Captive: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

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Captive: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel Page 7

by Natasha Thomas

  No matter what happens from here on out this baby, the night I spent with his or her father, and the memories of how he or she was conceived will always be a blessing. I wholeheartedly believe in looking at the positives in life in any situation, even mine, and even the one’s I’d prefer not to remember. But I don’t have time to consider the positives because on the other side of my front door is a furious looking biker, clad in leather, menacing in nature, banging repeatedly on the door to the point it looks like the poor thing might disintegrate.

  Standing up I try to gather my strength, pull my thoughts together, so that I can tell him to leave, that I don’t want him here. It might sound stupid under the circumstances, especially since this is the one time I should probably invite him in, let him talk to me, but truthfully I want nothing to do with him. I don’t want to hear what he has to say, not after what he said when he left that morning. I couldn’t bear to have him throw what a mistake it was at me again. I can’t listen to him tell me he thinks I’m no better than a common whore, infected with who knows what, not fit to be allowed near his family. What he said, what he spat at me in anger was unforgiveable, and I haven’t, forgiven him that is. Regardless of how much my body still craves him now I know what his feels like beneath my hands, under my tongue, between my legs, I won’t forgive him for being so hateful towards me. Especially when I’ve done nothing to deserve his ire. His anger. His spite.

  This is why I asked Boss, Diesel, and Fury to come. Boss and Diesel to help me pack my belongings, and Fury to hold the behemoth of a man, Reaper, at bay while we do it. There is no doubt in my mind that my secret will come out. There’s no way those three will allow me to just leave Blackwater without an explanation, no matter how much they love and care for me. And in the end that’s what I fear most. Not that I will be hurt, because I don’t believe for a second that any one of the four men would ever lay a hand on me, but I fear for Reaper. I fear what they may do to him. I fear how he will react when he finds out why I’m leaving, and what he’ll do to stop me. More than that though, I fear what he won’t do to stop me. Because honestly, I don’t think he’ll do a damn thing. And that will hurt more than anything else in this clusterfuck of a situation I find myself in.

  Pausing at the door, hand on the knob, I straighten my pink sweater and slowly open the door. The first thing I’m hit with is the overwhelming scent of musk, and his cologne that invade my nostrils. It is like crack to an addict. The smell of him is so manly, so all-encompassing that I don’t notice he’s moved even closer until his body is almost flush against mine.

  Looking up into his eyes I see the war he’s waging. The one that’s telling him to step back, distance himself. I can also see the lust, desire, and something else forbidden. Something he doesn’t want to feel. Something he doesn’t think he can feel, swirling in his deep blue green eyes.

  What really makes me come unhinged is the deep rasp of his voice. The sound is so soothing, yet it causes rough prickles of need to shoot down my spine. Low, deep, hoarse, is the only way to describe the cadence of his speech. It’s a voice I’ll hear every time I close my eyes from now until I take my last breath. And it’s the one memory I hope never fades, because it will be like my warm security blanket when things begin getting rocky. When I think hope is lost, and things won’t get better I’ll wrap myself in the heat and comfort of his voice using it to lull myself into the belief I’ll make it out the other side of whatever the problem okay.

  Reaper stands over a foot taller than my five foot two, and weighs about a hundred and fifty more pounds than I do, so when he uses his huge hand to push the door open, crowding my entryway I do something I haven’t done since leaving Furnace…

  “What in the name of all that’s holy do you think you’re fucking doing?” That’s right, I lose my ever-loving-mind. Not a smart move considering the audience, but I do it nevertheless.

  Chuckling Reaper walks in, and makes himself at home on my couch. Bastard. Shaking his head he adds,

  “You’re the only woman I know that can use religion and curse in the same sentence, Adelyn.” Stretching his arms out along the back of the couch that he seems to dwarf, yet seemed big enough for me when I bought it I can only stare at him open mouthed. “Close your mouth sweetheart you’ll catch flies, or something else.”

  Did I say bastard? I mean fucking bastard. Planting my hands on my hips I give him my best don’t fuck with me glare. Clearly that doesn’t work because the big lug starts laughing at me. And while I’m trying to be angry, furious really, at him the sound is beautiful. Full. Rich. Rare. I want, no I wanted, to make him laugh. Be the one to bring him joy, but he squashed that thought with his callous words, and disregard for my feelings I remind myself.

  “Seriously? That’s what you’re going to go with?” Shaking my head rapidly side to side I say, “Forget it, forget I asked of course you are because it’s so fucking normal for someone to push their way into my house, and take up residence on my couch. Not to mention said person being the only person I don’t want anything to do with this side of Christmas, next millennium.”

  I watch the new play of emotions through his eyes wincing at the guilt, regret, and pain in them. I need to stay strong. I need to get him out of here before the guys get here. For his sake, not mine. I need to remember I hate him.

  “About that…I wanted to say,”

  I stop him, I can’t hear an apology, or an excuse. I don’t want to, and he doesn’t either. That was mad pretty obvious when he didn’t attempt one weeks ago.

  “No!” I exclaim causing his head to jerk up, and his storm filled eyes to meet mine. “Don’t. Just don’t. You don’t owe me anything, and to be honest after that night neither do I. All I want to know is why you’re here. Why you barged your way into my house. And why all of a sudden you want to talk to me? You haven’t bothered up until now, so how about you enlighten me and then be on your way?”

  It’s basically a rhetorical question after all, one that shouldn’t take him too long to answer. I know why he’s here, Boss wouldn’t have been able to help himself. He would’ve wanted someone local to watch out for me until he got here, and not knowing Reaper and I have a history, albeit short, he would’ve picked the man he entrusted my safety to in the first place.

  Ironic really. The person I trusted most picked the person I trust least to look out for me. I bet Boss hadn’t intended for his friend to screw the hired help, his charge, knocking her up in the process. No, I’m thinking that little revelation isn’t going to go over well.

  Kicking up his booted feet on my coffee table Reaper looks to be getting all too comfortable in my house, and that kick my heartrate up another notch. I can’t have let him stay, he has to go, now. Quirking his brow he says,

  “So you do have sass hidden in their sweetheart? I was wondering when it’d come out to play, and I have to say it’s fucking hot when it does.”

  Jesus Christ on a crutch, he’s unbelievable. I suppose I can’t be too surprised, he doesn’t have a clue what he’s up against in T minus twenty minutes, so why shouldn’t he be perfectly happy to sit around shooting the shit in my time of crisis, or his unbeknownst to him.

  “You need to leave, Reaper, like five minutes ago. Boss, Diesel, and Fury will be here any minute, and I don’t want you here when they get here, so I you would kindly get your fucking feet off my table, move your ass off my couch, and out the door it would be much appreciated.”

  “Look, I get it. You’re pissed, I’m an asshole, I didn’t handle that morning well, and I shouldn’t have said the shit I did. Why I didn’t talk to you before boils down to me not being able to be around you without wanting to fuck your tight little pussy for days, talking wasn’t on my radar, still isn’t really. But now I don’t have a choice because Boss called telling me to get my ass here because there was something wrong, and like the obedient asshole I am here I am, Angel. So how about we cut the bullshit and you tell me why the fuck I hauled my ass out of bed for him when you c
ould’ve called me yourself and I would’ve been here a damn sight faster?”

  Wow, just wow. I may have been shocked by what he revealed, but underneath I’m so turned on it scares me a little. Who knew dirty talk from a cocky, forty-six-year-old biker, with a little chrome at his temples, muscles upon muscles, eleven inch cock, and voice made out of unrefined velvet could turn a girl to liquid desire? Everyone but me it would seem.

  “Y-you can’t say things like that to me, it’s not appropriate.”

  That beautiful deep timbered laugh spills from him again, and it makes a tiny corner of my heart melt. He looks equal parts amused and irritated, but there’s no anger, and that’s something I’m grateful for. I don’t want to make him angry if I can help it, an angry Reaper isn’t something I want to deal with, ever.

  “You’re kidding right, Angel? I’ve had my hands all over that sweet as fuck body, my cock buried deep in your pussy, and my mouth has explored every inch of you and you’re still embarrassed? That’s not gonna bode well for us sweetheart, we’ve got unfinished business, and I’m planning on seeing to that as soon as you’ve told me what the fuck’s going on.”

  Suddenly the air goes wired, still, electricity crackles in throughout the room, and the unmistakeable feeling of dread encroaches when I hear,

  “What the fuck did you just say? You want to hope I didn’t hear you right, or we’re gonna have fucking problems you and me, Reaper.”

  And there you have it…My worst nightmare. The two men I care about most in the world, one I’ll openly admit it about, and the other I silently pray will live through this, in the same room in what could be considered the worst possible of circumstances. Worse still…There’s not a single fucking thing I can do to lessen the carnage my admission is going to cause.



  “To ride, or not to ride? That’s a stupid question.”

  - Biker Guide to Life

  Fuck me, could I have worse luck? That’s be a no, hell fucking no. Of all the times I could’ve picked to lay out my intentions with Adelyn, or in this case what I intended to do to her sexually, Boss would choose right that second to walk in ruining the moment. Not that there was much of one of those either, but you know what I mean. What I hadn’t expected was the look of terror in Adelyn’s eyes when she heard his voice, and I couldn’t have missed the physical flinch at the tone of his voice.

  Surely in all the years she’d known the man she’s heard the other side of his nice, or maybe not. Maybe he saved up all his nice for her, and her alone. I wouldn’t put it past him, not with the way he protects her, puts her first, the way speaks about her like she’s made of spun gold. I don’t disagree either. Adelyn is all that and more, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here like a chump while she looks scared out of her mind, terrified in her own house.

  I take the opportunity to rise from my spot on the couch nabbing her wrist when I’m in reaching distance tugging her securely into my side. For all the sass she dealt me minutes ago Adelyn surprisingly, but not unwantedly melts into my side like she belongs there. And maybe she does. Maybe this is exactly where she’s meant to be from here on in.

  “You want to explain what in the fuck is going on, Addie? You call, I’m here, but I walk in to this asshole telling you shit like that, and I think I’m due some answers, yeah?”

  Boss looks pissed, and I can’t blame him, but fuck that. He’s not going to speak to her like that in her own home, a place she without a doubt should feel safe, and it seems Bax feels the same when he comes into the room teeth bared, hackles raised looking between all four of the huge men filling his mistress’s house. Quietly, so quietly it’s almost a whisper, I hear Adelyn say,

  “Come Bax. Heel.”

  Obediently the dog makes his way to her side sitting on guard. His ears are still standing straight up, and he looks ready to fight to the death to keep our girl safe. Yeah, I said it. Our girl. Because she is, she’s mine, or she will be when I sort out what the fuck is going on, and why she called the Three Stooges down.

  “You want to watch how you speak to Adelyn, yeah? I wouldn’t want to have to spill your blood before midday, it’s too early for that shit, and I haven’t had near on enough sleep to deal with that shit. So how about you tone it down, and we all get some answers to our questions?”

  He doesn’t look impressed. Diesel less so, and Fury looks down right murderous when he says,

  “I recommend you take your dirty fucking hands off her, let her come to us, and then we’ll talk.” His voice is calm, but the undercurrent can’t be missed. He’s letting me know if I don’t release her, to him, he has every intention of kicking my ass. Well he can bring it on. I’m not letting her go even if she asks me to, and by the feel of it she isn’t. If anything she burrows further under my arm trying to hide from everyone in the room.

  I squeeze her with the arm currently around her offering reassurance. It doesn’t matter how much of a dick I’ve been, I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. That goes for everyone in this house, and up until I made my decision to claim her on the way over here that would’ve included me too.

  The fact I don’t know much about her aside from what Boss has told me, her art in her bedroom, and the few things Kendall or Lou have revealed should matter, but it doesn’t. I know how she looks at me when she thinks I’m not watching her. I know how she tastes on my tongue, her mouth, her skin, her pussy. I know what she feels like beneath me when she writhes, arches, clamps down her tight muscles. I can feel the need, the spark of electricity between us when we’re in the same vicinity, we don’t even have to be close and I can feel it. Most of all I know that she is the woman that’s going to hold my heart captive. Whether I’m ready to admit it or not, she already does.

  Fucking alarming thought that she’s wormed her way into that useless organ, taking up residence in a way that I believed no one other than my son could. And an even more frightening thought is that I think she’s taken over from Steel. She owns a part of me that was never meant for him, that he could never reach, and that’s a bitter pill to swallow when I thought I’d given him my all, everything I had. But it’s clear I hadn’t. I was waiting for her. Waiting for someone that would become my everything. And even though it’s early days, I can tell she’s going to break me, but at the same time she’s going to put me back together a better man. One that’s worthy of her.

  Straightening as best I can with Adelyn tucked into my side I give Fury a smile that comes out more like a sneer.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so motherfucker, she’s fine right where she is. Do I need to call my boys, and even the numbers a little if we’re going to tango?”

  “No! Please no.” Adelyn exclaims from beside me. She shaking now leaving me no choice but to scoop her up into my arms, depositing her ass in my lap in the armchair in the corner of the room.

  Arranging her so that she curled into me again I stroke down her arm, and murmur,

  “It’s alright Angel. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, promise. You’ve just got to trust me for a minute. You think you can do that, sweetheart.”

  Seeing the tears in her eyes fucking hurts. It makes my chest tight, and mist fists clench. I want to destroy the fucks that have made her cry. The desire to beat the shit out of one of the men I’ve looked up to for years is startling, but not a shock. I’d do anything for the woman in my arms. Any-fucking-thing.

  “Yes. I trust you Max.” She shouldn’t, I don’t deserve her trust, but I can’t say that I’m not fucking ecstatic she does.

  Nodding at her I turn to the men crowding the other side of the room. Stances ready to throw down, expressions grim, anger emanating off them in waves is apparent, but no more so than the worry that’s so thick I could cut it with a knife. Clearing his throat Diesel asks,

  “Ade, you gotta tell us what’s wrong, why you called us down here babe. Looks like you’ve got yourself a man that could’ve taken care of shit, not that I mind in the least be
ing here, but you’ve gotta let us in, let us fix whatever the problem is, yeah?”

  Diesel is the most reasonable of the bunch, I’m pretty sure that’s why Boss made him his VP. It’s always good to have a voice of reason over your shoulder when the shit hits the fan. Someone that will think shit out before acting, reign brothers in that’ve gone off the rails seeking retribution in anger. Shifting, but not out of discomfort, Adelyn shakes her head.

  “Um, well I, don’t think this is the best time to talk about it.” She sounds unsure, but I pick up on her meaning immediately. This has something to do with me, and I’ll be fucked if she’s going to cut me out of that discussion. She’ll have to come to terms with me being in her life sooner or later, so sooner it is.

  “I’m going to be straight with you Angel,” I say loud enough for the other men to hear. “We’ve got our shit to sort out, but that’s not going to change the fact that you’re mine. I’m not going to let you shut me out, and you’re going to come clean with why you called them down, and you didn’t just come to me first. I get that you’re still pissed, and you have every right to be, but that’s no reason not to come to me first. You could’ve saved them the trip if you did.”

  The tension radiating from her body has her muscle going tight. Her eyes are daring between the three men glaring at me, and finally come to rest on the side of my face boring deep holes into the side of my skull. It takes her less than a second to wiggle her way out of my arms, and be standing beside the chair. It takes her less than a minute to have crossed to the other side of the room from all of us effectively creating what’s akin to a Bermuda Triangle.


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