[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever

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[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever Page 14

by Celeste Anwar

  It was all too much, too intense, to pleasurable to resist anymore. Their bodies straining, pumping, moving. The pulse throbbing in her clit and cunt tried to beat her to death.

  Nothing had ever felt so right before, so momentous. She tried to hold herself back, but she couldn’t.

  Fire flooded through her body, heating every limb, burning all her intimate areas. Fever lit her from within, reverberating through every nerve, searing her mind, body, and soul, until she was mindless with pleasure coursing in her veins.

  She moaned loudly around Remy´s cock, unable to contain the lust burning her alive. The vibration of her throat and mouth made him come. The splash of his cum in her throat was as welcome as the sun in summer. She wiggled her hips and soon felt both men inside her climax too. That feeling of being branded invaded her again. Heat seared her once more, taking her to a place that even with these three men, she´d never reached. The cliff became a mountain, and she was free falling into pleasure, riding waves of ecstasy that she felt in every inch of her body.

  Being taken by three men at one time was the stuff of her deepest fantasies. She’d never thought to experience something like that in real life, and the reality of it, the sheer lustful pleasure was enough to burn her mind and faze her body into a quivering mass of jelly.

  This time she didn´t pass out, the sensations were more than ever before, but she was awake for all of it. Her extremities tingled and buzzed, her mind soared, every naked inch of her celebrated and rejoiced in her climax she shared with the three men.

  She didn´t feel the men pull out of her, she was already in exhausted asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Yvonne awoke to the smell of smoke. She coughed slightly and sniffed at the rancid air. She leaned on an elbow and glared blearily at the sky. Great clouds of gray smoke drifted through the blue sky above her.

  “What the fuck is that?” she croakily asked the man beside her, Remy.

  “Good morning to you too, mon ange. It´s smoke,” he stated the obvious so she glared at him instead of the sky. He held his hands up in mock surrender. “I don´t know where it´s from, but at a guess the facility, and whatever it means, it is nothing good!”

  “Fuck! What are they trying to do, smoke us out or something?”

  “Either that, or they´re destroying evidence,” he said gloomily.

  “Damn. Well, we need to move then. If they´re destroying evidence, that sounds like they´re going to abandon the project and the island--the ship will go with them!” She sprang to her feet, the guys had slipped her T-shirt onto her after she’d passed out.

  She was grateful for their thoughtfulness. She quickly pulled on her pants and boots. “Which way to the beach?”

  Armando stood at a distance, talking to the lion shifters. At her question, he said, “I´ll lead, we´re all coming.”

  Moving through the jungle, and at the point where she’d reached lost and absolutely confused, the men shouted out they’d found something. “Over here!”

  She followed and walked out on to a glorious beach. She had no idea how they´d found it, but she was glad that she´d seen it. The beach splayed before them like a poster of paradise, unspoiled perfection, she´d never seen anything like it.

  Sunlight glistened on sparkling water. Waves crashed with white water onto the sand, inviting them to go inside. A warm breeze carrying the scent of the ocean rippled through her hair, caressing her skin.

  It was hard to believe a place of such breathtaking beauty could hide such deadly secrets.

  The group ran along the edge of the beach for speed, not only because it was easier to run on the harder ground nearer the trees, but because they could follow the beach and end up near the facility, but not too close, as they would have done had they walked through the jungle. And they didn’t have to fight the jungle as they moved, which was a relief to Yvonne. If she never stepped foot inside another jungle, it’d be too soon.

  As they neared the compound, the smell of smoke and burnt hair and flesh filled the air with a stench that nauseated her. The thought of what it was combined with the odor, made her want to vomit. She dreaded to think what they were about to happen upon, but she knew it was going to be death.

  “Follow me a minute,” Armando called out quietly. He headed back into the trees. There the smell was worse, more intense.

  Traveling through the jungle, they came upon a smoke-filled pit. As they moved closer, this time she couldn´t hold it back, she ran away from the pit and threw up. She instinctively knew that this had been her real assignment--she´d been a part of this carnage. Holding a hand to her mouth, she tried to hold it back, but she couldn´t, she vomited again. Feeling weak and wobbly, she returned to the men.

  Armando climbed out of the pit, wiping soot from his hands on the ground. “They´ve worked out how to kill us. Yvonne, that tranq. gun you were firing, did you see, what the cats did when the tranquilizer took effect?” he said blackly.

  She gulped and looked wildly at the men, as she tried to concentrate. “I-I didn´t see, they were coming at us on the attack, I had to fire the darts to stop them. I was focusing more on the men in my troop, one opened fire, but a few shot the tranqs. and some froze up. Then a cat jumped me from the back, I couldn´t get a shot off. I was concentrating on that specific cat by then, I-I never noticed, I´m sorry. Why?”

  “I think, the dart does tranquilize the cats, but it reverts them to a partial shift as well. From what Nik´s told me, they altered the virus on him because they wanted there to be three forms, cat, human, and partial. With us, we can´t shift three ways, and if something makes us shift halfway, then we´re vulnerable. They tranq. us, then shoot us while knocked out, and we´re dead because we can’t heal. The guy that opened fire was doing so to kill the sedated cats, not for protection. They must have been preparing to abandon the facility for a few months...”

  “Oh my God,” Yvonne moaned. She stared into the pit, looked into blind eyes, that were unseeing because of something she´d had a hand in.

  She could feel her body start to shake in reaction. There must have been two dozen men in this pit, for the smoke to be as dense as it was in the sky. There were more pits somewhere, more dead men. Men that before the project had screwed with nature, had had families, parents, brothers and sisters.

  They would now be MIA or KIA in Iraq or Afghanistan. Their families would forever be unaware of the sanctioned torture that had happened to their sons, brothers, husbands. She was hauled into a hard chest and hugged tightly.

  “Rafe,” she whimpered into his chest. She knew it was him from his scent alone, she knew them all by scent now.

  “I know, cara, I know,” Rafe whispered into her hair.

  “I helped this happen. How could I have been so fucking stupid?” she moaned, wiping tears from her eyes.

  “You didn´t help this happen, cariña, you thought you were coming to do a job, you didn´t know this was going to be the outcome.”

  “I felt bad enough, when I thought the cats were going to be experimented on again on recapture. But all these men, dead,” she whispered, guilt blanketed her from everything, shame prodded at her with icy fingers. “How could I have done this? Thank God, I found you,” she whimpered and rocked into his chest.

  “Come, muñeca, we have to go,” Rafe whispered into her hair.

  Armando called out to the group, “We´ll set up for the night, as soon as we near a water source. Be careful, now we know they can kill us, before it was an if, now it´s a definite. We´ve all got family to get back to, let´s get back in one piece, huh?”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Querida, wake up.”

  Yvonne awoke at Armando´s nudge in the side. With a jolt, she remembered that awful day and recalled the horrific nightmare she´d been having. The dead men had been chasing her in their partial shift. They´d been firing the tranquilizer guns at her, but every time she was shot, she didn´t fall over in sleep, it just deadened the small area of skin surrounding the
shot. She´d been shot so many times that sixty percent of her body had been numb. She´d still had to run from them though, forever running and forever being chased. She was both relieved and unhappy that she´d been woken up, relieved because she´d wanted to escape the nightmare, and unhappy because it made her think about what she´d taken part in.

  They´d walked a few miles away from the pit that evening, and they´d finally come across another small pool of water, equally as pretty as the one Remy, Armando and Rafe had dragged her to a couple of days ago. But this time, her eyes had been dead, she hadn´t seen anything. She´d dived in, cleaned her mouth by constantly rinsing it with the fresh water, then scrubbed at her skin and her hair. She´d have stayed there all day, scrubbing and cleaning herself, if Remy hadn´t waded in to pick her up and carry her out. She´d clung to him as he´d lain her down on the ground, and he´d clambered down beside her and tugged her into his arms. She´d fallen asleep there, feeling comforted and cared about.

  With Armando beside her now, she knew that they were taking shifts of guarding the camp again, she moved into him. “Armando, I didn´t know, I swear I didn´t know,” she cried helplessly.

  With a soft chuckle, he replied, “Querida, I know you didn´t know, you think you´d be reacting like this if you had? Nah, you´d have been self-righteous, I did it for this, this and that. But instead you vomited, then proceeded to rub at least ten layers of your beautiful caramel brown skin away in cleaning yourself away from what happened. A guilty person doesn´t do that, honey, he defends his actions, argues his cause. Have you done that? No, you haven´t, enamorada, you´ve drowned yourself in shoulda, woulda, coulda. I believe in you, don´t worry.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I remember the first time I killed a man--I´d just been deployed after completing my training, and on my very first day of active duty, this guy walks up to us, we´re in a bunch of four. He says, he´s looking for this place, goes to his pocket, pats it like he´s looking for something, then instead of pulling out a piece of paper like we all thought, he pulls out a gun, aims wildly, shoots one, two of us, so I shoot him. Twice, both clean shots to the heart and head. The guys he´d shot were alright, thank God, they´d survived that round, but there’s always another time, then another and another. It´s never-ending.

  “The night my parents were shot, I knew that I´d avenge their deaths. They were good people, you know, the best. My papa was a pain at times, what father isn´t? But he was a good man, he didn´t deserve to be shot down dead as easy as we´d squash a mosquito. I was so young, and I knew that before I died, I would be a serial killer. I vowed it, an eye for an eye, no way would those bastards live, while my parents rotted in their graves. I enlisted, worked hard, joined the Marines with Rafe, focused on fighting well enough to kill the bastards and surviving. I worked damned hard for the Marines, I was grateful that they were turning me into a killing machine. I worked hard to stay alive. I had to kill them. When I finally did, it was almost anticlimactic. My parents were still dead, it didn´t bring them back again, and I would still never see them again, but I knew in my heart, that I´d avenged them. Even if they couldn´t appreciate it, then I could. My mind was at peace, I could have died then and there, content. But Rafe was with me, we´re like brothers, I had to stay around for him, he gets himself into shit, I have to dig him out. I changed focus, knew that I could start to live my life without being held back by the thought that the cartel was still alive and well, still killing other kid´s parents. The next thing I knew, I´m a leopard and I´m stuck on this island. Again, Rafe´s shit, I´ve got to get us out. We would have been alright if he hadn´t have taken a liking to Katherine Adams, I warned him there was something frickin´ weird about her, but did he listen, no. To be honest, I´m glad I was with him that day, we never used to run together, but that day we did. If he´d disappeared, it would have happened all over again, me focusing my life on killing someone. You may think, cara, that you have killed someone on this island, or at least believe that you helped in their deaths, but you didn´t--you didn´t come out here with murder on your mind. Your mind´s innocent of that, don´t let this drag you down, remember you want to help, are helping, promise me you´ll focus on something else?”

  “Oh Armando, thank you, I...” she hesitated, then leaned over and kissed him on the lips. The topic of conversation had not been passion inspiring, but she longed to feel close to him, needed him to warm her up from the inside out. Her body quickly responded to the press of his body against hers, as did his. Insatiable desire kept her hungry for him, for all of them. Would she ever get her fill of loving these enigmatic men?

  Easing her pants down, she rubbed herself until she was wetter, enjoying the way he watched her rub her clit with his voracious gaze. Smiling, she climbed on top of him, she parted her legs, grabbed his cock then using her hand, guided him through her moist lips deep inside of her.

  Feeling him stretch her cunt felt so right, she wondered how she would ever stop. She settled over him like a blanket and rocked her hips, grinding her swollen clit against the hair-roughened skin of his groin. The friction they made together sent a riot of pleasure trembling through her nerves. She clenched and unclenched on his thick member, enjoying the feel of his hands on her body as they made slow, passionate love.

  His strong fingers gripped her ass, massaging her, coaxing pleasure out of every movement until her breathing and pulse quickened with impending orgasm.

  “You’re a wild child,” he murmured, kissing her deeply, eagerly ramping up their pace to hasten the pleasure.

  She sucked his tongue, loving the taste and feel of him, and soon felt rapture claim her in its embrace.

  They moved as one until exhaustion claimed them both.

  Armando wrapped an arm around her, and together they settled down to sleep.

  She awoke alone, all the men were off doing something, but she knew that there would be one of hers somewhere nearby. She smiled to herself when a pair of luscious lips were pressed to her own, she moaned in satisfaction.

  Feeling Remy´s tongue penetrate her mouth, she dueled with him slightly, then let him play. He broke away, and dragged a hand down over her breasts and he cupped her pussy, “Tu es mienne”

  He smiled then passed her some fruit. She thanked him and sat up to eat her breakfast. She wanted to ask him why he didn´t mind sharing her with Rafe and Armando, but she knew the answer, as she knew why she enjoyed being shared by them. It was as simple as one woman loving one man, these three men were so easy to love--there she´d said it, that it was impossible not to want them, not to need them. Together, alone, two of them, whatever, they were the other part of her, she knew that now, had come to terms with it yesterday, when Armando had soothed her after her nightmare.

  “Where are the others?” she asked.

  “Walk-about. Armando says that the Project has been destroying evidence that they can´t take with them, and packing everything else onto the ships, they´re getting ready to go.”

  “Shit, so soon?”


  “Fuck, fuck, fuck! What are we going to do then?”

  “As soon as all of them get back, me and Armando are off to the facility with Nik, Daniel and Kyle. We´re going to fuck their generators up, the main ones that feed both buildings in the compound. Without them working, all their evidence will be in the shit, so they´ll have to focus on getting them up and running again, and they´ll have all hands on deck to save the most important test results and shit. Either way, they´ll be out of our hair for a while.” Remy shrugged with a grin. He leaned over to nuzzle her hair.

  Her stomach plummeted at the danger they were putting themselves in. She fought with fear and worry over that, then sadness and despair that it was nearly over. They´d be off the island soon, she knew that Armando would do it, he´d push all his energy into making it happen, from what he´d told her last night, she knew that if anyone could do it, he would.

  There was a scramble of sound. Remy perked up beside
her, if he´d been in cougar form, his ears would have pricked up, his hackles raised, and he would have been hissing and on guard.

  The other shifters walked into the small camp. Friends, not foes.

  Remy relaxed against her again, then straightened when Armando called for him.

  “Ready to go, Remy?”

  “Course, mec.” He jumped to his feet and blew her a kiss.

  Armando looked at her intently, she stared back at him. He nodded slightly and she knew that he was telling her he´d be careful. She smiled gratefully and poured all the love she felt for him into that smile.

  “Jake, Connor, you check the perimeter, make sure everything´s okay. Keep a check on the port as well, anything suspicious, make sure to hang around and bring us back the details later, okay? All settled? Right, let´s go.”

  Remy waved at her, she waved back, and this time she kissed her fingers and blew it at Armando. She knew that they would be alright, they had to be, but it didn´t stop her from tensing up as she watched them leave the camp.

  “You were stuck with me, huh?” she asked Rafe.

  He gave her a surprised look that made her melt.

  “Never stuck with you, cara!” he told her sternly, pushing his hair back behind his ears. “What makes you think that I don´t love being with you?”

  “Do you?” she asked quietly, then studied him intently at his small nod. She felt her blood race with anticipation. What did that nod really mean, his silence leant it more significance than just a ´Yes, I do love being with you!´ She wondered if they felt the same way about her as she did about them. A part of her knew that nothing could really come of their relationship, but that didn´t stop her wishing or longing for it.

  “Come here.” He dragged her across the floor and onto his lap. “You don´t have to worry about Remy and Armando, you know.” As he spoke, he rubbed her shoulders, she moved into his caress.

  “Why don´t I?”


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