Boyfriends and Best Friends Forever!

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Boyfriends and Best Friends Forever! Page 1

by Katrina Kahler

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  John Zakour & Katrina Kahler

  Copyright © KC Global Enterprises Pty Ltd

  All rights reserved

  Book 7

  Boyfriends and Best Friends


  Table of Contents

  The Battle

  BFFs and Boyfriends

  Fear Factor

  Time for Advice

  Being Dumped

  The Clone

  Looking for Suspects

  The Challenge

  Search for the Clone


  The Attack


  An Unexpected Offer

  Time to get Persuasive

  The Battle

  I stood ready and waiting in the battle room of BMS labs. I took a deep breath and then another. Kayla stood opposite me glowing with power. I knew my dad, Hana, Jason, and Tanya were watching from the control room. They were anxious to see how Kayla or Kay as she called herself would fare against me. Or maybe it was the other way around? Maybe they wanted to see if I could stand up against her.

  “Let’s see what you got, Super Teen!” she called in a challenging and taunting voice.

  I took a few deep, cleansing breaths. Yep, this was weird. Just a couple of days ago Kayla was a little eight-year-old girl with awesome but uncontrollable time powers. Her body and mind just didn’t have the maturity to handle that kind of power. That’s when her sister, Tanya, and my dad the brilliant scientist, as well as his robot girlfriend, Hana, all came up with the fantastic idea to age Kayla. They wanted to ensure her body was mature enough to handle her raw power. I do believe my BFF Jason put up some argument, but he gave up fast, figuring there really was no other way. It probably didn’t help that Jason was now going out with Tanya. That made him less likely to be the voice of reason. Reason tends to fly out the door when love is involved.

  So, here I was standing 100 yards away from the newly aged and improved Kayla. She was dressed in a purple jumpsuit and ready for action.

  “Are you scared of me?” she called out with a confident grin.

  My computer interface, MAC, whispered to me, “I wouldn’t blame you if you were. Yesterday, during testing, Kayla glared at three 20-foot-tall killbots and turned them into 2-inch tall windup toys. She keeps them in her room now.”

  I summed up the situation. Sure, Kayla had a ton of time control power. I had to admit that was an awesome kind of power. I often found myself jealous of her sister, Tanya’s control over that power. But, here’s the thing…even though Kayla was now older, she still didn’t have a lot of control yet. Sure, on one hand, she might be more dangerous than she was before, but I didn’t want to think about that. There was something else in my favor. Tanya and Kayla didn’t actually stop time, they distorted it and slowed it down. Although I could be so much faster if I could use their time control powers, they still didn’t have the amount of raw power that I did. Heck, you can drop a tank on my head and the tank would be dented, not my head.

  Kayla and Tanya had awesome powers, but nope, nobody had more raw power than me. I, Lia Strong was the strongest being on Earth. And I was about to help Kayla figure that out.

  Kayla motioned for me to come at her with her right hand. “Come on, Lia. Come on. I won’t hurt you too much!” She snickered, “I promise.”

  I’ve been batting super beings for a while now. I knew that most fights were won in the first moments of the fight. I also knew that the second I made a threatening move towards Kayla, she would slow me in time. Then she’d try to hit me with time displacement ripples, which do sting.

  “Remember,” Dad called from the intercom, “this is a fight to the first knockdown. You two are on the same side. Don’t forget that!”

  Dad sounded a little worried. Like he wasn’t sure that I could handle Kayla. Either that or he was afraid I might hurt her. No, Dad knew me too well. He knew I would never hurt Kayla. Instead, he feared Kayla wouldn’t be able to control her power.

  “Remember Kayla,” Tanya said over the intercom. “This is only a test fight for both of you.”

  Yep, even Tanya was afraid for me.

  Kayla looked up towards the observation both. “Can I at least knock her out?” she asked.

  “No!” Dad, Jason, and Tanya all answered at once.

  “At least not on purpose,” the always-analytical Hana added.

  Kayla turned back towards me. She gave me a confident smile. “I thought for sure you’d attack me when I had my back turned to you,” she said. “And take advantage of me giving you the first move. After all, when you can control time you can afford to give your opponent the first shot.”

  “Sis, Lia is not your opponent,” Tanya corrected from the booth.

  Kayla rolled her eyes. “Just making a point, older sis!” she groaned. Kayla turned her eyes back to me. Her smile grew larger. “I see you’re smart enough to be scared of me. You’re probably thinking, ‘Okay she’s giving me the first move, I have to make it count’! Right?”

  I answered her question with silence. Sure Kayla may now have the body and the mind of a fifteen to sixteen-year-old girl, but she didn’t have the experiences. Yeah, her brain had been matured to allow her to cope better with her power, but she still didn’t have the fighting skills that came from fighting. And for better or worse, I have been in a lot of fights over the past year. One thing I learned…even better than having the first move is to drive your opponent crazy. I knew my silence was eating away at Kayla. She was trying to cover her fear with bold words. But it wasn’t working. I could smell her sweat. That’s one of the downsides of having a super sense of smell. You get to smell a lot of horrible smells until you learn to blot them out. Now I was going to blot out Kayla.

  Yep, she was powerful. But she still lived in the safety of this lab. I was the one out there wearing the costume and fighting crime and being a good example in the real world. With that came risks for sure. But I also gained the great benefit of helping people and helping myself grow. It’s really true what they say…whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Maybe not in the short run but it makes you mentally tougher. Ready for all challenges.

  I opened up my left hand and dropped my left arm to my side. I wanted Kayla to see it was a non-threatening gesture. I opened my right hand and dropped my right arm to my side. My goal was to seem relaxed and carefree. But I actually began shaking a little.

  Kayla pointed at me and laughed. “Ha! The great Super Teen! The girl who has stomped super robots and alien invasions! She’s scared of me! Me! Kayla Cane, the girl who was just a small child a few weeks ago. Now, Lia Strong looks at me and is scared. She knows she’s never faced this kind of raw power.”

  “Hey sis,” Tanya called from the observation booth. “We have the exact same powers!”

  “I know,” Kayla shouted back to her, not taking her eyes off me. “But mine are more untapped.”

  “That might not be a good thing!” Jason said over the intercom.

  Kayla stood there and crossed her arms, “Come on Super Teen!” she mocked. “Let’s find out why…”

  I quickly clapped my hands together using
super speed. The force of the clap sent a shock wave of energy outwards. The shock wave hit Kayla, taking out her breath while launching her at least fifty yards across the room. Kaya crashed down to the floor. She lay there motionless for a moment.

  She raised her head. “Ouch….”

  I leaped on top of her. I reached down and grabbed her nose then said, “Tweak!”

  “Match over!” Dad shouted with far more joy in his voice than I would have anticipated.

  Kayla looked up at me, her eyes a little glazed over.

  “Kayla, don’t stand until the medical team clears you,” Dad ordered from above. “We want to make sure you don’t have a concussion!”

  One of the doors to the training area opened wide. A team of doctors and technicians rushed in with a medical cart.

  Kayla pointed at them. They froze in their place.

  I offered Kayla my hand. She accepted it. I helped her to a sitting position. Dropping down to a knee beside her, I patted her on the back. “Good fight!” I said.

  She laughed. “Ha, you kicked my butt in less than a second. You made me over-confident then clobbered me before I even knew what had hit me. My sister is right. You’re the most powerful one of us all!”

  “It’s just that I have the experience,” I told her.

  Kayla looked me in the eyes. “Yeah, you do. But it’s more than that Lia. You have a drive like no other. Your willpower is your strongest ability. I mean…you can basically force yourself to walk through a time stop. Tanya told me about that. But I had to see it to believe it.” She laughed and touched the back of her head. “Actually, I had to feel it to believe it.” She frowned, “and boy, do I feel it.”

  “Sorry,” I said, “sometimes it’s hard for me to gauge my power inside this lab!”

  What I said wasn’t really true. I had purposely hit her with a pretty powerful clamp. I needed to put her down fast and let her know I wasn’t scared of her. Heck, not much scares me. I wanted her to know I was still the toughest person in town. Yeah, sure I might act soft and sweet, but I could still fart and drop a heard of rhinos from 100 yards away. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be too proud of that. But my point was…I have a LOT of power. I am not one to be taken lightly by anybody. Now, I hope Kayla will have a healthy fear of me. I didn’t want her to fall on the ground trembling when she saw me. (Though that might be kind of cool…nah…that would grow old fast.) I just wanted her to grant me the respect I deserved. And I think I did that.

  “Is the room spinning around?” Kayla asked me.

  I laughed out loud. “Nope, but you’d better unfreeze the med staff.”

  “Right!” Kayla said. She snapped her fingers. The medical personnel began moving again.

  A bald doctor reached us first. “Please step back, Lia, give the patient room to breathe.”

  I stepped back. I sniffed my underarm just to make sure he wasn’t talking about me having a deodorant fail. Nope, my armpits still smelled fresh and clean. I had literally taken Kayla out without even working up a sweat, not even a nervous sweat. I was so confident. And, man, that felt good!.

  My dad, Hana, Tanya, and Jason followed the medical staff into the room. They each had wide smiles on their faces. I fought hard not to frown when I saw Jason and Tanya holding hands. My first thought was…Wow! Not very professional! My second thought was…Wow! How petty of me. My third thought was…Jason and I are just friends, BFFs, I have no right to say who he can date and who he can’t. I have no business being jealous. Yet, watching them hold hands hurt me way more than the time those aliens dropped a mountain on me. I knew it shouldn’t but it did.

  Of course. it didn’t help that my dad and Hana were also together. It wasn’t official or anything but by the way he treated her and the way she responded, it was obvious they’d become a pair. I was glad for Dad. Although, I was also a little jealous that he’d just come into my life and now I had to share him with this woman. Actually, this was a woman he’d made himself. Which kind of made it worse. I tried not to think about that.

  “Fine job, Lia!” Hana told me. “Your knowledge of how to best harness your skills grows daily.”

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  Hana’s eyes opened wide. “That was an assessment, not a compliment,” she said coldly.

  “Still, I will take it as one,” I smirked.

  “And so you should,” Dad said, giving me a pat on the head. Not the most normal or heartfelt gesture, but for my dad, this was pretty much a full display of emotion. “Kayla has such great potential power but you licked her easily!”

  “That she did,” Tanya said, turning to Kayla. “I told you Lia was the best. We can control time, but I believe it takes more than that to stop her.”

  “Yes, I see that now,” she said.

  “Is the room still spinning?” A female doctor carrying a clipboard full of data interrupted.

  “Yes, it definitely is,” Kayla nodded.

  The doctor showed Kayla two fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?” she asked.

  “Six!” Kayla said proudly. She sighed. “Oh, that can’t be right….”

  “She may have a slight concussion,” the doctor told my dad. “We will take her for a head scan and do a thorough examination, just in case.”

  “Good idea,” Dad said.

  “Sorry,” I said to Kayla. I actually did feel sorry. I wanted to win our battle but I didn’t mean to hurt her. Apparently, I don’t have quite as much control of my power as I like to believe.

  Kayla forced herself to grin. “It was a learning experience for me. I’ll be ready for you next time.”

  “If there is a next time,” Tanya said protectively. “Remember, Kay, she took you out with a clap. If she focused her heat vision on you, you’d be dust.”

  “I would never use heat vision on a person!” I said.

  Tanya grinned at me. “I know! That’s what makes you, you! I just wanted my little sister to be aware of how lethal you could be.”

  “Plus,” Hana added, “if she wanted to, I’m sure she could stop all of you with a fart! The force of the fart would not only knock you over, it would also drive all the breathable air from the room. It would be silent and deadly. You would be helpless on the ground before you had a chance to react.”

  I held up a hand. “Once again, I would never do that!” I said.

  Hana looked at me. “I just felt it was my obligation to make that clear. Your power, Lia Strong, should not be taken lightly.”

  “Believe me, it’s not!” I said.

  Dear Diary: Man! Talk about mixed emotions. I feel great taking Kayla down a notch. She’s so confident and almost arrogant. I get it…power can do that to you. The power that she and Tanya have are awesome. But Kayla still needs to learn how to use and harness her power. Great power accomplishes nothing without wisdom and experience. Well, at least nothing good. I have control of my power and I’m learning more and more control each day. I don’t care what silly Hana says. I’m not going to purposely or accidentally fart and drop the entire town. Sure, it’s tempting sometimes. But it would be a lot easier, safer and far less embarrassing to do that with my command voice. I could just yell, “Sleep!” and everybody would. But I don’t do that either. I am in control of my powers. I use my powers for good. I am also constantly practicing using my powers. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a proper boy crush in my life! I’m just too busy working on me. Yeah, that’s the reason. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself for now!

  BFFs and Boyfriends

  After a quick shower (that I didn’t really need), I decided to make a surprise visit to my grandma Betsy’s house. I hadn’t seen Grandma B in a while. Since we Strong women age so slowly, we tend to avoid being seen together in public too much, so as people don’t get suspicious. Grandma, Mom, and Great Grandma can all pass for sisters. In fact, Grandma and Great Grandma actually call themselves sisters but that’s a bit freaky for my brain.

  I had MAC check to make sure Grandma B was at ho
me before I jumped there. Grandma B said she always loved seeing her favorite granddaughter. (I am her only granddaughter but that is beside the point.) I thought she’d really enjoy a surprise visit.

  Leaping through the air towards her house felt exhilarating. Nothing and I mean nothing, feels freer than flying (well…gliding with some control) through the air. Now I know why birds are always singing. Being able to fly is one of the best feelings ever.

  I was so grateful that Grandma lived on a farm outside of town so I could leap there without anyone noticing. Actually, both Grandma and Great Grandma lived on the farm’s grounds but in separate houses. Great Grandma was away in China. So I figured Grandma might be a little lonely (hence the reason for my visit).

  I landed on the ground next to her front porch and Mac switched me into my Lia clothing. I jumped up the stairs and knocked on the door.

  “It’s open!” Grandma shouted.

  I walked into the kitchen and saw that she had the table set for two. A delicious aroma filled the room. How did she know I was coming?

  “Oh honey, it’s you,” she said with surprise in her voice.

  Nope, she had no idea I was coming.

  “Grandma, is this a bad time?” I asked.

  Grandma tossed off her apron and rushed over to give me a strong bear hug. “No, no, no! I always have time for my favorite granddaughter!” She dropped me to the ground. Pointing to the table she said, “Sit! Eat! Do you want some milk? Spaghetti and meatballs? Salad? Potatoes?”

  The smell of her cooking was amazing.

  “Ah, it looks like you’re expecting company,” I said slowly.

  Grandma dragged me over to the table and forced me to sit. “Yes, but I always have room in my heart and at my table for you. Just let me set you a place.” She moved at super speed to the cabinet and pulled out cutlery and a plate. She tossed it perfectly onto the table.


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