Home > Other > LOST HIGHWAY > Page 43

by Zac Funstein

  “This seems incredible to extrapolate all this just from a faulty fan,” Guilherme exclaimed.

  An uncle of his who was a heating engineer in Brisbane said temperature inside the domes were usually to be kept in step with that outside by a set of powerful fans with heaters plus coolers, all installed in the basement, but rather like their counterpart the county-morgue mystic happenings were rare if non-existent.

  “I can’t explain it either.It seemed strange that I, as a child, had seen something so marvelous, something that adults obviously did not perceive — for I had never heard them mention it. While still a child, I experienced several more of these deeply euphoric moments on my trips here. It was these experiences that shaped the main outlines of my world view convinced us of the existence of a miraculous, powerful, unfathomable reality that was hidden from everyday sight.”

  A cold wind blows through so that Stanković is forced to close the observatory once again. With a shivery thrill, Zomica presses a button, so the mechanism comes to life.

  “The entire melancholy adventure takes a few minutes, but the after effect of this sublime experience lasts much longer-as if the ceiling is closing in on us all I believe. Most people don’t realise that as many people die in Britain as the result of hot summer nights as they do as a consequence of colder winter.See this here Guilherme.”Another flat-button is pressed so that a voice says ‘chilly’. “These ‘talking’ appliances can also read a weather forecast so that we know for a sunny afternoon is coming up-or a touch of frost as now.”

  “It is a sobering fact true Zomica. A single man such as yourself has much chance for such positing. There is a natural need for the search for novelty.”

  Guilherme hadn’t meant to draw attention to the fact that this was a single person being related with.

  “Is it so obvious that I have no significant-other-I found a note on my pillow one fateful aube from my wife to say that enough was enough-that leaving had been the only option for her. Aaliyah-that’s the guilty party-married a respectable Dutch merchant in London so subsequently lived as a person of consequence in Holland. I hardly knew him-then it hit- we’d driven to his cottage when his car broke down, they'd said little of consequence, making small chat about life in a small town-that must have been when they met. They were fortunate to only suffer minor wounds when I shot them.”

  “If its not a silly question what made you do that?”

  “Because it was unnecessary, it appears to strangers to be a deliberate/ gratuitous slap at the selected group as a whole that we belonged to that deemed such untenable; in consequence it was inflammatory/ perhaps callous.”

  An admission of defeat seemed to be going up everywhere, buying into the currently modish idea that men/ women are fundamentally different- so can never live together in any kind of equality.

  Melo was sure this new so-termed bourgeois jeweller from Rotterdam was having similar difficulties. The educated middle class must grapple with the moral disorder that is represented in their civilized lives.

  “But I digress Guilherme both kite flyers/ academic writers take their chances. While academic books may be slightly more effective at diffusing ideas, they are surely not as much fun.Haven't I been present as a student at many operations which ought never to have been done, and in several cases the patient has died in consequence?”

  “If you would go over that a bit slower if you would.”

  “Patients die, ketone traces do not get found for a single reason- people refuse to reach for the appropriate source. GUI’s might be flashy but nothing can equal to the printed word.The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a direct consequence of the fundamental axioms of quantum theory-but there is no uncertainty in my reckoning here.”

  His surety did seem almost tangible as if with physical form.

  “I must agree that it took a while to recognise, but eventually everyone agreed there was something supererogatory here at least by our standards.”

  “Supererogatory as in a little too much — more than what you want or need. It could be an extra layer of tinsel on an already laden Christmas decoration or another lengthy apology after the first was accepted?”

  “It is significant that in later times the term correlation has come to be applied more especially to the purely empirical constancies of relation, and has lost most of its functional significance, but I believe correlation would have once applied. I prefer supererogatory.”

  The RSVP had been answered quickly more quickly than anticipated. This must be something crucial for someone this important not to tarry so.

  Pock-marked Remigio Udinesi (yet another victim of teenage acne) was something of a nostalgia buff-his harking was to a golden-age of his youth that probably never existed anyway-probably should have had a dose of halitosis thrown in to get a true picture. Remigio quipped that moving pictures had lost it for him somewhen cameras were on tripods operated with a rotary motion, video’s sped up the loss, so that by DVD’s his affection was gone completely. Why this was was never ascertained maybe it was because his former tall, honed stance was now getting older-his alopecia gradually robbing him of the last vestige of youth. What Remigio called ‘premature aging’ made his movements slow. Some said that his immune system was being attacked but there was no corroboration of this.

  “I trust this is relevant,’ mumbled departmental wallah Fidenzio Ferrari who was sure that Remigio’s mathematical talent when applied to everything acquired at the Prince Rupert site was likely to put some order into everything.

  Remigio slammed the DVD into the player so that the mechanism started to whir into action.

  “Trust us Luca Romani’s theory are elucidated so the average person can understand them-those like ourselves.”

  Remigio was being polite everyone knew that his mathematical acumen was better than most in N America.

  “You see some numerical order in what happened out there-that is highly interesting,” Ferrari proclaimed who had once been employed at some Pentagon department, although the charitable often asked which this might be-something highly eclectic surely.

  Living above a fire station gave an unusual taint to proceedings like everything was going to spontaneously explode. The remnants of the previous function i.e polished brass that proliferated plus various plaques made this a distinctly bright/shiny locus. There was a sharp tang of disinfectant too although if this had some connection wasn’t known. A disused paternoster was now gone but the winch mechanism still intact. The pole that went to the engine below was still gleaming new although no one knew what purpose it might serve-the access was cemented over anyway.

  “I know some believe that there are those who try to make order out of chaos via number but it is surely demanding too much to expect that wrong-perpetrators can be pinned down purely by multiplication.”

  Some needle like implements that are stored in a sandstone container are toyed with delicately. They seem to have been arranged with some veneration.

  “My partner Pierina Mazzi’s acupuncture needles before you enquire further. They seem to scarify some but there is nothing particularly unusual about them.”

  Deaf-mute Pierina-a hippy type in a sari covered with a shawl- who was in the nearby conservatory (separated by a pane of glass) gave a friendly wave as if in acknowledgement of the fact her name was mentioned. Pierina was a temporary postmistress it was learnt-her ancestors were Tartar’s victims of a Stalinist purge although curiously Pierina retained her socialist leaning despite virtually being wiped out.

  A little girl in a pinafore with a serious expression came in to greet them then- one who informed Fidenzio that her name was Phoebe moreover that her status as Remigio’s daughter was enshrined-although her resemblance to either parent was slender. A camphor like aroma clung to her suggesting a respiratory complaint. Phoebe wanted to show how writing her name was now easy for her so without further ado begun to scrawl her unsophisticated autograph with conspiratorial ease but before it could be finished her fa
ther boomed.

  “Phoebe-it is very kind of you to introduce yourself to Mr.Ferrari but I have to give a presentation.”

  With some laxity the child made her passage to wherever in the ex fire service building was designated her own; perhaps some affection for Mr.Ferrari had been sensed. The robbing of a nominative interest for the moment had miffed her.

  “Excuse my daughter Ferrari there is more of her mother in her than I- Phoebe loves to dance until exhausted then plops herself down. Guests seem to make her show off even more-for better or for worse.”

  Soon they were resuming their interchange where left off.

  “Cipriano Manfrin the compactor is who I believe is relevant to PR.”

  “Cipriano is high in your estimation.”

  “Sure since I found the Manfrin Institute on public television I connected straightaway. We’re both dogmatists for a start, both have connections to the Midwest. Cipriano was a Jesuit missionary for a while however an experience I do not share. ”

  This was meant to evince touchdown within Fidenzio-some recognition-but Fidenzio was ashamed of his ignorance.

  “Moretti vs. Bellucci is the most like Schreiber I believe the similarities are startling in the extreme. If we wish to flex our computers math-reflexes then this is who we must turn to.”

  “Everyone seems to reach for Moretti vs. Bellucci as some turning-point but personally I am sure its precocity has passed. Uncle Sam will have to admit that it is passe its resilience is now gone. I wonder what it tells us anyway.”

  Canada was often reluctant to incorporate USA law but seemed to have thrown caution to the wind with M vs.B.

  Sensing a negative element creep in Remigio tried to pre-empt this.

  “Some accuse Manfrin of using man-made formula rather than a computation but personally I believe that this is not a problem. If we apply what we’ve learnt to the Volvo in Alarico’s lock-up then I’m sure despite it being from someone like us not a huge electronic mechanism that would fill a cathedral I believe it will find something relevant.”

  It must have been unusual to see G’s car there-it wasn’t mutilated like most of the impoundments that ended up there.

  “Tell us who you reckon is responsible then Udinesi the great repairman-if what you say is based in fact. What does your shocking generator tell you?”

  There was something mocking about this request even a slight sneer.

  Remigio often got accused of this-of being like Archimedes with his famous quote -give us a position to stand, I shall move the world or give us a fulcrum, I shall move the world-even give us a stick long enough plus a pivot…..In Remigio’s case however it was give us a formula complex enough I will unravel every unsolved-mystery there has been since the law started organising itself. Once a glimmer of success was seen in this devising there was no deflection from his purpose.

  “Nothing as per yet. I’ve put a lot of effort in but the remuneration is very little. I was sure I was being too sanctimonious but nothing would come despite the change of stance.”

  It was certain that unperturbed that this would be an ongoing concern for Remigio whom was something of a plodder.

  “No pain no gain. We can’t afford to luxuriate. Remuneration is little sometimes for the effort that was put in.”

  “Sometimes incarceration is the answer. You have to put your devil-may-care stance to one side become a disciplinarian-put every whim to one side eschew feckless entertainment: TV, radio, internet etc. Giving vent through discussion just dissipates the energies better to damn them up in a monkish cell. The tools we need are the ones that have lain in hibernation.”

  “Sometimes we reapportion blame without realising it.”

  “There is no solvent gunk that will get to the core of a problem like this. Whatever pitiable summit this is will only be reached by good old fashioned graft. No one is going to canonize us for what we are doing-but its got to be done.”

  “An ancient notch-post could be the answer where progress per diem could be recorded with a single cut. Some might complain this oversimplifies matters but the inaccessibility of online-recording causes some to lose faith-or have any notion of how close they are.”

  It was a reflection of the times in which we lived that gismos that were once the main object of thievery of every midtown store were now extinguished as a desire-item. Horray the techno-age had come to an end.

  “Don't set the retrorockets for the Renaissance just yet. We are a little too dismissive of microprocessors in my view-they don’t always short-circuit. There is a mettlesome encyclopedia in this somewhere that can assist us I am absolutely sure. It is sitting on some shelf gathering dust-I can see it even now.”

  Like a couple of die-hards they were slowly getting entrenched in their position. Composed of hard training they both found it hard to give up-such was indefensible.

  It wasn’t like this was a Roman Catholic codex they sought-nothing that would change the world-order. The hard core middle classes wouldn’t get into a state of strife because the assassin of a teenager in the remotest highway in British Columbia was found-this rarely was a surprise.

  The annals of baseness would go on to the bitter end. Whoever this was, wasn’t an imbecile or inadequate to avoid capture so. The egregious mountain peak that watched all-the one that the young had taken to calling Mt. Frankenstein-retained its secret.


  Presbyterian Cesio Marino in theatrical breeches was one of those who seemed like somebody who had stumbled on some source of perpetual- youth. Those that tried to archive him better watch out because although at the age when asking how old Cesio was was fairly obvious by the decay-factor.Still something seemed to state this was someone young-in-spirit.

  Cesio was another one well into pollutants-they seemed to be coming out of the closet rapidly. Everybody seemed to want to test the deceased, the Volvo or the scene for pollutants but contaminants didn’t always come up with the goodies.

  “I want deliverance from toxic/hazardous waste,” intoned Salvo Boni who was a stalwart of the ground-crew- whatever that was.

  There seemed to be a core of men/women who although not highflyers who shot across the sky-comets that dazzled they were in fact -bricks upon which one could rely. Since none of the former seemed to be dazzling with their brilliance there was little else that could be done. Another one such as these Eligio Sagese-something of a narcissus or dandy who knew Salvo relatively well tried to persuade him that pollutant testing the BC accident site might not necessarily be a bad thing or a waste of resources. Boni listened respectfully. The trouble was Eligio who was something of a smoothie was adept at making anything convincing. Sagese could sell you a fake cubist drawing by Picasso or your own funeral it was said. Eventually Salvo capitulated more to get rid of him than being convinced of his reasoning.

  “I knew you’d see sense eventually Boni. Cesio is well into making polystyrene igloos at the moment to test his theories that the North Pole is excellent at concealing air particles.”

  “Yeh I’ve come across that somewhere too-that there is a build up of zinc there or something.”

  The cynics who knew Marino were always sure there was a get-rich-quick scheme somewhere designed to get him on the ranks of the nouveau riche, none-the-less a meeting in such cramped surroundings followed. It was a small consolation prize to have to pay for getting the scam on just what happened out there.

  “I’m pleased you’ve come to see us,” mumbled Marino who appeared as a personable character in a padded jacket. “We were on a train to Bangkok, aboard the Thailand Express, hitting the stops along the map when it came to us that my previous stopover flight in Antarctica was what would make my unbearable problem more manageable.”

  “A lot of travellers like Antarctica despite the cold.”

  “There is less disloyalty there than in the more built-up continents but perhaps that isn’t fair.I’m not a seasoned jet-setter I haven’t compiled any compendium yet of my adventures.”

sp; The annals of the successful frontiersman-Mr. John Doe anonymous observer of the human-condition-must give way to more expedient matters.

  “Now you’re going to demand how this seemingly disparate problem of our charge can be solved-with this seemingly unrelated erudition.”

  There was a practical side to this like a mechanic going over something that had broken down. Although neither knew it both were junior ROTC before enrolling in a different program so had a lot of similarities.

  “Fire away Marino.”

  Marino had the unsettling habit of fidgeting when nervous now more than ever.

  “The North Polers had developed a lot of very sensitive detectors that could find even the most seemingly innocent particle of dust that might seem cloaked with invisibility by virtue of being so small.”

  “This could find something on our unfortunate G like the Clotexoni that’s good news.”


  “It’s a very fine aluminium powder that they use to find prints-it’s even smaller than before. The perfect solution to us it seems,” exclaimed Boni getting a little uncomfortable in such a confined space. “Is to take you to the lock-up where everything is kept then see what you can come up with. Alarico has still got the T-squares from when we were last there I expect.”


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