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by Zac Funstein

  Some might have said this was just a grand fraud at this juncture-there was no reason for Rodders to go on-giving up would have been a far better option all round. We are all an amalgam of both parents-both of the Baslehurst Snr. were-an indefatigable pair one never would meet. Rodrigo could hear them now urging him to go onward not to turn this into a catastrophe. To give up the cumulative effect of so much hard grind after such a minor downfall would be a tragic waste all round.

  “Don’t get into overdrawn status,” counselled his dad when Rod popped round on the off-chance they might be ‘in’.

  Sometimes they seemed to give out signals that it was wise to stay away-even Rod or his sister Nina who had just started her own company ‘Jackhammer Technologies’. It sounded gruesome her brother often believed it was better not to enquire any deeper into just what was crucial for her whenever they met. They had the same parents let them leave it at that-sometimes a little gloss wasn’t such a bad thing.

  Rodrigo had always dressed conservatively- kept his appearance simple even when the temptation was to be wildly attired like a ‘steam-punk’ or ‘cyber hippie’. His younger sister told him if Rod dressed himself half decent, then her brother would not look half bad into the bargain. Rod when growing up never had any dates despite joining numerous on/offline agencies-his sister attributed it to his geeky appearance.

  Although Nina could be spiteful with the incorporation of the unkind in her exchanges blissfully a good mood seemed to have come over her on this occasion. ‘Jackhammer Technologies’ was doing well.

  “Please continue to explore these derivatives of the SSB with your usual eclecticism fey brother of mine.”

  “I suppose I will Nina. There doesn’t seem to be an explosion of input-assistance coming in our direction. Now with the internet there might have been similar anywhere on the planet but this seems to have hit a huge blank.”

  Their parents liked to see them like this the juxtaposition of the large versus the small in height-they were unusual children to have. The sibling went on with Nina absorbing with her usual intensity.

  “I have to see someone later today who has invented an adjunct to the acedia SSB known as ‘World Series’. SSB was performed at the first World Series in Boston; many believe it was first performed at a later World Series just after the war.”

  World Series-what a mockery-just like the USA to make its own myopia into something on a grand scale.

  “‘Acedia’ , ‘SSB’ I don’t understand what you are on about more waffle.”

  A brief explanation followed of just how these facts about the SSB fitted nicely together so that Nina found herself getting a guilt-complex for even doubting the veracity of all this. Eclecticism had never been stolid Nina’s strong card but bro’ seemed to thrive on this under any circumstances-it was what turned him on. That was what made them interesting together according to mom ‘n dad-how they had different strengths ‘n weaknesses-though it wasn’t presupposed much different than any similar family dynamic. God in the end was the victor-the one who gave us these burdens/ blessings to see just how we made out.

  Kim Enoksen who was the curator of the ‘World Series’ acedia happened to own an automobile repair store so it was under the guise of buying shock absorbers that Rod went to where this was located. There were loads of junk stores here plus since it was near the university bedsits suggestive of legions of landladies.

  This was amateur hot-shack that was for sure there was not only every shock absorber of every calibre you care to mention but other obscure stuff too. If you had a bit that was missing that no one else had then congratulations you’d arrived in nirvana.

  Kim- someone who aimed to restore the pride of men nostalgic for the Harlem Renaissance Era, when plaid clad men dressed with a sense of purpose/dignity, his true self was reflected by his dress-admitted quite eloquently that some of the equipment was rare; watching it go induced a sense of bereavement but what could be done this was a store not a charity-shop they weren’t giving anything away. Practicality took usurpation of personal concerns. Enoksen had a accountancy feature on his online home-accounts which had boxes to be filled in-if enough were full of ticks it meant they had gone into profit status-if not receivership loomed.It was as simple as that-no question.

  “Don't ask I know what is coming next you want to know why WS is my bag rather than any of the others. I’ll tell you straight Rodders since you seem a regular person. Now the World Series might not make you picture the nouveau riche, the middle classes, art galleries refinement but it does appeal to a lot of ordinary people-like all our spare-parts here. That’s why I’m a WS to the last they can drop the atom bomb-’exit planet dust’ ‘n all but it won’t change.”

  The wattage flickered the same way it had done at the skating rink though rather than an unseen person switching everything on/off this was solely Enoksen at the helm.

  “It is rather like a bowling-alley- I suppose throw something spherical down then pray it hits what is at the end.”

  “Some never get past the funnies in the papers Rodders, but that’s because they haven’t been taught properly it is the same with WS-if we may slip into the vernacular for a moment. It’s always a dry-run they never get to make the real trip.”

  It wasn’t a misdirection that was for sure that they were on-if Enoksen was to be believed then

  WS was the universal panacea for everything-no need for a hypodermic to ‘get it in’-this was so wonderful it just did whatever was necessary without any addition.

  “There is something innovative in there by the sounds of it. I congratulate you Kim.”

  Enoksen seemed surprised like a spectacular rebuff was expected-something to upset the decorum. Like this interloper was going to take a dip into someone elses jurisdiction.

  Above them a fiberglass structure hung by wires from the ceiling used to advertise rust repair suggested there were legions of rusting vehicles out there no doubt with perfect axles but the victim of a toxic miasma that chewed the metal chassis like an unpleasant virus.

  “Sometimes I’m sure it would be better if they turned MS into a video-game. It would make it easier to get round some of the trickier bits. I saw one recently that depicted weightless golf-it might seem a little obscure but I’m sure the same principles could apply.”

  Rodders had a video game going on in himself, except no one knew it apart from him. There was a hillside with a rock like the gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly roll to the top of a mountain,except in Rodders story sometimes the rock did make it over to the other side or roll down again but just stayed there. There was a supposed thud as something went in a teacher had once said but unlike Sisyphus's boulder Baslehurst’s hurdle was getting it over the other side. Why did Rod have this story?

  Simple getting the boulder from beginning to end meant case solved.

  The store-owner dusted lint from his tartan bow-tie.

  “It is almost like a misogyny that some have for WS they see it as idiosyncratic in comparison to

  others. They must have had a colloquium somewhere-where this got the bobby-prize. It’s unfair-it might not be a go-getter but there is a value which some choose to ignore.”

  This was demanding of gumption that much was sure-if they had that then followed-through they could be onto a winner. The up mood gathered speed.

  “My grandfather was a Jesuit theologian Baslehurst his iron-rule was that the only sin was adulteration. I don’t know much about the analogous SSB’s but I get the distinct impression that adulteration is in there et large. Love WS or not that’s up to you but don't accuse it of demanding something has got to be added. I’m like my grandfather in that respect-that is the real shame.”

  Rodders apologized some space was needed to give WS the once over. Nina-who was sometimes called mockingly his lady-in-waiting tried to add her wisdom using her superiority as a consultant to the utmost of her abilities. Her skill in conservation made her good at salvaging in general. If the solution seemed
inaccessible then Nina was the one to dig it out-especially in problems that were intractable as this one.

  Finally Rodrigo said as a culmination of all this debate:

  “I’m going to bow out sis-I don’t have a problem with any of the personalities but the technicalities needs someone more up on this.”

  The moon was really big now you could see things much more distinctly, rather than the previous shadows/ queer patterns that could have been anything-although what it all meant was anyones guess.The wheels of correction must move on-the anger of outsiders/ minorities, however they define their subcultures. Everyone was sure that they were close to ‘clinching the deal’-that is finding out just what happened out there-it was just a question of something tangible which would bring all this together as a single solitary thread of some legal-twine.

  Top notch angst was no good-bewailing how that we lived in an era of alienation where even the family was composed of strangers. What they needed was someone that was able to see through all that as if in possession of a needle that could bring all this together.

  There was no interlude in the omnipotent one above us all-his or her attention was unwavering but interference although tempting must be avoided. Olympus carried a sign it was said ‘Bring heavy-duty equipment because the mountain terrain is very harsh’. The final showdown must begin though there were few left to attend. The problem was someone said, there's tons more unwritten rules. Who you pick for winning teams. Who you talk to on the subway. What you do in your leisure time. It's all dosed in testosterone wrapped in asbestos swadling. It's that whole locker room thing all over again wrapped up for another gang of teenagers.

  Enmanuel Villalpando Rosas was a former barrister with a penchant for collecting original Rorschach- those arranged like districts. Such odd-shapes that may not be explicable on conventional grounds seemed to attract him.

  Rosas was always someone who put everything into a context of what was being perused at the moment-that is what classic was on his nightstand to help him relax before retiring. At the moment it was a Lithuanian noble-woman who had a penchant for virgins which were slaughtered to keep her eternally young. What made this so riveting was not so much the peasants in fibreglass cages, but the klutzs on the town-council which allowed her to rampage through the citizens without so much as a whimper of dissent.

  With some gratitude for his atheist status (for any religiosity would surely be destroyed) Rosas looked forward to getting into something more uplifting.

  It was whilst so intent that an online article by Jukka-Pekk Somervuori of his claim of innocence in the Kyllikki Lehtonen debacle came to his attention.

  “I don’t quite see why that is so important Enmanuel,” exclaimed his former cohort Henrik Ahokainen without a ripple of genuine interest for his indulgence of Rosas’s dilettante leanings was without fault-they never however seemed to amount to very much. Henrik always seemed to like dressing in undershorts- which were however Rosas found out a fashion-statement.

  “Lehtonen had a Finnish mother, Navajo father if you can take yourself that far retrograde fashion.”

  “There does seem to be something vaguely I discern somewhere. The Canadian Civil Liberties Union (CCLU), said the timing was significant for those who upheld that authorising trial for attacks against N.I should be much easier.I still don’t see why that is important though.”

  “Just before dying recently Somervuori admitted that it was him that fatally stabbed Lehtonen-but it was claimed in his defence-get this-that a Digmening amulet or bracelet had influenced him negatively-that its influence had swayed him from what most would usually do. A camcorder was even used by the confessor to record this so it is now preserved for terrible prosperity-not that I suppose anyone will be remotely interested.”

  “So Somervuori was a xenophobic racist who disliked Native Americans some say that hanging would have been too good for him. His terrible end was fitting-that is what most will state-if there are those that disagree then so be it, but personally I believe the end deserved was got.”

  Enmanuel adjusted the air-conditioning to a setting which was adjudged serendipitous to them both.

  “Patience Henrik I would like you to take the most cursory glance if you would at these photos.”

  “This one is of Digmening as issued by the Digmening Cultural Institute earlier now take a once over of this if you would which I have positioned next to it.”

  Another photo is given for comparison which does seem fairly similar in a lot of respects even with the most cursory of appraisal. It seemed like something Henrik had seen in National Service-these commodities were frequently bought by the military at unfair reductions or confiscated from the locals to their great chagrin.

  “This is slightly similar Enmanuel but the significance escapes us as always-your brilliance passes us by.”

  “This stems from a meeting with Ellen who informed us in some casual context that her daughter wrapped her gifts then hid them as a rule. As G approached the front entrance juggling the gifts, bags plus car keys on that fateful last exit mom noticed a small package wrapped in greased paper.”

  The desensitization expected from this did not occur-it wasn’t really sure what was important but it would come that was assured.

  “The item in the wrapping was I am sure the lucky bracelet with the saints on which was in turn damaged by the glycerine-based cold grease rub that was stored next to it.”

  “This made an unwitting resemblance to the Digmening. Sounds a bit superstitious for you Rosas.”

  Hesitancy entered the situation Enmanuel could be almost violently aggressive sometimes. Very much his own boss his accountability was to no one but himself.

  “Just because this is some far flung province I suppose there is a trend to see things which aren't necessarily there.”

  “Stig Kojonkoski would never except such deflection from his purpose-shame on you.”

  Kojonkoski had once been their bosses both-now sadly in that great office-in-the-sky-the last source of accountability was gone. Stig never made it to being an ‘accident prone’ geriatric. His ‘accident’ for want of a better word- was largely considered a cover-up-no one really knew what had happened to Kojonkoski. Maybe like Somervuori-someone would admit that they were after Mrs. Kojonkoski or his job or both.

  The unwitting Digmening would change again before everything was through that was assured.

  “We mustn’t give up Henrik this might seem inconsequential-I know no Independence Day craft didn’t go over with nasty people inside- but at least it shows that we are trying. Something else might pop out of the ether-we never really know.”

  “I stand corrected was there anything else next in there with these goodies I wonder.”

  Self-defense seemed to be the order-of-the-day-everybody was attacking everybody else.

  “I’m sure that is in there too-but we cannot get out the laminated bunting just yet. I sense the pedometer should move on a bit in this-the priceless trudge that no one likes-we still have some more spadework to do.”

  “That’s a good one-sometimes it’s a Pullman with more track to pull yet before reaching the destination-wherever that might be. The obduracy has to be broken through anyway. This isnt a raffle where the guilty-one can just be pulled out of the proverbial hat.”

  Enmanuel was sure that they were at the borderland anyway no one would deflect him from that certainty. Like the Siouan Indians of his ancestry lived in the borderland society, where they were harassed by Algonquian/ Iroquoian enemies-they were dangerously close.

  Henrik examined the Digmening again. Although this was never whispered even the last person with such a charm had been his pal Liisi Kapanen who arrived in Vancouver without a job ignorant of just about everything. Liisi was vulnerable to all kinds of hardships/adversity. Raakel-her sister-rather than being supportive as at home seemed to have changed-for the worse.They were each heroines in their own way though-they stood up for their men through thick ‘n thin.
r />   “I’m not sure this deescalation is such a good move. Everyone seems to be honing in on the Volvo but I’m inclined to go for the bigger picture:-the actual setting where everything happened rather than tiny specks of dust.”

  “That’s the trouble Henrik what you say is pleasing-the reorganization of the rivalry between the small/big would I believe be better for a lot of people. A size moratorium must be held with one winning out. Pleasing some of the people all of the time is easy keeping them happy all of the time is the hard task.”

  “As you reap so you sow there are only so many man-hours that we can put into this.”

  Both knew their private dread the ‘Case Unsolved’ stamp going on the outside of some foolscap folder. This might be something that society refused to accept that told us all an unpleasant reality. Each age had its valued currency which was unwritten-when we moved on there was nothing left that could unlock what had happened. Some astrologers believe the Aquarian age began at the time of the Wright Brothers flight now perhaps such as this had brought it to an end.

  “We have to make our labyrinthine pathways out of the vicious circle-not keep being predestined to fail.


  The person deemed ‘up’ enough on this techno stuff was called Otávio Oliveira Rocha. Otávio with his gangster chic penchant for wearing a fedora to cover his almost baldness was the one to turn to without question. It was Otávio that was the misanthrope that prefered tinkering with computers rather than mixing with people. It was Rocha who got to meet Murilo Barbosa Fernandes (who was the guardian of yet another of the SALIGIA acedia known as Jimi Hendrix Woodstock) at his chosen meeting-point at his wife Marisa’s Oh la-la Restylane clinic! Murilo was sometimes known as Ceasar after Julius Ceasar who was born by a Ceasarian just as Fernandes was. Otávio knew the street well-his daughter Julieta having located there with her boyfriend Kauê; they having resided in a previous rooming house with shared accommodations previously in the adjacent cul-de-sac.Not much was known about the clinic other than it plans to revise its written agreements with fraternal organizations to ensure that safety becomes a high priority


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