Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 15

by Marly Mathews

  They’d reached the outskirts of Tewkesbury. They both forgot what they were arguing about when they saw the destruction that awaited them.

  ‘Oh, no…no, this can’t be happening!’ Her panicked thoughts streamed out to him. Pain ripped at her insides.

  ‘Our architectural whizzes can sort this out. They have complete records of the way everything was built. So a little magical fix it spells and it will all be restored.’ But even though his telepathic voice sounded confident, she could still sense his trepidation. She slowed to a near hover. Her eyes scanned over the entire region.

  The ancient Abbey still stood. It looked a little worse for wear, but other than that it remained intact. Her heart froze again when she gazed at a nearby field.

  ‘The infamous Bloody Meadow from the battle of Tewkesbury. It’s bloody again.’

  She heard William’s voice in her head but she couldn’t give him any reply.

  She wondered where everyone had gone. If they were lucky, the allied forces had driven her father back to Dragonia.

  She flew down to the war memorial known as The Cross, and stood in front of it. An eerie silence blanketed the town. The sound of death hung in the air. She licked her parched lips.

  She heard William bringing the car down to a gentle landing. Doors opened.

  “Where did they all go?” Leo sounded confused.

  David landed on his feet beside her. He remained in his dragon shifter form. Reaching out with her mind, she scanned the area for any survivors.

  “I sense people in the abbey,” she said, hope flaring inside of her.

  “Well, it’s no wonder it’s big enough to house the entire town.” William sniffed at the air. “I smell smoke and the scent of battle magic. The battle must have only just ended.”

  “The question is…who won?” Her heart started beating again. She shrugged away from William who had discreetly wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Do you think they would have gone onto London?” Leo asked.

  “I pray that our side drove them back to Dragonia. I can’t think of what we’ll do if they made it to London,” Grania murmured.

  “We’ll just have to fight them there.” William gave her an encouraging smile. She closed her eyes. She tried to feel the space around her. Opening herself to the leftover psychic energy clinging to the atmosphere. She felt pain, anger, fear, and hope all mingling into each other. The blurring of emotions made her want to weep. She fell against William, who gave her a comforting shoulder to lean on.

  “Our side won at least that’s what I feel. We defeated the wave that was sent here. I just don’t know where the survivors are…”

  “They might have gone onto London,” Kayla suggested.

  “Unless, they are in the abbey right now…” Grania wandered away from them as if in a trance. She opened the abbey door. She walked through it, and immediately felt a sickly sensation overwhelming her.

  The enemy was within this place, and so were her allies.

  Chapter Twelve

  Grania’s heart thundered in her ribcage. She felt him drawing near. Turning to William and the rest of the party, she motioned for them to leave. “Get out! Now!”

  The urgency in her voice must have sent off major warning signals for William.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You said the survivors were in here. We’re going to find them and render them the necessary assistance,” William said, speaking with firm resolve.

  “You have to go…” Her voice trailed off.

  It was too late.

  She turned to face him.

  “It did take you long enough to show up.” The slick smooth voice flustered her right down to her bones.

  If she thought her mouth had been dry before, now she was dying of thirst.

  “Blaze,” she whispered. “Come back to me.”

  She nodded her head at him. He didn’t come forward to embrace her, not that she expected him to. He’d betrayed them all. She prodded his mind, he wasn’t all there. She knew if she could save him, it would have to be soon or he’d be completely lost to them forever.

  “I wasn’t expecting to meet such resistance. They are quite plucky these wizards, warlocks and witches that you’ve grown so fond of.”

  “They have their moments,” she relented, watching him as he strode toward her with the grace of his forebears.

  “Did you watch them kill your mother and father?” she asked, nearly choking on the question.

  Sadness flickered across his face. Shadows of misery glinted in this eyes. She knew he’d been taken over by someone much stronger than him. Someone like her father. Was he orchestrating this entire thing from his safety zone in Dragonia? Her father knew how to make his subordinates dance like puppets for him.

  “I do not wish to harm you, Grania. Step aside, so I can finish off the man you’re supposed to protect.”

  “I can’t allow you to do that. That man now happens to be my husband.”

  “You married him? How desperate could you be? You should have fought the mating fire, I’m sure you would have succeeded. Denys tells me what a frigid bitch you were with him.”

  “Frigid bitch, my ass. Why don’t you let Blaze go?”

  “Has she lost her marbles?” Leo asked behind her.

  William quieted him with an elbow to his side.

  “Blaze has your mother’s blood running through him. I couldn’t end his life, nor could I allow him to stand as a testament against me. Unfortunately, for him I tried to destroy his mind, he was always quite proficient in guarding against me. Right now, he’s in a metal cage inside of his mind, possessing his body with my consciousness was the only way I could make him see how superior in skill I am to him. He can see past my illusions, so I thought I’d use him to destroy that which is his last hope. It is true justice.”

  “Why are you doing this? You must end this!” she demanded

  “The time will soon be mine.” That familiar power hungry look entered Blaze’s eyes. She sighed.

  “You don’t understand, Father. You will never overpower England, much less the rest of the U.K. It is protected by an old magic that even we can’t think to conquer. The witches, warlocks, and wizards are far more powerful than they once were. They have adapted, they have learned from their defeat at your hands. Your forces were driven back here. Do not be so foolish to think that a second wave will do the job that the first wave failed to do.”

  “You always did think too logically for your own good. You are just like your mother in that way,” he said mournfully.

  “Do not speak of my mother! She would hate you for what you’ve become! You are not worthy to talk about her, especially to me. You just did the unthinkable sin against her by killing her dragon shifting twin.”

  “Is that what the reports have told you? It is quite stunning to realize how twisted the news can become when seen through the enemy’s eyes. I would never kill your aunt. Your uncle on the other hand…well, he is long gone.” He let out a cackle of glee. Her blood ran cold. Shivers stretched throughout her body.

  “What have you done with her?”

  “That’s none of your concern, daughter. You should learn your place when it comes to me. Unfortunately that’s another failing of yours that I can never quite come to terms with. You are so independent minded that you couldn’t see the error of your ways, even now. I will still kill your husband. He holds the key to that damnable spell, a spell that could only ruin our kind!”

  “I will not have this speech with you. We are in a sacred house.”

  “Aye. I know. I was here when the first stones were laid for this Abbey. I’ve seen far more on this land than you could possibly understand. I will take back the land that those filthy humans took from us. My power grows, even while you stand arguing with me, my power builds. Soon, you will not even be able to stand against me.”

  “Why don’t you just stop before you become known as Draco the Butcher?”

  He tilted his head to th
e side. She saw Blaze standing before her, but the eyes that stared at her belonged to her father.

  “You are still in Dragonia. Return there, and do not darken this land again.”

  “Is that a threat, Daughter?”

  “It is no threat—it is a statement. I will never return to you as your daughter, Father. From here on in, you shouldn’t think of me as such.”

  “As much as I hate to admit it, I will never be able to break the bond that you and I share. You are a great disappointment to me, Grania. When you were born, the seers destined you for greatness. You were the first white dragon shifter with flame coloured hair born into our noble family for over two thousand years. You were our treasure. You were our pride. Now, you have forsaken me.”

  A flame died within her. “There’s only one way to get you to leave Blaze’s body.” She ran up to him, he drew back. William called her name. Blaze fought her father’s hold on him. Trying to not focus on what she was about to do, she pulled Blaze close to her. Her father’s eyes widened, as she pressed her lips to Blaze’s lips.

  Her father was gone.


  William couldn’t believe what he’d just seen. “Well, that’s one way to get rid of uninvited guests. Just get my wife to kiss you.”

  She released Blaze, catching him when he slumped to the ground. He had been released from his mental prison.

  “Tell the others they can come out of hiding now.” She held Blaze steady.

  “Leo, tell the others they can come out of hiding now,” William ordered.

  “Blaze, listen to me! Can you speak?”

  William watched the once vibrant young man, nod his head. Hesitancy gleamed in Blaze’s eyes.

  “Don’t do that again,” he rasped.

  “Not unless he gets into your head one more time.” Tiredness blanketed her voice. She needed to rest.

  He wanted to pull her away from Blaze. Even though he knew they were first cousins, jealousy sparked within him.

  “William, come and help me.”

  He couldn’t understand why she’d require his assistance. Her bloody super strength would be enough to get Blaze to his feet.

  He walked over and helped her hoist Blaze to his feet. The man felt as if he had an anchor weighing him down. “We need to get some food and water into him,” she said softly.

  “He’s a dragon shifter, I thought your kind could survive days without sustenance.”

  “Not when we’ve just seen our entire family slaughtered before us,” Grania murmured, giving William a sad look.

  “No.” Blaze shook his head. “Your father was telling the truth.”

  Kayla handed William a bottle of water. “Get him to drink this. It’s our water, so it should put a little sparkle into his eyes. The poor man he looks absolutely shattered.”

  Poor man wasn’t exactly what he would describe Blaze as at the moment. He looked like he was in hell, so he’d call him the unluckiest man on the planet.

  “What do you mean? I heard that…” Grania's voice trailed off.

  “He was never going to kill mother. He wanted her. I think part of this entire war was started because he wanted her. Once your mother died, he cast his attention to the next best thing. He thinks my mother will ease his suffering, but she will hate him for what he has done. I’m sorry, Grania, I’ll have to kill your father the next time we meet.”

  “I think he had you sort of preoccupied just a moment ago. Don’t start allowing your grief and rage to get the better of you. We will get our revenge all in due time. My father’s days are numbered. It will only be a matter of time before we drive him back into oblivion.”

  “He has my family.” Blaze was undaunted.

  William had to hand it to him the man was bloody stubborn when it came right down to it, a trait he shared with Grania.

  “I know, and we’ll get them back,” Grania insisted gently.

  “I shudder to think of how my mother must feel right now. She’s being subjected to your father’s presence, after he killed my father in mortal combat.”


  Grania closed her eyes against the excruciating pain welling in her heart. Numbness threatened to overwhelm her. She was sick and tired of feeling pain. She had to buck up and think of the struggle ahead of them.

  “Blaze, I’ll never be able to atone for my father’s sins.”

  “You don’t have to.” He’d drained the whole bottle of water, and licked his lips with relish. “I’m going to kill your father and even the score.” She almost fell backwards at the force of the hurt seeping into her body. The lashing words made her feel as if she’d been slapped.

  “Hey, now, that was uncalled for, Blaze.” William’s voice took on a gruff and angry edge.

  “I meant every word. I didn’t think it would hurt Grania’s feelings as much as it seems to have done. I only meant that I was going out for the old eye for an eye thing.”

  She heaved a great breath. “And, well you should. I understand. My father had no right to kill your father. He acted far out of his bounds.”

  “He wasn’t bound to my father in any way. The link of friendship had sizzled out long ago. The only bond he shared was the fact that he was my father’s War General. Now, that he has out mastered his king, he believes he has to assume his rank and his position. Added to the equation is the fact that your father has lusted over my mother for countless years.”

  “He isn’t lusting over your mother.” She could hear her heart pounding in her chest, and then gradually she heard it reverberating in her ears.

  “Then, why did he give her an ultimatum? He told her he would spare my father’s life if she came to his bed.”

  “I don’t believe that. My father would never do that…” Her cheeks grew warm as she realized the obvious. Of course her father would stoop that low. He was already scraping the bottom of the barrel when it came to honour and chivalry. “You are right. I shouldn’t be standing here defending my father when I know all too well what sort of a monster he is. He will do anything. I’m only sorry that your father didn’t finish him when they were locked in combat with each other.”

  “He fought with valour and honour. Alas, my poor dear father never was a warrior at heart. His mother didn’t come from the warrior class and he inherited her shortcomings.”

  “Not being a warrior isn’t a shortcoming. Your father was one of the most intelligent, not to mention enlightened, dragon shifter of his day. He truly brought grace and beauty to Dragonia. He will be remembered as a hero and a martyr.”

  “I will remember him as a loving father that would gladly give his life for his family–and most importantly, his mate.”

  Her stomach did another nosedive. She locked gazes with William. Her heart made her want to press herself to him and never let go, but now wasn’t the time, nor was it the place for such an outward display of affection.

  Kayla moved forward and started to attend to Blaze’s injuries.

  “Kayla, how is your head?”

  Blaze looked up at Kayla, and she watched as Leo gave Blaze a glance of sparkling jealousy. Blaze didn’t need to fall in love with a witch she’d already done the unthinkable by falling in love with a wizard. Blaze was the heir to the Throne of Dragonia, he had to marry a pure-blooded dragon shifter.

  “Why?” Blaze asked the question out of thin air.

  It irritated her to no end that he’d been eavesdropping on her thoughts. She frowned at him. He gave her a half smile. Her heart soared at that, to think that he was already rising above adversity. He was a true testament to his people.

  William gave Blaze a look of annoyance. He knew what Blaze had done, and he was just as irritated as she was. Kayla, on the other hand, was blissfully ignorant. Leo wasn’t.

  “Kayla, come on. We should go and get the others to come out of hiding. We have to start making plans on our next course of action.” Leo walked straight toward her and stopped when Blaze stood up, successfully blocking his way. The air turned ele

  Kayla gave Blaze a look of longing. Between Leo and Blaze, Grania was trying to determine who was superior in size and strength. By all appearances, they were evenly matched.

  “Leo, I think you’re on the right path of thought. David, shouldn’t you all be reuniting with the witches, warlocks and wizards that fought here?”

  David moved out of the shadows of the Romanesque arches. “I’d warrant that we’d find a good deal of royalist dragon shifters as well.” He nodded at Blaze.

  Fury lit Blaze’s eyes. He went to lunge at David, but Kayla and she stepped in his path. “Stop it, Blaze. He’s one of us! You need to rein in that combustive temper of yours. I know you’ve had a trying week. Hell, you’ve had a trying last few years, but now is not the time to rip David a new one. I tell you, he is one of us!”

  “He bloody well isn’t! He’s a traitor to the Crown! He watched as our King was slain in battle and did nothing to stop it from happening!”

  “You were also helpless.” David’s voice turned cool and detached.

  “I was chained. They only released me when the deed was done. They comforted themselves thinking it wasn’t murder because my father had been armed, so in their minds he was evenly matched against your father, but you know, Grania! You know that my father didn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell against your father. He’s superior in every manner when it comes to fighting.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry no one tops my father when it comes to killing.” She dropped her voice to the barest of whispers. He was having a hard time letting go, and she could understand why. Her sympathy for him knew no bounds. She was only going to add salt into his already raw wounds by asking him her next question. “What happened to make me feel as if hundreds of dragon shifters had died? What did my father do to incite such genocide?”

  “He had all of the heads of parliament killed, plus their families.”

  Her stomach fell again. Sourness churned within her. “He’s gone insane. I thought before that he’d given into his animalistic nature, but now I know. He has truly lost himself.”

  “He was with it enough when you put your rosy little lips against Blaze’s,” William said sardonically.


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