Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 11

by Jessie Rose Case

  “You care for her?” Brent asked him surprised. Rage looked him square in the eyes.

  “With everything I am and every life under my command.”

  It was clear when Brent made up his mind. He looked at his men and turned back to Rage with resolve in his eyes. “We were lied to. So I feel no allegiance to the contract. We were told the female was being held against her will and had important information that belonged to him. Clearly the first is wrong and I doubt the second.”

  Kim felt he had been honest about this too. “I have something he wants alright, but it belongs to me. Legally registered. It’s a design for a new engine. It has technology not used before. It would out match anything that is currently available. We have a prototype. I’m working on. The plans are worth billions of credits. This is about greed. Pure and simple.”

  She was glad to see that greed did not sit well with the soldier. “I need a list of your men.” Rage told him. “I will be making recompense.” Brent looked to Rage and frowned. It was clear he did not understand why Rage would offer to do such a thing.

  “Why? This is not down to you.” He asked confused.

  “No its not, but we will honour the engagement and those we lost.”


  “What did he say?” Kim nursed her coffee. Their private quarters weren’t huge but it allowed for a seating area. Kim wanted some privacy after today. She hoped Brent and his men took the deal. It was a good one.

  “He wanted to discuss it with his men. I told him we will transfer them to Mack’s craft either way. They can follow us or go on their way. Up to them. I asked Mack to have a word with them. He arrived a short while ago.” Kim knew that Mack would be honest with those men. They were good men led in the wrong direction and needed a break. They’d all been there a time or two.

  “How long till we arrive at our destination?” Kim asked wanted to think of something else for a while. Rage looked thoughtful for a moment, Kim guessed he was getting a neuro up date.

  “Just over 7 hours.”

  “Right well, we need to arrange water, toilets, check first aid and feed everyone.”

  “Taken care of.” Rage walked over to her and picked her up placing her on his lap wrapping his arms around her. He’d decided this was his favourite place in the kitchen area. Kim on his lap. He had to touch her. “You did well today.” He told her nuzzling into her neck and breathing deeply.

  Kim leaned back into him. His unique scent surrounding her.

  “It was fun.” She told him then frowned. “That is so wrong.”

  Rage chuckled. “Pleasure is often the result of stimulation Kim, and you were highly stimulated today. Your indalpines would have been through the roof. You would have been scared as well as euphoric in the action. Enjoying your part in it.” He kissed her neck. “The equally scary and unpredictable outcome, adding to the thrill. Thus, adding to the adrenalin rush.”

  Kim pulled back and looked up at him. Her panties were wet and her nipples hard. This dam man only had to speak and she wanted him.

  “Wow. Did you swallow a psyc manual?” Rage cracked a small smile. He tapped his brain.

  “Cyborg remember.”

  Kim got up and put her mug down. She leaned down and opened his pants, his cock sprang free already coming erect. She loved that he went commando all the time. Kim opened her own pants and dropped them, her panties with them. Straddling him she grasped his cock and held it at her entrance. Rage groaned.

  “How could I forget.” She slid down onto him. “Remind me.”

  Rage couldn’t wait for her to fully seat herself, he thrust up under her. Kim threw her head back and cried out, “ummmm so dam good.” Grabbing her he lifted her over to the table and placed her on it and thrust in hard. He reached for the sides of her top and ripped it open. Giving them both what they needed. He was desperate to fill this woman and ploughed into her, over and over again.

  His passion took hold. He feasted on her breasts with his mouth, while he slammed into her. Any control he had was soon lost again. His animal instincts taking over. Another male had tried to take her again. His dominance was being challenged. It. Would. Not. Stand. She had been courageous and brave and he could have lost her. The knowledge freeing him to dominate. To possess. To mark.

  Kim’s body was on fire. She could feel her emotions rising within her. The erotic wantonness, from Rage ripping her clothes, sending her into a frenzy. The feel of his cock piston fucking her was more than her mind could track. She could feel his balls slapping against her. Rages hands rough on her skin holding her firmly, as he rooted in and out of her.

  Tingling started in her toes, fingers and clit. It pulsed, she was close to coming, she wanted to hold out, too good to stop. She wanted it to go on but that wasn’t happening. The wave rolled within her. Kim held onto him and opened her self-wider to him. Holding her breath fighting the orgasm rising, threatening to consume her and failed. It crashed over her, Kim screamed her release. It rolled through her a second time and Rage ploughed on.

  “So fucking mine.” He growled.

  He couldn’t stop. He grabbed her harder, lifted her leg higher on to his shoulder for a better angle and thrust in more deeply. He would give her his seed. Give her all of him. Make. Her. Love. Him. More. On a final thrust, going deeper than before, feeling the edge of her womb with the tip of his cock, he exploded within her. It was primal. The need for her to feel him.

  Rage jetted his seed on a guttural cry. His body going rigid for a moment, then relaxing on to her. His seed filling her up. His body needing to flood her. His balls drew up and filled a second time. He withdrew and thrust in deep, expelling his second wave into her.

  Supporting himself above her, while his body ejected his seed, Rage smiled and gazed at the woman who had become more to him than life itself.

  “Love you woman.” Came naturally to his lips.

  Kim was still dazed and unfocused from her triple climax. Rage loved that look on her.

  “Love you too.” She whispered and drifted into oblivion.

  Chapter Six

  Kim woke to the smell of coffee under her nose.

  “Wakey wakey.” Stretching she yawned and pulled her eyes open. Rage sat smiling at her with a mug in his hand. He looked far too awake, thought Kim, and dressed. Pulling herself up from the bed she reached out for the coffee.

  “Was I out for long?” She asked. Rage brushed her hair behind her ear and lightly kissed her. It had got longer in the last couple of weeks. Kim guessed she had bed head.

  “Four hours, I let you rest.”

  Kim sipped at the coffee and felt instantly better. She stretched her neck from side to side and re-focused on Rage. “Where we at?”

  “Brent and his team are on board. Not happy they were mis-led and would like to make that known to the contractor. After that, it’s not sure but they are interested in working with Mack. We are three hours out from the rendezvous. The Hawk is already there and scanned the area. It’s perfect for a trap. Our people are in place. Nothing there so far.”

  Kim thought about that. “If they think Brent was successful in grabbing me, why would they still go to the rendezvous point they told you? Wouldn’t they have an alternative worked out with Brent?”

  “They did.” He told her.

  Kim smiled, “so why not let the contractor think that Brent was successful and that he’s bringing me in, only he gets us instead surprise, surprise.”

  Rage studied her. “Brent missed the check in.” Kim drank some more.

  “So he tells them they took a lot of fire. Our ship was heavily armed Theirs badly damaged. Something the contractor failed to pass on, yarda yarda yarda, and will be paying for that. That during the firefight, they were badly damaged, had to do some salvage and the communications went down. They only just got them back up. Lay on some false logs, give them a battered shuttle and your good to go. I still don’t understand why he would make the contract the Merc’s, when you already had agreed to br
ing me in.”

  “Credits. The Merc’s cost less than we do.”

  Fucking. Credits. This guy was a sick fucker. Greed. She hated it.

  “I’ll talk to Brent. See what he thinks.” Rage told her as he got up and gave her another fleeting kiss. “Come to the bridge when you’re ready.” Kim watched him walk out. Whoever this contractor was, he was a dead man.


  Kim entered the Bridge sometime later, went straight to Rage and kissed him. He grabbed her hair, pulled her to him and deepened the kissed. She loved his taste. Kim eventually pulled back.

  “Ooaa there stud, hold that for later.” She winked at him. Rage gave her that amused half cracked smile of his. It was endearing and cute and so at odds with how he looked.

  She patted his chest and looked at the viewing screen. “Update.”

  Kim couldn’t hold back the smugness she was feeling. They had gone with her idea! Brent and his boys were on board with it. They were pissed and wanted payback. She couldn’t blame them. The message had been sent and Rage had moved the Hawk to the new co-ordinates. It was equally remote and on the Hawks assessment, equally a trap most likely. Brent hadn’t taken that information well either. Blood was in the air. But it wasn’t until moments before she had stepped on deck that they knew for sure. A large number of troops showed up, deployed across the terrane for the meet. It was clearly a trap.

  Rage looked across the Bridge at his men. He could feel their emotions. They were royally pissed with the way things had played out. Angry that Kim had been targeted. Their need for honour and justice running through all of them. Kim was one of them now. They saw their future in her. He was the leader of his people and she was his queen.

  Rage didn’t relish putting them in harm’s way, they were family to him. But he would do what he needed to, to protect her. There was no other option. He communicated to the fleet via his neuro net. Gave the new co-ordinates, and to use stealth. There would be a surprise waiting for this contractor.


  Brent joined them on the Bridge with his second. Rage passed the information on ground troops to him. Neither he or his man looked surprised.

  In fact, he looked deadly. That was good, thought Rage.

  Brent stepped up. “We’ve sent the signal to the contractor, he has provided us with confirmation that he is on the ground. I’m going to go in first. I met him when I took the contract, so he can’t send someone else in his place. Not if he wants her. He gave me a blood sample to verify his DNA, so I will be able to verify his attendance. Once verified, I will act as if I am signalling for Kim to be brought in. By now, he will know that it’s possible, we have information to say that Kim was not being held against her will. I will exploit that with demands for more credits to distract him. He’ll be expecting that. At that point, you guys show yourselves and we all move in.”

  It was a sound plan. Rage agreed. He passed the information to the fleet. He added one additional command. Any treachery and they wipe the lot out.

  Kim watched the action from the Bridge with Rage. It was being passed to them via the Hawk. She was nervous. She couldn’t help it. Mack hovered his shuttle craft. Mack had insisted they go with that. Brent and his men were placing themselves at risk because of her. She knew they saw it differently, but it was what it was. The shuttle landed, and she watched as he disembarked with two of his men. From out of the trees came six men walking towards them.

  They stopped and faced off. Suddenly, Kim could hear the conversation on the ground, she turned to Rage surprised. “Implant, Brent offered.” Kim nodded and turned back.

  “ …lost a lot of men on this trip, you owe us.” The lead male stepped forward. “You were greatly compensated for this contract.”

  “Not enough. I will require an additional 50% now, to cover losses.” Brent told him with some edge to his voice and handed over the verification pad. The contractor looked pained but nodded, did something with a knife and placed his hand on the pad, putting his DNA on it and handed it back. Brent stood looking at it for a moment. Kim guessed it was analysing the blood and looked at those with him. There were a lot of nervous men out there.

  Her senses tingling. Kim looked again at the men with the contractor. She leaned forward for a better look. Then turned back to Rage shocked. “Are those two Cyborgs?” He nodded. Fuck, thought Kim, that could fuck things up real quick. “Can you over ride them?”

  Rage shook his head. “Not from this distance. “Pain, send updated commands via all links, through all ships. Tell them to saturate the ground with them. Let’s hope one of them works.”

  “Verified,” Brent had said. Kim turned back to him as he grabbed his communication device.

  “Just one moment.” The contractor told him.

  Brent stopped. The contractor gave a signal and troops surrounded them. Brent and his men gave a good impression of being surprised turning around him to look at them. He turned back to the contractor. “What’s the meaning of this?” He sounded angry to Kim.

  “Security.” The contractor told him. “Wouldn’t want to find myself on a double cross now would I.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Brent asked him. “We had a deal. We honoured it.”

  The contractor looked unconvinced, “I don’t see my prize. Now make sure your men bring it down or your dead.” He told him.

  “So you had no intension of paying us.” Brent stared at him.

  The contractor shrugged. “It’s just business.”

  Kim gripped hard on the chair. Brent engaged the com again. “Rage, we have a go.” The contractor looked smug. Not for long, thought Kim.

  “Pain, dis-engage stealth on the fleet and move into position.” Kim’s jaw dropped as more than twenty huge fleet ships de-cloaked filling the sky, surrounding the troops on the ground. “Activate ground audio.” Rage called out.


  “This is the Cyborg Empire.” He told them. “You have committed an act of treason on one of its people. You are surrounded. Your craft disabled. Any movement from this position, will be met with deadly force. Stand down or die.”

  No one moved. Kim could see several people in the middle of panic. Cyborgs dropped from their ships and surrounded those on the ground. The contractor turned to his two Cyborgs and screamed at them.

  “Protect me. Kill them all.”

  Kim waited for them to move. They didn’t. Brent moved in with his men and grabbed the contractor.

  “You’re going nowhere.”

  Their shuttle came in to land. Rage headed for the cargo bay as the doors opened. Eight of his men followed him with Kim. He’d made sure she was armed.

  He walked up to Brent. “Any problems Commander?”

  “None.” Rage turned to the contractor. He looked weak without his men. Rage turned to his Cyborgs.

  “Do you need assistance?” He asked both physically and mentally. He directed updated data at them. He could see them blink at the deluge of information.

  “You are free?” One asked incredibility in his voice. Rage gave a nod.

  “We are.” He turned to his companion. Rage realised they must still have a shared neuro net that still passed consciousness between them.

  “We accept.” They both moved off to his ship. The contractor started to splutter. Shouting after them, struggling to get loose from Brent and his men.

  “I own you, you can’t just walk away.” He screamed.

  Rage stepped forward menace in every movement and grabbed him lifting him clear of the ground. “No one owns us.” The contactor wet himself in fear.

  “Admiral, the area is secure, all hostiles are located and accounted for.” Rage nodded to Dark, and turned to the contractor.

  “Detain and interrogate. Now.” He threw him at Dark. “You contracted against a member of the Cyborg Empire, with the intent of kidnapping and possible murder. Then you tried to double cross both of us. And, you have illegally purchased Cyborgs for your own use.” The con
tractor gained some control.

  “What the hell are you talking about.” He screamed. “I did no such thing, I contracted for a human, who has something that belongs to me, nothing more. Ok, I tried to get a better deal, I admit it. The Cyborgs were a good price. It was business.” He spat at Rage.

  Kim looked around her, having heard enough of the conversation at all the ships. She had no idea the Cyborgs were an Empire, it was certainly impressive. It hadn’t passed her notice that Rage had been referered to as Admiral either, by one of the warriors. Clearly Rage hadn’t told her everything.

  “Kim.” She came forward when he called her, and stood beside him.

  “Do you know this human?” He asked her. She shook her head.

  “Nope. Never seen him before.”

  Rage was losing what little patience he had. “You are lying,” he snarled at the contractor. “That would be stupid.” Rage told him.

  The contractor became defensive. “How do you know I’m lying when she could be.” Rage checked his scans of the human. He believed what he was saying.

  “Say I believe you.” Rage told him. “What does she have that’s yours?” The contactor became animated, more confident.

  “She has an engine design that is mine. Bought and paid for. Then failed to hand it over. I made generous offers after the event to get it. I was ignored.”

  “Where’s your proof?” Rage asked him. The contactor passed him a data pad from inside his coat.


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