One Last Gift_A Small-Town Romance

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One Last Gift_A Small-Town Romance Page 9

by Nancy Stopper

  “Stop thinking so hard. It’s going to be okay.”

  He lowered her to the bed and followed her down, his jean-clad thigh pressing right where the urgency was building in her core. He drew back a moment, his gaze locking on hers, as he slid his hand down and cupped her breast. She relaxed and closed her eyes, allowing herself to feel what she hadn’t in so long.

  He brushed over her nipple and coursing sensations shot through her body. Oh God, it was too much. He’d always known exactly how to turn her on, what she liked, and he was pulling out all the stops now.

  He reached between them, flipping the clasp on her bra. Cool air blew over her nipples, making them even harder. He lowered his head and took a bud between his lips and she was gone. Everything else fell away and it was just the two of them, together.

  Jack lavished the other with attention.

  She fumbled with the button on her jeans. “Off. I want these off.”

  Jack chuckled. He slid down her body and slowly—dang, this was taking forever—lowered her zipper.


  He quirked his brow but only dropped to the floor and grabbed her foot. Without taking his eyes off her, he slid her sock down. Why was he torturing her like this? He then did the same to the other and finally gripped the cuffs of her jeans and pulled. She lifted her hips and helped, dragging her panties off with her pants.

  What would he think of her body now? She wasn’t the small, thin girl she’d been when they were together before. Her hips were rounder, and no matter how much she exercised, she couldn’t get rid of the little pooch leftover from having Riley. And no amount of lotion faded the marks on her hips.

  But none of that seemed to matter to Jack as he kissed his way up her body.

  His lips heated the skin behind her knee. “You.” He placed a kiss on her hip. “Are.” He slid up her body, fitting his bare chest against her sensitive breasts. “Beautiful.” Considering the intensity in his gaze, she couldn’t help but believe him.

  He climbed onto the bed and wrapped himself around her. His legs tangled with hers. When had he taken off his jeans? She’d been so focused on what he was doing to her that she hadn’t noticed. Now only his thin boxer briefs separated them. She slid her hands into the waistband and grabbed his tight ass, pulling him to her. His cock was hot and thick, and the tip poked out above the band.

  “A little anxious, are we?” But that didn’t stop him from shifting, rotating his hips against her core as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. He swallowed her moan and followed with one of his own. “God, you feel so good.”

  She broke the kiss. “I want more. I need you, Jack.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He stood and stripped off his boxers. His erection sprang to life, thick and ready.

  Her eyes widened. Had he been that big when they were together before?

  Jack grabbed a condom off the bed. He ripped the wrapper and sheathed himself before laying back down beside her. There was nothing between them now, skin to skin, soul to soul.

  His lips returned to her neck and his hand slid down her body, brushing through her curls and parting her folds. He stroked her with a single finger and she arched her back, her breasts pushing into him. He circled her core and then thrust two fingers into her, stroking and twisting until she couldn’t stand it anymore. She wiggled her body, trying to drive him further into her, begging for release.

  But Jack withdrew his fingers. She couldn’t help the whine that escaped her lips. But her disappointment didn’t last long. Jack settled his hips between her legs, brushed his lips over hers, and just as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, he entered her.

  She gasped as he fully seated himself, the tip of him brushing deep inside her. It was like he reached in and grabbed hold of her soul. She wrenched her mouth away and her head fell back as she huffed in a breath. Jack pulled back and then thrust again, quickly establishing a rhythm that urged her higher and higher with each stroke. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding tight as he drove her out of control. Tension built deep within her, spreading to every part of her body. She was so close.

  Then Jack stretched between them and rubbed her intimately. White lights exploded behind her eyes and she screamed as the orgasm crashed through her. Every cell of her body cried out with pleasure, and she moaned as wave after wave washed through her.

  Jack quickened his strokes, and a minute later, he tumbled over with her, groaning in her ear. Eventually, his thrusts slowed and he withdrew before lowering his body beside her. He lay there while they both struggled to breathe.

  “Hold on a sec.” He hopped up to dispose of the condom but came right back to her and gathered her in his arms, pulling her close.

  “That was, uh…” She couldn’t put into words how she felt right now. And it wasn’t just the unbelievable orgasm. It was something more—the connection she and Jack shared hadn’t vanished, even after all these years.

  “Yeah,” he huffed on a breath, his lips brushing her hair.

  A few minutes later, Jack’s breathing evened out. He’d never had a problem falling asleep. She on the other hand was wide awake, her mind racing with everything that had happened. In the few weeks since Sid’s heart attack, her entire life had been turned upside down, and she wasn’t one hundred percent sure all of it was for the better.

  What would happen when Jack left? He’d asked her to trust him, but what chance was there that he wouldn’t break her heart like he had last time? Sure, he’d had a great job offer in Boston after school, and he’d asked her to go. But he hadn’t understood how she wasn’t ready to leave their son behind, with no one to visit his grave and tell him what was going on in their lives. She couldn’t go with Jack.

  Jack sighed and tightened his grip around her waist. His lips moved to her neck and he nuzzled in close. “What’s wrong?”

  She sank back into the warmth and safety of his arms. It wouldn’t do any good to bring up old wounds. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

  THE SKY HAD just started its transition from the inky black of night to the deep navy of dawn when Jack awoke to the sweetest feeling—Casey’s bottom snuggled firmly against his groin. His arm was wrapped around her and her fingers linked with his where they rested on her breast. He could get used to this. Making love to Casey before falling asleep in her arms and waking up to do it all over again. If only it were that simple. He had his company to consider and she had her son.

  Their situation wasn’t nearly as uncomplicated as it had been when their toughest decision was where to go to dinner.

  Before she’d become pregnant. Before they’d lost Travis. And before he’d left her behind.

  She sighed and snuggled closer to him, brushing against his erection that was growing painfully harder by the minute. With only a slight shift, he could be inside her, making love to her again. But they hadn’t discussed what would happen this morning. What time was Riley coming home? What was she prepared to tell her son about their relationship?

  So as much as he hated to, he gently released her fingers and slid out of bed. She sighed again and he froze. She looked so cute sleeping there, her hair tousled on her pillow, her bare shoulder peeking from beneath the quilt. He couldn’t stop staring at her as he yanked his pants on. Her lips were slightly parted, a gentle smile on her face as she slept. She was so beautiful and he was a lucky bastard to be here with her. He just had to find a way not to wreck it.

  After tucking his phone in his pocket, he leaned over and pressed his lips to her shoulder. She purred and reached for him. If only he could stay. He slid his lips up her neck and whispered in her ear. “You’re beautiful when you’re sleeping. Don’t wake up.”

  Chapter Twelve

  A FEW MORNINGS later, like he had every day since he’d been home, Jack booted up his laptop. Today his inbox was filled with a flurry of frantic emails from Dan. Issues that only Jack could address. His remote work arrangement had been sufficient to this point, but this morning was discourag
ing. How could he find a way to make it work with Casey? He was needed in Boston, but he wanted to be here. With her.

  He hadn’t given his business the attention he typically did since he’d been home, and in another circumstance, that would bother him more than it did. Because for the first time, he had a life outside of work and was looking for a balance he hadn’t previously desired.

  After several Skype calls, the fervor died down and Dan and Abigail had their assignments. Jack would have to check in later in the day, but for now, he could finally shut down his laptop and focus on the life in front of him. His typical fifteen-hour days behind a desk were nowhere to be seen. And he didn’t miss them. That was the most shocking part of all.

  He climbed out of the truck, several hours late for his shift at the lot, with a spring in his step. It was all because of Casey. He couldn’t wait to see her. They had only been able to grab a few stolen moments since their night together, and that wasn’t enough for him.

  Customers were already traipsing through the rows of trees, the excited voices of children filling the air, when he approached the lot. With less than ten days before Christmas, the crowds were growing. A group of kids gathered on the side of the lot where their closest neighbor kept his matched pair of mares. He wondered why they weren’t running sleigh rides this year. Seeing the horses inspired Jack. He pulled out his phone and a few text messages later, everything was set.

  After trudging through the greenhouse, he poked his head into the office door and thankfully found Casey alone. He closed the door with a click and crossed the room, pulling her into his arms.

  “I missed you,” he said just before he lowered his head. Her arms snaked around his neck and she pressed her body against his. Just that one touch and he was hard as a rock. It had never taken much with Casey, but these days, the mere thought of her had him adjusting his zipper.

  She broke the kiss and rested her forehead on his chest. “You saw me yesterday. You haven’t had time to miss me.”

  “Oh, yes, I have. I missed you at dinner and when I sat on the couch watching TV. I missed you when I climbed into bed alone and then when I woke up without you beside me. Every minute I’m not with you, I miss you.”

  Casey’s gaze locked with his, desire swirling in her blue eyes. He was caught in the whirlwind, unable to turn away. He was just lowering his head to take her mouth again when there was a knock at the door and it swung open. “Hey, Casey, I— oh, sorry, Jack. It’s just there’s a man out here who wants to speak with you about some last-minute group arrangements.”

  The employee backed out of the doorway and pulled it closed behind her.

  Jack tightened his arms around Casey. “Now, where were we?”

  She pushed on his chest and backed away. “Not now, Jack. I have work to do. And so do you.”

  “Go out with me tonight?” It had been too long since they’d been alone together. He might only be able to wrangle a few hours, but he’d take what he could get.

  Casey bit her lower lip, and Jack itched to lean over and soothe her plump flesh with his tongue.

  She laughed. “Oh, no, you don’t, mister. I know what you’re thinking. No more of that.”

  He raised his hands and stepped away. “I wasn’t thinking anything. So, will you?”

  “Well, Riley asked to go play basketball after dinner. I could probably ask Mark’s mom to watch him for a couple of hours.”

  “That’s a yes?” Jack was hopeful, but he held his breath.


  He gathered her into his arms again and took her with a searing kiss, a small promise of what he hoped to finish tonight. “Great. I’ll see you back here at eight.”

  A confused expression crossed Casey’s face. “Here? What do you have up your sleeve?”

  “You’ll just have to wait until tonight.” He chuckled as he scooted out of the room before she smacked him.

  CASEY’S STOMACH HAD been turning somersaults all day thinking about her date with Jack. They’d had only stolen minutes since their night together. She’d made no secret that Riley was her first priority, but her heart had skipped a beat when Jack asked her out for this evening.

  After she shuffled Riley off to Mark’s, she hopped in the shower, then threw on a red sweater and her skinny jeans tucked into a cute pair of boots. Hopefully it would be appropriate for whatever Jack planned. It wasn’t like Oak Grove had any four-star restaurants. And what was up with “meet him at the lot”? It made no sense and she puzzled over what Jack had up his sleeve during the entire drive back.

  But with every farfetched idea she dreamed up on the way, nothing could have prepared her for the reality. Jack was attaching the final straps on the harness that hitched Anna and Ghost up to a green and white sleigh. Since Sid had been laid up this year, they hadn’t offered sleigh rides for the customers like in past years. Casey had missed them. Somehow Jack had made her favorite part of Christmas happen for her.

  She stepped toward the matched pair of mares. Snowflakes blew in the air. As Anna and Ghost shook their heads, the jingle bells Jack had attached to their halters played a cheerful tune. The smoke from the fire pit where they’d burned the last of the day’s cuttings still wisped in the air. It was, in a word, perfect. She loved everything about Christmas, and the thought of spending it with Jack had her hoping for things she was afraid to want.

  Jack straightened and his eyes quickly found her. A huge grin grew on his face and he spread his arms wide. “Surprise.”

  Casey snuggled her forehead against Anna’s nose and then ran her hand down the horse’s neck. “When did you do all this? We haven’t had sleigh rides this year since your dad’s been laid up.”

  “Oh, I have my ways.” Jack popped a quick kiss on her lips and then motioned to the sleigh. “Your chariot, or more specifically, your sleigh awaits.”

  Casey tugged her hat further down on her head and climbed onto the cranberry-colored cushion of the antique sleigh. Wool blankets were stacked at the end of the wide seat, and Casey slung one over her legs. Jack made a few final adjustments and then slid onto the seat beside her, pressing his hip right against hers and pulling the blanket over his lap.

  His eyes sparkled, and the tension lines that had framed his eyes when he’d first returned to Oak Grove were nowhere to be seen. Being home was good for Jack. Maybe, just maybe, he’d take it as a sign and consider a more permanent arrangement.

  Jack reached into the cabinet beneath the seat and pulled out a steel mug. “Hot chocolate.”

  She took the offering, popping the top and allowing the heat and delicious scent of cocoa to fill her senses. She took a sip, letting the warmth seep into her. She extended the mug to Jack.

  He pulled out another cup. “I have my own.” He took a sip and then settled it in a cup holder at the front of the sleigh. Yeah, that wasn’t part of the original design, but she was thankful for the additional modern convenience. Jack lifted the reins. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded and bounced on the seat, her excitement barely contained as Jack clicked his tongue and flicked the reins. Anna and Ghost stepped off and the sleigh followed comfortably behind the elegant horses. Jack guided them around the back of the office and up the hill toward the woods behind the lot.

  He smiled at her as he managed the team but didn’t say anything. The trees swooshed in the cool wind. The harness clinked each time the horses stepped, their gentle neighing added to the atmosphere as they tossed their heads in the light snow that swirled around them. But what made this night perfect was sitting in the sleigh beside Jack. When he turned that silly grin her way, her insides jumped like when she was a teenager mooning over him all over again. Those early days together were clumsy and awkward, but over time, they’d figured out what made each other tick, and she’d thought they’d found forever.

  But fate had had other plans.

  Maybe they were meant to spend this time apart, to each grow up separately, before they came back together. She latched onto tha
t thought to ward off the one reminding her Jack was leaving soon.

  He nudged her shoulder. “What’s running through that pretty head of yours?”

  “I was just thinking how beautiful it is out here. Listen.”

  He tilted his head. “I don’t hear anything.”

  “Listen closer. You can hear the trees swaying and the sound of the flakes landing on the leaves in the woods. It’s so peaceful.”

  Jack stopped the sleigh and wrapped the thick leather reins around the brake. Then his arms came around her, dragging her across his lap until she straddled him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I couldn’t wait another minute to feel you against me.” He pressed his lips to hers and spoke against her mouth. “It’s been so hard, not being able to be with you every night, to feel you beside me when I fall asleep and have your body tucked up against mine when I wake up.”

  The words struck her, but what surprised her more is that she felt the same. Her heart had opened back up to Jack even with her attempts to stay detached. “Oh, Jack.”

  She kissed him then, unable to keep her feelings to herself any longer. She had fallen in love with Jack. Again. Despite the risk of unbearable pain when he left again. She wouldn’t allow herself to think of that now. Right now, it was just the two of them tucked beneath the cozy wool blankets, his hands gentle on her body as he kissed a path down her cheek.

  She leaned back as he nuzzled her neck, tilting her head to give him better access. He could always turn her on with a simple touch.

  “Casey.” His voice was soft and gentle in her ear.

  She hummed but didn’t answer.

  His hands stilled and he pulled back. “Casey. Your phone’s ringing.”

  “Huh, what? Oh, okay.” She fumbled beneath the layers to where she’d tucked her phone in her pocket. She didn’t recognize the number that flashed on the screen, but since Riley was at a friend’s house, she couldn’t afford to ignore the call. No matter how much she wanted to.


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