Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 8

by Jessie Rose Case

  Kim creeped along the corridor. A door opened just in front of her and she pulled back into an alcove. If they turned right, they’d never see her. She held her breath. She recognised the male coming out fast. He’d been the guy who had held on to her, the one she’d stabbed, he had a slight limp and a large gun in his hand.

  “I want everyone in that cargo bay now.” He ordered to someone behind him as he exited the room, turning right, away from her. Kim let out the breath she’d been holding. The door closed behind him as he ran down the corridor. Kim waited until he was out of sight before moving. She edged towards the room he’d come out of. It was still closed, she crept along faster now. She needed to get to the cargo bay and off this ship. Things appeared to be going south quickly for her captors, and she had no intension of being here when it tanked.


  Rage had the guy round the neck. “Where is she?” He demanded. The guy looked confused. “The girl.” He repeated. “Where is she?” The male started to mumble something that Rage couldn’t hear, when fire erupted from cross the room. The male slumped. He’d been shot in the cross fire. Rage put him down and hit the deck. They had re-grouped, got better weapons and were now coming at them again. Good, thought Rage as he zeroed in on the leader. He fucking needed this.


  Kim stopped at the junction. Just beyond, seemed to be the cargo bay and a war was going on by the sound of it. Kim crept forward and saw the open weapons locker. O yeah. Kim smiled. Someone had grabbed a weapon and not closed it. Sloppy. Kim withdrew a laser gun and a large assault rifle. Neither were ID coded. That was a mistake. Kim grinned. She then spotted several stun grenades, reached out and grabbed them. She was getting off this ship.

  She locked and loaded both guns and crept forward to the entry door of the cargo hold. She poked her head around the corner, inching forward to see what was going on. As the space came into view, it all became very clear what was going on. Her kidnappers were dead, dying or firing at Rage and his boys. He’d come for her. The kidnappers were trying to pin them down. Kim grabbed the grenades and pulled the pins. Then launched them into the kidnappers in front of her.

  “Fire in the hole.” She screamed.

  Rage heard Kim’s voice a split second before realising what she was saying. He relayed the info to his men over his neuro network and he hit the floor. The grenades exploded throughout the kidnappers in front of him. Shutting off his auditory, they were not stunned. Rage and his men were up and in charge in seconds. They rounded on the kidnappers, taking care of those still downed by the explosion and removing weapons. As the dust settled and he looked around, Kim came out from the far corridor with a rifle slung over her shoulder. A laser gun out to defend herself if needed.

  Rage thought she looked magnificent. Why did he think she needed his help? She had this. Just like she had him. His heart pounded and his cock hardened. She was a sight for sore eyes.

  “Looks like I have a new ship,” she told him grinning.

  Rage charged forward to get to her. He’s relief at seeing her whole and well flared his need for her. It over rode any ounce of common sense and caution he had. He grabbed her, sweeping her up into his arms. Thank the gods. He nuzzled into her neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “I’m ok. Nothing happened. They just knocked me out.” She was patting and comforting him. Rage was conflicted between wanting to bury his cock in her and holding on to her, while she petted him. He held her harder. “There are others on this ship Rage.” She whispered to him. He pulled back from her. He couldn’t help the edge to his voice.

  “Anyone of these arseholes, could have held you down naked and each of them, could have fucked you till you were broken.” He was shaking. He couldn’t help it. He was his name and rage filled him.

  Kim recoiled from the venom in Rages voice. She didn’t need to hear this. She knew the fear. She’d just lived the fright of her life. And then she got it. He was scared. Really scared, and probably for the first time in his life. For her.

  Kim climbed him so they were face to face and put her hands on both sides of his face and gently kissed him, then moved her lips for his ears only. “I love you too. I am not harmed.” She pulled back slightly to see his eyes. They were the softest she’d ever seen them. Rage kissed her back, the barest of touches then bent to put her down. He held his forehead to hers for a moment longer, breathing her in, than her feet touched the ground and he stood. The warrior was back.

  His men looked uncomfortable. Shit. Dam Cyborgs. “Who’s on ops?” Kim turned back to Rage.

  “Pain.” She nodded. “Open comms.” Rage nodded. “Pain, if even one of these jacks here, is imagining me naked being fucked by my man, I want their feed along with images of their most embarrassing moments, played on a loop for the next month.”

  A series of fucks and shits could be heard. “Err Pain wants to know if that includes Rage?” Dark asked.

  “It does.” She started to walk from the cargo hold to the ramp then stopped. “But seeing as he already has those images it wouldn’t be fair.” Kim carried on walking. A number of groans and chuckles could be heard.

  “I told you he was holding out.” She heard someone say. She liked that. Her male might have a shared neuro net but he liked keeping her to himself. She kept going knowing Rage would deal with this.

  The Marauder never looked so good. The minute Kim saw it, she felt safe. Then she knew. She was leaving Mack, she was with Rage now. The time she’d shared with Mack was over. Rage joined her. She never heard him coming. His men surrounding them. They’d lost some, so she guessed Rage had sent them on clean up. Kim turned to him.

  “I need to talk to Mack.” Rage nodded as he opened the doors to his ship.


  Kim was drinking coffee and stuffing a delicious pastry. She had no idea where Rage had got it but he’d come in bearing gifts, and she wasn’t a woman to say no. She heard Mack’s voice and smiled. The grumpy man was complaining. Kim smiled. It was his default setting, he didn’t like being dragged over.

  “Hay Mack thanks for coming.” She called out. “Want some real coffee?” She asked him as he came in the door. He gave her a weary nod and sat opposite her.

  “So,” she said as Rage passed Mack his coffee. “The thing is, I’m with Rage now so I won’t be coming back to the Night Haul. And there’s a contract out on my head.” Rage growled, and Kim rolled her eyes. “So those bastards for now are going to keep coming. That means they know I’m meant to be on your ship which makes it a target. I want to make you a proposition Mack.” She noted Rages eyes rose hearing her say that to Mack.

  “You run with us.” She told him. “Take your own cargo, with Rage’s permission a couple of his men for crew. I’ll still do your engines. We support Rage’s endeavours where possible to reunite his people. That way, Night Haul has the protection it needs and I get to keep ….. my dear friend.” A lump had formed in her throat. She hoped he didn’t say no and she had to drug him into submission.

  “Who would be the captain?” He asked, his eyes narrowing on her. She had him!

  “You. It’s your ship.” She told him going through the dance.

  “Deal.” He told her.

  Kim sat surprised. “You don’t want to think about it?” Mack shook his head.

  “Nope. Best deal I’ve heard.”

  “Rage?” She turned to him. Hoping he didn’t throw her out along with Mack.

  “We could always do with another ship.” He told her. Ok then.

  “We’re all agreed?” She looked between both men. Both men nodded. “Just one more thing Mack.” She told him. “They’re all Cyborgs.”

  Mack raised his eyes and burst out laughing, slapping his leg. “Like I didn’t know that. Some of the best soldier’s I ever worked with in the last war. They were loyal bastards.” He told her grinning. “Saved my ass a time or two, I can tell ya.”

  Kim frowned. “You knew and never said?” Mack looked sad.

  “Fell out of favour didn’t they. Became hunted after the war. I wasn’t going to make it easy for those arseholes to track um. Kept me mouth shut. Like I promised.”

  “Do you know their model ID’s Mack? We could try to find them for you.” Rage told him. Mack looked up at him.

  “Really?” Rage nodded. Kim could see the emotions in Mack’s face. “I’d like that. They were good men. My friends.”


  “We have the source of the contract.” Rage walked into the medical room where Kim was checking C’s recovery, and looking over the three new men that had been in the crates Mack had found. They had better tools now and she’d configured the med bed like she’d promised. Her data pad was out and she was scanning.

  “Good. Do you know why?”

  “We do. Seems you have something they want. You showed some new engine designs to that parts provider. Some theoretical science that has not been utilised before. He did a search for it. Started asking questions and it came to their notice. They want it and Remix offered to sell it.”

  Kim huffed. “It’s not his to take or sell.” Rage stepped into her personal space.

  “If they think it will work, they know what it means.” Kim got angry. Her engines always worked.

  “It’ll work.” She looked up to him, not giving an inch. “Once built, it will revolutionise engine making for space travel.” Kim put her data pad down. She touched C’s arm. “That’s got it. Your good to go.”

  She turned to him. He didn’t like being in the dark. “Why would you show the hustler your ideas? Knowing, that if it got out, you just painted a target on your back. That design whoever holds it, will make billions of credits. You must have known it might lead to trouble?” Kim shrugged.

  “I have it partially registered with the corporation. The theoretical is registered with the new science division, just didn’t say what it’s purpose was. That’s the only bit I showed the hustler. He’s a good sounding board. I had to thrash out some ideas with someone and he’d been selling my ideas and blue prints with my agreement on a 50/50 basis. It had been working well up to now. This engine though, was hands off and he respected that, or I thought he did. Then again, he sold me out to you, so I guess your right. This was coming.” Rage gripped his fists to stop him from throwing something across the room.

  “That didn’t work out so well now did it.” He told her totally pissed off.

  Kim watched Rage turn, punch the wall and storm out. “He’s not used to having things he can’t control.” C spoke from behind her, Kim turned around to face him. She was pissed Rage had spoken to her like a child but understood his conflict. Still, it was no reason to go overboard. She wanted to call him on his shit but didn’t want to undermine him in front of his man.

  “Human, come’s with the territory.” She told him honestly. “I wanted to ask, do you know why you were in the cargo box?” She looked over at the other men, who were just sitting there. “Why any of you would be?”

  C looked decidedly unhappy and turned away from her. “I was part of a Cyborg mission. I took a hit and got separated from my unit. My ability to communicate was gone. They thought I was dead. They came looking but couldn’t find me and left without me. Not their fault. Heavy bombardment meant they couldn’t look for me more. I was found by our enemies. For the next 30 years they used me to fight on their side. It was against my programming but they were good at getting around that. When I was no longer useful, they sold me for parts.”

  Parts? Holy shit. What he must have gone through was beyond anything Kim could think of. “I’m sorry that happened C.” C looked back at her.

  “No one’s fault. It was war. What we were built for.” Kim shook her head.

  “Still don’t make it right.”

  Kim squeezed his arm. Told him he could leave, he was good to go, then turned her attention to the other three and started scanning them. She wasn’t sure what she could do for them right now. They were in a kind of awake stasis. No controls but could work with orders.

  What C had gone through was horrendous. What all Cyborgs had been put through was horrendous. How had they allowed this to happen? It was slavery. No wonder they were fierce and loyal. She understood Rage’s possessiveness but he needed to curb his shit. She knew this engine design was special. She wasn’t stupid like he was making her out to be. She knew the risks but needed backing. That came with some exposure. You don’t get one without the other. Kim slapped the entry pad and walked towards engineering. She needed to finish this.


  “How much is the contract?” Rage asked.

  “Ten million.” Pain told him. Rage nodded. Sounded about right.

  “Tell them we have the prize and are bringing it in. Set up a meet. Credits half up front, the rest on delivery. No credits, no show. Contractor to be there in person, verified.” Pain looked at him.

  “You think that wise? Taking her there?” Rage wanted to hit something hard. No he fucking didn’t.

  “No, but unless we tap this at source they’ll just keep coming. Pattern her new engine with every corporation and pattern office we know.”

  “That won’t stop her being a target.” Rage nodded.

  “Don’t I fucking know it. Use the insignia Cyborg Empire.” Pain raised his eyebrows.

  “We are declaring?” Rage gave a nod and used their joint neuro network. Tell the Council. Get all our ships here. He’d go to war to save her if he had to.


  Kim stretched as she cradled her coffee in her hands. It had been a long day. She’d wanted to see Remix and beat some fucking sense into him. But there was no way Rage was letting her off this ship. She’d finished her design and the two simulations she’d programmed, to test its probability. It was high. Kim smiled. She never got a 100% on her probability programmes. That was because the simulator itself didn’t quite understand her design or the power generator. Her designs weren’t standard and often used materials or components that were not usual in that process. It was programmed to give its best guess. Something that was alien to a programme. High, was as good as it gets.

  “You look pleased with yourself.” Kim hadn’t heard him come in. He moved so quietly.

  “Can you put bells on or something, so I can hear you coming?” Rage rose both eyebrows and cross his arms over his chest staring at her.

  “If you have nothing to hide what does it matter?” He was beginning to annoy her again. She gave him her best stink eye.

  “It’s polite.” She told him with bite.

  Rage grinned and took the seat opposite her. “We’re not a polite people.”

  “If you’re going to mix with the rest of the world then you had better start. Fire power is good, diplomacy can often be better.” Rage cringed.

  “I am no diplomate.”

  “Then I hope you have someone who is.”

  Rage didn’t look impressed. “How is your new engine coming?” Kim knew he was deflecting but let it go. She was sure that Cyborgs were not programmed for diplomacy, but if they were intent on being a respected species, then there were skills they were going to need. “I have informed the Cyborg Council we are dealing with this matter.” Kim looked up surprised. He’d gone to bat for her? She suddenly felt all warm and gooey. She hoped this Council of theirs was ok with her being with Rage.

  “It’s done.” She told him. “I’ll need to do a live model at some point but on paper, it looks good.” Kim rubbed at her shoulders.

  “You’re tired. You should get some rest.” She gave him an annoyed look.

  “Still angry I see.” Rage could feel the vibe coming off her. He got out of his seat and stood behind her. It wasn’t just annoyance. She was tense. Worried. He placed his hands on her shoulders and went to work on her knots. She’d stiffened at his first touch, then gradually relaxed into him.

  “Dam that feels good.” She told him as he worked up into her neck, Kim dropped her head forward. Rage rubbed up into her hairline, smoothing away th
e tension. He wasn’t sure who was benefiting more. Her or him. Just touching her skin, brought him more alive than he had ever been before he knew her. Her smell captivated him. Drew him in. Wanting. Feeling. Needing. Her hair like silk through his fingers. Delicate and strong. He’d never dreamed it possible. That he Rage, named for his unrelenting domination could give way to something so …. Fragile. No that was wrong. Where it counted, this female had strength. He was humbled and afraid. He felt vulnerable for the first time in his life.

  The rocking motion woke her. “Go back to sleep Kim. I will take care of you.” Kim smiled and drifted off. Rage continued walking to their cabin.


  Kim felt chilled. The climate control must have broken again. Kim sighed reaching out looking for her data pad and realised, she was naked and wasn’t in her old room. It was Rages, well she guessed now it was theirs. Kim grinned. She liked the sound of that. Theirs. Looking around she realised why she felt cold. Rage had the temperature lower than she would normally have it and he was hogging all the covers.

  She snuggled back into him and pulled the cover over her. Instant heat assaulted her. It was cosy. Warm and safe. She nuzzled into his back and put her arm around him and her body flush with his. She loved his smell. All Male. A unique musk with a hint of power after the rain, and a subtle metallic and oil under tone.


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