what they’d giggled about when they were kids. A fake marriage, and a failing one, had never been on their radar. Go figure. Yet here they sat, living it out.

  She wished she knew how to help her friend. What could she do to fix any of this? As she settled in next to Michael and waited to hear their zone called, she decided that she’d put all her feelings for Michael aside and focus on the mission. And that was to bring McKenna and Sam back together.

  She wasn’t going to be selfish and get caught up in her own issues. She took a deep breath as she fiddled with the ring on her finger. Even though her stomach flipped at the thought that this was Michael’s ring that he’d given to her, she muscled her emotions back to normal.

  There was one thing she needed to convince herself of right now. Michael wasn’t hers, and he never would be. And if she was a good friend, she’d stop focusing on herself and start helping McKenna piece together her broken marriage. Then she could figure out the mess her life had become. But not until McKenna’s problems were solved. She could do that much at least.

  Chapter Six


  Michael was thankful that there wasn’t much opportunity for conversation with Anna once they got to the gate. They busied themselves with getting their boarding passes out and getting into line to get on the plane. Once they were settled in their seats in first class, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Hopefully, Anna wouldn’t bug him if she thought he was sleeping.


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