Surrounded by Woods

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by Mandy Harbin

  Surrounded By Woods

  Copyright © July 2011, Mandy Harbin

  Cover art by For the Muse Designs © July 2011

  Amira Press

  Charlotte, NC28227

  ISBN: 978-1-937394-00-4

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and e-mail, without prior written permission from Amira Press.


  To Jimmy and my mom, Helen, for taking

  the time to read my stories and provide feedback that I could

  actually use, and to my kids for giving me time to write them.

  Chapter One

  “You can’t be serious, Bill.” Mikaela Patterson pleaded with the senior partner of her law firm. “Mr. Woods is your client, and I’m already behind. I can’t fly out to Texas for two weeks.”

  What she really wanted to do was crawl in a hole and die. She’d walked in on her fiancé eating his secretary’s pussy in his office last month. Joel was such an asshole, but she never saw it. Until then. Amazing how seeing something like that opened one’s eyes.

  Mikaela called off the wedding, but she hadn’t told anyone at her office yet. She was a strong career woman and admitting what happened would make her look like a chump. Would she love to get away for two weeks? Absolutely. She would love nothing more than to spend two weeks in Cabo sandwiched between a cold margarita and a hot Miguel, licking her relationship wounds. Being thrown in the middle of her boss’s work, a vacation did not make.

  “I’m sorry, Mikaela. I have to be in Washington, and Mr. Woods is one of our biggest clients.”

  She groaned and crossed her arms.

  “It’ll be a cakewalk. Just go over the changes to his estate and draw up new papers.”

  “Why can’t Sullivan or Smith handle it?”

  “Sullivan is in the middle of that multimillion dollar lawsuit, and Smith is going with me.”

  She scrambled. “What about the newbie, Krista?”

  “First of all, I’m not sending someone new to handle matters on one of our biggest clients. Second, she’s single. Mr. Woods has specially requested that I send someone taken.”

  “I-I’m not married.” She definitely was not that.

  “But you’re engaged.”

  She wasn’t that either. Not anymore, but she sure as hell wasn’t ready to admit it. She needed to try another angle. “I’m a corporate attorney, Bill. I don’t do estates.”

  “You do now. That is, if you want to make partner.”

  That was a low blow. Bill knew she brought this firm in millions of dollars each quarter. That alone warranted a partnership. But he was her boss, and she knew how to play the corporate game. And play it she would. She had no other choice. “Fine. I’ll fly out tomorrow.”

  “Now was that so hard?” Bill smirked. “Take comfortable clothes. You’ll be staying on his land with his family.”

  “Why?” she asked slowly, feeling her blood pressure spike.

  “They own thousands of acres of timberland, and it’ll be too cumbersome to get you in and out of the property each day. It’s much easier this way.”

  Two weeks surrounded by woods. If they didn’t have electricity and indoor plumbing, she would be staying in a hotel regardless of how long it took to get on and off the property. Why the hell hadn’t she just booked that trip to Cabo like she wanted to last month?

  * * * *

  Mikaela tripped over her stilettos as she dragged her suitcases into the back of the truck she’d rented. Bill had informed her that Mr. Woods would have her picked up at the airport, but something told her she didn’t want to be stranded on his property with no escape route. She’d secure her own transportation, thank you very much. Assuming the terrain would be too rough for a car, she opted for the biggest truck the rental company had. It was enormous, but it should be able to get her in and out of the woods with ease.

  After hours of traveling down the highway, she finally came to the small town that her navigation system refused to acknowledge. She found the turn off with the directions Bill had given to her before she left and felt relieved to know she wasn’t really lost. No wonder Bill said she’d be staying on the property. The last hotel she passed was at least sixty miles back. With her next turn, she encountered a massive gate. She stared at it a minute, looking for some intercom to request entrance. Not seeing anything of the sort, she started to get out of the truck, but then the gate opened. Shrugging, she shut the door and drove through. At least the road was still paved. A lingering sign of civilization. She doubted it would continue to be that way for long.

  * * * *

  Josh watched the truck ease down the road and knew it contained the woman. Thomas had warned Josh and his brothers about her, about the fact that she’d be here to do some legal work instead of his regular attorney. That only meant one thing—she was taken. His father never allowed an untaken woman on the property because he knew it was too dangerous with four unmated sons. Josh being the eldest and most presumptuous of Thomas’s sons.

  Whether the woman was taken or not didn’t really matter to Josh’s libido, though. She was still a woman, and it’d been a while since he’d gotten laid. It was too dangerous for the Woods men to just pick up a woman, so they often went without. Since it was a rare occasion to have a woman on the property, everything about her presence was amplified. Without even seeing her, he could sense her. His feline senses first and foremost alerted him to the fact that she wore too much perfume. He’d have to cure her of that before she left; there was nothing sweeter than a woman’s natural scent.

  Trying to hone in on her unique essence, he took another whiff and growled when he succeeded. His feral side fought to take charge, so he shook his head to clear it of the prime scent he inhaled, trying to forget the knowledge he’d just gained. She was ovulating, and he’d never smelled anything so potent, so intoxicating. He had to fight his instinct to stalk and mount her. He wanted nothing more in this moment than to claim her right now. Right fucking now! Feeling his control slipping, relief washed through him remembering she was taken. If she wasn’t taken, he knew there’d be no way to stop himself from claiming her.

  Since she was already taken, his humanity would prevail. It was a curse to his kind. A mountain lion shifter. His family was the only ones he knew of in the area, so they had to maintain their distance to ensure their protection and others’ safety.

  Needing to stay focused, Josh raced back toward his brothers, but one last thought nagged at him.

  If she looked anything like she smelled, he was in trouble.

  Chapter Two

  “Ah, Ms. Patterson. Please come in,” Mr. Woods offered as Mikaela entered his office. Okay, so it wasn’t Cabo, but the property was not as rustic as she’d feared. Although it was designed with the rustic feel, it was really anything but. The main residence was at least five thousand square feet with smaller cabins in the main clearing. The road was paved all the way to the house, which seemed to have every amenity available. “I have instructed Jeffery to take your bags to your room.”

  She walked forward, hand extended. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Woods.”

  He shook her hand. “Please call me Thomas.”

  “Then you must call me Mikaela.” She smiled as she pulled her hand away.

  “All right, Mikaela. I appreciate you coming here in Bill’s place. I hope it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience. I’m sure you’re a busy woman.”

  “Oh, it was no trouble at all.” No need to tell him about her little fit in Bill’s office. She was a professional, so she really did know how to act like one when she needed to.

sp; The door to his office swung open, and she turned to see who entered. Who is that? The man was hot! Not at all like the men she’d dated; she typically dated clean-cut professionals like her ex-CPA jackass of an ex-fiancé. But this man was huge and scruffy with tanned skin and brown hair. He looked like a lumberjack. Lumberjack? Where’d that come from? Must be because she was stuck in the middle of a forest. But he was definitely smoking hot. Just looking at him made her knees shake with possibilities. She realized she was still staring—well, ogling—so she jerked her attention back to Thomas.

  “Is there a problem, Josh?”

  Josh’s eyes flashed to Mikaela and then away before answering. But the moment his eyes landed on her, she could feel heat rushing through her. “Yeah, the tractor stalled out on the south ridge. I can’t get Jack on the radio.”

  “Not good.” Thomas turned toward Mikaela. “Mikaela, this is my eldest son, Joshua Woods. Josh, this is Bill’s associate, Mikaela Patterson.”

  Josh stared at her, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. It took her half a second too long to whip into her attorney persona, but she kept her cringing internal at her lack of quick wit. She stepped over and shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  His hands were calloused, and his eyes were as green as the forest that surrounded them. First she likened him to a lumberjack and then to the forest. This place was really messing with her head.

  “Likewise, Mikaela. Can I call you Mikaela?” His thumb brushed the back of her hand as he shook it, not letting go.

  “Um, of course.” Don’t stare at his chest!

  She pulled her hand away and turned back to Thomas.

  “I’m sorry, Mikaela, we’ll have to cut this meeting short, but I’m sure you want to get settled in anyway. I need to go see what’s going on with Jackson; he’s one of my other sons. You can meet them all at dinner. Jeffery will come get you when it’s ready. In the meantime, Josh will show you around.” He faced his son. “And make sure you show her respect,” he mumbled as he stepped out of the office.

  * * * *

  Josh cocked his head to the side and nodded to his father as he stepped out, then turned his attention to the babe in the room. “This way.” He took her arm without further words. If he spoke, he’d have to look at her. If he looked at her, he’d…he couldn’t think about what he’d do. He could barely contain his thoughts.

  God, this Mikaela sex kitten was the hottest thing he’d ever seen! Dark red hair and piercing blue eyes. It was like fire and water in one being. No way would that be possible in the wild. Fire and water couldn’t coexist, but somehow, she’d harnessed those elements beautifully. He was definitely in trouble. Damn his luck for her being taken. She sure didn’t respond like someone who was taken, though. He saw her eyeballing him in the office, and he could hear her heavy breathing right now as he took her to her room. He’d bet his left nut that she’d cream as soon as he slipped his hand up her shirt to play with those nice big tits. It took every bit of his humanity, his human nature, not to claim her here and now.

  What was wrong with him? He’d been around other women and never once wanted to mate with them. Fuck them? Hell, yes. But those were carefully arranged encounters to protect everyone. As was this one. So why did Josh want to take and claim her? Why this one?

  Rounding the corner, he tried to get his thoughts under control. He knew he couldn’t take her, but his body demanded he do something.

  Maybe as long as she was here and willing… No! He didn’t even allow himself to finish the thought.

  “Here’s your room,” Josh said as he opened the door and pulled her in.

  Mikaela looked around and was noticeably shocked at how accommodating it appeared.

  “Yes, you have a TV and everything,” he teased.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I see that. Internet?”


  “Cell phone reception?”

  “That too.”


  “Down the hall. Third door on the left.”

  She frowned, looking at the two doors in her room. He figured she was guessing what was hidden behind them, knowing she wouldn’t like the idea of walking down the hall to shower. “Hmm, I thought there would be one in here.”

  Josh smiled. “Oh, there is. Through that door. But my room is down the hall, third door on the left.” His eyebrows shot up, and he stepped toward her. God, her scent was maddening! Whatever control he held onto earlier was thrown eagerly out the window. He had to have her.

  She stepped back, instantly realizing his intent. “I have no need to know where your room is.”

  He continued his advance. “You might like mine better.”

  “How so?”

  “I’d be in it.”

  That was an oh shit look if he’d ever seen one, and he flashed a grin.

  “I’m here on official business, Josh. I’d appreciate it if you’d act like it.”

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, kitten.”

  “It’s Mikaela,” she said sternly, standing her ground.

  Josh stared. Damn, but she was a strong-willed woman. That made her even sexier. He wanted to bury his cock inside her, make her scream his name. “Fine, Mikaela. Just try not to fantasize about me too much. You’re already blushing. With your fair skin and gorgeous red hair, I’d imagine that blush extends far below the neckline hidden in your designer shirt, all the way down to your pretty pussy.”

  She gasped. Just the reaction he wanted. Hell, he’d take any reaction from her.

  His smile widened before he realized he needed to get control of himself. He was a grown-ass man, not some horny teenager. Straightening his stance and wiping the grin off his face, he said, “Gym is on the first floor to the right of the stairs. Kitchen is to the left. Den’s on the third floor. Copier, fax, and other business things you may need will be in the section of the house we just came from. Any questions?”

  She crossed her arms and shook her head. He figured she couldn’t speak even if she wanted to, though Josh wasn’t sure if it was because of his flirting earlier or the fact that he wasn’t flirting now.

  “Good.” He turned and left before she could find her voice.

  And he realized he couldn’t flee her fast enough. The woman was taken. Taken! He could not, would not try to take her. His reaction had to be because of his recent lack of female contact, but his body was acting like she was a potential mate. Impossible. And if he was acting like this, how would his brothers act? A possessive growl rumbled in his chest, and he bit it off. She was not his, and he couldn’t act like she was. She was here on business, and he was going to respect that.

  If he told himself that enough times, maybe he’d start to believe it, but even as he sought refuge in his room, he couldn’t help but groan at this new predicament that was Mikaela Patterson. What the hell am I going to do about her?

  Chapter Three

  What the hell am I going to do about him? Mikaela thought as she finished unpacking her things to burn up time until dinner. No wonder Bill didn’t want Krista coming here. If Josh was like this, there was no telling how his brothers would be. And what the hell was wrong with her? She just stood there like an idiot when he was coming on to her, trapped like some prey. She was an attorney, damn it! She knew how to argue and stand her ground. Sexy man or not, he’d not get the best of her. And she kept telling herself that all afternoon while she unpacked and fretted about the hot Woods son.

  A knock sounded, making Mikaela jump. “Ms. Patterson?”

  At least it wasn’t Josh’s voice. She got up and opened the door.

  “I’m Jeffery. I am to escort you to dinner.”

  “Of course.” She turned out the light and followed him down the hall.

  When they rounded the corner, she heard rumblings coming from the dining room. She felt nervous and then silly for feeling nervous. She was here on business. It didn’t matter that she found Josh incredibly hot. He was crude a
nyway, and she’d never find herself attracted to a man who acted like that if she wasn’t stuck here.

  Jeffery opened the door, and she stifled a gasp. She could give herself pep talks till she was blue in the face, but her body knew differently. Josh was quite possibly the prettiest man she’d ever seen.

  Thomas and Josh stood talking to three other men, drinking what looked like scotch. All of them were well dressed, but the one who stood out the most was Josh, of course. Yum! He had on a forest green shirt to match his forest green eyes. Who cared about the forest, lumberjack association? It fit! His sleeves were rolled up to show his tanned, muscular arms. Was he that tall before? He stood taller than the rest of them, but just slightly.

  Thomas walked toward her as she entered the room. “Mikaela, I’d like you to meet my other sons. This is Jackson, Robert, and Toby.”

  “Call me Jack,” the one leaning passed Josh said as he took her hand.

  “Rob,” the one closest to her clarified, pulling her hand out of Jack’s grasp.

  “Just Toby,” Toby said, making no attempt to touch her. “I have no nickname.”

  “And I’m Josh, in case you don’t remember.” He winked at her. How could she forget?

  She laughed softly at Josh’s comment, but couldn’t maintain eye contact. She turned her gaze to each of his brothers and smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. You have a beautiful home.”

  “Would you like a drink before dinner?” Thomas asked.

  “Oh, no thanks. I haven’t eaten much today, and I’m already a lightweight as it is.”

  Josh stepped closer to her as the others started for the table. She felt her heart racing but tried to act cool. “And what happens when you get liquored up?” he whispered.

  “Normally my panties come off.” Why did she just say that? “But that wouldn’t happen now.” Mikaela smiled to keep the words from being too harsh while she steadied her thoughts and berated herself for saying anything of the sort, only to realize she was flirting. As she thought about that, she smiled bigger; she didn’t mind flirting a little. She liked it.


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