Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 45

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Thanks Maggie.” She told her disappointed. Did she expect to still find him here? That would be dumb and stupid, she told herself. But ….. she’d heard him. He’d called her his. Closing her eyes, she ran a hand down her face. She was an idiot and losing it.

  “You have a message from the General.” Blake frowned. Now what.

  “Play message.”

  “Blake, I am not good with words.” That didn’t sound good. There was silence on Angr’s end for a bit, Blake wondered if that was all there was. Then it started again. “I enjoy your body,” Blake frowned, that didn’t sound good either. “Crave it. Want to be around you, with you and you are imprinted on my memory. I made a claim on you last night, I have no right to do. I am a Cyborg General, now a Councilmen, who runs a fleet of ships searching the universe for more of our kind. That is no life for a precious female.” Blake’s frown deepened. Was he being deliberately stupid? Didn’t he get what she did for a living? Who her people were?

  “I want you safe,” he went on. “When we get back to the Space Station I will ask for married quarters and a role for you there. We can keep you safe on the Station and I will be able to keep my mind on my job and not be distracted by you.” Blake wasn’t sure what she’d just heard. Was that a marriage proposal and a demand she stay at home? Have the life of a little wife, so the big bad, could go out and conquer? Fuck NO. Distracted by her? She’d give him distracted. That fucker wouldn’t know what hit him. Blake threw back the covers and headed to the shower. “Maggie, get me Golden Hind Enterprises on Srellic Three.”

  “Affirmative.” The best sex ever and he’d just fucked it up. Again.


  Blake took her seat on the Bridge. “Maggie patch me through to base Security at destination.”


  “Srellic Three, we have three females in need of urgent medical attention. Please be advised.” Blake heard the foot steps before she saw him. She knew, he’d done that for her. He moved silently, made no sound.

  “Retriever Buccaneer, welcome home. Maggie sent advanced information on the females we are ready for them. Sending landing information now. I hear your contract was successful. Drinks on you then.” Blake smiled. Jos was a tryer. She felt the cold seeping from Angr. Really?

  “Your on. See you at Dumpsters 19:00.” She cut communications before Jos spluttered out something that would give the game away.

  “Maggie connect with Golden Hind Enterprises.” She’d ignore him, checking systems.


  “Well girly, what you got for us this time?” Blake genuinely laughed. Her uncle John was a nutter. “I have nothing for you old man. For myself, I have a cleared contract with a bonus.” There was whistling on the other end.

  “Nice. How long you here?”

  “Three days max, unless something goes wrong with the contract. Then I’m back to the Station to drop off passengers. Before I go, I need a meet with the Board. I’m thinking of a new route.”

  “Not taking the Boards offer then?” Blake didn’t like that he sounded dejected.

  “Let one of the boys do it. They want it badly enough.” She spoke without thinking.

  She was expecting the angry words. “You know those lazy fuckers will ruin this Company. This needs your touch.” Blake blew out a breath. Something was wrong. Her uncle rarely lost his temper, especially with her. The Board had offered her a seat, it wasn’t what she was interested in and she’d have to run interference all the time. Not worth it. For him to bring it up over a live comm, something was wrong.

  “What happened?”

  There was a moments silence then it all came spilling out.

  “Damien, was on Gama on a contract retrieval. He decided, the Colony’s head honchos wife, would be good to party with. The husband thought different. Shot him. He’s in recovery awaiting charges. Luke decided to get in a bar fight on Mars 3. His doing 30 days and has to pay damages he doesn’t have, so he’s facing more prison time. And Jason, has not been heard from for a week and rumours are, that he passed through Cellseum Five to wherever he’s going. You know what that means. That leaves Cliff.”

  Fuck. Blake slumped back in her chair. Her brothers drove her crazy and she wasn’t the only one. “Make the arrangements for the Board.” She told him.

  “Done.” The comms shut off.

  “Going to tell me what that was all about?” She’d forgotten Angr was there.


  He moved like lightening and caught her face with one hand and her breast with the other. “If I have to remind you who I am by fucking you here and now I will.” He whispered leaning in and kissing her. Blake tried to hold out but dam it, the male was just too dam good.

  She kissed him back. Before she knew it, Angr had his hand inside her suit and was rubbing her nipples. Her body flamed, he yanked the zip down her body and pulled the suit off her, before she had a chance to react. He pulled her from the seat and positioned her in front of the console yanking the suit down to her knees. Pulling her ass towards him with one hand he let his cock free and slammed into her.

  He fucked her fast and hard. She needed reminding who was in charge.

  Blake was being bombarded from behind. He was giving her no quarter. She was naked for the universe to see, being fucked by this over bearing, dominant, great fucking male. She pushed back and got a slap for her efforts. Blake cried out and turned her head to look at him narrowing her eyes at him, as he ploughed into her. He looked so dam good. Tingling throughout her body told her her climax was building.

  She closed her eyes and gave over to the sensations hitting her. Her body bouncing against the console as he hit home time and time again. Blake gripped where she could to get purchase and felt her climax rolling up her body.

  He could feel she was as close as he was to coming. He didn’t want to prolong this, he had a point to make and he’d done it. Quickly finding her clit he matched his thrusts with his fingers. Blakes breathing became laboured. He gripped her shoulder to hold her still while he aimed for deeper. He felt her teetering on the edge and slapped her clit as he rammed his cock up, deep inside her and started to spill. Blake screamed her own coming, calling his name. It felt so dam right.

  Blake couldn’t get her breath. She didn’t know that kind of climax was possible. She’d come so hard, she was sure she’d blacked out. She didn’t know if it was the fact that she was virtually naked on the Bridge and anyone could have walked in, or that she was naked and open to the view of the Universe or both but whatever it was, it was mind blowing. Angr was still deep within her. He seemed reluctant to let her go. She knew the feeling. He could stay there forever.

  Angr nestled into her, breathing her in, as he rocked into her a couple of times. She couldn’t hold back the moan, the afterglow just too much. “Your mine Blake.” He told her. “Don’t try and shut me out. I don’t like it.” He thrust up into her again and slowly withdrew from her and reached over for some cleaning cloths. Gently he wiped her down and drew up her suit helping her back into it.

  Blake needed help getting back to her seat again. She was more than a little unnerved by what had just happened. She looked over at Angr. What had this male done to her?

  Angr re-adjusted his clothing and re-took his seat and looked at her. There was no mistaking the intensity of that gaze. If she didn’t know he owned her, that, would have said it.

  “Now,” he told her, “what’s going on.” Blake thought she’d kill him first chance she got.


  While Maggie took over the landing procedures, Blake told Angr her family history. She didn’t like sharing. It grated. But right then and there, after what he’d just given her, it didn’t bother her so much. She told him who her father was and her uncles. What the Company was and is now. And the dynamics at play. She left nothing out. Not her wayward brothers or her father’s insistence that she make it on her own. The death of her mother or the attempts on her early life. She thought she
’d seen Angr’s face harden at hearing that. And that her father had sent her out into the universe with a ship and told her to make something of herself. She was proud at what she’d achieved. She was the best retriever the Company had, and she’d done it her way. Why was he angry?

  Blake decided to leave Angr to brood and left heading to the medical bay. She felt the ship engage the clamps and Blake engaged her image generator. There were very few who know what she looked like and she intended to keep the damage as limited as possible. She was a professional and secrecy around who she was, and what she looked like kept her alive, she could never forget that. Not to mention, that it pissed off a large number of her family and colleagues, who hadn’t actually seen her since she was 13. Blake beamed. Her uncle had given her the gift that kept giving.

  She entered the med bay and looked for Kim. She’d been caring for the women for the past 12 hours. She was glad to see two of them up and walking around. The third was awake as well but still on the stretcher. They all looked a hell of a lot better.

  “Ladies, we have medical coming on board in a few moments to escort you to hospital services here. They will look after you. If you wish to go to the Cyborg Station we are leaving in around 4 days, once Kim has done her magic on an engine being installed. No pressure, it’s up to you. If I do not see you again, I wish you good luck.”

  She walked over to Kim. “You Ok?”

  Kim rubbed her neck. “Tired. A few hours rest and I’ll be good to go.” She looked her up and down. “Back to work?”

  Blake nodded. “I like to stay alive. I’ve arranged accommodations with the Company. Once the women are off, I can get you settled.”

  “Blake, medical and your uncle are coming on board.” Maggie told them.

  “Direct them here.”


  Angr hoovered in the back of the room with Dare and Reve. He’d heard the comment Blake had made about using the image generator to stay alive. It grated on every nerve he had. She knew these people yet, feared them. I want protection for my female. Both men nodded. He’d also noticed Reve kept looking at one of the injured females. Possible mate? He asked.

  Yes. Reve told him. Angr nodded. He understood this now, only too well.

  She is injured and may not recover fully, you will need time. Reve gave him a slight nod. Angr wished him well, it would not be easy for that Cyborg.

  His attention switched to several humans sweeping into the room, going straight for the females. It was clear they were medical personnel. Angr stepped forward, his men with him. They were strapping the females to various stretchers. “My men go with the females.” The personnel all stopped and looked at him. He could feel the fear in their eyes. “They are their protection detail and will not get in your way.” Several people looked at one male. He guessed he was in charge.

  “And if they need privacy?” He asked him.

  “They will wait outside.” He looked at Angr for a moment then gave a nod. Everyone started up again. He looked over at his two men. Wait for their decision on staying or coming with us. You have 4 days. One on one off. Check in with me on accommodations.


  Angr’s attention had also been drawn to the two older males that had come in behind the medical team and walked over to Blake. One had wrapped her up in an embrace. She’d made some squealing noises, that had nearly drove him to run to her, then she’d started to laugh, hugging him back. The male put her down and the other male and moved in and held her for a length of time. That cracked Angr’s resolve and he moved over to them silently and stood behind her. Only when the male’s attention registered his presence, did they step away. Good. Point made.

  “Err Blake, did you pick up some hitch hikers?” Her uncle asked amused looking behind her. Blake turned knowing she’d find Angr there. His eyebrow was slightly raised. The question was clear. Was she going to explain?

  She turned back exasperated. He was determined to be a pain. “No.” She pointed a peeved thumb behind her. “This is General Angr with the Cyborg Empire. He’s here as guard to Kim who’s the contract.”

  Angr moved in directly behind her and wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her back into him. He looked over at the two men. “And found a wife.”

  Blake eyes flared. Fuck had he just said that? Blakes father had been the second male. She had expected him and his hug had been warm. Now his eyes narrowed at first on her, Blake swallowed, then he looked over her head at Angr.

  “I don’t remember being asked or giving my daughter away.” He told Angr with a fierceness Blake couldn’t remember him using on anyone but someone he was about to kill. She moved out of Angr’s embrace patting his arm to let her go. He did. Her father didn’t miss anything.

  “Now let’s not all get upset on testosterone overload.” She looked between all three of them and back again. “And no one’s shooting anyone and….” She looked at her father. “No one’s putting out a contract.”

  Kim walked over and tapped Angr on the shoulder. He turned to look at her. “Boy you are so fucked.” She told him grinning. “Blake doesn’t need my spoon, she has them.” She told him smiling, then moved to stand with Blake holding out her hand to her father. “Kim, wife to Admiral Rage, leader of the Cyborg Empire. Nice to meet you.” Blake watched as her father shake her hand. Kim leaned forward conspiratorially. “Your daughter’s now family to us, so don’t piss us off.”

  Blake closed her eyes. This was not going as planned. She felt a warmth at her back and leaned into it. “Are you unwell?” Angr leaned down asking her. She slipped into the comfort it gave her. “I’m fine.”

  “You have a meeting in an hour. Let’s go.” Her father had clearly seen enough and walked out. Her uncle smiled at her, then looked at Angr his grin getting wider and followed him. Dam. Her father was more pissed than normal. That can’t be good.


  She’d been cooling her heels for some time now. Blake paced up and down outside of the conference room. There was a full Board in there discussion things without her. This was her meeting and she wasn’t even in it! Dare moved down the corridor towards them. Blake wasn’t sure what he was doing here. Angr was enough to deal with and he was just leaning against the wall behind her. With a bit of luck, he’d take Angr with him somewhere else, she thought on edge.

  The doors of the conference room opened suddenly, and a secretary Blake knew, ushered her in. She tried to close the door behind her but Angr wasn’t having that. Blake took a deep breath and strode forward into the room. There was only one seat vacant and that was at the opposite end to her father. Blake was pretty sure she didn’t want that seat, but there were no other options. She moved towards it and sat down.

  A full house faced her. Every board member present. She plastered her ‘don’t fuck with me’ face on and immediately felt Angr on her left shoulder, she turned her head towards him to see him stare each male present out and put his left hand on his gun holster, then she felt his right hand on her right, his fingers moved down over it and splayed, in both a possessive and protective manner. Blake dropped her eyes and played with her cuff. It was so male.

  Dare moved up on her right shoulder. She was now flanked by both Cyborgs. It was a show of real power. Ok, she could deal with that. Blake lifted her eyes and coldly stared at every pair of eyes looking at her. She knew them all. These were cold hard men who dominated the retrieval game. They were good, she was better. Then she swept her eyes back to her father and gave an impatient pout.

  Her father leaned forward and put his hand on the table in front of him. “All those in favour of the agenda item?” Her father asked, then raised his hand.

  Blake watched as a series of ‘Aye’s’ and hands lifted into the air around the room. Whatever it was, it was unanimous. Blake knew that was rare in this room.

  “Let it be recorded. The board of Golden Hind Enterprises nominates and approves Blake Baccana, the next CEO of this company, effective the first of next mo
nth.” He brought the gavel down and a stunned Blake looked on. She’d just been elected head of the corporation. Shit. Cliff was gonna go mad, if not kill her.

  The men stood around the table, Blake rose. Angr and Dare moved off slightly, so she could take hands and offered congratulations. She nodded at offers of meetings and dinners as people filed out. That left her father and uncle. She sat back down. Angr joined her in the next seat. “What game are you playing now father? What the fuck just happened?”

  Her father ignored her and addressed Angr. “The two new rail guns sitting on my loading bay, that your doing?”

  Angr gave him a nod. Blake looked at him surprised. He’d bought rail guns?

  “For my daughter’s ship?” Her father asked again.

  Angr picked up her hand from the table and brought it to his lips and kissed it. Then he looked up and addressed her father. “A most fitting gift for a newly mated female who likes to kick ass.”

  Blake sure as hell wouldn’t argue with that. They cost hundreds of thousands of credits. She leaned towards Angr, “you rich baby?”

  He turned to looked at her. “More than we will ever need.” She wanted those guns on her ship. She looked back at her father. “Ok now we’ve had the show and tell, what’s going on?”


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