Rescue Me: Escape From Reality series

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Rescue Me: Escape From Reality series Page 1

by Sara Schoen

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Rescue Me

  Escape from Reality Series, Book #1

  By Sara Schoen


  She’s leaving her family, her job, and her life behind, all to get away from her past. With no plan, she packed her suitcase and took off for a town where she thought she’d be safe. She should have known she wouldn’t be safe anywhere…

  His family has owned the town for generations, but he doesn’t plan to take it over from his father. He has a dream to save others; from the treacherous hiking trails or from themselves. Maybe that’s why he’s so attracted to the newest resident of Escape, Mia. She seems to be silently begging to be rescued. From what, he doesn’t know, but he’ll do anything to rescue her.

  But this rescue may be impossible for the decorated emergency serviceman...

  Rescue Me

  Copyright © 2017 by Sara Schoen

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: May 2017

  Formatting: Stolen Glances Promotions

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental. The town of Escape, Colorado as used in this series is fictional and the product of its authors’ wills and keystrokes.


  Thank you for being persistent, for standing by me through everything, and for being so understanding and loving. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to have by my side. Thank you for everything, Will. You mean the world to me.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  “Thank the Lord.” Cool wind breezed through my shirt, leaving me refreshed after the hot, sticky ride to this middle of nowhere town. Almost two hours crammed into a bus wasn’t as bad compared to the fifteen-hour road trip I had been on before. There had been small towns sprinkled throughout the trip which made it more bearable, but it still wasn’t luxury. I had a backpack filled with food, my laptop, a few essentials, and a suitcase from my old life tucked under the bus. This is what my life had come to; a suitcase. How pitiful. Thankfully the woman who had sold me the house was selling it for a bargain. I had spent everything I had just to buy it in a desperate urge to finally escape...I chuckled at the irony. Maybe that’s why I chose this town.

  Escape, Colorado...What a fitting place for someone running away.

  I got off the bus, rushing toward the hatch to retrieve my suitcase. I was the first one in line, and received my suitcase before making my way toward the visitor’s center inside the bus station. The small fabric suitcase rolling behind me had been with me for years. My mom had given it to me before our first trip to Hawaii when I was in fourth grade. A pang of sadness radiated through me at the thought. I did my best to fight back the tears and the guilt from leaving again. I never wanted to leave my family, but moving was easier than trying to hide from him. Maybe this would be just far enough to keep him from finding me. If not, I’m not sure what I would do. I couldn’t go much further than across the country and 3,500 feet up a mountain.

  “There you are!” a familiar voice called out from behind me.

  I don’t know why I turned around, because I wasn’t expecting anyone to be looking for me; I wasn’t supposed to meet the owner of the house until four. I still had thirty minutes, but I guess she couldn’t wait. When I turned around, I saw Lottie Horsley, who I recognized from the real estate page, with another elderly woman. I quickly turned and swiped the stray tears away before they got close enough to see them.

  “You’re Mia, right?”

  I cleared my throat, banishing the last remnants of guilt and refocusing. I came here to get a fresh start. This isn’t the way to start. “Yes, I am, and you must be, Lottie. It’s nice to finally meet you. Thank you so much for selling me your house...” The sentence trailed off awkwardly once I realized I was babbling. Why did I say that?

  “Well, thank you for buying it. I know it was tight for you, but I’m glad we could work out a deal.” She smiled brightly, causing the woman next to her to laugh at a joke I didn’t understand. Lottie lightly elbowed the woman, who stopped and gave me a mischievous smile. They must be sisters. “You can ignore my sister, Ellie, she thinks it’s funny you bought a house from two old people like us.”

  I laughed awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. I didn’t want to call them old, but both looked to be in their late sixties. Lottie’s blonde hair was on the verge of turning grey, while Ellie had platinum grey hair, which made her look slightly older. Both ladies had soft wrinkles, but the age didn’t reach their eyes, which held a sparkle that was both amazing and terrifying. Why do they seem so giddy to have me here? I gave them a sheepish smile, waiting for them to say something, but when they didn’t I had to. I couldn’t take them staring at me, not saying a word with their matching mischievous smiles. It’s like there was something they weren’t telling me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you like I promised. I wanted to pick up some pamphlets of the town and possibly buy a map so I could get better acclimated.” I gestured toward the pamphlet holder, which looked exactly like all the other ones I had seen in the various hotels and towns I had been in.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that! We got all of that stuff for you before you showed up.” Ellie waved her hand dismissively. “You’re all set to unpack and start exploring!” She smiled brightly, but when she took in how little I was carrying, her face fell. “Honey, is that all you brought? I thought you were moving in, not just coming for the summer.”

  I chuckled nervously as both women glanced at each other, worry clear in their eyes. Why do all grandmothers have to worry? “I’m fine. I like to travel light. I’m sure if I need anything my family will send it to me. There’s really no problem with it.” The back of my neck heated up and traveled toward my cheeks; the embarrassment slowly taking over.

  “Well, if you insist...” Lottie chimed, taking my suitcase from me with a smile. “Let’s get you to your new house! There’s no reason for you to stand here talking with us all day. You have the rest of your time here for that! Let’s get you settled in.” She turned, leaving Ellie and me to follow.

  I begged to carry my own suitcase, but Lottie refused as she and Ellie lead me out of the bus station. As I followed along, watching the tiny old woman carry my bag, I felt a little guilty. The feeling was quickly replaced when the sliding glass doors of the bus station opened to reveal a quaint little town that took my breath away. The park in the center of town was green, well kept, and filled with people o
f all ages and their pets. Each building had its own decorated store front, some of various colors, and string lights hung from the trees, which were beginning to shine in the setting sun. My heart swelled. It reminded me of a small town my family had visited every summer growing up. If I closed my eyes, I bet I could feel like I was there with my family. Memories flooded me, easing the tension in my shoulders. The happiest times of my life flashed in succession. I took a deep breath and returned my focus to Escape, but the memories remained. The warm feelings from Avalon mixed with Escape and left me at peace with the sudden decision to move here.

  “It’s a lovely town, and the people are even better.” Ellie touched my arm lightly, but I reeled back as if she had hit me. Her features contorted to pure shock, taken aback by my reaction. “I didn’t mean to scare you, darling. Just wanted to let you know we are good to go.” She gestured toward the red civic hybrid before getting in herself.

  I wanted to say I was sorry; to say she hadn’t done anything wrong...but the words wouldn’t come out. Every time I tried, they fell flat. I couldn’t explain why I had been frightened by her gentle touch. No one needed to know about my past. It was just easier to start fresh with a clean slate. Eventually I would learn who was safe and who wasn’t, but for now it was just easier to distrust least then I couldn’t get hurt again.

  “Get in!” Lottie called. “We have to finish moving as well. We can’t wait all day.”

  I laughed, a real laugh for the first time in too long. I tried not to let the thought take over and ruin my day. This is a fresh start. This is what I came here for. “I’m coming!” I jogged to the car and slid into the back seat. Lottie wasted no time leaving the bus station behind us and taking me down what seemed to be the only street in the town. I watched as we left the town center behind, passing a police station and an emergency service station that looked oddly similar to the one from my hometown in Virginia. It made me miss home, but I couldn’t go back. Not now, maybe not ever.

  I sighed, watching houses pass by slowly. They started out close together, but as we got further from town they became more dispersed. I didn’t even know where the house I had bought was located, but I knew it was on the lake and that’s just where I wanted to be. Water had always helped me clear my head, and being able to look out over it every day seemed like the medicine I needed.

  “You’ll love the house. I know we did for the last ten years.” Lottie looked out the window, hiding her face from me, but I could hear the love she held for the home in her voice.

  “Why are you guys moving?” I felt bad taking their house. Why did they sell it if they didn’t want to move?

  “We just finished the addition to the dance studio. We built an apartment above it so we could stop commuting. There’s just no reason to anymore. I work in the diner across the street and Lottie teaches dance and runs the daycare.” Ellie shrugged. “Frankly, I think she should give up one of her jobs, but she refuses. She could use some help if you need a job, Mia.”

  “Oh, don’t start that again!” Lottie cried out, playfully swatting at her sister’s shoulder. “I love the kids, let me have this. I don’t need help right now! We are here for Mia, nothing else.” She turned down another street, heading straight toward the lake. I could see the colors of the sunset reflecting on the surface, welcoming me home as Lottie pulled into the rocky driveway of a two-story cabin. “Well, here we are. Your new home. I hope you’re excited because we have a little surprise for you as well!”

  “What’s that?” I questioned, shifting my gaze to them and away from the lake.

  “Grab your stuff and come see!” Lottie exited the car with more enthusiasm and speed than I expected her to have. I guess my grandmother was right; age didn’t slow anyone down, it was all mind over matter.

  I got out of the car, grabbed my bag and suitcase from the back, and made my way toward the house. I took the stairs two at a time, my suitcase in one hand and my backpack slung over my shoulder, and met Lottie and Ellie at the front door. They had the same mischievous grins on their faces as before. They’re hiding something. Fear shot through me for a moment before I forced myself to calm down. Stop it! They’re old ladies, they won’t hurt you.

  “We have a surprise for you,” Ellie said with a growing smile, pulling me from my thoughts. “We know you were having some money troubles and that the price of the house was steeper than you were looking for, so we wanted to do something nice for you.” She opened the door and gestured for me to go inside. I followed the order and entered, leaving my bags at the door. To my surprise, the inside of the house was completely furnished. It was like they had never moved out.

  “I don’t understand...”

  “When we moved in, the tenants before us left some of their stuff to make us feel at home sooner, and now we are doing the same for you. We don’t need it all in the new apartment since we downsized so we thought this would be a great welcome to town gift.” Lottie nudged Ellie playfully, and they both giggled like school girls excited to see their crush.

  “I don’t know what to say...” Looking around, I tried to take in everything they were doing for me. My parents had bargained them down so I could move here, buy a plane ticket, then a bus ticket, and buy groceries for the first week. I didn’t have anything left. I needed a job. I needed to make a new life. I didn’t deserve this. I didn’t deserve any of this...I wasn’t good enough to have this. “I can’t...”

  “Don’t even finish that sentence, honey.” Lottie held her hand up to stop me, lifting her eyebrow as if challenging me to speak up. It was the same look my mom had given me growing up when I was walking on thin ice and about to get into big trouble. “You’re going to have to accept it because we can’t take it all with us, and you’re surely not going to make two old ladies move all this furniture out, will you?” She winked at me, knowing I wouldn’t despite how much I knew I didn’t deserve their gift. “You’ll have to get used to it. People in town are nice, and they’ll want to help you out especially since you showed up with so little.” She glanced back at my bags and I could see the concern in her eyes. I’ve always looked younger than I was and since turning twenty-three I’d already been told multiple times that I look like a late teenager. They probably think I’m in trouble with the law…and they aren’t fair off.

  “Here’s a word of advice; just accept it. It’s easier like that, and if you don’t want it, then you don’t have to keep it. It won’t hurt anyone’s feelings.” Lottie leaned in and gave me a short hug. I remained tense the entire time, unsure of what to do, but eventually she pulled away and wished me good luck unpacking.

  They both went back toward the front door, but before leaving, Ellie turned to me, curiosity in her eyes. “You asked us why we moved...why did you move, Mia?”

  I hesitated, my past coming through in flashes. I tried to fight it, but the memories always won and left me drained and feeling unworthy of anything. “I needed a change of scenery.” The lie left my mouth so easily, but the guilt crashed down on me like a tidal wave. Truth is, I’m running, running from so many people who hurt me, and from one in particular who’s determined to track me down.

  Chapter 2

  I had spent the better part of the last two days organizing and getting rid of stuff I didn’t need or ask for. It’s not that I wasn’t touched by Lottie and Ellie’s gesture, but I was used to living on the essentials. I was used to living out of a suitcase and jumping from town to town with only the items that I absolutely needed.

  I haven’t had most of this stuff since college. I glanced around the room to see the small pile of paintings, furniture, and other miscellaneous items they had left me. I felt bad throwing out their stuff, but they had said it was okay. They would have already taken anything they wanted, so why did I still feel bad?

  Because you’re a letdown and know you don’t deserve this stuff…His words never left me and I doubt they ever would.

  My phone rang somewhere nearby. I tensed momentari
ly, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest as I broke into a cold sweat and utter panic washed over me. This phone is brand new. No one has the number—not even Mom. Who could be calling me? I couldn’t get past the possibility of it being him. The ringtone broke me out of my memory. It couldn’t be him. I’ve moved too far. I’ve covered my tracks. He’s not coming back. I spun in a circle before I heard the vibration and ringtone start again. Racing toward the kitchen, I managed to catch it by the fourth ring.

  “Hello?” I silently berated myself when I heard the fear in my tone. He’s gone. He’s not finding me.

  “Hello, dear! It’s so good to hear your voice. I was worried we had scared you off. I haven’t seen you around town.”

  I let out a sigh of relief at hearing Lottie’s voice instead of his. “No, no nothing like that. I’ve just been organizing and getting the house set up. The cabin is perfect, and I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me. Between the deal on the house and giving me your furniture, I really can’t thank you enough. I just wish...”

  “Don’t even finish that sentence. That’s how people are in this town. We like to give newcomers things, even if it’s junk, so you better get used to it. You’ll only get more stuff as you meet more people. Now that I think of it, someone left a gift for you the day you moved in, but Ellie and I were so excited we forgot to tell you. A wonderful young lady who works at the wellness camp dropped off her mountain bike and we left it in the garage for you. Her name is Kelsey Calvaresi. You’ll meet her eventually, but when we mentioned you didn’t have a car, well, she took it upon herself to give you transportation.”

  “Oh, I can’t take her bike.” I didn’t deserve the cabin for the price they sold it for or the furniture they left me. Yet here they were giving me someone else’s bike. How had I earned any of this?


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