Scottish Werebear: A Second Chance: A BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Scottish Werebears Book 6)

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Scottish Werebear: A Second Chance: A BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Scottish Werebears Book 6) Page 7

by Lorelei Moone

  How come I can hear you? Charlie thought.

  The voice didn’t respond. Instead, James took her hand in both of his. He was so warm; his touch sent shivers down her spine.

  “I didn’t mean to lie to you,” Charlie said while looking down at her hand in between his. They were huge. Strong, and yet infinitely gentle.

  How small she felt next to him. This was quite a feat; ever since she’d started to fill out a bit in college, she’d never had much cause to feel small or even vulnerable.

  “I know,” James said. “I know that you wanted to tell me.”

  How did he know?

  I can feel it, the voice in her head said.

  This whole thing, it was so unreal. Was she actually out here with him? Or would she wake up any moment now and find that it was all just a dream?

  How is this possible?

  Charlie looked up at him. His eyes had changed again. Gone was the pain she’d seen before. It had been replaced with the same tenderness and hope she’d seen yesterday.

  This man was going to drive her crazy with his mood swings.

  “We may have shown ourselves to the world now, but there’s still a lot you need to know about our kind,” he said.

  “I’ve got time,” Charlie whispered.

  Neither of them broke eye contact. The air between them seemed to be heavy with tension.

  “Well,” James started. “When a man meets a woman… and they really like each other.” He winked at her.

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to talk about birds and bees next,” Charlie remarked.

  “There she is, my old friend Charlie McAllister. She’s back!” James joked.

  Charlie scoffed but couldn’t suppress a smile.

  “So I was saying. When a couple really like each other, they connect on a deeper level.”

  James’ tone was serious again. No matter how strange it sounded, he was no longer joking.

  “And then they hear voices?” Charlie asked.

  “They can communicate by thought, yes.”

  Charlie shook her head. If she hadn’t just experienced it, she would have never believed it.

  “You’re a weird lot; you know that?” she said.

  James shrugged. “There are a lot of upsides. If you can deal with crazy paranoid humans hunting you.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, couples have no secrets. They’re faithful for life. When a shifter finds their true mate, they become whole together.”

  “But I’m not a shifter,” Charlie remarked.

  “I know. And that’s why I left back then. Under the old rules, we were only supposed to pair up within our species. But I’ve since learned that it works the same even if one partner is human.”

  “Wait, are you trying to tell me that simply because I kissed a shifter when I was seventeen, I basically ruined any hope of ever having a relationship with anyone else? And if we hadn’t run into one another now, I would have remained single forever?” Charlie asked.

  “Uhh…” James looked away sheepishly. “If it helps, there’s been no one else in my life either.”

  Charlie sat back on the bench and looked across the open views of the park ahead of them. “That’s so weird.”

  James put his arm around her, causing her to close her eyes involuntarily. Who could have guessed that today would turn out this way? Sure, she’d hoped it would, but when he confronted her about her work, she had lost all hope.

  “James Finch?” a voice interrupted them. A man approached. His hair was cropped short, and he was wearing a black leather biker jacket, jeans, and heavy black boots.

  Charlie could feel James tense up beside her. Although there was nothing obviously wrong yet, she sensed the danger his instincts had alerted him to. This telepathic communication thing really did work.

  “Who wants to know?” James asked.

  “Victor Domnall sends his regards,” the man said.

  Knife! Within a split second, James pushed her down the bench and flung himself at the stranger in a blur of claws and fur. That’s when the darkness claimed Charlie.

  Chapter Eleven

  By the time James got Charlie back to Eric’s place, everyone was on high alert. She was still out, so he laid her down on his bed before joining the rest of the crew in the living area.

  Everyone sat around, lost in thought, but Henry was furious.

  “How could this happen?” he demanded. “Were you followed?”

  James thought back to earlier that day. He’d been upset after finding out about Charlie’s job. Had he let his guard down? It was possible.

  “I’m not sure. I sure as hell didn’t see anyone,” James said. Then again, he had been so focused on Charlie, he hadn’t even seen the guy videoing the whole thing on his phone.

  “And did you have to charge at him the way you did? It’s all over Facebook now!” Henry paced back and forth.

  “He tried to attack my mate with a knife. What would you have done?” James felt himself get angry all over again. Of all people, Henry should understand. He would stop at nothing to defend Gail.

  “Oh. She’s your mate now, is she?” Henry barked.

  James stood tall and faced his leader, staring him down with only inches between them. “Yes, she is. What are you going to do about it?”

  “Now, now. Let’s all relax,” Gail spoke up from the sofa. “We can’t change what happened. And if Charlotte is James’ mate, so be it. The freedom to pair up with whoever you like is one of the fundamental reasons the New Alliance came into existence.”

  Henry backed down and joined Gail, though his expression still betrayed his displeasure. James retreated as well. Henry was right, though. This was bad. The Sons could spin this any way they wanted.

  “We need to do some damage control before this hits the evening news,” Gail said. “Sure, the police arrested the attacker and let James go, so that’s a good sign. But that in itself might not be convincing enough.”

  James nodded, as did Henry and Eric, who had so far stayed out of the whole conversation.

  “Once she wakes up… And if she indeed is your mate,” Henry’s skeptical tone grated at James, but he decided to let it go for now. “Perhaps she can help us.”

  James shook his head. “No way. They’ve seen her face now and already tried to attack her once. I’m not going to let you make a bigger target out of her.”

  Henry glared at James. “What choice do we have? We need friends in the media now more than ever. We already agreed on that.”

  “Yeah, we agreed. But things have changed,” James growled.

  “Bull-” Henry started, but then glanced over at Gail and stopped talking.

  “Guys, if you’ll allow me to say something,” Gail took over. “She works for a morning newspaper, yes? We need to fix this now, today. If she knows someone else who can help…”

  “Wait, you said it’s all over Facebook. Can’t Kyle help somehow? Hack in and remove the video?” James suggested.

  “I’ll ask… But we still have to manage the fallout; we need a plan,” Henry said.

  James nodded. As much as he hated to admit it, Henry was right.

  “He knew my name. How did he know my name?” James wondered aloud.

  Gail shrugged. “Maybe they have their own computer guy. Your face has been all over the news since we came out. With the right know-how, I’m sure it’s not that hard to find out someone’s identity. Kyle probably could have done it.”

  She made sense, but James still felt there was something more to it. In his years working for Blacke, his intuition hadn’t failed him even once. He hardly dared to consider the consequences if somehow the Sons had gained support within law enforcement. If that were the case, then everyone in this room would have to look over their shoulders from now on.

  “Talk to her,” Henry repeated himself. “We need to sort this out as soon as possible.”

  James wanted to argue for Charlie’s safety again but didn’t get the chance

  “No need,” a female voice interrupted their conversation.

  James closed his eyes as she approached. Her presence overwhelmed him now, so strong was their connection; their attraction. No matter what happened, what she’d kept from him before, it was impossible to ignore or fight her pull. They belonged together, for better or for worse.

  “I’m in. Just tell me what you need me to do,” Charlie spoke directly to Henry now.

  When Charlie woke up, she barely remembered the confusing events at the park. She blinked a few times in an attempt to let her eyes adjust to the darkness of the strange room she found herself in. Slowly, outlines of furniture came into view. She was in a single bed, still fully dressed. The side of her head was tender, as though she’d been bruised somehow. Across from her bed, stood another one with a desk and chair in between underneath the window. Where was she?

  She closed her eyes again and inhaled deeply. James had been here. His scent lingered on the pillow, which reassured her. She was safe.

  After laying there, finding her bearings for another minute or two, she got up to investigate the rest of the house. She opened the door and heard voices coming from down the hall. One she recognized as James, the other, she wasn’t sure. They were arguing.

  As she walked along the hallway, the cold of the tiles underfoot alerted her to the fact that she wasn’t wearing her shoes anymore. Still, she didn’t just march into what she presumed was the living room. No, she stayed back a bit and listened. Something about a video on Facebook. They needed help to manage the fallout from it.

  This tied in perfectly with the idea she’d had at night. She could help these guys swing public opinion their way. She could help appeal to people’s hearts to convince them the shifters weren’t the bad guys here.

  “Talk to her. We need to sort this out as soon as possible,” one of the men - the one she’d heard arguing with James before - said.

  That was her cue.

  “No need. I’m in,” Charlie spoke as she stepped into the room that contained about a half dozen shifters, mostly men. All eyes were on her all of a sudden. “Just tell me what you need me to do.”

  She glanced over at James, who was staring at her as well now. She could feel him so keenly now; it was unnerving. If this was what it meant to be part of a couple, she had to wonder how these people got any work done whatsoever.

  Charlie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and she sat down on the couch beside James, taking his hand. It’ll be fine. Let me help.

  “Very well,” the man across from them said. Charlie recognized him as the one who had been there with James at the House of Commons the day before. “Take a look at this.”

  He got up and handed her a phone; on it was a video of what had happened at the park. Her memories had been sketchy, but even so, the video wasn’t much better. Everything had happened so fast that the camera had had trouble capturing it all. Within a couple of minutes, it was over.

  “This sort of reminds me of those ambiguous bigfoot or yeti videos - no offense,” Charlie spoke. “It’s not very clear.”

  “None taken,” the woman who’d been with James yesterday as well spoke with a subtle smile playing on her lips.

  That’s Gail, and the man next to her is Henry. They’re a couple, Charlie heard James’ voice in her head. Very convenient indeed, being able to communicate like this without anyone else knowing.

  “Here’s the deal. I work at a paper up in Edinburgh, but I’m not high up or anything. If you want to influence how this is perceived, I’m going to have to convince my boss to help us.”

  “Is he trustworthy?” Henry asked.

  “If we offer him an exclusive of some sort, I don’t see how he could refuse.”

  Henry and Gail nodded, as did most of the other people she’d never met before.

  “Very well, so here’s the deal,” Henry started. He explained the back story of Matthew Brown’s childhood kidnapping many years ago by a rogue Sons member, and how he’d only recently been reunited with his family. He spoke of Jamie, a member of the Edinburgh Alliance, who had paired up with a prominent Sons member’s daughter who had switched sides. All of these people would be willing to face the media to make their case against the Sons of Domnall.

  Charlie noticed her bag leaning against the side of one of the sofas and got her notepad out. She wrote down everything Henry told her, as well as her own ideas for how to best present the story. By the end of it, she’d filled three A4 sized pages.

  “This all sounds promising. My boss will salivate over it; I can guarantee it,” she said. “If that’s all, I should make the call.”

  James squeezed her hand. Are you sure you want to do this?

  Charlie smiled briefly. Anything, as long as it helps keep you guys safe.

  So it was agreed. Charlie got up, grabbed her phone and notepad and retreated to the bedroom she’d just woken up in. Penderton would give her an earful, at least at first. But this was necessary. James had charged at the guy at the park without hesitation, and in the process potentially ruined the shifters’ image. The least she could do was call up Penderton. What was he going to do? Yell? Fire her? Once he heard her story, he had to come around.

  She dialed his number with trembling fingers and waited. The phone rang once, twice…

  “McAllister, what a surprise!” His tone was heavy with sarcasm. “I thought you’d vanished permanently.”

  “Sir, please hear me out. That lead I told you about the other day? It panned out. I managed to track them down, and I’m on the inside with the New Alliance.”

  “Wait… what? You were supposed to talk to someone who knew them! Instead, you fall off the radar for two days. Who knows if these people are who they say they are. And if you’re talking to the actual New Alliance, I need an experienced reporter on the story, not you!” he argued.

  The experienced reporter rant again. Charlie took a deep breath to maintain her cool.

  “Sir, if you could please log on to Facebook. See the trending topics. At the top, there’s a video which I’m sure will prove that I’m telling the truth.”

  Penderton didn’t say a word; there was only rustling on the other end of the line. Then she could hear the beginning of the video when the stranger called out James’ name. Penderton let out a slow whistle, presumably when Charlie came into view.

  “Okay, McAllister. I’m listening,” he finally said.

  Charlie felt a rush of excitement as she picked up her notepad. This was her chance!

  She went through the whole story Henry had told her. About the disappearance of little Matthew Brown, the desertion of Alison Campbell from the Sons of Domnall, as well as her role in the capture of her father.

  Penderton barely said a word, though she could hear him scribbling it all down at his end as well.

  Charlie ended on the most important point of all: that if he wanted exclusive access to these prominent New Alliance members, he had to figure out a way to spin this video in their favor, and do it fast. The exclusive interviews and other content would keep flowing, as long as Penderton guaranteed it made the New Alliance look good. It was mutually beneficial cooperation they were after, and they wouldn’t approach any other media outlets as long as Penderton and the Edinburgh Herald remained their allies.

  “Understood. I’ll get things moving immediately,” Penderton said. “And… McAllister, good work.” Charlie forgot to breathe as she heard these words.

  Finally. The recognition she deserved.

  Chapter Twelve

  Once she’d finished her call with Penderton, Charlie breathed a big sigh of relief. No matter the twists or turns in this story, she had achieved what she’d set out to do. And in the end, she didn’t even need to deceive anyone either.

  She lay the phone down on the bed and stared at its black screen for a moment. Penderton was on it, and knowing how he worked, he’d get some kind of strategy together quickly.

  Only now did Charlie realize how e
xhausted she still was. The events at the park had taken a toll on her. The bruise on her head throbbed. She hadn’t even checked herself out in the mirror yet; who knew how bad it looked?

  The door opened behind her, and it seemed the atmosphere of the room instantly changed. She didn’t even need to turn to see who it was, because she already knew. James.

  He rested his hands on her shoulders and started to massage her.

  You’re tired. You should rest.

  Charlie closed her eyes. His touch was magic.

  I promised to help, so that’s what I need to do. She put her hand on his. It didn’t make sense, how much she wanted him. How absolutely desperate she was for his affection now. Gone were the doubts and anger she’d felt when they had lunch together. Even the memories of the heartache he’d caused had faded.

  She’d never felt this way, except perhaps during that one moment they’d shared so long ago.

  Funny, she’d never even believed in true love or any of that stuff. Some people - Ella most notably - were quick to call her a cynic, but Charlie considered herself a realist.

  Not anymore.

  She believed now.

  Charlie turned to face James and found that his eyes were that same funny color again like at the park. They definitely were glowing now.

  You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  Charlie pressed her lips together and averted her gaze. Nobody had ever told her that.

  You’re not so bad yourself, she thought, as she looked up at him again. Bloody hell, he was gorgeous.

  “Why are all shifters so handsome?” she wondered aloud.

  James chuckled. “They’re not. Shifters all look the same. Humans are beautiful in their diversity.”

  Charlie frowned. She’d never thought of it like that.

  James sat down in front of her on the bed and raised his hand to her cheek.

  I want to kiss you again.

  He leaned forward, his face neared hers until their lips were just a fraction of an inch apart.

  His scent intoxicated her, making her feel faint. She reached out for his upper arm to steady herself.

  Then, the intrusive ring of her phone made her flinch. James pulled back and held it up to her. “I guess that’s your boss?”


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