Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 25

by Jessie Rose Case

  The lift pinged and Dark withdrew his fingers and put them in his mouth sucking them dry while keeping the lift doors from closing. He grabbed Mac’s hand and walked her out the lift to her door. It opened automatically. “I didn’t use my hand to open it.” She whispered.

  “Neuro net. I opened it.” He pulled her in after him and closed the door.

  “Take it off.”

  Mac looked at him confused.


  “The clothes. If you like them take them off. Otherwise, I’m ripping them off.” Mac kicked off her shoes, dropped her jacket onto the chair and slowly undid her blouse, then threw it to one side. She undid her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She slipped the straps of her bra, off her shoulders and unclasped it. Her breast swinging free. Dark moaned. She was naked before him. Dark dropped to his knees and moved towards her.

  “I’m going to eat you till you beg me to stop.” He told her, pulling her legs apart and face planting into what he wanted. Sucking in her clit and finger fucking her. Mac grabbed his head and held on.

  Mac moaned in delight. She’d be hungry later herself and that cock needed tasting.


  Mac wasn’t sure where Dark had found the food but she was grateful he had. She was starving. They’d missed dinner time, again, this was more like a mid-night snack. A very hearty one and not too healthy, she didn’t care. Ham and eggs. Chipped potatoes. It was heavenly. Mac ate while watching Dark, dig in to his own triple portion. After, he’d walked around naked, his semi hard cock swinging back and forth looking like it could knock someone out. She wanted a bit of that.

  Mac deposited her empty place in her kitchette and headed for the bathroom. She did her business and cleaned up. Poking her head out, she saw Dark was still eating. She ran a quick shower and cleaned her teeth. Then dried herself. As she came out Dark was pushing his plate to one side finished, then moved his chair back as he saw her coming towards him. Mac dropped to her knees in front of him.

  Dark looked at her as she made a grab for his cock. Surprise hit his face. Mac liked seeing it. She leaned forward and licked him. Dark opened his legs to give her better access. Mac moved in and sucked the bulbous top into her mouth. Keeping eye contact with him. Dark moaned and stroked her hair. “Yeah baby, just like that.”

  Mac sucked him in deeper and started rocking him in and out of her mouth. She licked the top and teased the eye. Dark clenched his fist in her hair. “Fuck that’s good.” Dark lifted his hips and rocked into her mouth. He couldn’t hold it back.

  “Relax baby, let your jaw go. Only take what you can.” He told her encouraging her to go deep. She didn’t disappoint.

  Mac loved the taste of him. His smell, the feel of him in her hands, she couldn’t get enough of it. She’d took him deeper and rocked him longer and harder. Her impulses had taken over and she devoured him with her mouth. “I’m gonna come baby. It’s too good. Pull out.” Mac held on. “Fuck. My seed it’s too much Mac, it could choke you pull out.” Dark gritted.

  But she didn’t stop. In desperation Dark pulled her off his cock as his cum raced to the surface and cascaded into the air covering both of them. “Holy shit.” Dark stated as he pulled her to him and kissed her. “Beautiful baby. Beautiful. Thank you.” Mac smiled. Job well done.

  Dark pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. His head on her shoulder. Her legs astride him her back to his front. Mac sighed and placed her head on his shoulder. Dark stroked her. Ran his hands down her body and across her breasts. Mac sighed again. Darks throat tightened. He swallowed to loosen it up. And wondered what was wrong with him and automatically set a diagnostic, then smiled and wiped it away. Old habits. One hand grazed across her breasts and cupped one feeling the tautness of her nipple against his roughened hands. It felt so right. His other hand moved down her stomach and two fingers entered her folds. Mac moved her legs further apart. And sighed.

  Dark kissed her shoulder as he pushed inside her. An overwhelming sense of need of caring and wanting shocked through him. He didn’t recognise it but it pulled at him, his own wants and needs surging. Dark carefully stood and walked them joined to the bed, he carried them both down on their sides to the mattress. Spooning, he lifted Mac’s leg higher over his thigh and removed his fingers replacing them with his cock and rocked into her. Slowly, sensually. This was not how he fucked but nothing would stop him. He drew caresses along her body and kissed her neck and shoulder. His last emotional thought before he shut down his sensors, this was not fucking.


  Mac woke at the sound of her alarm. She stretched and reached over to turn it off. Then rolled back and stretched out her hand for Dark. The bed was cold, empty. For an instant Mac wondered if she’d dreamt last night but no her body told her she’d been well sated and used. Mac smiled dreamily. It had been good. Then sitting on his lap and opening her senses to Dark, it had blown her away. She’d never done that spontaneously before, she’d felt his emotions in return, it had been full of passion. Mac blew out a breath looking around. When they’d gone back to bed, it felt different. Deep, meaningful and now he was gone. If felt off but she didn’t have time to dwell, she had a busy day. Mac pulled herself to sit and stretched out. She ached in all the right places. Bathroom. Mac started to get up and noticed the bleep telling her she had a message.

  “Computer play message.”

  Dark came on screen. Mac grinned then realised he didn’t look happy. “Hi Mac had an early start.” He stared at her for a bit or the screen. Then he gave her a knowing smile. Mac frowned. “We had it good Mac. It was better than good. It was the best. Thank you. It’s a small Station so I guess we’ll bump into each other from time to time, hope that’s gonna be ok.” Mac’s gut took on that sick feeling. “Dinner would be nice now and then if your up for it. See you around Doc.” The screen when blank.

  Deep down she wasn’t surprised. She knew it wasn’t permanent. So why did she feel sick? She felt the tears behind her eyes. For once not because she felt screwed over, but because she’d got what she wanted. Some fun. So why did it feel so bad? Their last time together ran through her mind. She’d been right, it had been different. She’d opened to him. Her mental blocks down. Dark had been gentle, almost worshipping her in his own need. It had surprised her how sensual it had been. How absolutely perfect it was. And then she got it. Dark realised that to. He’d reached his causal limit. He’d been saying goodbye.

  Mac grabbed the sheet with both hands and closed her eyes. Time to move on.


  Dark entered Rage’s office and slumped into the chair. “Did you forget to knock?”

  “No. I need a job.”

  Rage looked at him and put down the data pad he was using. “Why?”

  Dark felt uncomfortable. He knew he’d done right by Mac by ending it. It was going places neither of them wanted. “Need to be busy.” Rage looked at him.

  “Did you just fuck me? Am I going to lose a dam good hospital director?” Dark could feel his brother’s emotions. He was pissed.

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t think so? What the fuck does that mean?”

  Dark tried to calm himself. He’d had to shut his emotions down since before leaving her. It was the only way he could. Every time he accessed them since the vid he’d made for Mac, his system went crazy, made him want to do crazy things. “We ended on good terms.” Dark told him.

  Rage gave him the eye ball. “Does she think that? Cos if not, Kim’s gonna have my ass and yours. I warned you about this.”

  Dark nodded. He didn’t know what else to say. “I need a job Rage.” He told him quietly.

  Dark guessed Rage took pity on him. “The new ships you commandeered from the pirates, they need memory retrieval and then scrubbing, deadwood clear out and made ready for us. Get out before Kim gets here.” Dark stood.

  “Thanks man.” Rage waved him off.


  Mac entered her office. Her
guards were back and been waiting for her as she exited her door. Not that she was very surprised. She’d complain to Rage again but knew she’d get shot down. She put her take out tea down on her desk. Joe came in shortly after. “Mac a new Doctor is here. He came in early on the same ship as Dark. Can you see him now?”

  Mac smiled at Joe putting on her game face. “Great timing. Bring him in.”

  Joe walked to her door and called someone to him. Mac remained standing waiting. A male came in. He looked familiar. “Mac this is Colm. He’s going to head our new surgery unit.” Joe handed her a file. Mac stuck her hand out and Colm shook it.

  “Colm Stewardson? We were on the same surgical team at Winterfield, your rep precedes you, which is why I asked you to come. Take a seat guys. We might as well get right to it.”

  “Thanks Mac, I hope I can still call you that. Winterfield was a long time ago. I was so young then,” he shook his head and looked up at her. “You were younger.” Mac laughed. He was right.

  Joe looked tiny compared to the new guy. He wasn’t your usual slim worn out Doctor. She wondered if he was using some steroid. Joe started talking animatedly, selling the clinic and new projects. It was a good clinic and so was the surgical unit. She’d overseen the parameters. “Thanks Joe, could you give us a few minutes.” Joe nodded and left.

  Mac looked at Colm and let her empathy flow. What filtered back surprised her. “Your enhanced.” She told him.

  Colm settled back in his chair. “How’d you know? Most assume I’m on steroids or something.”


  Colm nodded. With most people he could get away with the keep fit fanatic routine. Clearly not here. “You will see in my file I was an army surgeon after Winterfield. What it doesn’t say is that I got caught in some nasty cross fire. I was bleeding out in a basic outpost. Little in the way of supplies, little options. I was the surgeon. They did what they could and up graded me. Pumped me full of nano’s, did a blood match and hoped the patch worked. I was dead anyway and it saved my life, but the side effect was enhanced body mass and strength. Doesn’t stop me being a dam good surgeon.”

  “Some cybernetics?”

  Colm nodded.

  “Ok,” Mac told him. “That’s your business, I’ll need your schematics for your file just in case. There are a lot of Cyborgs here so people are going to notice you’re the odd man out. You might want to think about that if you want to make good relationships here. These people were attacked by enhanced humans. Pirates. I’m not saying your like that, but we’re still dealing with the legacy of that. With your expertise and credentials we’d be glad to have you on board running that unit, which is why I wanted you and in our case, your cybernetic knowledge would be useful to our Cyborgs. We need good people. Your contacted for …. “ Mac checked. “You signed up for 4 years?” Mac frowned that was a long period, normally a year at a time.

  “Yes. I wanted to establish something not just bide time.” Colm told her.

  Mac knew space could have weird effects on people. “You running Colm?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing to run from. It’s been hard to fit in. I’m hoping here will be different.”

  Mac understood what he wasn’t saying. Things hadn’t been easy. “Well I won’t hold you to it. I’ll make a note in your file that you can leave with 6 months notice and a replacement on board ok?”

  “That’s generous. Ok.” Mac nodded and stood.

  “Sign here and here. Welcome to the team.” Mac pressed her com. “Joe we have a new member of staff, Colm’s ready for you.”

  After Joe and Colm left, Mac got to work. She didn’t want time on her hands. Didn’t want to think about anything but work. She pulled all the files that needed attention, then scheduled rounds and booked in appointments. She’d work through lunch until her sessions started. She needed a busy day. Maybe a busy month ….


  The bleep on Mac’s data made her realise now long she’d been at it. She opened the vid call. Kim. “How you doing girlfriend?” Mac was glad to see her.

  “I’m fine, busy, new Doctor started today, surgeon.” Joe knocked and popped his head in. “Hold on Kim.” She told her.

  “We’re all going to Rocks for drinks for Colm, you free?” Joe asked. Mac wasn’t sure.

  Kim answered him. “Yes Joe we’re in, see you there in 20.” Joe grinned and left.

  “Guess we’re having drinks?” Mac told her.

  “O yeah, a lot of them.” Mac sighed. It was going to be rough. Just what she needed.


  “How many?” Mac asked, she’d lost count around four or five. Kim shrugged. There’d been a lot of laughter and banter in the past hour. The bar was busy.

  “Don’t know.” Joe came up and handed them another round. One thing about medical personnel, they could knock back the alcohol.

  “Do you two normally have guards?” Colm asked nodding in their direction. Kim shrugged.

  “Not mine, hers. Mine know better than to show their faces.” And indicated Mac. “So Colm, as we’re getting a bit personal, you single?” She asked leaning across the table. Mac choked on her drink.

  “You don’t have to answer that.” She squeezed out giving Kim the evil eye.

  Colm shrugged. “Yeah I’m single.”

  Kim was in full flow now. “You gay?” Mac jaw dropped.

  “You really don’t have to answer that.” Mac noticed all the staff hanging on to his every word, waiting for an answer.

  “Not gay.” Colm grinned. Mac noticed he had that dimple thing going on. It was kinda cute if one were interested in that kind of thing, thought Mac. She noticed several of the nurses seemed to be.

  “Player then?” And Mac’s dismay, Kim kept going. Mac slapped a hand over her face.

  Colm nodded. “I like to play, depends on the odds.”

  “Nice, me too. What’s your poison?” Kim asked. Mac was waving no at Colm. He really shouldn’t answer that. Rage would go nuts.

  “Her.” Colm pointed at Mac. She’d just downed a shot in desperation, as he’d spoken. And it shot right back up. She choked. It wasn’t pretty and took some time cleaning up and breathing again.

  “Nice one.” She laughed it off, only she noticed Colm wasn’t laughing and several of the nurses looked pissed. Ok, time to go.

  Mac stood, “well after sharing that alcohol shot with you all, the boss has an early start, so I’m going to let you guys hang out and get loaded, unless you’re on duty tomorrow that is. Kim time to go.” She told her not giving her a chance to refuse. Kim pouted and looked disappointed. But got up. She had her back. Thank the heavens. “Drinks on me next time.” Kim called out as they walked off. Not if Mac could help it. They picked up her guards as they left.

  “I like him.” Kim told her as they walked back to their apartments.

  “Who?” Mac asked giving her best innocent look. Kim sniggered

  “The new guy who else.”

  “Rage will kill you.” Mac dead panned. Kim laughed.

  “And why will I kill her?” Rage had walked up behind them. Kim screamed, turned and threw herself into his arms. Rage caught her easily and kissed her. Mac felt like the odd man out. Funny, she hadn’t thought that once with Dark around.

  Kim broke off the kiss. “The new guy in medical. He’s a hottie. I was thinking of my girlfriend here.” She told him. “Got to keep those wheels well oiled.” Kim winked at him.

  Mac rolled her eyes. “And with that I’m off. Night guys.” Mac headed to her rooms. Bevis and Butthead following. She needed to crash, alcohol was imminently going to impede speech. Her brain had already stopping functioning. It was just what she needed.


  Her alarm had screeched her into consciousness early. She got her shit together before she could start analysing and headed out to the Gallerea. The alternates were on duty. Bill and Ben. She was leading Tai Chi and meditation today. She felt she needed it. Coming out the lift with her boys following her,
Mac noticed that the new fitness area appeared ready for use. It had been built over the disused building form the raid, the doors now open. The Council with the peoples blessing had cleared the space and re-built it. Mac wandered over. “When did they open this?” She turned to ask them.

  “Today opened at 5am.” Ben told her. Mac nodded wondering how she’d missed this. Several people were inside using equipment. Some she recognised others she didn’t. Mac walked in and stopped. She closed her eyes and opened her senses. Peace and calm returned to her. Opening her eyes, she looked around checking out some of the equipment. It looked well maintained and offered a lot of choice.

  Mac could hear the sounds of a punch bag being hit. She knew that sound. There’d been several in a gym near one of the hospitals she’d worked in. Curious Mac walked in search of it. Her boys with her.

  Double doors opened out into a boxing area with several punch bags. Mac was surprised. She hadn’t expected it. What was more surprising was Colm in boxing gloves pounding away semi naked on a bag. He was topless. Ripped. Sweating. Mac tried hard to think. Nope not happening.

  “Gonna just stand there or you gonna help a guy out.” Colm called to her. She hadn’t realised he’d seen her. Mac smiled and waved. “Those boys go everywhere with you?” He asked.

  “Yes.” Replied Bill none too friendly. Mac ignored him.


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