The Rise of the Fourth Reich

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich Page 43

by Jim Marrs

  Using German advances in the study of the human mind, behavior, and propaganda, these self-styled globalists are now attempting to subdue the American population through a maze of government policies, drugs, a dumbed-down education system, and a controlled corporate mass media. Political and corporate leadership continually swap roles, creating a merger of the state and industry—the very definition of fascism. Mergers and leveraged takeovers have concentrated corporate power into fewer and fewer hands, many of those directly connected through banking and corporate ties to prewar support for the Nazis. Law enforcement personnel increasingly no longer wear the blue uniforms of police sworn “to serve and protect,” but black body armor with the German-style military helmets, initially dubbed the “Fritz” by the soldiers. Even the fields of religion, education, and entertainment are being used to transform whole generations of formerly free Americans into cowed and subservient members of an increasingly National Socialist system.

  Is the new American Empire, as it is described in numerous books and articles, in danger of becoming an empire of the wealthy—a fascist Fourth Reich? Hitler’s Thousand-year Reich collapsed after a mere twelve years. How long before the end of the New World Order’s Fourth Reich in America?

  An account of the fall of the Fourth Reich has not yet been written, for it has yet to happen. If, and how, this is to be accomplished, is up to you, dear reader.


  If there is no citation, the information may be found in conventional histories and encyclopedias.


  A “spectacle presented by the Jews”: William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), p. 1131

  Hitler’s Testament: Louis L. Snyder, Encyclopedia of the Third Reich (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976), pp. 165–166

  Hitler’s faraway look: Shirer, p. 1132

  Remains never found: Ibid., p. 1134

  Hitler’s doubles: Pauline Koehler, The Woman Who Lived in Hitler’s House (New York: Sheridan House, 1940), p. 47

  The Escape of Adolf Hitler

  Hitler cried “Get out!”: Snyder, p. 125

  Fegelein knew secret: Glenn B. Infield, Hitler’s Secret Life: The Mysteries of the Eagle’s Nest (New York: Stein and Day, 1979), p. 284

  Linge to wait ten minutes: Ibid.

  A Definition of Terms

  Corporatism: Jasper Ridley, Mussolini (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997), pp. 226–227

  Fascism spells government: Thomas J. DiLorenzo, “Economic Fascism,” The Freeman, June 1994;

  Communism versus National Socialism

  Wall Street willing to finance revolution: William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1990), p. 139

  Jacob Schiff’s $20 million: Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Seal Beach, CA: Concord Press, 1971), p. 69

  Elihu Root’s special mission to Russia:

  Arsene de Goulevitch: Allen, p. 72

  American International Corporation:

  Trotsky to stop the war with Germany: G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island (Westlake Village, CA: American Media, 1994), p. 265

  Trotsky’s release: Ibid., pp. 76, 266; Still, p. 140

  Lenin and sealed train: Still, p. 140

  Max Warburg and German High Command: Allen, p. 68

  Power elite: A. K. Chesterton, The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics (Hawthorne, CA: Christian Boys Club of America, 1969);

  Lenin speaks of another force: Still, p. 142

  Rich back Bolshevik Revolution: Allen, p. 73

  William Huntington Russell brought society to America: Antony C. Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), p. 6

  Man at the heart of American ruling class: Ron Rosenbaum, “The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones,” Esquire, September 1977

  Russell in Germany: Sutton, Skull & Bones, p. 223

  Links between Bones and Illuminati: Rosenbaum, pp. 87–88

  “Man is not bad”: A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History (Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1985), p. 79

  End justifies the means: Ibid., p. 81

  Secret is in concealment: Still, p. 73

  Strict Observance under a different name: Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation (New York: Touchstone, 1997), p. 142

  Existence of name Illuminati irrelevant: Still, p. 81

  Social programs grow: Dennis Cauchon, “Federal Aid Programs Expand at Record Rate,” USA Today, March 13, 2005




  1. A New Reich Begins

  The Thule Society: Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000), pp. 155–157

  Hitler received orders: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1940), p. 291

  Lower walks of life: Ibid., p. 292

  Eckart as spiritual founder of National Socialism:

  Party paper purchased from Thule Society: Editors, The Twisted Dream (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1990), p. 156

  Hitler manipulated and cast aside: Joseph P. Farrell, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006), p. 419

  Dulles brothers at Schroeders: Eustace Mullins, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (Staunton, VA: Bankers Research Institute, 1983), p. 75

  Danger to the state and nation: Snyder, p. 287

  Douglas Reed’s comments: Ibid.

  Poland’s false flag attack: Shirer, p. 599

  Build-up for European war: Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (Seal Beach, CA: ’76 Press, 1976), p. 21

  Synthetic oil: Ibid., p. 22

  J. P. Morgan production: Ibid., p. 24

  Fight against Young Plan: Fritz Thyssen, I Paid Hitler (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941), p. 88

  Apex of the system: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 27

  $30 million from City National Bank: Ibid., p. 34

  Walter Teagle and tetraethyl: Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot—1933–1949 (New York: Delacorte Press, 1983), pp. 34–35

  Teagle replaced by James V. Forrestal: Ibid., p. 135

  Win working class from communism: James Pool, Who Financed Hitler (New York: Pocket Books, 1997), p. 122

  Publicist Ivy Lee: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 43

  American funds for Nazi propaganda: Ibid.

  Max Warburg and Prescott Bush:

  American I. G. Chemical Company as source of intelligence: Paul Manning, Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile (Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1981), p. 57

  Key German records destroyed: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 35

  Petition from business leaders: John Toland, Adolf Hitler (New York: Doubleday, 1976), p. 277

  Schroeder bank as Germany’s agent: Mullins, Federal Reserve, p. 77

  John Foster Dulles handled Schroeder loans: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 82

  “No foolish economic experiments”: Konrad Heiden, Der Fuehrer (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1944), p. 643

  Schacht and Bank of England: Toland, pp. 185–186

  Montague Norman and Bank of England: Howard S. Katz, The Warmongers (New York: Books in Focus, 1979), pp. 78–79

  Schacht and Norman visits: Curt Riess, The Nazis Go Underground (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1944), p. 34

  Influence over political apparatus: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 27

  BIS as money funnel: Higham, p. 2

  Czech gold sent to Nazis: Ibid., p. 5

>   ITT German Chairman Westrick: Ibid., pp. 93–95

  Banking connections to the Gestapo: Ibid., p. 20

  50,000 artillery fuses: Ibid., p. 99

  Interlocking directorships with I. G. Farben: William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (San Jose, CA: Dahlin Family Press, 1990), p. 415

  Ford as “one great man”: Hitler, p. 930

  Ford’s medal: Pool, p. 95

  Ford built backbone trucks: Higham, p. 156

  Synthetic fuel technology from GM:

  That company was International Business Machines: Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust (New York: Crown Publishers, 2001), p. 7.

  Railroad cars: Edwin Black, “Final Solutions: How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland,” The Village Voice (March 27–April 2, 2002)

  Watson’s medal: Black (2001), p. 131

  IBM obstruction of authors: Ibid. (2002) Joseph Kennedy in Hoover note: Higham, p. 181

  The coup of 1934: Ibid., pp. 163–164; also see Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House (New York: Hawthorne Books, 1973)

  Ambassador William E. Dodd: Ibid., p. 167

  German bank support: Shirer, p. 144

  Booster of Rome-Berlin Axis: Higham, p. 22

  Loans to BMW and Mercedes: Manning, p. 67

  2. The Strange Case of Rudolf Hess

  Lunatic benevolence: Snyder, p. 144

  Haushofer in Vril Society: William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (San Jose, CA: Dahlin Family Press, 1990), p. 409

  General Karl Haushofer: Peter Levenda, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult (New York: Avon Books, 1995), pp. 87–88

  Influence only through Hess: Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, and Stephen Prior, Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-up (London: Little, Brown and Company, 2001), p. 43

  Hess dictated chapters: Ibid., p. 54

  Terrible weapon will be in our hand: Ibid., p. 138

  Authorities desperate to conceal a secret: Ibid., p. xxi

  Cornerstone of German politics: Snyder, p. 139

  Haushofer passed names: Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1974), p. 227

  Six planets in Taurus: Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 235

  Dream by supernatural forces: Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1970), p. 211

  Halifax and Sinclair kept quiet: Picknett, Prince, and Prior, p. 160

  Willingness to Nazi occupation: Sophie Goodchild, “Queen Mum wanted peace with Hitler,” The Independent on Sunday, March 5, 2000

  Churchill quote: Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill in War and Peace (Glasgow: Unity Publishing, 1950), p. 145

  Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby: Sidney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War (foreword to the second edition, 2001), originally published in 1938;

  Hess did not imagine a peace group: Picknett, Prince, and Prior, p. 262

  England to cover one’s back: Hitler, p. 183

  Viktor Suvorov and Hitler’s preemptive strike:; Viktor Suvorov, Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990)

  Joseph Bishop:

  Hitler went down in history as the ultimate aggressor: Ibid.

  Daniel W. Michaels:

  Hitler said Europe would have been lost: Editors, “Hitler’s Declaration of War Against the United States,” The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1988–89, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 389–416

  A small clique: Picknett, Prince, and Prior, p. 175

  Sea Lion a sham: Ibid., pp. 120–121

  Egbert Kieser: Ibid., p. 121

  Mythologizing of Churchill: Ibid., p. 112

  Hoover memo on Duke of Windsor: Higham, pp. 181–182

  MI6, SOE conflicted: Picknett, Prince, and Prior, p. 262

  There were two Hesses and the mind skids: Ibid., p. 436

  Dulles dispatches Dr. Cameron: Ibid., p. 9

  Dr. Cameron’s background: John Marks, The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control (New York, Times Books, 1979), p. 132

  Prince Bernhard and Bilderberg: Marrs, Rule by Secrecy, pp. 39–40

  3. Nazi Wonder Weapons

  V-1 and V-2 damage in London: Snyder, p. 361

  Tonne television guidance test: Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004), p. 184

  Weaponry near completion: Brian Ford, German Secret Weapons: Blueprint for Mars (New York: Ballantine Books, 1969), pp. 6–7

  Greatest technological leap: Igor Witkowski, Truth About the Wunderwaffe (Warsaw: European History Press, 2003), p. 10

  Einsteinian physics as Jewish science: Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point (London: Century, 2001), p. 194

  Witkowski and Wright-Patterson records: Witkowski, p. 10

  SS industrial concern: Albert Speer, Infiltration: How Heinrich Himmler Schemed to Build an SS Industrial Empire (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1981), p. 3

  Weapons plant concealed from Speer: Ibid., p. 179

  Any quantum leap over state-of-the-art: Cook, p. 151

  Feuerball description: Renato Vesco and David Hatcher Childress, Man-Made UFOs 1944–1994: 50 Years of Suppression (Stelle, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994), pp. 85–86

  Kugelblitz: Ibid., p. 156–157

  Rudolph Schriever’s saucer: W. A. Harbinson, Genesis (New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1982), p. ix Major Lusar’s description: Die Deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2 Welt-kriegs und ihre Weiterentwicklung (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1956), pp. 81–83

  Schriever’s death and plans: Harbinson, p. 590

  Flying saucers in final stages of development: Ford, pp. 34–35

  1954 CIA report: Nick Redfern, The FBI Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998), pp. 198–199

  Viktor Schauberger: Vesco and Childress, pp. 243–245

  General Twining’s memo: Cook, p. 37

  Barney Hill’s description of German Nazi: Jim Marrs, Alien Agenda (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997), pp. 198–199

  Utter scientific nonsense: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 23

  Photochemical process: Ibid., p. 146

  Karl Wirtz’s comment: Ibid., p. 144

  Developed only a uranium bomb: Ibid., p. 23

  Allied engineers despaired: Ibid., pp. 34–35

  Prima facie case for uranium bomb: Ibid., p. 154

  Colossal air field in Norway: Ibid., p. 94

  JU-390 flies to New York: Cook, p. 198

  Blast effects on Manhattan Island map: Witkowski, p. 52

  Mussolini’s political testament: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 70–71

  Nagasaki bomb given to Soviets: Ibid., p. 71

  No viable critical mass: Carter Plymton Hydrick, Critical Mass: How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States’ Atomic Bomb (Spring, TX: Whitehurst & Company, 2004), p. 133

  Britain prepares for atomic attack: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 72–73

  Berlin telephone service out: Ibid., pp. 75–76

  Electromagnetic pulse explanation: Ibid., p. 77

  Luigi Romersa: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 78–79, from his translation of Edgar Meyer and Thomas Mehner’s Hitler und die “Bombe” (Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany: Kopp Verlag, 2002), pp. 62–66

  A bomb which will surprise the whole world: Henry Stevens, Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-secret Weapons, Science and Technology (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), p. 78

  U.S. report on Hans Zissner: Witkowski, p. 218, actual document reproduced on p. 219

  Japanese embassy report: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 43–45

  Fuel-air bomb: Ibid., p. 48

bsp; Sevastopol explosion: Paul Carrell, Hitler Moves East, 1941–1943 (New York: Ballantine Books, 1971), p. 503

  Propaganda disaster: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 69

  A rational explanation: Ibid., p. 157

  Bomb of German provenance: Edgar Meyer and Thomas Mehner, Das Geheimnis der deutschen Atombombe (Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany: Kopp Verlag, 2001), p. 122

  Baron von Ardenne’s laboratory: David Irving, The German Atomic Bomb (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967), p. 290

  Wilhelm Ohnesorge: Hydrick, p. 59

  Reichspost awash with money: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 40

  Postal minister brought solution: Irving, p. 77

  Not one pound of buna produced: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 29

  Buna plant and secrecy between top Nazis: Hydrick, pp. 60–61

  U-234 and cargo:

  Dr. Velma Hunt:

  Officially no nuclear reactor in Germany: Cook, p. 180

  Uranium highly enriched: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 61

  Crew anecdote:

  Wolfgang Hirschfeld: Ibid.

  Sail only on fuehrer’s orders: Hydrick, p. 152

  Major John E. Vance: Ibid., p. 28

  Document discrepancy: Stevens, pp. 7–8, with copies of archive letters and bills of lading

  Luis Alvarez: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 63

  Senator Byrnes’s memo: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 57

  Edward Hammel at Los Alamos: Hydrick, p. 29

  U-234 bombs can scarcely be argued: Ibid., p. 143

  German bomb on Indianapolis: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 71

  A present for the Americans: Stevens, pp. 76–77

  Lieutenant Joseph Kennedy’s flight: Witkowski, p. 44

  The Germans did make atomic bombs: Stevens, p. 76

  U-234 taken as part of Bormann’s plan: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 64


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