Home > Other > LOST HIGHWAY > Page 24

by Zac Funstein

  Dennis read from a printed sheet.

  “Mr. Toni Grgić.”

  “Toni rambled a little perhaps-even seemed a little unfamiliar with the equipment, testily blaming newfangled technology when there was difficulty with basic tasks such as putting a compact disc in a player, but apart from that I believe the pedagogue excelled.”

  “I have heard good reports although Mr.Grgić is quite old being near to retirement.”

  “It was the wampum I was wearing if you must know that seemed to fascinate-Ms. Schreiber wasn’t sure if the beads had to follow a certain sequence or not. I tried to clarify the matter for her as my abilities allowed. The tone, content and consistency of the message have met with guarded approval, for someone who are not given to being complimentary about officialdom. That is how I believe we were received- anything in a classroom was to be rebelled against.”

  “That’s interesting-none of those I have encountered seem to depict her thus. It is odd how we come across to others-we will never know how they see us.”

  “We spoke briefly as well about her grandmother-who had played Hiawatha in an amateur stage production- the OAP was housebound but what was worse as per a major problem was that the streets were mainly cobbled, which required a Herculean effort steering the wheelchair. I sympathised since many of our elders are similarly debilitated. Can I make a personal comment Mr. Jessen-off the record?”

  Dennis never quite knew what they meant by this but mumbled anyway:

  “Be my guest Lloyd.”

  “Thus far, we remain unimpressed by the school's response to what happened distressed by its lack of moral courage-they should make a move to have security here at the school constantly-especially during term. An incident of this magnitude must never happen again.”

  Afterwards when the principal was in a suitably cozy mood having invited Jessen in for a chat about Mahoney- a little of this very striking individuals resume is given. His attitude is suitably reassuring.

  “There are a cliqué that visit here to educate the children about their culture-I’ve never known them to be any trouble. A spokesman, Mr Trevor Vugan, said a one-way system was in operation, which exacerbated prejudices, so now we all have several viewpoints. They all have a genuine affection for Native American culture. We have them visit in rotation.”

  “Do you know the others that come here as well as Mahoney?”

  This causes the principal Clyde M. Lopez to attempt to turn his pencil into a rubbery substance-it is not however so consequently snaps.

  “Lloyd is notoriously cool towards Dante who is another educator- who is unimpressed with Lloyd’s so-called ‘humanist’ credentials. Please do not try to go into this too deeply-it is too complex to begin even.”

  “Dante doesn’t like Lloyd-incredible-Mahoney-seemed very personable.”

  “I believe Dante would like him to be more political-but there you go, you can’t please everybody. Their sagamos surrounds himself with advisors who filter what they say to please him, which has a lot to do with it- in this respect I remain unimpressed, which is not to say that the chief isn’t fair to middling as these things go. I’m satisfied that what happened is nothing to do with them anyway.”

  Then there was a noise outside Mahoney was hunting in the boot then removed a license plate, walked around behind the Renault, pulled off the existing plate, which was positioned by magnets then put a new one on. They watched as the elder drove off.

  Bantering with colleagues Dennis was convinced that what would find the person responsible was not the personalities that surrounded her but the tiny piece of material that had been caught. It seemed to him that if they continued to concentrate on this then a happy solution would be theirs-happy that is, in that the person who was responsible would be brought to justice.

  Some did not share his enthusiasm for these new gadgets but to the one so burdened people were very good at being false; people who asked too many questions could be duped it would be in everybody's interest to be quiet-not to know too much lest they be deceived, by these whom they trusted- treated as one of the family. If you will choose to go with the compulsions being dictated to you by your many attachments, wants desires that are all based on your false beliefs then what can you expect. Here we have to note that actions which seem good in themselves unlikely to occasion harm to anyone, very often become hurtful ... by secret intrigues, ordained accusations plus impeachment; the very people being blinded by a false show of benevolence are in turn being misleading themselves.

  Kaua Silva Oliveira was known as the science populariser-obliged to make swallowable the necessary pill of commitment with a coating of good entertainment ultimately perhaps becoming too successful for his own good-the iconoclast had retired from his wildness to devote himself to further discoveries. Commercial epoxy resin was his most recent interest-fortunately for Jessen since this was used in denim manufacture.

  “You’re wise to seek my advice Mr. Jessen. Professional advice should always be sought before embarking on a particular course of action. Are you familiar with ‘Sizing Resins to Make Clothes Stronger’?”

  Dennis still a little ruffled after his brush with his better half said:

  “It’s not what you might usually come against I believe you’ll agree-tell us more-enlighten us if you will.”

  “In the dim/distant past before there was ‘Dear Adviser’ there was Samuel Goncalves Dias-who had this scheme for a website that sounded fairly terrible-except his plan was to build a community around a new resin that had appeared from the ether-new in that a purpose had been found which previously hadn’t been designated. Being a writer himself Samuel prevailed on his chums to be of assistance.”

  “It happens-that’s how it all begins from such humble origins.”

  “We his compatriots-agreed because we were fond of Samuel-because (I believe I can be spokesman for everyone) we all needed something to bring us out of ourselves.”

  “What was your input Oliveira?” it was enquired delicately.

  “We all have talents which get filtered through our natural-energies mine was as an agony columnist. An agony column for resin users which I suggest we called ‘Dear Sizing Adviser’.”

  Kaua tried to explain it like it is.

  “Dyed yarn is slashed-not very pleasant sounding but there you go; that is, it is coated with sizing (any one of a variety of resin substances) to make the threads stronger then stiffer.”

  “This is interesting pray continue.”

  “After much consideration plus casting of runes ‘Dear Sizing Adviser’ was shortened to ‘Dear Adviser’. This was a fairly daring thing to do but we believed there was no alternative no one else was out there-there was no guidance as to how it should go. We sensed a real need to dispel some deep misunderstanding-we had hit a motherlode.”

  “You wanted the column to be different.”

  Dennis didn’t want to be unkind, but it was sensed that this had been come across before.

  The theme was warmed to that was sensed immediately.

  “I wanted to inform-to answer peoples questions yet at the same time be amusing.”

  “As in drole-that’s natural-some find reading difficult they’d rather watch a TV!”

  “Its a very serious subject-but yes make learning easier I suppose.”

  “Kaua was beginning to sound like Mahoney the Narragansett-what was the purpose of educating anyone anymore through placebos or otherwise? Soon everything would be on some great gleaming server machine- row upon row of nissen huts that went on forever-inside would be hermetically sealed hard-drives humans wouldn’t have to learn a jot-they could just enjoy themselves.”

  “Can you tell what sizing is used with the BC find?”

  “Not immediately I’ll write when we get a fix on it. These things take a while. Problems are things we think we should do but usually do not want to do for various reasons. You can try to improve; you can't, however, live your life or work your job based on whether people like or d
islike you. You have to do what you believe to be the correct thing.”

  The noise pollution drop that has occurred (even though civilian air traffic has increased at the base) meant that Leon Filipović could concentrate. Physical energy released much of Filipović’s pent-up energy-not just fencing-that was release enough but roller skating too which was liked. Tennis was a recent skill though Leon was the first to admit his talent was meagre. Part-time player cum pal Miro Babić benefited from Filipović’s sensitivity-the same softness which made Leon suspicious of personal slights or injustices could in favourable circumstances form deep friendships such as with Babić though the partner was first to admit that Leon would use ‘outlandish oaths’ when a difficult point was failed to win. Leon-took very seriously his role as father anyway even if his tennis wasn’t up to much.

  There was a visual reference quite suddenly nearby- Filipović spotted his wife Natalija (maiden name Ivanković) who wore an expression midway between prayer/ frozen terror.

  “More attempts at economizing on energy use to reduce pollution Natalija-I’ll be bound,”-it was enquired more as an assertion than a request for further info.

  Natalija in baggy pants with paisley prints plus a faded short-sleeved T-shirt however had more immediate concerns.

  “It is the aftermath that Jessen has left you with which really annoys.”

  “Has there be a time when you were so worried over a problem that you could not function properly? This is not as hard as that. It is not your burden to carry Natalija in any case. I have within us sorrow so profound that often it threatens to crush, but then so must you, as we all do.”

  “I will leave you to it then,” said Natalija momentarily admiring a sterling silver cubic zirconi a pendant that had been acquired as a gift. “I trust in your abilities.”

  Visits to Paris, Cologne, Vienna plus Rome were followed by sojourns in Prague, Constantinople, Jerusalem. At each stop Leon chose that which would tempt his better halfs jaded tastes. His only Canadian contact during this trip was a letter from Slavica Matić the solicitor who dealt with the legal niceties.

  The zirconia had been found in Maxcanú Yucatan where Filipović had picked through the busy bus station with friends Luis Lima Correia/ Kaua Melo Rodrigues. Small ramshackled buses with bumpers hanging off or broken indicators poured pollution into the atmosphere no doubt destroying the towns precious ozone layer above. They were often forced off the sidewalk by oblivious strollers then on again by hooting motorists.

  There it was in the shop window along with leather wallets plus plaster reliquaries with a hastily composed tag on.

  The next arrival from the postman brought the results of the ‘sizing-test’ from Oliveira who seemed to eschew e-mail in favour of the conventional variety. There was little time to mull over the news that this was possibly the unusual ‘Voraphes Sizing’ since ‘Twill Weave Man’ Emanuel Novosel had requested that his talents be put to the test.

  Emanuel was an old-fashioned Christian, one of those who consider the church to be too interested in modernising; some saw him as a hero of religious orthodoxy conservative values.

  Since his advice was valued Pierre (a close intimate of Novosel) was found to get the low-down on the great man.

  His good mood meant Pierre was inclined to assist-the gout which affected him was blissfully in remission. Dressed almost like an archbishop in a flowing robe, cassock plus chimere, with brass buttons plus embroidered button-holes Pierre was an impressive character himself.

  ”To really get into the nitty-gritty of Novosel-you must never neglect that when growing up Emanuel adopted a playboy lifestyle which must have been beyond his wildest creation.

  Ping Hsüeh who starred as the title swinger-turned-superhero, based on the radio show of the same name was a big influence.”

  Filipović hesitated-old media favourites weren’t his forte-what was gone was gone- for him it was a common occurrence: you buy a box set of a show you fondly yet vaguely liked, then, after you've got the buzz of seeing the title sequence again, reacquainted yourself with the characters, you find that maybe the whole series wasn't as good as your soft-tinted vision had you believe.

  “With Taiwanese movie star Zhen Hsiung as co-star-yeh I’ve seen it.”

  “I believe that Zhen did co-star it is true-you know more than most. A little Kurt Weill meets Gilbert/ Sullivan for now perhaps, but some still detect an influence.”

  Pierre did not smirk at this forced attempt at levity but instead rose stiffly. Something seemed to go within him-either ‘to drop’ or perhaps ‘a key change’ would be a better description.

  “There is something else Pierre?”

  “His religious conversion altered everything. But better advice I was given by peers was to dress conservatively with modest accessories at any interview with Novosel.”

  “Attention is paid to what others wear?”

  “A military influence. No single reason motivates young men/women to enlist in the armed forces, but a great many do it because they believe they will obtain college training-Emanuel was no exception.”

  A composite was created slowly- a man who could form only intense, loyal, self-abnegatory relationships—his nanny, his parents, his sergeant-major plus (more importantly) Pierre. Despite (or perhaps because of this) as well as being near retirement Novosel acted like a youngster with boundless energy/ enthusiasm motivating people wherever possible.

  “Just how did Novosel get into twill?”

  An expression of incredulity came over Pierre that had never been seen before or likely since.

  “You mean to say you don’t know about the ‘war-time experiences’. Emanuel observed on the battle-ground-wherever it might be- that the torn fatigue of those hit by stray bullets-sometimes formed a pattern, sometimes it seemed to have no apparent connection, but occasionally some repetition was discerned. An intense interest in fabric construction developed.”

  Emanuel when met far from being difficult seemed to hit it off immediately. In a Hawaiian-print sport shirt/ khaki slacks plus knotted terrycloth pullover the image painted of an arch-conservative did not live up to the reality. Ping Hsüeh seemed to promote the same reaction in him.

  “It's the sort of series that's not iconic enough to get the full-blown treatment but the hardcore fans who like it can only be disappointed by the decent but not great prints used, the failure to include the full appropriate theme songs for each season the title sequence changed and so on.”

  Whilst Emanuel launched this tirade against this entertainment presented Filipović begun to take the great mans choice of paintings in that hung nearby. They were oddly androgynous for a reason that was to become clear later on. The gown worn by one matronly type (A little like ‘Whistler’s Mother) was very low but never a trace of curve even remotely or hint of the feminine. The surface remains completely flat until a piece of clothing disturbs the harmonic-line that is.

  Noticing this interest Novosel intervenes.

  “I’m pleased that you like Rosalee R. Wang -’Rosalee’ as known for short. It is a bit of a weather picture-those that like her tell a lot about themselves.”

  Rosalee seemed to watch from her frame even though the actual one must have been dead for not a while.

  It was little like being in Tixkokob again. The ruins there were the most incredible in the Yucatan the brochure said. There was a huge ball court with murals depicting ritual decapitation of the losing players-acid in the atmosphere had ruined the essential thematic nature of the message. What the game was was shrouded in mystery but seemed to involve keeping the hard caoutchouc ball in the air through physical twists plus contortions. The hotel watched over a courtyard but more importantly everywhere were paintings of the partially clothed like Rosalee R. Wang only with the lascivious notch turned up-not overly so-but enough to draw anyones interest.

  “This has a special significance for you Emanuel I can tell.”

  “Now you’re going to note that it seems rather bland-y
ou might as well-everyone else that has stood where you are have done so.”

  “I wasn’t but since you mention it in passing-it is obviously a problem for you.”

  “Writers on Tomás Goncalves Cavalcanti-that’s the artist disagree if his male or lady-portraits are more successful. The critic Otávio Silva believed Tomás was better with men-the Alves Martins being cited as always. The Diego Alves Martins portraits were painted with much sympathy whilst Mrs. Alves Martins was painted somewhat close to disdain.”

  Filipović wonders if the inclusion of Mrs. Alves Martins-or whoever it was- in a cloisters in one of the canvases was what made this so discordant-since this was traditionally a male only reserve-they probably would never know it had to be conceded.

  “But where was I-when I returned from my war experiences I was at a loss for a while as to how to turn them into something positive. Then when I was flicking through some war shots I noted how many wounded had clothes torn but some were less damaged than their fellows; deeper enquiry revealed that it was their tents that saved them moreover those in weather proofed ones even more so-because they offered greater protection.”

  “I believe I see-you became interested in how clothing can protect from various attacks:-bullets, ninja-stars etc.”

  “Not just that there are others-the weaves are always important some are much more stronger than rivals.”

  “Did you get the data I sent Emanuel?”

  “The torn-jean-they still call them jeans I suppose-I’m getting old-if you have ever looked closely at your favorite pair of jeans then noticed a complex pattern in the fabric. That pattern is referred to as ‘twill weave,’ it is caused by finely-interwoven yarns. The bland cotton filling yarns run the width of the fabric then interlace at angles with the dyed cotton warp yarns, which runs the length of the fabric, therefore produce the fine lines you see on your familiar denim. It is quite impressive I believe you’ll agree. There are non-left or left weaves this is NLW as opposed to LW-they are more tricky slightly rarer too.”


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