Abandoned but Not Alone

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Abandoned but Not Alone Page 11

by Theresa L. Henry

  They continued chatting about Jason’s ideas only pausing for the delivery of their various courses. When their coffee was placed before them, conversation turned towards Aviva’s plans to stay in California for an extended period of time.

  “So, you’re going to be in town for a while?” At her nod, Jason continued. “Where will you be staying?”

  “The studio has agreed to foot the bill for a short term let. I’ve been looking at a few places online while I was still in New York. I’ve shortlisted three apartments I like. As a matter of fact, I have appointments for viewings tomorrow.”

  “Where are these apartments?” Jason asked, somehow managing to refrain from asking her to remain at his house, with him, while she was in California.

  “Two in Burbank and one Glendale which should put me in close proximity to the studio where I’ll be working.”

  “So you’re going to be working on Carlos’ album?”

  “Yeah, the track I wrote for his last album did really well. So when he asked me to co-write this album, I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve never taken on so large a project for such a well-known and established artist. Normally I just write songs and if someone takes them up, I let them go, move on to the next. If I’m completely honest, this project scares the pants off me. The hours in the studio are going to be long and tiring, and I’ll be there, face to face with one of the most respected R&B artists in the world, working with him, attempting to do my part to make his next album a success. I just hope my creative juices don’t let me down when I need them the most.” Aviva finished with a small smile, realizing she had said too much, revealing her insecurities about the project she had agreed to.

  “Stay with me.”

  “Pardon me?”

  “Stay with me, at my house.” Jason repeated, holding her eyes. “I know you feel this thing that’s developing between us, even if you’re not ready to acknowledge it. We’re both going to be putting in long hours working and I want to see where this could lead; in order for that to happen, we need to have time together, time to get to know each other.”

  “I don’t know Jason…”

  “It’s a big house Aviva, I have the space. You’re there already so why not stay and let’s see how things develop. Just think about it, that’s all I ask.”

  Aviva was taken aback and thrilled at the same time by Jason’s proposal but her overriding feeling was one of uncertainty, things were moving too fast. Jason on a certain level frightened her. The feelings she had for him had swamped her from the moment of their meeting. She had never felt anything like it before, and it scared her. She had her share of boyfriends in the past and she couldn’t say she was disappointed when the relationships had come to an end. They were okay but had never rocked her world. However, she had a feeling Jason was capable of more than rocking her world – he could probably devastate it. “I’ll think about it.” Feeling confused and unsure, she excused herself to go to the powder room.

  As she walked towards the back of the restaurant thoughts of Jason’s offer ran through her mind, should she accept his offer, was it too soon to take such a big step? He didn’t seem to think so. Jason by all appearances had it all; a successful business, good looks and the acumen and charm to carry it all off. Yet something was missing, he seemed lonely, even surrounded by all the trappings of his obvious wealth. Touching up her makeup, she stopped, lip gloss in her raised hand, where did that thought come from? The more she thought about Jason being lonely the more solidly the thought lodged in her mind. Aviva recognized the look in his eyes, it was the same look that stared back at her when she looked in the mirror. Reaching the decision to accept his offer, she quickly finished applying her lip gloss and left the powder room.

  With hurried steps she made her way back to the table, eager to tell Jason she accepted his offer of staying at his house while she remained in California. As she neared one of the tables on her right, one of the men sitting there caught her eye. Jason must have seen someone he knew and had switched seats to speak with him. But, something continued to bother her, the man looked exactly like Jason facially but…different. Of course, she realized a split second later, it was his brother, why the sight of this Jason lookalike had thrown her she had no idea. As she came abreast to the table she stopped and greeted the man and his companion, who also bore a striking resemblance to Jason, the main difference being, he had dark hair. Again she was momentarily thrown, something nagging at the back of her mind, but was unable to tie it down.

  “Hello I'm Aviva, I’m having dinner with Jason, I’m sure he'd like to see you both.” Both men politely stood as she spoke to them. They were very tall, as tall as Jason and just as broad across the shoulders. “You guys look so much alike, I bet you get that all the time right, that twin thing?” She said looking at Jason’s lookalike. “Please come and join us, I’m sure he’d want to see you both.” A strange look passed between the two men, one Aviva was unable to decipher. Looking down at her the Jason lookalike spoke for them both.

  “Yes, of course…we would both very much like to see…Jason. Please lead the way.”

  Well jeez, Aviva thought, they could show a little more enthusiasm as she retraced her steps towards their table. Jason appeared to be signing the check for their meal and was therefore not looking in the direction. When he spotted her, a smile came to his face as he rose from his chair in greeting. Then it happened. His eyes moved sharply up and behind her.

  “Jason, look who I found, your brother. I’m sorry; I didn’t think to ask your names…” Aviva trailed off as she glanced at the men standing together, a look of stunned surprise on their faces. Looking back at Jason she realized he too had the identical look of surprise on his face. Aviva had no idea why they all remained so silent and still. Something was going on – something felt very wrong. A tension surrounded the three men, mounting moment by moment. She didn’t understand what it meant. There it was again, that nagging thought, something she should remember, but she couldn’t think, the tension emanating from the men pulling her in, muddling her thoughts.

  Jason was the first to recover, grabbing hold of Aviva’s arm, pulling her towards him as though frightened the strangers might snatch her away.

  “Who the hell are you people?” Jason rumbled his voice as low as Aviva had ever heard it, menace written all over his face.

  At exactly the same moment, Jason’s lookalike asked the same question. “Who are you?”

  “Don’t do that” Jason said to his double, “don’t answer my question with a question, I don’t like it. So I’ll repeat, who the hell are you people?” By now Jason, if it were possible, looked even more menacing than he had moments before.

  “You need to calm down buddy and, for the record, you don’t get to give me orders, you got that?” Jason’s lookalike said taking a long step forward.

  The brother with the black hair chose that moment to step in between Jason and his lookalike who were both leaning towards each other. “You both need to calm down, you’re causing a scene, people are beginning to look at us, not to mention you’re both scaring the little lady.”

  As if just recalling her presence, Jason turned and looked down at a confused Aviva standing by his side. “I’m sorry Angel, it’s okay, these men were just leaving,” he said pointedly.

  “The hell we are, I want some answers!” The lookalike rumbled through clenched teeth.

  “For the record, you don’t get to give me orders, sound familiar, well right back at ya, buddy.” Jason taunted.

  Aviva had had enough; this ping pong of verbal taunts was inane, and she wouldn't let it continue. She also felt the need to attempt to rectify the situation after all she had been the one to invite the men over to their table, albeit with no idea that that they were strangers. The thought that had been nagging at her mind finally come to the fore while the men threw barbs at each other. Steve had told her that Jason had been brought up in foster care until he came to live with him and his parents – he had no livin
g relatives. Yet standing before her was obviously his twin brother and a younger sibling.

  The blonde giants had reached an impasse, neither of them appeared willing to back down, neither of them listening to the dark haired giant. Well she was going to make them listen to her, all five-feet-four of her. “All of you sit down, at once!” Three pairs of black eyes widened in identical stares of astonishment. “Yes I’m talking to all of you. I want you to stop embarrassing yourselves and me. Now sit down! Do it now! Anyone would think you were children throwing a tantrum. I’m here to tell you, tantrums coming from your over grown asses, and take my word for this, is definitely not a good look. Therefore, I suggest we all take a seat and discuss this situation as the adults your size suggests you all to be.”

  The dark haired brother snapped a salute, flashing a cheeky smile. Oh Lord, she thought, this one’s got dimples too. She couldn’t help it, she blushed. Noticing their byplay and her reaction, Jason stepped in front of Aviva severing their eye contact.

  “So, who the hell are you supposed to be, Casanova? Back the hell off before I do it for you,” he threatened, not liking that Aviva had fluttered her eyelashes and he would bet good money she was blushing. The tension in his shoulder raised another notch; he was on the verge of losing it. The younger man must have recognized Jason was close to the edge and took up a defensive stance. Just as an almost uncontrollable urge to throw a punch overtook him, Jason felt a gentle hand rubbing over his back. Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breaths, in through his nose, out through his mouth. When he reopened his eyes the man who looked so much like him was standing at his brothers’ side, a united front. Aviva took hold of Jason’s hand; her silent show of support, his united front.

  Drawing in another breath, Jason turned back to the table and held out a chair for Aviva to be seated while the brothers removed chairs from an empty table and placed them opposite them. Once seated, the men who moments before had had so much to say all fell silent, sizing each other up. Aviva shook her head and rolled her eyes in exasperation at their continued stand-off.

  Deciding she would have to be the one to break the silence she said the first thing that came into her mind. “Well this is so much more civilized, don’t you think?”, her British accent evident, a tell-tale sign of her nervousness. At her comment and the sound of her accent the brothers looked over at her, leaving off eyeballing Jason for a moment. Jason didn’t bother, he had heard it before, he just continued to throw daggers of hostility at the other men seated at the table.

  “Jason, why don’t you signal the waiter so we can all order something to drink while we talk?”

  “They can get their own damn drinks.” Jason responded, eyes cold with dislike. Aviva couldn’t believe his rudeness, so she kicked him under the cover of the table.

  “What was that for – what did I do?” Jason inquired, belligerent at her attack on his shin. Ignoring him, she crossed her hands on top of the table, verbally reiterating her thoughts about the need for everyone to have a drink, not because she wanted to, but because the stubborn men refused to utter a single word, engrossed as they were in their stand-off of suspicion.

  “Would you both like a drink, I know I would, I’m parched.” Silence. “Is it warm in here or is it just me?”

  “It’s just you.” Jason responded without moving his eyes in her direction. Aviva huffed but remained silent.

  The dark haired one signaled for a waiter, before turning back to Aviva with a twinkle in his eyes. “What would you like to drink, Dear One?” Jason’s lookalike dropped his head into his palms while the real Jason’s muscles bunched as his arm shot out to grab hold of the dark haired brother. He never made contact, Aviva gripped his extended arm, the force of his movement slightly lifting her from her seat while pulling him back with all her might. She didn’t try to fool herself, she wasn’t strong enough to stop him if he had really wanted to make contact, rather he stopped because he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Seriously man you need to relax, that’s some temper you got there.” The dark haired brother drawled, shaking his head as though concerned for Jason’s well-being.

  “Will you shut the hell up you provoking little turd.”

  “Who the hell are you calling provoking”

  Aviva laughed at the dark haired brother’s antics and he gave her a wink to go along with his conspiratorial smile. Jason stiffened at the wink but made no further attempt to go for him. The waiter arrived and they placed their order for a round of drinks: Aviva ordered a glass of white wine and a glass of water, Jason ordered a whiskey as did the other men. When the waiter departed to fill their order, the dark haired brother held out his hand to Aviva and introduced himself.

  “My name is Joshua Kingdom and this is my brother Jacob. We already know your first name and a very pretty name it is too, it is only surpassed by your beauty.” Jason and Jacob rolled their eyes at Joshua’s flattery. Seeing their reaction from the corner of her eyes, Aviva feigned mock insult. “What, you both don’t agree that my name is only surpassed by that of my beauty?” Looking back and forth between them, she was confronted by a pair of singular raised eyebrows. Fascinated, she blurted out, “Jason, did you see that, he does the exact same thing you do with your eyebrow.” Jason had seen but remained obstinately silent. Forced to push the conversation forward, she once again took matters into her own hands in order to complete the introductions. “My full name is Aviva Johnson and this is Jason King.” The similarities of their first and last names not lost on any of them.

  “Jason, our father is staying at the Kingdom hotel just down the road, would you like to come and meet him.” Joshua’s questions carried with it a hopeful look on his face. Jason pushed back his chair so fast it flew a good foot before coming to a stop. “I have to get out of here.” Without a backward glance he walked rapidly past the waiter who was returning with their drinks without sparing him a second glance. As soon as Jason had pushed back his chair, Jacob and Joshua rose to their feet, watching him and then his departure. Unable to comprehend what had been said to so rile him, it took a few more moments for Aviva to process his rapid departure.

  “God, I never meant for that to happen. It wasn’t my intention to hurt him.” Joshua whispered, the sparkle leaving his dark eyes.

  “I know little brother, it’s not your fault, it was just too much information all at once. Not only was he presented with a twin brother, a pain in the butt younger brother, but a father as well. If it were me, I’d be reeling too.”

  Pushing back her chair, Aviva hurried after Jason. She knew he was confused, disconcerted and probably hurting by the discovery of so much family when he had spent his entire life thinking he had no blood relatives. Bursting through the main door of the restaurant she looked up and down the street, desperately searching for a sight of him.

  At Aviva’s hurried departure Jacob took out his wallet, withdrew a crisp hundred dollar note, and threw it on the table to follow behind his already departing brother. He opened the door that led outside to find his brother holding a crying Aviva in his arms.

  “Let me go Joshua, I have to find him, he needs me, I have to find him!”

  “We don’t know where he’s gone. You say you didn’t drive to the restaurant so he could be anywhere right now.”

  “Please let me go, I need to at least look for him. He shouldn’t be along right now, he needs somebody – he needs me!”

  “Listen to me,” Jacob said rubbing her back. “He left you with us because he knew, even if it was on a subconscious level, we would look after you. He knows our name and where we’re staying. Come back with us, wait for him at our hotel. From what little I’ve seen of how he responds to you we won’t have long to wait. Believe me, he just needed a little time and space to clear his head.” At her hesitation, Jacob urged again not giving her a chance to comment. “Come on Aviva, you know I’m right. There’s no way he would just leave you.”

  “Listen to him, we can’t all just stand here unti
l he turns up, and there’s no way we’re going to let you go running around this city searching for a needle in a haystack. He’ll come to you once he’s had time to cool down.”

  Their words had merit but she was very worried about him. Jason had gone through so much today. First the whole debacle with Hope and now this, how much more could he take before he snapped. Joshua dried her eyes with the handkerchief he removed from his inside pocket, waiting patiently for her decision as to whether she would accompany them to their hotel.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you, but let me see if he’ll pick up if I call him.” Aviva opened her purse to look for her cell phone only to see she had left it behind. “I don’t have, I don’t have my cell,” she wailed, fresh tears springing to her eyes as she looked up at Joshua. Not realizing that even if she had her phone she would still be unable to contact him, she didn't know his number. At the sight of her tears, panic gripped him, exchanging a look with his brother who looked equally unsure of how to deal with her tears. Their expressions were so comical, Aviva bit down on her bottom lip in an attempt to master her emotions. It would seem these huge men, who appeared to be able to rumble with the best of them, had no idea how to deal with a crying woman.

  “Sorry, it’s okay, see no more tears, don’t worry. Let’s go to your hotel and wait for Jason.” She said patting them both on their massive arms.

  The look of relief that passed between them would have made Aviva laugh under normal circumstances, but she was so worried about Jason; she had to look away as tears once again welled in her eyes.

  “Come on, honey” Jacob said as he placed her arm through his to begin the walk to their hotel a block away. None of them spoke, all lost in thought as to the turn of the evening’s events. Aviva wondered where Jason was and if he was alright. Jacob was still reeling, he had a twin brother who he hoped was okay and Joshua mentally kicked himself for throwing their father into the mix just when it appeared Jason was calming down and would begin to speak to them. Both brothers wondered how their father would take the news of a son that he hadn’t known existed.


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