Home > Other > LOST HIGHWAY > Page 32

by Zac Funstein

  “You have found what it is?”

  Technical wizardry/brilliant tricks can't obscure the shallowness/frivolousness of the question posed. Konsta begun fiddling with some dials jotting down some calculations that appeared as a result.

  “If a commandment is true then this always holds so I believe you will agree.”

  “Yes, but I dont see what this has to do with us.”

  “It is a little difficult to go into the math but I have never seen anything that reacts in this manner that doesn’t change the way that it has-that isn’t Sand-B. Before you ask this is used for commercial purposes but as to if it is used for artificially polishing denim I don’t know.”

  “You’re absolutely sure about that Konsta?”

  “I know its a bit of a platitude but I’d stake my career on it.”

  Ross could hear the distant rumble of thunder in the background but all sound was lost as Zarate walked in. Residents were hoping their campaign to stop heavy lorries rumbling through their village streets would move up a gear after a meeting but this had proved unhelpful even some detecting a retrograde effect. The tram rumbled by outside, they listened to the rhythms of this old-time neighbourhood.

  Ibrahim’s partner Ottowa born Ross Arce Marroquín did not like sand in particular after an incident on holiday on the French Riviera- Cannes to be precise. More straight-laced than many, Ross confessed it always gave her a kind of ache to see a young man yielding to intemperance of any kind. When the bi-polar Norwegian resident who was seemingly comatose from sniffing glue was moved to see if in need of assistance an assault had occurred.

  The genesis of her neurosis was one Nordic renegade in particular, but as the years have passed her antipathy has disseminated to anything to do with this granular feature

  The paralysis, dysfunction plus general public apathy – or public disdain –to our crunchy friends now had now touched her as well.

  “It’s just the same like you’ll find anywhere Ibrahim I can’t see why you are kicking up such a fuss.”

  There it was the twinge, the dull ache again that told her Ibrahim was on the trail of an important lead. One stoical person’s mild throb is another, more sensitive persons agony.

  Ibrahim never liked this supposed interest in his career. When Marroquín had found what really had been looked for, which enabled her to shed her false meddlesomeness forever then they would be truly close but not until. When they had first met it was as if-the best illustrated edition of Jane Austen using contemporary fashion plates, engravings of carriages, town scenes- so on had come alive but this fatal flaw this insistence on interfering meant the run-offs kept being sent to the printers for alteration. This always touched Marroquín. Born, raised, educated just outside of Ontario originating from Iroquoian-speaking Aboriginals, her father initially learned the art of engraving from a Master English gunsmith.

  “That’s just it Ross-it isn’t all just sand as you put it. There are different types different grades, ages everything that you can picture. Some is volcanic-whilst there is that which is how shall we say conventional.”

  “You seem to know a lot about our finely divided rock/ mineral particles for someone ostensibly intent upon solving infractions. Rifts in our legal structure rather than geographical ones I would imagine are more your bent.”

  “Cannot be denied, but I do have to step out of the usual parameters once in a while which which is why I have to visit Ashley R. Volly.”

  The last Ashley had been encountered her Swiss passport as well as international driving license was in the name of Lory J. Hopkins although this wisely not mentioned. Ashley seemed to like changing personality.

  “Before you ask Ashley is a cultural phenomena that cannot be ignored-that of the grader. I tried her counterpart Else Løvstrøm but found her programme, and the derivative imitators to be deadly dull- no substitute for Ashley herself.”

  “We live in a culture that thrives on inequalities-that is prepared to go to any length for the improved-the rare-the more refined.”

  “Hence those like Ms. Volly appear. Before you ask Ashley determines the value of many substances that are used as ingredients in various famous DIY products. Ashley studied briefly with Lisette Feliciano/ Carles Alcaraz Jurado before becoming a successful photo retoucher. I believe Volly began her artistic career as an apprentice to an icon painter, before becoming a retoucher of photographs. Her growing conviction that it was the miniscule that made the greater canvas great is what gave her her interest in what is small but precious.”

  Volly-a well dressed woman- still a little like an outcast from the Swiss- based Mennonite churches in Toronto which informed her youth,when cornered in her studio (an unfortunate combination of poor building design plus a couple of respected architects ingenious enough to take advantage of it) tried to explain it like it was. The ingeniousness of tatami must have covered a multitude of sins for her for they filled every available surface. A tired old movie played silently on a monitor whilst a bubble lamp projected on a screen. Dark, grainy, jerky, sloppy, with dated psychedelic camera effects, it struggled for coherency, except in its explicit statements about anti-establishment themes. Her husband who welcomed Ibrahim’s in was internationally-acclaimed Mexican poet/ artist Arlet Árias Delgado, whose poetry was now on the school syllabus for the national curriculum. His most famous poem ‘Contact Us’ sent to bishops throughout the world, warned loyal Catholics everywhere of the pernicious doctrines which the pope had identified/ anathematized. Arlet did not explain why each particular proposition is wrong, but it cites earlier documents to which the reader can refer for the Pope's reasons for saying each proposition is false.

  “I recognise what we have okay no mistake but what you have to understand is that there is Sand B, but this generic covering a multitude of various sorts with their own uniqueness all within the spectrum this encompasses.”

  “I believe I’ve got it different standards:-excelsior, medium even substandard.”

  US Army troops, one US Air Force serviceman plus a New Zealand officer died in an incident involving her father-the scar of which rocked the Volly family. The resolve to bring elements together successfully had never left Ashley in the aftermath of this disaster. Her father plus the other servicemen didn’t undergo detention or correctional custody plus a reduction in rank following the government’s findings, but they might as well have done.

  Volly had even written the definitive bible on this grading (as opposed to other forms) which went at a cracking pace until the near the end, when it rapidly lost focus/coherence; the authors insistence re need for self-starters who take the initiative in fixing problems was never more apparent than now.

  “We have determined what the agent was that we have found used to give the worn effect now we have to find out if it was: good, bad indifferent.”

  Volly couldn’t say what this was immediately but promised to reply in an email which came soon after. The substance of this was-what they had was medium to low grade. It was a sad fact that many manufacturers took the view that ‘what was not seen was not grieved for’ although the finish was better with more the more refined produce, since those that could recognise this were few they took the cheap option plumping for the lower grade.

  After this when someone phoned asking to engage Ibrahim on some trivial matter Ross said his current whereabouts was unknown even though unbeknownst to her the great man was pottering about outside. Thucydides's account of the Athenian destruction of Melos was probably being read with the usual esprit de corps or some legal niceties were being perused with the elderly neighbour Mads V. Kjeldsen.

  Kjeldsen had been a clerk for his entire career so that the correct clerky expression came easily to him-the unblinking stare the clipped intonation. There was even a bald patch where in a previous existence a suitably clerical top hat might have rested. Some just by his appearance would be able to determine his duration of service, even in which office his pen was pushed around in. Such was his ingratiati
on that whatever person lurked underneath now was completely missing, only the service record with no errors or (for that matter) meritorious actions sought to replay the daily rituals.

  His only claim to fame was being trapped in a politically sensitive zone whilst on a holiday with his family with a prize won on an online competition. It had been too late to remove Libna Kjeldsen or their sons Benjamín/Ion so barricading themselves in the auberge was the only choice. Where could they have run to with the portly Libna or their young sons barely able to walk let alone run? They had barricaded themselves in pulling all the storm shutters shut. Mads had found an ancient Smith/Wesson which had never left his side. Libna who was more of a devout nature prayed to various saints whilst zipping the rosary through her grasp; only their children watched bravely on-prepared for the worst that didn’t happen.

  When Ibrahim returned a note was left on the hall-stand that Ross must have left who had gone elsewhere. The piece of paper that had been folded with almost origami precision was unfolded. It read:

  Dear Ibrahim,

  Someone called Gabriel Costa Santos rang earlier asking you to phone them. I have left the necessary info on the phone-storage-trust it’s enough to fill you in.

  love Ross

  Ibrahim was taken to his adventure with the TV master bank-robber Bruno Alves Santos. Bruno when not breaking into the worlds seemingly impenetrable vaults to demystify his craft for an eager public was perusing his library stocked with excellent literature some of it quite rare. Whilst told to wait for Bruno by his manservant that the tomes might be edification in this waiting period one elegant volume was noticed on polished table called ‘Before Christianity’. As they are want to do this seemingly innocuous reference lept into Bruno’s gloved hold ( a peculiar proviso of Bruno was that everyone who entered the premises must wear gloves. There was even a box of the latex medical version for those who did not come suitably prepared). Those who saw our hygiene idiosyncrasies as part of what makes us unavoidably, comfortingly human need look no further to find support for their belief. Inside amongst the wealth of illustrations was a similar folded piece of paper that read something that must have been written when fresh off the press, because the ink had almost disappeared.

  As requested Santos was called who agreed to pop in as soon as possible.

  A brusque man with little time for students it was said. Gabriel had been a pilot sergeant in the war but more importantly seemed to appreciate how knowledgeable anyone was about not just his lifes interest but anything. A good listener, his explosive forcefulness threw off sparks like a spinning dynamo if anyone was not taking him seriously enough.

  “I’m not sure if I can help you or vice versa,” explained Ibrahim patiently.

  Born in Toulouse educated there then in Glasgow, Gabriel had lived/worked for many years in Beijing. A widely publicist analyst/commentator on Tianjin luminary André Pinto Barros him of the ‘no nonsense’ attitude but gifted with benign straightforwardness, there was something oriental about his dress as if tottering under the load of ornaments on his person. His attire consisted of a tunic of foil, ornamented with jewels but they were so small as to be barely noticed.

  “I am the person who can take away some of your confusion I anticipate Mr. Zarate.”

  “I am relieved to hear that.”

  “Word of what happened reached us. I'm so incredibly sorry about everything as you can ken. It seemed a certainty that it would be deemed immoral to neglect this. For that very reason it was incumbent upon us not to leave you in ignorance of your burden. An ignorance which it has been mooted might be wise to stick to.”

  “Someone didn’t want you to give input-that is terrible.”

  “It is always terrible when someone so young is involved-but dread not. We must pick ourselves up-the living that is. We must not permit ourselves to become acrid or nasty, but hold ourselves above all that is base or lowly. That unfortunate weak distressed woman who hardly was possessed of enough energy to go on with her routine as it was must be avenged. We must continue to stand together in unity to demand a moratorium-such as this is showing our seriousness. ”

  It was the custom in the village where Ibrahim was born that when a teenager was taken by force terrestrial or otherwise (as was sometimes claimed), the victim must be avenged less the family would not rest so would torment the village as well as the relatives of the dead until so avenged. Something of this ambiance seemed to hit even here.

  “Now you are going to ask just what it is that I do-the answer is plain. If measuring the density of a variety of geological materials, in particular oddly shaped samples of relatively light weight is your aim then I might be of assistance. But here is not a good descriptive set up far better on my own setting-lest this sound hostile let us assure you that my immediate environs are relatively safe-there are no locks or forbidden signs hanging up. I would have the barriers between further inside/out removed but I must use security or my insurance premium will be too high. Have you ever been to the Cave of Altamira? ”

  “I can’t say that I have Santos.”

  “It’s a cave in Spain famous for its Upper Paleolithic cave paintings featuring drawings/ rock paintings it was the first cave in which prehistoric cave paintings were discovered. If there are more then let us know! When the discovery was first made public it led to a bitter public controversy since many did not believe prehistoric man could produce any kind of artistic expression. The acknowledgment of the authenticity of the paintings, changed the perception of prehistoric human beings for good!”

  “I can’t quite see why this is important.”

  “The survey group I was with becomes lost inside the Altamira cave, it made us all consider very deeply questions of the duplicity of maps as well as the ambiguities of human perception.”

  After Gabriel Costa Santos left with an open invitation to visit since Ross had gone to visit her mother his other neighbour who lived on the other side of Mads V. Kjeldsen- Júlio Cunha Ferreira was called in to give his verdict.

  Picture if you would refined discerning reader a well built man perhaps not as in his dotage as Kjeldsen-but dignified in his attitude- someone who measures their words very carefully- who moved so their movements were well paced. His gabardine overcoat on this occasion was buttoned up all the way, although it was not especially cold-at least not for this province. The hardy would not have even bothered with a coat. Having put his knitted pom-pom hats away for another season, Ferreira resignedly shook the dust from his woollens resolutely turning to whatever awaited.

  “From the sounds of it,” exclaimed Júlio fumbling with the enamel buttons. “From Santos’ inherent good sense, his indolence, Gabriel seems like a Ukrainian boyer pre Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov.”

  Ferreira had been undergoing rebirthing sessions where his recent difficulties had been traced to his difficulties as the victim of a pogrom during this regime-so anything Russian seemed to cling to him. Since much of his recounting involved being on the great vessel many attributed this to watching Battleship Potyomkin, a silent film directed by Sergei Eisenstein produced by Mosfilm, which presented a dramatized version of the mutiny that occurred when the crew of the Russian battleship Potemkin rebelled against their officers of the Tsarist regime.

  In these sessions his respectable friend, Dr. Dmitry Nevzorov, the surgeon who attended him, assured that nothing could exceed his surprise admiration at the calmness of his heroic patient-although what Ferreira was called in these regressions was never made clear; only that they were on the great vessel with Júlio in an officer capacity. With the extent of his injuries it is a matter of surprise how this regressed Ferreira could move at all; nothing but the honour of the Russian name, could have inspired or sustained such resolution.

  He was now surrounded by the generals plus a number of officers. At a respectful distance the soldiers were seen crowding round this melancholy group, pouring out their blessings on their beads, adding their prayers for Ferreiras recovery. Júlio wa
s carried on board the Potyomkin, where the regressed one lingered for some days still maintaining his usual serenity composure. Soon after his breathing became difficult/ agitated, then in a few hours the previous-life time-traveller expired.With great solemnity, they prepared the deceased with magic charms/incantations, then called upon the ancestors/ gods to call away Harkaneni-the one who would lead to the underworld.

  “I’m more inclined to believe that this charades aim-if it is just a sham- is to make his services more attractive to commerce more welcoming to regular patrons/ visitors.”

  Santos partner Phillip L. Ogrady was on a trip to the good old US of A after blogging extensively ‘in an attempt to take their message to the people’. Ogrady was going from Philadelphia through Wilmington, Delaware, where Phillip would pick up the vice president-elect of their new company Jindřich Kryl before then continuing on to Baltimore. The reason for this being stressed was the usually busy Santos was on his own so his talent would be less difficult to plunder. It was a new departure for politics in this country as political parties adopt the sophisticated marketing techniques of advertising to sell their products to the widest possible audience. Now the marketers like Ogrady were using the political acumen in reverse.

  Ross was of the same inclination.

  “What have you got to lose- there doesn’t seem to be anyone else rushing to your defence-check out what Gabriel has to offer. In our culture, the meaning of ‘affection’ has been all but lost, probably because we don't have the nomenclature in our language-but it seems to us that Santos has a real fondness for what done.”

  “You’ll have to excuse the mess,” exclaimed Santos upon his arrival. “Victor K. Fergus who owned here before was a senior lecturer at several leading complementary therapy colleges with busy homeopathic practices. The most popular complementary therapies among participants were Herbalism, Aromatherapy which is why the unique mess you see before you is the way it is.”


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