Stepbrother Menage (Forbidden New Adult Romance): Three Book Bundle

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Stepbrother Menage (Forbidden New Adult Romance): Three Book Bundle Page 3

by Claire Sutcliffe

  “I’ll stay with you forever,” I said. “Because I love you both. And I want this every day until the end of time.” I thought of that… being filled like this. There would be nothing luckier, nothing more special. And I’d give my body to them whenever I needed. It felt like my purpose, to be here, between them. I smiled, basking in contentment.



  Seven minutes in heaven. Or had it been hell?

  My friends had shoved me into a closet, pushing my twin stepbrothers in right after me. I had yelped and struggled, flushing hot red with shame.

  They didn't know. They couldn't know, could they? How would everyone at school have known how often I fantasized about being alone with Jamie and Jason, the twins who wouldn't leave my daydreams? I had cried in the dark until I felt Jamie's arms reaching for me, his cock pressing against my thigh. Jason had kissed me tenderly, his lips soft and searching against mine.

  As soon as it had started it was over, and we were thrust back into the light.

  What would everyone say, if they knew?

  Four years later, and I'm dreaming of the twins. That bond is long gone, and their leading lives of luxury. Private jets and million-dollar vacations are nothing to them.

  And here I am getting kicked out of my apartment. With nowhere to go.

  The only place is with them. And what on earth am I hoping to find?


  "You need to be out by Friday, Annie." The greasy landlord leaned against the doorframe, holding the door open with one dirty, steel-toed boot. He smacked his gum loudly and shook out his combover. I felt tears coming to my eyes. But no. I would not let this man see me cry. Absolutely the fuck not.

  "I don't have anywhere to go, Rick." I'd probably said this to him twenty times in the past week, but it's like he had selective hearing when it came to my plight. Well. I didn't blame him. I hadn't paid rent in two months, and my position at the nonprofit downtown wasn't going to cough up the money I needed to stay. Rick rolled his eyes.

  "Well, maybe we could work a little something out, Annie. After all, you got all them curves..." He let his sentence trail off and arched an eyebrow at me.

  "In your dreams, Rick. I gotta pack and figure something out. So if you could please get the fuck out of my apartment... It's still mine until Friday, and right now, you are an unwanted intruder." I moved to slam the door in his face but I came up against his boot.

  "Well little missy... if you reconsider, I'm right on upstairs." Rick turned on his heels and left, the door closing behind him with a loud bang. Fuck, I couldn't even slam the door on him. Goddammit. Now that the door was closed, I fell back on my sofa and let the tears come. The prickly heat built up behind my eyes, and the hot tears fell. What the fuck was I going to do? I had no one here.

  Well, almost no one. I wiped the tears with one sleeve, my heart beating fast. Maybe... well, it probably wasn't a good idea at all.

  But maybe. I pulled my phone from my jeans and opened it, scrolling through my contacts.

  There they were. Jamie and Jason, my stepbrothers.

  "Fuck, no." I sighed. There was a twisting in my gut that I couldn't attribute to the anxiety I felt over my apartment. Jamie and Jason has always made me feel that way — ever since I met them in high school. They had stormed into my life when their mother had married my father. And from the moment I saw them, well, I was smitten. That whole making out in the closet thing hadn’t helped. It had made things far, far worse. And way more awkward. It was okay for a teenage girl to be smitten, right?

  But a twenty-two year old woman with a college degree and a job, well, it wasn't good at all. I'd avoided them since I'd moved back to town. I had this weird inkling that they would think I was trying to creep on them. After all, they were the city's youngest billionaires. They'd been named Washington's most eligible bachelors by the Post, and there were pictures of them every other weekend, each with a different model on his arm. The last I'd read, Jamie had flown off to Fiji in his private jet. And of course, he'd taken his congresswoman girlfriend with him. Until then, I didn't think Congress was especially glamorous, but it looks like Jamie found the only one.

  Twins. Goddamn twin billionaires. Living in my town. A life a million miles away from mine. I clicked the phone off, and then back on again. The last text message I'd sent to them was at Christmas, telling them I wouldn't be able to come to their gala. They had invited me every year, even when I was in college in Santa Barbara, but I'd never gone. When I'd moved in here, I thought I might go. But there was that whole matter of... not being a billionaire. Not having the family money. Not having a damn thing to wear. And not wanting to be around the twins that had always made me feel uncomfortably sexual.

  I was comfortable not being sexual at all. But Jamie and Jason brought it out of me. We would be sitting around, having a nice family meal, and one of them would look at me. My pulse would start to rise. My cheeks would flush. And before I could look away, my desire had responded, putting in mind the two men I couldn't have.

  Jamie and Jason. Twins.

  When they first moved in, I could barely tell them apart. They were fraternal twins but looked almost exactly alike. They would switch sometimes at school, pretending to be the other. And there was that awful time they switched girlfriends. Those bitches had not been happy a bit.

  As for me, I was jealous. I wanted to try both of them out at once. When they'd moved in, I was desperate. A high school virgin, pure as the driven snow. Far more interested in academics than in boys. But damn if they didn't ignite my fire more than anyone ever had.

  And it was always both of them. Both. I'd always wondered what it would be like to have their bodies next to mine, their hard muscles rippling against my skin, their cocks growing hard against my thighs and ass. I’d had one taste of it, and I was never the same.

  It was a problem. And it had ruined me for other men. They were the only ones I wanted.

  I closed my phone again. I couldn't reach out to them. It wouldn't work for me to be around them. I would be too nervous, too anxious... and more than a little bit horny. I shuddered. What was wrong with me that I wanted this so desperately? It was one thing for a high school student to want her stepbrothers. It was quite another for a fully grown woman.

  Maybe this time I'd get over it. Maybe being around them would remind me of what alpha dickbags they were. And oh God they were.

  But this was a desperate damn situation. And it had nothing to do with my stepbrother fantasies. It had to do with my being homeless, out on the street, with all of my stuff. In a city without any friends, I would have literally nowhere to go. It would be stupid — idiotic — of me to stay silent and not contact my stepbrothers. They might not even take me in, given how silent I'd been with them for the past five years. But it was worth a try, and it was literally my only option.

  I swiped my phone open and scrolled through my contacts again. I could text Jamie, the slightly more sensitive twin. Maybe. Before I could think about it any further, I started typing.

  Hey Jamie. Long time no see. I'm getting kicked out of my apartment, and I need a place to stay until I can find somewhere else. I know it's a huge imposition, but I really need a refuge right now.


  "Fuck, fuck. Fuck. I shouldn't have sent that." I shook my phone, wondering if I should send a cancellation message. "Just kidding, that was all a lie. I found a new place."

  Ding. A blue message appeared on the screen.

  No problem sis. You know we are here for you. It'll be damn good to see you. We'll send movers straight away. We'll send out a driver and a spare car too. Be on the lookout for a blue Rolls.

  I rolled my eyes. Goddammit. Between the time I'd sent the text message and now, Jamie had likely organized the whole thing with a snap of his finger. Their assistant got shit done, and fast. Goddammit. It's a wonder he didn't send out the helicopter.

  Ding. A text from Jason.

  I can send the he
licopter if you want, but I doubt there's a pad in your section of town.

  "Lord have mercy with these two."

  Ding. Another text from Jamie.

  We'll just stick with the car. See you in a few. And you can stay as long as we want. We've got all these lonely rooms and not enough beautiful women around to keep us company.

  My heart pounded in my chest. I looked around the tiny studio apartment, completely panicked. What on earth had I gotten myself into? They'd always treated me flirtatiously in high school, but I'd been silent, always content to revel in my hidden fantasies. I dropped the phone on my sofa like it was on fire. This situation was going to be miserable... flirting with two men I desperately wanted but couldn't have. Two men who could find far more gorgeous models and actresses at the drop of a hat. The most eligible bachelors in the city.

  And me, their mousy stepsister. Even our parents would laugh out loud at the thought. Nervously, I went to the window, looking out at the street below. I'd lived in this quirky little neighborhood ever since I'd moved to town. It was nothing like the place where my brothers lived. Their house, if you could call it a house, stood on Massachusetts Avenue among the most expensive mansions in the city. Their neighbors were senators and high-rolling diplomats, young CEOs of companies, and actors who loved the capital for some reason or another. Unlike some of the others, their home was somehow hip, even for something incredibly grand and old-fashioned. It looked more like the cool old homes in Georgetown than the massive stone castles that plagued the rest of the neighborhood. Jamie and Jason had favored reclaimed hardwoods and poured concrete floors over marble, paintings by young local artists over looming statues, and a bachelor pad vibe over the traditionally boring decor you might find in their neighbors' homes.

  I'd only been once, a few Christmases ago, and I'd left as quickly as I could, fearing my secret might be uncovered. But I'd had time to melt over their teak and cherry furniture, the perfectly appointed sauna, and the somehow not-so-tacky indoor pool. Maybe it was the inlaid tile or the infinity feature... I guess if you had enough money, you could make anything as classy as you wanted. I wondered if they took women down there... if they had their way with them on the cool, wet floor under the light of the stars, the doors to their grand patio left open. That familiar tingle shot through my body again. It had been months since I'd seen either of them, months since that old flame of desire had seared through my veins.

  But now it was real. And I was going to stay with them. A shiver ran through my body, and a faint pulsing rose between my legs. I felt my pussy grow slick, even as I looked down at the street. The thought of them, two powerful men, both so similar... and yet, with personalities as different as night and day. Jamie, kind when he needed to be, but fiercely sarcastic and demanding. Jason, reserved and logical, and often so arrogant and loud. They'd always had women fawning all over them, and it was easy to understand why. I'd have to put my pillow over my head in high school, shying away from listening to them fuck the women they so often brought home.

  Disaster, my brain said. Get out.

  Maybe if I could text them now and see if they knew of another place I could go...

  A blue Rolls Royce pulled up on the street next to my apartment building, and a large moving truck appeared at the corner. It was all in motion, and there was no stopping it now. I'd be joining them this evening whether I liked it or not. They both had gotten it into their minds I was coming, and even with their limited sphere of influence in this area of town, I was wiling to bet they would get me to their home tonight, whether or not I refused the driver.

  I'd be a toy for them to tease.

  And then a woman for them to ignore once they grew tired of me.

  I sighed. I could do worse than staying in a huge DC mansion. I guess I'd just have to roll with the punches.


  “Alright Miss, step right into the car,” said the driver. He was a man, maybe fifty years old. He looked at my outfit uncomfortably. I’d kept on the tank top and short skirt I’d been wearing, and I was sweating from walking down three flights of stairs with my backpack. I’d insisted on keeping it with me since my brothers were likely to throw all of my old clothing away during the move. They liked control, which is another reason I stayed far, far away from them.

  I swayed a little under the weight of the backpack, and the driver caught me by the elbow.

  “A bit hot today, isn’t it, Miss?” He stared pointedly at the backpack, and I clutched it to me. I slid into the Rolls, tossing my old gray backpack on the seat next to me. I’d included a few sundresses and all of my toiletries and laptop. It was enough for a couple of days with the billionaires. And then I needed to be out on my own, not relying on them and not getting trapped in their strange world.

  The driver started the car and drove in silence. He clearly disapproved of my very existence. But that was just as well. I watched as my city passed by, changing from rickety old apartment buildings to lovely townhouses and upscale shops. As the car rolled uphill from Georgetown, entering the otherworldly land of the District’s richest, I felt that pinprick of desire open inside of me again. Usually, when I saw my brothers, I had the buffer of family by my side. I could ignore them and their ridiculous bespoke suits, their flock of expensive cars, and the arm-candy women they brought with them to every family dinner.

  To their credit, they hadn’t ignored me. Christmas presents of strange and exotic spices and foods would arrive each December. And text messages would appear at random times, all left unanswered.

  The driver turned into Jamie and Jason’s elite neighborhood, driving his car slowly down the road to their home, the lovely house that bore more resemblance to an old colonial than to the castles that surrounded it. But as we approached, it was easy to see that it was the most lavishly appointed house for miles around. There were multiple guest houses that stood on two acres of some of the most valuable property in the country, and a giant saltwater swimming pool that led to its twin inside of the house itself. I sighed heavily. All of this extravagance usually made me uncomfortable, but there was something exciting about coming here this time. This time, I had a reason to be here. And this time, maybe I was older and wiser.

  “Alright Miss, let me take that filthy tote from you,” the driver said. “I’ll take it right inside.”

  I nodded and ignored his tone. He took the bag as I stepped out of the car and walked up the artfully weathered stone steps to Jamie and Jason’s sprawling home. The driver opened the door for me and immediately went up the grand staircase that led out of the foyer and up to the rows of guest rooms that were probably mostly unused.

  My gut twisted, and I almost swooned again as the anxiety rose in my gut.

  “Hold it together, Annie. It’s just your brothers. Your friends... well, more or less.” I thought back to the time they had taken me into that closet in our old home. Their bodies had been pressed against mine. My lips had touched Jason’s... and then Jamie’s. In the dark, I had been able to tell them apart by their touch. Jason, rougher than Jamie. Jamie, more eager and aggressive. It had all been over in a flash, but it had changed the course of my life as surely as anything ever had.

  “I wonder if I could run right now. I wonder if I could get the fuck out of here and make it to the homeless shelter...” My voice came out in a low whisper, but still it felt like it was echoing through the giant hallways and cathedral ceilings that expanded before me.

  “A homeless shelter! Well, that’s why you’re here, aren’t you?” Jamie’s voice caught me by surprise, and I turned on my heels, the angry flush rising in my body. He’d always enjoyed scaring me in high school, standing behind the bathroom door and leaping out at the last moment. He caught me by the arm.

  “Jamie, what the everloving fuck, man!” He threw his head back and laughed. His deep blue-green eyes sparkled with delight, and he drew me into a long embrace. I thought of that time in the closet. Just a moment, and it was over. Back to the stupid high schoo
l party, all three of us pretending like nothing had happened. Today, Jamie had set aside his perfectly tailored suit in favor of a pair of jeans and a tailored button-down that showed off the immaculate shape of his body. My heart seemed to catch in my throat.


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