The Rise of the Fourth Reich

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich Page 45

by Jim Marrs

  Kennedy finally released von Braun team: Winterstein, dedication Continuance of their research: Bennett and Percy, p. 166

  Criminal accusations against von Braun: Hunt, p. 109; Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara, Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA (Los Angeles: Feral House, 2007), p. 237

  Scientists spoke directly only to Korolev: Bennett and Percy, p. 192

  A collaboration of two superpowers: Ibid., p. 201

  Some entity or agency: Farrell, Brotherhood of the Bell, p. 133

  Lieutenant Walter Jessel reports on trust: Hunt, pp. 43–44

  Dr. Wilhelm Voss attempts to give material to the Americans: Cook, p. 177

  Soviet moles in high places: Thomas Fleming, The New Dealers’ War: F.D.R. and the War Within World War II (New York: Basic Books, 2001), p. 319

  British Interplanetary Society: Bennett and Percy, pp. 182–183

  5412 Committee and name changes: Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War, Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships (Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984), p. 310

  Manual and Dr. Robert M. Wood: Ryan S. Wood, MAJIC Eyes Only (Broomfield, CO: Wood Enterprises, 2005), pp. 264–295;

  MJ-12 briefing papers: Copies in author’s files; also see

  Hillenkoetter quote: Timothy Good, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up (New York: William Morrow, 1988), p. 387

  Vannevar Bush and Averell Harriman:

  Bush at Carnegie Institute:

  Dillon, Read made largest profits from German loans: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 29

  William Draper as brigadier general: Ibid., pp. 155–156

  Defense photos shipped on Hamburg-Amerika steamship line: Higham, p. 134

  Prince Bernhard worked for I. G. Farben intelligence:

  Twining trip canceled and William Moore: Good, p. 260

  Twining’s letter of September 23, 1947: Cook, p. 37

  Vandenberg destroys Project Sign report: Marrs, Alien Agenda, p. 109

  Detlev Bronk’s connection to the Rockefellers: Eustace Mullins, Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America (Staunton, VA: The National Council for Medical Research, 1988), p. 343

  Souers connections:

  Kissinger as consultant to Gray and Rockefellers:;

  Gray directed UFO study: Good, p. 259

  Menzel on poor observers: Howard Blum, Out There (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990), p. 247

  Menzel’s double life: Good, pp. 249–250

  Menzel, Howard Hughes, and the Rockefeller Foundation:

  Berkner’s AUI associations:

  Lyndon Johnson on masters of infinity: Bennett and Percy, p. 165

  Weaponization of space:

  Hoagland and astrological alignments:;

  Apollo lands on Tranquillity:

  Mary Ann Weaver: Cosmodrome:

  JFK instructs James Webb on joint space exploration: National Security Action Memorandum No. 271, November 12, 1963 (source: Kennedy Library); copy in author’s files

  Sergei Khruschev: Frank Sietzen, “Soviets Planned to Accept JFK’s Joint Lunar Mission Offer,” Space Daily, October 2, 1997

  Nick Rockefeller’s connections:

  Nick Rockefeller quote:

  8. Nazi Mind Control

  Churchill wanted no occultism revealed: Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny (York Beach, MA: Samuel Weiser, 1973), p. xiii

  Airey Neave: Michael Baignet, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy (New York: Dell Publishing, 1986), p. 161

  Hitler’s quote: Joachim C. Fest, Hitler (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974), p. 555

  Occult groups in incestuous embrace: Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 18

  Awareness of nonhuman intelligences: Ravenscroft, p. 161

  Hitler’s union with dark powers: John Toland, Adolf Hitler (New York: Doubleday, 1976), p. 64

  The legend of Thule: Ravenscroft, pp. 169–170

  Discarnate entity or magical elite: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology (New York: New York University Press, 1992), p. 218

  Remote viewing: For details, see Jim Marrs’s book Psi Spies: The True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare Program (Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page Books, 2007)

  Doktor Gruenbaum: Author’s interview with Lyn Buchanan, April 2007

  Central piece of the puzzle: Dr. Thomas Roeder, Volker Kubillus, and Anthony Burwell, Psychiatrists—the Men Behind Hitler (Los Angeles: Freedom Publishing, 1995), p. 8

  Darwin and Malthus’ strange marriage: Ibid., p. 14

  Major theme of Hitler’s major speeches: Snyder, p. 323

  Being French as mental illness: Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell, p. 23

  Kaufmann therapy: Ibid., p. 26

  Psychiatrist as judge of illness: Ibid., p. 28

  Publicly funded German Research Institute for Psychiatry: Ibid., p. 150

  Eugenics Records Office funded by Harriman and Rockefeller: Ibid., p. 247. Kraepelin as conservative nationalist: Ibid., pp. 150–151

  Kraepelin funded by James Loeb:

  Leading advocates for a solution: John Cornwell, Hitler’s Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil’s Pact (New York: Viking, 2003), p. 89

  Hereditary health courts: Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (New York: Basic Books, 1986), p. 25

  Hitler’s secret decrees: Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell, p. 53

  410,000 only preliminary: Lifton, p. 25

  Fritz Lenz: Ibid., p. 26

  Theodor Eicke: Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell, p. 48; Mark M. Boatner III, The Biographical Dictionary of World War II (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1996), pp. 150–151

  The recommended use of carbon monoxide: Lifton, p. 71

  Program had achieved original goal of victims: Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell, p. 63

  An exact replica of the T4 program: Ibid., p. 65

  Dr. Ernst Rudin: Tarpley and Chaitkin, p. 49

  Rudin continued as psychiatric leader: Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell, p. 95

  Bayer and narcotics: Alfred McCoy, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia (New York: Harper & Row, 1972), pp. 5–6

  Rock Oil: Mullins (1988), pp. 320–321

  Nujol and Flit: Ibid., pp. 322–323

  Sloan-Kettering Institute:

  Rohm and Haas:

  The American College of Surgeons: Mullins, Murder by Injection, p. 342

  The Rockefeller Sanitary Commission: Ibid., p. 343;

  Dr. Olin West:

  Rockefeller Archives and GEB:

  $100 million spent: Mullins, Murder by Injection, p. 343

  Ailments traced to drug monopoly: Ibid., p. 348

  Sir Oliver S. Franks: Ibid., p. 345

  Alzheimer’s as seventh leading cause of death: />
  California increases fluoridation: Gig Conaughton, “Southern California Water Supplies to Be Fluoridated Starting in October,” North County Times, August 1, 2007

  Children will exceed safe dose:

  Bill Walker and fluoride studies: Ibid.

  Aluminum accumulates in brain cells:

  Charles Eliot Perkins letter: Mullins, Murder by Injection, pp. 353–354

  Christian Science Monitor survey:

  21 million prescriptions:

  Oscar Ewing:

  Congressman A. L. Miller’s quote: Mullins, Murder by Injection, pp. 153–154

  NYC leaflet:

  West Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands ban fluoride: Mullins, Murder by Injection, p. 158

  MKULTRA approved by Helms and Allen Dulles: Marks, pp. 56–57

  CIA officer details MKULTRA projects: Walter H. Bowart, Operation Mind Control: Our Secret Government’s War Against Its Own People (New York: Dell Publishing, 1978), p. 106

  Psychiatrists naturally interested in LSD: Edward M. Brecher and the editors of Consumer Reports, Licit & Illicit Drugs: The Consumer Union Report on Narcotics, Stimulants, Depressants, Inhalants. Hallucinogens, and Marijuana—Including Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol (Mount Vernon, NY: Consumers Union, 1972), p. 349

  LSD experimentation at Lexington:

  Kaiser Family Foundation:

  Experience contradicts adult propaganda: Brecher and editors of Consumer Reports, p. 332

  Frank Olsen’s death: Marks, pp. 73–82

  Senator Ted Kennedy’s remarks:

  Carol Rutz:

  George Hunter White:

  Soldiers tested at Edgewood Arsenal: Bowart, p. 91

  Carol Rutz’s letter from soldier:

  Paperclip scientists at Edgewood kept secret: Hunt, pp. 158–159

  Kurt Rahr: Ibid., p. 159

  Tabun and sarin poisons used: Ibid., pp. 160–161

  Dr. L. Wilson Greene: Ibid., p. 162

  James Moore quote: Hunt., p. 166

  Brigadier General Walter Schreiber: Ibid., p. 169

  Schreiber with Gottlieb and Mengele: Gordon Thomas, Mindfield: The Untold Story Behind CIA Experiments with MKULTRA & Germ Warfare (, pp. 126–127

  Chemical warfare consultants: Ibid., p. 168

  John K. Vance:

  Kathleen Ann Sullivan:

  Experiments stemmed from Nazi science: Hunt, p. 234

  9. Business as Usual

  John J. McCloy pardons Nazis: Farrell, Brotherhood of the Bell, p. 79

  McCloy commutes Malmedy convictions: Shirer, pp. 1095–1096

  OPC answers to Forrestal and Dulles faction: Loftus and Aarons, p. 213

  Emanuel Jasiuk and entanglements: John Loftus, The Belarus Secret (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982), pp. 146–147

  Belarus Brigade and Einsatzgruppen:

  OPC an arm of the State Department: Loftus, p. 69

  The historical record speaks: James Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (Appleton, WS: Western Islands, 1988), p. 7

  Sociologist G. William Domhoff: Jonathan Vankin, Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes (New York: Paragon House Publishers, 1992), p. 209

  Laurie Strand: David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, editors, The People’s Almanac #3 (New York: Bantam Books, 1981), p. 87

  Galbraith comment on CFR: David Halberstam, The Best and the Brightest (New York: Random House, 1972), p. 60

  Dulles supports Skorzeny: Levenda, Unholy Alliance, pp. 281–282

  Hassan al-Banna as admirer of Hitler: John Loftus, “The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda,” Jewish Community News, October 4, 2004;

  Arab Nazis: Marc Erikson, “Islamism, fascism and terrorism,” Asia Times, December 4, 2002;

  Arab Nazis fight Israel: Loftus, “The Muslim Brotherhood” Osama bin Laden and Saudi Arabia: Ibid.

  Al-Qaeda as CIA database:

  Secrets have to come out: Loftus, “The Muslim Brotherhood” Dulles brothers dynasty: Bowart, p. 139

  Deutsche Bank regroups: Biggest postwar story: Manning, pp. 233–234

  Three Wall Street houses financed German cartels: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 163

  Russell A. Nixon: Higham, pp. 212–213

  Three Wall Street houses: Sutton, Wall Street, p. 29

  Freudenberg like Ford: Higham, p. 215

  Nixon to subcommittee: Manning, p. 156

  James Stewart Martin: Higham, pp. 215–216

  Martin’s quote: Ibid., p. 217

  William H. Draper Jr.: Tarpley and Chaitkin, pp. 54–55

  McCloy in Hitler’s Olympic box: Ibid.

  750 new corporations: Manning, pp. 134–135

  Conspiracy of silence: Ibid., p. 152

  Powerful friends: Ibid., p. 156

  Marshall Plan opponents: Mullins, Murder by Injection, p. 339

  Economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis: Higham, p. 22

  Interlocking directorships with I. G. Farben: William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (San Jose, CA: Dahlin Family Press, 1990), p. 415

  Schmitz’s wealth: Manning, p. 280

  The legal heir to Hitler: Ibid.

  Nazis did not die: Jim Keith, Casebook on Alternative 3: UFOs, Secret Societies and World Control (Lilburn, GA: IllumiNet Press, 1994), p. 148

  1942 Common Market: Manning, p. 95

  Common market nurtured at Bilderberg meetings: Robert Eringer, The Global Manipulators (Bristol, England: Pentacle Books, 1980), p. 26

  Nixon as mouthpiece for Allen Dulles: Loftus and Aarons, p. 222

  Faustian bargain: Levenda, Sinister Forces, p. 45

  Such interrelationships very common: Loftus and Aarons, p. 223

  Nicolae Malaxa: Brussell, p. 27

  Malaxa seamless tube business: Loftus and Aarons, pp. 223–224

  Nixon’s $2 million fee: Spector

  Elmer Bobst as father figure:

  Bobst and von Bolschwing: Brussell, p. 24

  GOP’s Ethnic Division: Loftus and Aarons, p. 222

  No intention to roll back communism:

  10. Kennedy and the Nazis

  John F. Kennedy warns of secret societies:

  Kennedy and Inga Arvad:

  Kennedy’s autonomous influence: Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1989); also see John Newman, JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue and the Struggle for Power (New York: Warner Books, 1992);Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1994)

  CIA involvement in the assassination: Marrs, Crossfire, pp. 187–202

  George DeMohrenschildt as Nazi spy: Author’s interviews with Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, 1978–197

  J. Walter Moore: House Select Committee on Assassinations, vol. XII, pp. 53–54

  Ten separate reports from DeMohrenschildt: Associated Press, “Oswald Friend Labeled CIA Informant in Memo,” Dallas Times Herald, July 27, 1978

  Dornberger as Michael Paine’s boss: Brussell, p. 31

  Oswald as CIA employee: Marrs, Crossfire, pp. 189–190; John Newman, Oswald and the CIA (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1995)

  David Copeland as William Torbitt: Author’s interviews, 1979

  Torbitt Document:; original document in author’s files

  Warren Hinkle’s phone call from Garrison:

  Garrison’s rebuffed by NASA: Jim Garrison, On the Trial of the Assassins (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1988), pp. 133–135

  Oswald expected NASA work: Anthony Summers, Conspiracy (New York: Paragon House, 1989), p. 284

  Louis M. Bloomfield:

  Permindex: Garrison, pp. 87–90; copies of Clay Shaw’s biography in Who’s Who in the South and Southwest for 1963 and 1964 in author’s files

  Bloomfield recruited into OSS: David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg, Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S. (New York: The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing, 1978) p. 301

  Karl Wolff, Goering, and Melvin Belli: Brussell, p. 24

  A whole new form of government: Marrs, Crossfire, p. 429

  Jack Ruby’s letter: Copy in author’s file

  Helmet Streikher’s comments: Brussell, p. 33

  McCloy and Dulles as Establishment men: Donald Gibson, The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up (Commack, NY: Kroshka Books, 2000), pp. 227–228

  Senate committee study and interlocking directorships: Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street, pp. 130–131

  Kennedy attacked: Ibid., p. 97

  Mean-minded individual: Associated Press, “Hoover Called Oswald ‘a Nut,’ FBI Files Show,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, December 7, 1977

  Hoover’s concern: Marrs, Crossfire, p, 459

  Strain of madness and violence: James Reston in New York Times as cited by Gibson, The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up, p. 225

  Settling dust with same conclusion: Ibid.

  LBJ transformed from opponent to proponent: Ibid., p. 70

  Essentially an Establishment cover-up: Ibid., pp. 135–136



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