Take Me On

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by Viola Grace

  Reesha has spent her adult life planning harvests for the colony on Worrik, she tells them where to go, how to plant and what crops will do best. When her assistant sends her off on an impromptu vacation, a morning of relaxation and personal entertainment in the sun sends a beacon rippling across the psychic plane that will bring her suitors running.

  The dragon set has spent the last few years skipping from planet to planet, looking for their fourth. When a sensual burst struck their thoughts, they knew immediately it was their elusive mate, they turned around and the hunt was on.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Take Me On

  Copyright © 2011 Zenina Masters

  ISBN: 978-1-55487-840-6

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Take Me On

  Four Ever More 5


  Zenina Masters

  Chapter One

  "Come on Reesha, you need the time off. The harvest is organized, the storehouses are groaning, and the parties for the new year are over. Go. Spend time at the beach house."

  Reesha glared at her assistant but had to admit, Brin was right. There was nothing for her to do for another month as indigenous supply coordinator for the colonies of Worrik. "I don't do well with doing nothing, Brin."

  "I know. Go alphabetize kelp or something. Just for a few weeks. A month if you can manage it. Reesha, you have over a year of time off and bonuses that you haven't even touched." Brin's golden eyes were earnest. "You are losing weight and getting paler than normal, you need to take some time for yourself."

  Pursing her lips, she looked out the window and into the bustling marketplace below. "Book me a private transport and notify my parents that I am leaving the city. They can join me if they want to."

  Brin's grin lit the room. "Already done, now go. Off to the wilds with you. All you need to do is lay in some supplies and you are ready. The zipper is waiting for you outside."

  "I'll need clothes."

  Brin went into the outer office and brought back two bags. "What else?"

  "I need a hug."

  Laughing, her assistant came around and gave her the hug she had requested. "This kind of service entitles me to a holiday bonus."

  "Remind me when I get back. I'll budget for one hug per quarter." Reesha squeezed her friend and assistant carefully, then set her away and picked up her luggage. "Send word to me if anything comes up."

  "Yes, ma'am. Now shoo. I have the male strippers coming in at three."

  Reesha shook her head and kept going. "Save me some leather."

  "Only if I am feeling charitable." Brin laughed as she closed the door with a no-nonsense click.

  Smiling on her way down to the street, the grin on her face grew as she stowed the luggage in the zipper before entering the market. Flour, fruits, eggs and dairy were all cheerfully supplied and paid for. She had each stowed in the zipper and then went to the butcher. The animals were primarily fliers on this world, but when Davros saw her coming, he brought out the newest and most exclusive for her, grazers. The animals were large, but required much more grain during their early growth and that was something that the colony had only just been able to supply.

  "Hello, Davros. I am heading out of town for a few weeks. Apparently, I need a holiday or my assistant will be up in arms. I need supplies."

  "Reesha Arwait, my goods are yours to choose from. How about a haunch of this lovely grazer?"

  "I will take the grazer, four frozen twitters and a duck. I can hunt for the rest."

  "Excellent." He nodded and smiled, the smears of blood on his apron clear marks of his occupation.

  While he was arranging her order, she counted out the service chits that were still in use. They had set the chit system up to exchange hours and difficulty of work for equivalents, and after much negotiation, a standard had been struck.

  Reesha's work was equivalent to ten chits an hour. Calculating and arranging harvests was considered a high skill position. The lowest position on the colony scale was the butter churner in the dairy earning half a chit per hour. Reesha currently had more than she could use in her lifetime stored up in the bank.

  The meat was storage packed for her. It was common in an area that didn't have full energy supplies in every home. Preservation had been their first concern and now it was a thriving market for the cottage areas off the coast.

  Reesha picked up her order and hefted it to her shoulder. Davros raised an eyebrow, but knew better than to ask her how she could lift so much so easily. It wasn't polite to mention her differences.

  He swept the chits from the counter, wished her a good day and Reesha was on her way.

  With the supplies stowed in her zipper, she made her way through town with an eye toward the pedestrian traffic and opened the zipper up for air travel the moment that she was on the open road.

  Flying was her favourite pastime. The wind whipped past her face, churning her hair into a maelstrom of tangles. The coastline flowed beneath her in a green, sand and blue blur. She followed the edge of the water until her family cottage popped into view.

  The zipper descended carefully under her control and she parked it next to the house where she would be away from the world for a few weeks.

  She unpacked the zipper and stored the food, then laid in her firewood and sat back to watch the sunset. Life on Worrik didn't offer much, but it came with one helluva view.

  * * * *

  "Yes, sirs. We understand that you have reason to believe that your mate is on Worrik, but we can't have you molesting our population." The official swallowed nervously as he was faced by three very irate clones.

  Xefir stifled the urge to throttle the pudgy man. It was bad enough that they had been created with the simple purpose of cementing racial relations between a variety of species as a peacekeeping force. Now that they had served their ten years, they were allowed to retire to seek their mate and this man was telling them that they couldn't actively search for her. It was too much to bear.

  "Why do you think we are here?"

  He shifted from foot to foot as Xefir, Artur and Naedar glared at him. "I assumed you agreed to take the coastal watch position because you wanted to be part of this exciting new colony. We have one of the fastest acclimatization records in the sector."

  Xefir tried to reason with the man. "Gorsh, is it? Well, Gorsh, we don't wish to importune all of your women. We only need our one. She will be about twenty-five and have a tattoo similar to this one."

  He opened his tunic and peeled it back so that the writhing dragon was visible on his chest. Artur and Naedar did the same.

  "I see. I don't know of any woman with that mark, but if I hear of one, I will be sure to let you know. Our supply coordinator knows everyone, but she is off on vacation. She wil
l be back in a few weeks if you can wait." His mint green skin paled and flushed in turn.

  Xefir buttoned his tunic back up and smiled grimly. "If we have to wait, we will wait. After ten years of anti-aircraft duty, we are only too happy to be near our fourth. We have survived this long, we will make it a few weeks more."

  Gorsh swallowed and nodded. "Thank you for understanding."

  At a soundless signal, they left the intake office and stepped into the sunny afternoon on their new world.

  "Why did we sign that fucking contract?" Artur's voice was so deep it was almost felt rather than heard.

  "Because she is here. Xefir is right, we will find her even if we can't sniff our way through the population. She isn't far, I can feel it in my bones." Naedar's instincts were never wrong.

  "Let's get on with our assignment and do our first patrol on the coast. It might distract us. At the very least, we can take out some of those predators. Might relax us a little."

  Artur's eyes gleamed. Killing was on his mind and keeping the birds away from the settlement was their assignment.

  Xefir and the others walked to their staging area. For the next five years, they were under contract to use their other forms to protect the colony from predators, to rescue colonists trapped in the wilds and warn far-reaching areas of violent weather systems.

  When he and his set reached the edge of town, they shifted into their other forms, thankful that the Horcross had offered them clothing that morphed as they did. Constantly finding pants was a pain in the ass, but covering up was a social convention that they had to abide by or live their lives alone.

  Their clothing faded as they shifted and soon three thirty foot dragons stood side by side. They were all bronze in hue, but Artur had a blue tinge, Xefir a deep purple and Naedar a deep crimson. As one, they took to the skies, their appearance causing cries of surprise and awe from the colonists on the ground.

  Their minds linked, they saw through each other's eyes. As they flew off, they shared frustration and a seething ache that only their fourth could fill. Patience may be a virtue, but action would keep them from going insane.

  Chapter Two

  The first time the trio of dragons flew by, Reesha ran outside and stared at their shrinking silhouettes in the sky. "Holy heck. Mom is never going to believe that."

  With the skies clear, she headed to the beach and spent her day wallowing in the surf and sunning herself. Since she was alone, she sunbathed nude, enjoying the tingle of the rays on her mark. She idly traced the dragon mark and then let her fingers trail down between her thighs. Lazily, she stroked her clit until her hips jerked against her hand and her body pulsed in release. Masturbating in the sun was her second favourite pastime.

  * * * *

  Three dragons paused mid-flight. Xefir looked to his set and cocked his head. Did you just feel that?

  Naedar whined. Whatever it was, I have a raging hard-on.

  Me, too. Shall we go looking? I think it came from the south. Artur's huge wings scooped air.

  They turned as one and went in search of the sensation that had paused them in midair. A storm preceded them, but it didn't matter, their fourth was dead ahead and no act of nature would get in their way.

  * * * *

  Warmed and relaxed, Reesha shrugged on a robe and returned to her cottage. The wind was rising in intensity and the possibility of a true storm entered her mind. She was in a prime location for ocean born storms.

  As her door popped open under a high-powered gust, she cursed and started to go through the cottage, fastening the storm shutters. She quickly prepped a meal and ate before the storm could affect the power cells.

  This was not the first storm she had been through, but they always sucked.

  Reesha woke with a jolt as a pounding on her door brought her out of her doze. "What the hell?"

  She straightened her robe and opened her door. "Hello?"

  A male stood in the vestibule, or what was left of it. She had an impression of broad shoulders and bronze skin before his glowing blue eyes caught her attention. "Citizen?"

  It took her three tries to clear her throat. Through the window, she could see two other men equally as massive in muscle as the first.


  "We have come to see if you require any assistance. Your zipper is trashed and the power cells are dangling off your roof."

  She cocked her head while casually trying to hold her robe closed. "Who are you, precisely?"

  "We are the new airborne security patrol. Clones. Dragon shifters."

  She licked her lips. "Horcross blends then."

  Awareness flickered in his eyes. "Yes, citizen. Bound to serve the good people of Worrik. Would you care for some assistance?"

  "That would be great. Give me a minute to get dressed and I will be right with you." With a quick nod, she darted back into the confines of the cottage.

  As soon as she was around the corner, she slithered out of the robe and made a beeline for her bedroom. She sorted through her clothing and pulled on some loose trousers and a flowing shirt that covered her to her collarbone.

  She was running a brush through her hair when a huge eye appeared in the window. "Holy hell!"

  Reesha stumbled backward and fell backward onto the bed.

  The thunder of footsteps into her room ceased and she heard, "Artur, put the cells back on the roof and quit fooling around."

  The eye blinked and a whine came from the scaled head as the dragon stood and sat up on his hind legs.

  She swallowed and asked the man looming over her, "His name is Artur?"

  "Yes. I am Xefir and Naedar is checking on what is left of your zipper." He extended his hand and helped her to her feet.

  "It was damaged?" She opened her bag and dug out her cottage shoes. With her toes protected, she turned to him. She stuck out her hand and smiled. "I am Reesha, by the way."

  His hand wrapped around hers and heated her skin from the contact point outward. His bronze eyes with purple flecks held her hypnotized until a thump from the exterior dragon's tail snapped her out of it.

  The eye was back in the window and a loud huff made her smile. "I am guessing he wishes for an introduction as well?"

  "Probably, but he will have to get back into form before he fits in this house." The other man was in the doorway to her room.

  "Naedar, I presume?" She was leery about shaking his hand after what happened with Xefir, but manners meant she had to extend her arm to him.

  The electric tingle that ran through her didn't surprise her, she was braced for it. "I am Reesha. Pleased to meet you."

  Naedar's eyes held crimson flecks and she felt the same connection she had felt with Xefir. A few thumps outside and on the roof broke her concentration and she quickly looked away.

  Mentally wiping her brow, she retrieved her hand and smiled brightly. A light flickered on in the corner and Reesha sighed in relief.

  "Well, I am going to prepare some food, would you care to join me for lunch? I have some of the new grazer that we have started to propagate here." She started to edge toward the door.

  "That would be very nice. We have snagged a few raptors out of the sky, but cooked food will be a treat. Can we assist you?" Naedar's voice vibrated through her knees and into her belly. It was the deepest bass that she had ever heard.

  "I can manage it if you can tell me what the status of my zipper is." She made it into the hallway and raised her voice so that they could hear her as she went down the stairs. It would be a lot easier to deal with them in the open kitchen than it was in her bedroom.

  Against all odds, her mates had found her and they were in her family's cottage, going over the remains of the storm.

  "Your small transport is completely trashed. You won't be getting out of here without help." Naedar's voice was having the same effect on her as her vibrator. She contemplated paying him to read the dictionary to her for her own selfish gratification. Maybe just asking him would work.

rful. It's a good thing I had a few weeks planned. It will take that long to right the storm damage. Is Artur finished with the cells?" She reached into the chiller and hauled out the haunch. It thudded to the butcher table and she pulled out a knife.

  She looked up and saw the two huge men watching her. Their gazes were focused on her breasts and when she looked down, her tattoo was showing. "Oh, hell."

  Chapter Three

  Artur arrived, intensity in his bronze gaze. "You are kidding."

  "No. It seems our storm tossed hostess is our long lost mate." Xefir was watching her and she clutched her knife, ready to ward off her suitors if she had to.

  "We will not pounce on you, Reesha. You can continue with your meal preparations." Naedar's voice relaxed and stimulated her once again.

  "There is a fire pit outside, could one of you start a fire with a lot of wood? We will need coals." She started slicing the haunch into large steaks.

  Naedar nodded to Xefir, and Xefir left the kitchen. Reesha heard the outer door close and she was left with two scowling dragons in her home. "You have a psychic connection."

  "Of course. It would be impractical if we didn't." Artur approached. "I am Artur."

  She held up her bloody hands. "Pardon my inability to shake your hand."

  "That's all right. I will settle for a hello kiss."

  Before she could blink, Artur was in front of her and he pressed his lips to hers. Reesha felt her eyes widen in surprise as he did nothing but kiss her softly for a few moments before backing away.


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