Abandoned but Not Alone

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Abandoned but Not Alone Page 21

by Theresa L. Henry

  “Everything’s fine, just business stuff, Steve and I will work it out.”

  “Are you sure that’s it. If you’re thinking about Jackson and your brothers, I already spoke to them. They agree that you all need time to come to terms with recent events. I just had breakfast with them in the dining room. They're waiting to say goodbye to you. Jason, will you do me a favor?”

  “Anything Angel, what do you need?”

  “I need for you to try to meet them half-way. I know this is hard for you – but they really want you to be a part of them. Please try to give them a chance to prove that to you. They're as much victims as you are…and Jason, even if you don’t think you need them right now, now that they know about you, they need you.”

  Taking a deep breath Jason momentarily held in his inhalation, allowing her words to wash over him. His decision was made, solidified as he had lain beside her in bed earlier that morning as the sun topped the horizon with the beginning of another day. Ready to admit to himself that, as they wanted and needed him now that they were aware of his existence, so the longing in him was growing for them to be a permanent part of his life.

  “I’ll go speak to them in a moment. Don’t worry; I told you already, I just need some time to adjust. It’s going to work out.” Thinking the conversation was way too serious for so early in the morning Jason decided to go for a laugh to lighten the mood. “Well it will work out if number two stops all the staring crap – that dude is creeping me out. It’s bad enough I have to see my own face looking back at me whenever he’s around, let alone all the brooding contemplation.” Closing his eyes for a brief moment Jason shuddered in mock horror.

  “Get over yourself will you. For all you know you might be Jacob number two – did that ever occur to you.”

  “Bite your tongue woman – he is definitely a clone of me, not the other way around.”

  Aviva shook her head as she laughed at his antics. Jason noticed for the first time that she was dressed and ready to go out. Recalling that today was her first day on the job gave Jason pause. It was also the first day she would be locked in a studio with Carlos. Knowing not to bring it up, Jason left his seat and strolled towards Aviva ready to give her a reminder of who she belonged to. Completely convinced of his prowess he was confident that once he was finished reminding her of what he had to offer, Carlos the man would be the last thing on her mind.

  “You ready to leave for the studio?”

  “Yep, I’m just about good to go. Are you sure you’re alright. You look sort of funny, pensive – is anything else on your mind?”

  “I told you, just business stuff. Steve and I will work it out. All you need to worry about today is making Pretty Boy sound good.”

  Rolling her eyes Aviva counted to ten before answering Jason’s snide comment. “Don’t start with me Jason. Carlos happens to be a very talented artist. Yes he’s good looking but that doesn’t mean he’s not good at what he does.”

  “So how are you going to handle being locked away in a studio all day with Pretty Boy?”

  Giving Jason a stern look Aviva used a tone of voice that would leave him in no doubt to her resentment of his implication that she was unable to spend a day with a handsome man without something untoward taking place. What did the man think; because she had fallen into his arms almost as soon as she had met him, she was some kind of sex maniac. Aviva suddenly saw Jason’s vulnerability reflected in his dark eyes. Her job was important to her, well aware that many people wished they were in the same position as she, working at a job they loved, and had an aptitude for. Unwilling to have anything or anyone, intentionally or unintentionally taint her accomplishment Aviva answered in the only way she knew how – with honesty. “I’m going to handle being locked away with Carlos the same way I would handle any business situation; as a professional.”

  Duly chastised, Jason advanced towards Aviva concerned he may have offended her with his off the cuff comment, which had not been his intention. “I’m sorry; I know you’re a professional…”

  “Whatever Jason, all I’m telling you is – don’t come anywhere near me right now.”

  Taken aback by her aversion to his approach, Jason halted his advance, momentarily stunned into immobility.

  “Baby, you stink. If you think I’m starting my new job covered in man funk – you’ve got another think coming. Oh and by the way, I’m sure you won’t mind if I use the Bentley.” Without waiting for a reply Aviva blew Jason a kiss on her way out the door.

  Coming out of his stupor Jason followed her but only saw the front door closing in her wake. Wresting his attention back, he pulled into focus the men standing in the foyer. Feeling awkward and not liking it, Jason approached them silently, his steps tentative.

  Jackson was the first to speak. “We’re leaving now. I know this has been difficult for you. Honestly, it’s been hard for all of us. We spoke with Aviva at breakfast and we want you to know we will abide by whatever dictates you lay down – for now. But Jason, let me make myself absolutely clear; you are my son…” Jackson swept his hand to indicate the two men standing silently beside him, “… and these are your brothers none of us intend to forget that. You need time, we’ll give you time; but if you don’t come to us – we’ll come to you. I know you think you’re a bad ass and maybe you are, but then so are we, but three against one, you lose. Remember that.”

  Jason was stunned that Jackson, in the same breath was giving him what he wanted, time and an ultimatum. His next words were a testament to the validity of Jason’s premise, “I’ll give you time, but only so long. Then you will comply with what I want. You will come to us or we will come for you.” Jason snorted in his mind knowing on an intuitive level that he shouldn’t let the sound leave his mouth within Jackson's hearing. The man had to be out of his mind, didn’t he know by now that he didn’t take ultimatums from anyone, least of all from a man who thought he could be controlled with threats.

  “Do you understand what I have just said, Jason?”

  “I’m not deaf or stupid, I heard you…”

  As quick as a whip Jackson came back at Jason, cutting him off from finishing what he was sure would be a disrespectful comment. “I did not inquire after the ability of your hearing, boy. I inquired as to whether you understood what I have said to you. That is the only answer I require.” Jackson understood hard men. He had been brought up by them; his grandfather had been such a man. He had become such a man through necessity and he had taught his sons to be hard men – but with a difference. He had taught them to know when to show compassion, it had its place. He had shown Jason, the son he never knew he had, the compassion he taught the sons he had had the privilege of raising. He now knew that was not the tack that would work with Jason. He had experienced too many hard knocks throughout his life, knocks that he Jackson, through no fault of his own had not been there to protect and shield him from. As much as his heart ached for his lost son, now returned to the fold; wrapping him in kid gloves was not going to break through the barriers that surrounded him and kept him from accepting them. Jackson hardened his heart that was breaking at all Jason had endured throughout his life. Wishing, praying that he could take unto himself the suffering his child had gone through – but he couldn’t, it had been ordained that this burden was his alone to bear – until now. Now the three of them were finally here to share it with him, if he would let them. Jackson recognized stubbornness when he encountered it, after all it was a family trait, and he was the elder statesman.

  Seeing the deadliness of the look directed towards him, the fight all but went out of Jason. The enormity of what he now juggled descended on his shoulders, a giant weight that was his burden to bear. A new family: one man who looked exactly like him, his twin, another whose similarities left no doubt they were related and an older replica of himself who was bent on giving him ultimatums – showing him that in the end he would bend to his will. Then there was Steve, who for the first time was demonstrating behavior that raised doubts,
doubts as to whether they remained a united force against a world who would devour two lost boys. Aviva was the only person making sense in his life. She was grounding him, his lodestone in a mire of uncertainty that had suddenly and without warning encompassed his life.

  Plastering his hair against his head Jason ran his hands over his head, eyes closed. He needed sleep – badly. Unable to deal with another war of words he complied, “I hear you, I just need time. I promise I’ll be in touch – I just need some time…”

  Jake and Josh took a step towards him at the sight of his anguish. Jackson stopped them with a barely discernibly movement of his hand. “It’s yours; just remember what I’ve said, you come to us or we’ll come to you.”

  Without a word all three men turned and walked through the front door their aura of unity leaving Jason feeling as though he had rejected something he had always hankered for – blood relations.

  Chapter 15

  Six Weeks Later

  Arriving home from her last day at the studio; Aviva headed towards Jason’s office to surprise him at her early arrival. After weeks of early starts and late arrivals home, they both needed some quality time together. The post production meeting of earlier that morning had gone well. The studio executives were all pleased with the final tracks for Carlos' album and had signed everything off.

  It had been hard, frustrating work. While she loved Carlos; the man was a complete diva to work with. A perfectionist, she could understand that, she was the same way herself. But the late arrivals and unreasonable objections to the production of almost all of the tracks had been a constant frustration. Carlos would pose his objections, most of which were nonsensical, argue his point with dogged determination only to capitulate shortly thereafter. The man had been a nightmare to work with this time around.

  Opening Jason’s office door Aviva was startled by Drake who appeared as if from nowhere Gasping she clutching her chest in surprise at his sudden appearance. “Goodness, Mr Drake, you scared the lights out of me.”

  It would seem that she wasn’t the only one startled, Drake looked equally surprised to see her standing in the doorway. “What are you doing here? Excuse me Miss, what I mean is, you startled me. I wasn’t expecting you home so early.” A look passed over Drake's face that Aviva had difficulty deciphering. He resembled a child who had been caught with his had in the cookie jar when he had explicit instructions to the contrary.

  “What are you doing in here Mr Drake, I thought Jason didn’t allow anyone in his office unless he was present?”

  “Of course you’re correct Miss, but the room really needed a going over and I thought I would take the opportunity while Mr Jason was out. I hope you will keep my little cleaning stint to yourself. It’s just that I take the running of this house seriously and I want all to be in tip top shape, even if Mr Jason is such a busy man that we can hardly find an opportunity to get into this room. I’ve just completed my inspection of the room and all seems to be in order. If you’ll excuse me, I should get back to my other duties.” Bowing Drake left his position behind Jason’s desk and exited the room; leaving a slightly baffled Aviva staring after his departing back. His story was completely plausible but something felt off. Looking around the room Aviva saw that it did indeed look more tidy than normal, therefore she put her feelings of unease to the back of her mind.

  Reaching for her cell, Aviva pressed the number one to speed dial Jason and waited for the connection. He answered after the third ring, “Hi Angel, how are you?”

  “I’m good, I just got home. I was hoping to surprise you.”

  “What did you just say?”

  “I said, I just got home, I wanted to surprise you – and instead I find Mr Drake in your office who informed me you’re out.”

  “Did you just say ‘home’?”

  “Jason, what the heck are you talking about – where are you?”

  “That’s the first time you’ve call my place home, do you realize that?”

  Aviva was silent for a few moments as she thought about Jason’s comment. He was right. His house did now feel like home. Laughing, Aviva turned a little bashful, “Do you mind, it does sort of feels like home after all these weeks?”

  “What do you think, Angel? I’ve been waiting for one little comment from you to tell me you’re where you really want to be – and when I finally get it, you ask me if I mind. Hell no, I don’t mind, my plan is finally coming together. I just hope this means I can finally give my back a break.”

  “Jason King, what are you talking about?”

  “Come on Angel, you have to admit that you are totally into my body. ‘Oh yeah, Jason right there, yeah baby, just like that, do me just like that…” Jason mimicked in a hoarse high whisper, imitating Aviva’s voice while in the throes of passion.

  “Jason, shut up. Where are you? If anyone just heard you I’ll kill you, do you hear me?”

  “Relax Angel, nobody heard me. As for where I am, I’m on my way home. I had some errands to run…I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I said it was a surprise. If I tell you what it is, it no longer becomes a surprise, you understand that concept, right?”

  “Whatever, you big brained twit, having a high IQ is so over rated.”

  “You say that now – but when I’m using this big brain to think up different ways to use my big…”

  “You’re such a shaper, you talk big over the phone…but I have to wait to see what you’ve really got. I hope all the reality lives up to all the talk.”

  “Them there’s fighting words. I don’t like being called a shaper, why don’t we find out if I can make you come in…oh, let’s say…ten minutes. Uh hum.”

  Aviva gave a small scream as she spun round to find Jason leisurely propped against the door jam, phone to his ear. Ending the call he threw the handset which landed on the nearby couch. Strolling towards a still startled Aviva who had yet to have the presence of mind to remove the phone from her ear, Jason laughed at her wide-eyed expression of shock mixed with eager anticipation at what to expect of her taunting of his sexual prowess.

  Aviva shivered with anticipation. The look in Jason’s eyes told its own story – it was on. Taking a step backwards, Aviva again spoke into the phone still pressed firmly to her ear. “Ten minutes you say…what do I get if it doesn’t happen in ten minutes?”

  Jason took a step forward, one of his long strides matching two of Aviva’s. Looking down at his watch, Jason glanced back up at Aviva from under his brows. “Make that nine minutes. Keep backing up Angel, it’s all the same to me. I’m a man of my word, I promised to make you come in ten minutes and my word is my bond. Keep running, you may not know this about me, but I love a good chase.”

  Aviva stared into Jason’s eyes as she taunted him with a catch me if you can look; while taking three more rapid steps backward. For good measure she bit down on her plump lower lip, released it slowly through her teeth before running her tongue across her top lip to leave a sheen of moisture in its wake. Finally remembering she still clutched the phone to her ear, Aviva disconnected and tossed it on the couch. Jason’s eyes followed the discarded phone with the rise of an eyebrow.

  “I was wondering how long you were going to speak to me through that thing. Eight minutes, Aviva. Her temperature elevated as moisture settled between her legs. This man was so hot. His eyes that refused to release hers had darkened to black, fixed on her, refusing to let her go, filled with the promise of keeping his word. Running her fingertips down her neck she continued to retreat, Jason continued to advance. Risking a glance down Jason’s body Aviva saw the evidence of what she had in store. His erection stood out long and hard, pressing against the front of his trousers. As Aviva’s eyes roamed across the bulge of Jason’s erection, it twitched and grew even longer, harder. Moving with a speed that frightened a small gasp out of her, Aviva realized her mistake. Jason flashed out a hand and snagged her by the waist, reeling her in towards his hard body.
br />   “Always watch the eyes Angel, didn’t anyone ever tell you that? I now make it seven minutes, but don’t worry, I got this.”

  Aviva had been so preoccupied with watching Jason she hadn't registered that he had been maneuvering her towards the wall. She did now, and she didn’t care. All she could think about was seven minutes. Pressing her against the wall with his big body, Jason swooped down and took her lips in a bruising kiss, thrusting his tongue into her eager mouth. Tongues dueling they thrust greedy for the taste of each other, a back and forth imitation of what was to come. Jason wasted no time as he bent his legs, inserting a muscular thigh that pressed against her center; flexing his knees up and down, ensuring each contact exerted pressure in just the right place. She could feel the evidence of his arousal, hard, demanding, grinding against her.

  One of Jason’s hands passed along the exposed skin of her neck, over her shoulder, down her throat to settle over her breast waiting his attention. He massaged it firmly, his thumb running back and fore over her sensitive nipple. Needing more contact and with no time to waste, Jason gathered the folds of her blouse and pulled sharply scattering buttons that bounced across the hardwood floor. Still another barrier remained, wasting no time he again made short work in removing this last restriction to his goal. Without pause, he hungrily latched on to her exposed breast taking as much of her as he could into his hot mouth sucking long and hard. Aviva gasped at the feel of his mouth against her over heated flesh. Holding his head against her she arched her back to give him better access to take what he wanted, what she wanted.

  Breathing hard, Aviva could feel each pull on her breast travel down her body, settling between her legs, sending floods of moisture to her damp panties. Slightly moving his lower body to one side, Jason’s hands traveled down her legs, gathering up her skirt on their way back up, his hands moving towards their final goal. Another barrier, rip, removed. Finally, soft, smooth flesh. Running his fingertips along her opening, Jason pressed back and up with each passing, gathering the evidence of her arousal, her need for him as he moved on.


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