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Mentor Page 1

by Opal Carew


  Opal Carew

  Jayne Rylon

  Avery Astor

  Bonus: This story includes a short erotic audio that will melt your panties! I’ll tell you how to download it after the story….

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  Elle distrusts love and relationships. Avi wants to fall in love and get married. Can he help her past her trauma so she can see how right they are together?

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  When Elle’s friend arranges for her to see the inside of a fabulous, luxury penthouse, she never imagined she would find the sexiest man she’s ever seen sitting in a chair. Blindfolded. Tied up with rope. And totally naked!

  A traumatic experience has left Elle a shell of the vibrant, adventurous woman she once was, but the sight of this man’s breathtaking body overrides her caution and leads her to make a very bad decision.

  After she flees the scene, she hopes that unlike Cinderella, her Prince Charming will never find her. That hope goes up in smoke when he calls her the next day insisting on meeting her.

  She doesn’t believe in love and won’t even consider his suggestion that they date, but when he offers her a sex-only, no-strings-attached relationship where he’ll bring her deepest sexual fantasies to life, she finally agrees.

  Unfortunately, she finds herself falling for him, and she knows that can only lead to the worst kind of pain.

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  MENTOR is the fourth book of the Penthouse Pleasures series. This is a fun and scintillating sexual adventure. It’s also a poignant story of a woman traumatized by a devastating betrayal in her past and a man intent on convincing her that love doesn’t have to be pain and happily-ever-after is a real possibility.

  Praise for Penthouse Pleasures

  5 stars! “Loved this second story from the three Masters of erotic romance!... Excellent HOT read, highly recommended!!”

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  5 stars! “I loved this book! …it was sensitively written… sweet and genuine. The characters were relatable and had depth.”

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  5 stars! “These authors know how to write dirty, sexy and sweet all rolled into one.”

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  5 stars! “I had high expectations after reading Taboo and … this too blew it out of the water for me. I never would have imagined that I would be reading a story with such creativity and imagination…. I definitely will be reading this book again as I can’t get enough of this beautiful story.”

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  5 stars! “I loved this hot and steamy read. Fast-paced read with great characters and a great story.”

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  5 stars! “I couldn't put it down… I can't wait for the next Penthouse book to be released!”

  Thanks to all my wonderful Patrons!

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  Tiffany Tyson

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  Jodi Schmedje

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  Alcee Clayborne

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  William L. Suttles

  Hot Stuff!

  Mandy Rosko


  Opal Carew

  Jayne Rylon

  Avery Astor


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  Copyright 2018 Opal Carew

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  Ebook Design by

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  All Rights Are Reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  First edition: August 2018

  Chapter 1

  Elle slid the keycard into the slot and pulled it out, but the door didn’t unlock. She tried again but was still greeted with a red light.

  Red. Stop. Walk away. That’s what the universe was telling her.

  This wasn’t meant to be.

  Or… was it telling her to try harder?

  She wouldn’t give up on writing this book. That’s why she’d come up here in the first place. She’d decided it was long past time to finish the story she’d started and this was the first step. Everly had arranged for her to see the inside of one of the infamous penthouses in Beekman Place—the setting for her erotic romance story.

  She pulled her shoulders back, deciding she would find a way to get into this place and look around. Everly had told her the new owners would be moving in this coming weekend, so this might be her last chance. She tried the keycard a third time, and when it still didn’t work, she dug through her purse and pulled out her cell, then started to dial Everly, determined to show her friend she was committed to succeeding.

  Before she could dial, she heard the door unlock. She stared at it, the green light blinking at her.

  “Come in,” a deep voice said, and she realized it was coming from a speaker in the wall.

  She grasped the handle and pressed it down, then pushed the door open tentatively and peered inside. Dazzling sunshine filled the large room beyond the foyer. Large windows spanned the wall facing the door, and continued around the corner to the left. A fabulous view of the water glittering in the sunlight took her breath away.

  She saw that the place was furnished with high-end contemporary furniture—glossy walnut cabinets and tables, and leather couches and armchairs—which was odd because Everly had told her the place was empty until the new tenants moved in next week.

  She stepped inside and let the door close behind her. She slipped off her shoes and walked past the marble-floored foyer, her stocking feet sinking into the plush carpet of the large room beyond. Now she could see the whole first floor of the two story open concept penthouse.

  Her eyes widened as her gaze caught on a plain wooden chair facing the windows. In the chair was a man, his arms bound behind him.

  Her heart stuttered as she darted forward to help him. But then she stopped cold as she realized he was stark naked.

  And blindfolded.

  His muscular arms were pulled tight behind him, the rope around his wrists threaded through the back of the very simple chair. A chair that didn’t fit the sumptuous luxury of the penthouse she’d barely had a chance to appreciate.

  But now her focus was totally on him.

  He was leaning back in the chair and seemed totally comfortable being naked and tied up, even with a stranger in the room. His head was turned toward her.

  His face, what she could see of it, was exceptionally handsome. His chin rough with dark whiskers, neatly trimmed. His thick hair combed back from his face. His lips full, his nose perfect.

  And his body was… breathtaking.

  At this angle, his thick, muscular thigh blocked her view of his more intimate parts, but she got an eyeful of his tight, hard ass.

  His body could have been sculpted by a master artist. It was perfect. Utterly and intensely sexy.

  And, God help her, she wanted to touch it.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, baby. Come over here.”

  His deep sexy voice took her breath away.

  “You wanted to try something different. So here I am.”

  His words startled her. Had
Everly set this up?

  Everly had been worried about Elle ever since she’d broken up with the jerk. Everly didn’t know the whole story, but she’d noticed how withdrawn Elle had become and had made it her mission to get Elle back in the saddle again. She’d even offered to set Elle up with one of the two sexy guys from the seventh floor that Elle couldn’t help drooling over every time she saw them. But Elle wasn’t ready to put herself in a vulnerable position again.

  When that hadn’t worked, Everly, who knew Elle was the adventurous sort, had urged her to try something totally different. Something spontaneous and wicked.

  Like fuck a complete stranger.

  Oh, God, had this been a ruse to get her up here? Not to see the penthouse, but to do something wild and crazy?

  Here she was being handed a chance to have sex with a stranger—a perfect sex God from the look of him—in a way where she felt safe. The guy was tied up. That meant she would be in total control.

  How much safer could she be?

  “I’m waiting, baby.”

  She drew in a deep breath. Could she go through with this?

  She found herself walking further into the room, her gaze locked on his body. His shoulders were broad, his legs thick and powerful looking. And his abs—perfect ridges of tight muscle.

  She stood in front of him now and her gaze drifted downward… and locked on his cock. Even though it was… relaxed… it was the biggest cock she’d ever seen. Lying between his legs. Dangling over the edge of the chair.

  “I love that you’re looking at me.”

  His voice startled her. How did he know?

  “Now come closer. Touch me.” Those last two words, spoken in a deep, raspy tone, quivered through her.

  He widened his legs, opening himself to her, giving her a better look at that incredible cock of his, and his shaven testicles nestled between those thick, muscular thighs.

  “I know you want to touch me, so just do it, baby. I want to feel your hands on me.”

  Her insides heated at the mere thought of touching his bronzed skin. Feeling the muscle beneath.

  Oh, God, wrapping her fingers around that thick cock and feeling it swell within her hand.

  She sucked in a breath.

  She knew she needed to get past this debilitating fear of being with a man again. And here Everly had handed her the perfect opportunity.

  Right now, her need to touch him… to run her hands all over him… was explosive. Fueled by pent up desires too long subdued.

  Heat pulsed through her. She wanted to sit on that big cock of his and ride it to heaven.

  She sucked in a deep breath and took a tentative step forward. His full lips turned up in a smile as she approached.

  Avi hadn’t been sure Charlotte would come. His friend and neighbour, Kent, had tied him up in preparation for her arrival, and Avi could use voice commands to call Kent back the same way he’d opened the door for Charlotte when it was apparent she was having trouble with her keycard.

  But now Charlotte was here and hopefully his plan to win her back would work.

  They’d recently broken up. He’d ended it because things between them had seemed to require too much work. More than he would have thought for two people were right for each other. He’d always thought if you found the right person, it would be easy. Yeah, sure, working out minor differences, compromising, making sure to keep the romance alive. He expected those things. But it seemed to require so much more than that.

  But after seeing what his best friend Kent had with his new love, Christina, Avi truly wanted to find a long-term relationship. To fall in love and have a lifetime companion. He’d finally come to the conclusion that maybe he just needed to stick with one relationship long enough to get past the rough spots.

  So he’d decided to give the relationship with Charlotte another chance. He’d made a commitment to really try. To do what he could to make things work between them. He would take his best shot at winning her back.

  When her fingers brushed his shoulder, electricity shot through him, singeing every nerve-ending.

  Fuck, he’d never felt this way before when Charlotte touched him.

  Not when any woman had touched him.

  Damn, he should have tried being bound and blindfolded before this.

  Her fingers trailed down his arm. Light and tentative.

  Then she slid upward again to his neck. Her fingers curled and she stroked his bristly beard.

  Her delicate touch as she glided up his cheek, then stroked his temple, sent his heart thumping. Then she cupped his face with two hands. For a second, he thought she was going to kiss him, but her hands moved downward, over his shoulders to rest flat on his chest.

  “Oh, baby, I love how you’re touching me.”

  This wasn’t like Charlotte. He’d have thought she’d be all over his cock by now. Pumping him until he was stiff, then maybe a little mouth play before she mounted him.

  But this delightful, almost awe-filled exploration, took his breath away.

  At his words, Elle’s gaze jerked to his face. Her insides tightened in need.

  The feel of his hard muscles under her fingertips as she’d glided over his shoulder and down his arm had mesmerized her.

  When she’d run her hands over his face, feeling the whiskers under her fingertips… so masculine… she’d wanted to lean in and kiss his full, sexy lips. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

  Now the feel of his rock-hard chest under her palms had her aching for more. She ran her fingers along his skin, then over his beaded nipples.

  “Ah, fuck, baby. I love that.”

  Her breath quickened. She couldn’t help herself. She leaned forward and lapped her tongue over one, the nub hard as a pearl under her tongue.

  His soft moan spurred her on. She moved a little closer and covered his nipple with her mouth, then suckled softly.

  Her hands ran freely over his chest, then glided over his tight abs. She luxuriated in the feel of his body, like warm marble, under her fingertips. They glided up and down the hard ridges of his well-defined muscles.

  She shifted to his other nipple, lapping at first, then suckling again. His breathing increased.

  “Baby, I want you to take off your clothes. I want to know you’re standing naked in front of me.”

  She stepped back.

  Oh, God, can I do that?

  But he couldn’t see her through the blindfold. And… she wanted to be naked for him.

  She unbuttoned her shirt and slid it from her arms. Then she unzipped her jeans and pushed them down.

  “Mmm. I can hear the rustling of fabric and the raspy sound of the zipper unfastening. Are you taking your bra off now?”

  Her breath caught. He wanted an answer, but she couldn’t find it in herself to speak.

  He chuckled. “You’re being shy with me. Okay, when you take off your panties, I want you to pick them up and bring them over here.”

  She reached around and unhooked her bra, then dropped it to the floor. As she pushed down her panties, she shivered, then stood up with the scrap of fabric crushed in her hand. She walked toward him.

  Oh, God, his cock was swelling.

  She rested her hand on his biceps to let him know she was there.

  “I wish I could see you naked standing in front of me. I bet your nipples are hard and thrusting forward. I’d love to taste one. But right now, stroke your panties against my cheek.”

  She obeyed him, lightly dragging the lacy fabric over his cheek. He turned his head and nuzzled the fabric with his nose, then breathed in.

  Oh, God, it felt so intimate.

  “Mmm, you smell so sweet.” He breathed in again. “Now just put them down on the chair between my legs so I can feel them there.”

  She glanced down and her eyes widened as she realized how much his cock had grown. It already stood past his navel and was still rising.

  She dropped her panties on the wooden seat of the chair between his thighs, then she
gingerly pressed them against one of his legs.

  “Nice. I can feel the lace against my skin. Now I’d love to feel you against my skin. Why don’t you lean in and let me taste your pretty breasts?”

  Tingles danced through her. She wanted that. To feel this strange man’s mouth on her.

  She stepped between his legs and leaned forward. Her nipple brushed against his cheek. He opened his mouth and turned his head.

  The moment his mouth closed around her aching bud, she moaned softly.

  He suckled her. Lightly at first, then drawing deeper. Her fingers twined through his hair and she pulled him closer to her. Delightful sensations battered her body, making her ache for more.

  She pulled away her breast, then thrust the other into his mouth.

  He sucked hard and she moaned, pushing deeper into him.

  When he drew back, he laughed softly.

  “I bet you’re wet, baby. If you’re not willing to tell me, then find a way to show me.”

  He wanted her to push him inside her? She wasn’t ready for that.

  Even though she ached to feel him inside her.

  She stood up and walked behind him. Then she knelt on the floor.

  She stared at his big hands, bound behind him, palms facing her. She’d love to feel them wrap around her breasts. Then stroke her nipples until she whimpered.


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