The CEO's Unexpected Child

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The CEO's Unexpected Child Page 6

by Andrea Laurence

  “Do you feel bad about lying to them?”

  Luca’s brows drew together in confusion. “No. I’m not lying.”

  “But you said—”

  “I said I was taking a beautiful woman on a vacation.” Luca looked at her across the table. “That’s absolutely true.”

  That rose blush spread across Claire’s cheeks again, distracting him from his plate. “Quit it. You don’t have to butter me up.”

  Luca set his fork down. Claire might be a fierce competitor in their lawyers’ offices, but when it came to romance, she seemed almost broken by the idea of it. “I’m not flattering you, tesorina. I’m serious. Are you not aware of how attractive you are?”

  Her mouth fell open, a flustered conglomeration of nonsense words coming out of her as she tried to gather her thoughts. “I mean, I think I’m pretty enough. I’m no supermodel or polished Upper East Side housewife.”

  “Fake,” he said. “All of that is fake, crafted by makeup artists, plastic surgeons and photo-altering software. I will take a real, soft, naturally beautiful woman over one of those fantasies any day.”

  “I think you’re in the minority, Luca.”

  Luca couldn’t stand the uncomfortable expression on Claire’s face. Was this just Jeff’s doing, or had every man in her life treated her poorly? “Did your husband never tell you how beautiful you were?”

  Claire looked down and anxiously moved her food around on her plate for a moment. “Not really. I mean, he chose me, so he must’ve thought I was pretty, but he wasn’t the type to lay on praise. Especially near the end.”

  Luca sat back in his chair for a minute and tried to absorb everything she’d just told him. He would never have a wife of his own, but he knew if he did he would cherish her. “I’m sorry,” he said at last.

  Claire’s eyes widened with surprise. “You’re sorry for what?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry that your husband didn’t treat you the way he should have.” Just hearing her talk about Jeff had made his blood boil. Not only had he been reckless with his marriage, he’d been reckless with his life when he had a child on the way. Then to find out that he’d never given his wife the love and praise she deserved even in the early years of their relationship... It was inexcusable in his eyes.

  “We were having trouble,” Claire argued. “I was so wrapped up in the idea of having a baby that I forgot about having a marriage. I think he was lonely.”

  “That is no excuse,” Luca said, leaning in to her and covering her hand with his. “It is natural for a woman to want a child. When there are difficulties, her husband should be more attentive and supportive than ever. To stray from your bed because he felt like he wasn’t getting enough attention is absurd. I was always raised to believe that a woman is meant to be treasured. She is a gift, an angel sent into your life from the heavens. To treat her as anything less is an abomination.”

  Claire watched him speak with a mix of disbelief and wonder in her gray eyes. She leaned into him, her lips parting. They were soft, plump lips that had gone too long without kisses. That was a tragedy in Luca’s eyes. A few kind words and she was melting like butter. She deserved better. Unfortunately, Luca was not the man to give it to her. He sat back and pulled his hand away.

  She snapped out of her trance and moved her hand down into her lap. “Do you really believe all that?” she asked.

  “I do. My parents have been married for over thirty years keeping that philosophy in mind.”

  “May I ask why you haven’t married, then? I’m sure there are plenty of women out there who would love you to treat them like a precious gift.”

  Luca tried not to stiffen at her question. He had done his fair share of prying into her personal life; it shouldn’t be out of bounds for her to do the same. But there were land mines in this field he didn’t want to hit. Not tonight and not ever. Instead, he shrugged and relied on the story he had told again and again over the years.

  “Since the day I was born, I was groomed to take over the family business. Moretti’s has always had the oldest son running the company. I went from high school to college to grad school to the boardroom. Once my father retired, I had this huge weight on my shoulders to keep the company running and profitable, or I would be letting everyone down. That hasn’t really left me much time for anything else. Not just relationships, either. I never travel. I have almost no hobbies or interests outside of work. I have my business. That’s it.”

  What Luca left out was that it was all by design. His father had managed to run the company while having time for his wife and children, so he knew it could be done, but keeping busy was the only way Luca could get through the lonely times. Claire wouldn’t understand that, though, because she didn’t realize he was damaged. She only saw the successful, confident businessman he portrayed to the world.

  “You’ve never been in love before?”

  Luca considered his answer before speaking. “No,” he lied. “I got close, but I was wrong.”

  “That’s kind of sad,” Claire said. “For all your money and success, all you have to show for it is money and success. You don’t even get to enjoy it with someone. When was the last time you took a vacation?”

  “I’m on a vacation right now,” Luca argued.

  “No. Before this one.”

  Luca thought back, but he knew there wasn’t really an answer. “I’ve never taken a vacation as an adult. Not a real one, at least. Occasionally my family gathers for a long weekend in the Hamptons during the summer.”

  “It sounds like you’re going to be an old, lonely bachelor before too long. What will your family do if you don’t have an oldest son to take over after you?”

  That was a question that had plagued Luca since the day of his diagnosis. In reality, there were plenty of people in the family who could take the reins. His younger brother Marcello had a son who could easily be the next CEO. But now he had a new possibility. “Well, this isn’t the fifties anymore. It isn’t written anywhere that it has to be a son. I may not marry or have any more children, but through a twist of fate, I do have Eva in my life. It’s always a possibility that she could take over for me.”

  “If she wants to,” Claire countered. “It’s nice to have a family legacy, but I don’t want her pressured into a life and a career she doesn’t want.”

  “Of course.” Luca didn’t want that for his daughter, either. He hadn’t been pressured into taking the company over, thankfully. It was something he’d always dreamed of doing. His family was important to him and carrying that legacy on was an honor. He’d once hoped that he could pass it along to his child, too, but that was a fantasy he’d given up years ago. “We have the next three weeks to worry about before we need be concerned with Eva’s career path.”

  Claire nodded and turned back to her food. Luca watched her eat for a moment, sipping his wine thoughtfully. At this angle, he could see the faint gray circles under her eyes and the defeated slope of her shoulders. The stress wasn’t just wearing her thin. It was eating away at her.

  He recognized the look from the days his mother sat at his bedside at the hospital, worrying over him. He hadn’t been in any condition to help his mother, but he could help Claire, if she’d let him. Being a single mother had to be incredibly difficult, even with resources at her disposal. She needed this vacation more than even he knew.

  They had come here to get to know each other and hash out a custody arrangement, but now he had a different goal: to find a way to make Claire happy again.


  Claire couldn’t sleep that night. Her head was spinning with everything Luca had said to her at dinner. She wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth or if he had the ability to charm a woman by knowing exactly what she needed to hear. They’d spent only a week together. Was she that easy to read? Either way, it was working. A combination
of gentle words and strong wine had weakened her defenses. By the time they’d finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen, she would’ve agreed to anything he suggested. Even the kind of things she knew were a bad idea.

  Like touching him. All through dinner she wanted to run her fingers though the dark waves of his hair. She wanted to brush the pad of her thumb over his bottom lip as he spoke the words she’d longed for a man to say to her her whole life. What would he do if she reached out to him? Would he pull her into his arms or push her away? Would he call her tesorina? She had no idea what it meant, but whenever he said it she felt her knees soften beneath her.

  Now there was a restlessness inside her, keeping sleep at bay. An ache deep in her belly. She didn’t know if it was heartburn from the spicy tomato sauce or her long-dormant desire coming back to life, but neither was welcome.

  She’d come here to get to know her baby’s father, but not in the biblical sense. After her disastrous relationship with Jeff, she’d resigned herself to not falling in love again. It was too hard on her heart, and she didn’t think she could take that risk a second time. If she did, she needed a man who was first and foremost honest, and she couldn’t trust a word out of Luca’s mouth right now. They were on opposite sides of this custody battle. But between the beautiful beach views, the amazing meals and the stimulating conversation, it was easy to let that slip her mind. That would be a dangerous mistake, as she was pretty certain Luca wouldn’t do the same.

  Frustrated, she flung back the blankets and headed out into the living room. Tonight, she’d been warm from the wine, so she’d opted for a thin, baby-doll nightgown with spaghetti straps. It was short and nearly see-through, but she couldn’t bear to put on her flannel pants and top when she went to bed.

  Fortunately the house was dark and quiet when she stepped into the hallway, so her attire wouldn’t matter. Claire wasn’t entirely sure what she was after, but she ended up in the kitchen. She didn’t bother turning on the lights. Doing that would ensure she’d never sleep.

  Instead, the moonlight through the windows illuminated what she needed to see. Deciding on a cup of tea, she found some in the cupboard and put a mug of water in the microwave to heat. She opened the refrigerator door, looking around for something of interest, but nothing caught her eye. When the water was warmed, she shut the refrigerator and pulled the mug out of the microwave. She let the tea bag steep, then added some honey to sweeten it.

  It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness again, but when they did, she turned and noticed a large, dark figure standing at the edge of the kitchen.

  A jolt of panic rushed through her as the shape came closer, until she recognized Luca’s gait. Finally, the moonlight from the window lit him, and her heartbeat started to return to normal. Well, at least until she realized he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts.

  The silver light highlighted the curves of his muscular arms and cut of his chest. The sprinkle of dark hair across his chest narrowed and ran down his belly. Her eyes followed the trail along his hard abs, and she felt the heartburn start to rage more intensely inside her.

  Okay, it wasn’t heartburn, she admitted to herself. It was desire. She’d almost forgotten what that felt like.

  When her gaze drifted back up to Luca’s face, there was a faint curl of a smile on his lips. Could he tell she was checking him out?

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes. I just couldn’t sleep.”

  “Me, neither.” His gaze drifted over her thin nightie with appreciation in his eyes. His jaw clenched tightly, making her wonder if they were both suffering from the same cause of insomnia.

  “Would you like some tea?” she asked, distracting herself. “I just made myself some chamomile with honey.”

  “No, thank you.”

  As he continued to stand there, Claire felt herself at a loss. She could sense the tension in the air between them. It was electric, yet neither of them seemed willing to do anything about it. Probably because they both knew it was a bad idea. And yet...

  Claire needed to go back to her room, drink her tea and go to sleep. That was the only thing she needed to do. She just had to get past Luca’s hulking figure blocking the path between the fridge and the kitchen island. “Well, good night then,” she said. Dropping her gaze to the mug in her hands, she pressed forward, expecting Luca to move out of the way.

  But he didn’t.

  Instead, she felt his hand catch her waist. The heat of his skin burned through the thin fabric of her gown, nearly branding her with his touch. “Claire?”

  She stopped cold, her breath catching in her throat. Using just one word, he’d asked a hundred different questions at once. She turned her head to look up at him. He was looking down at her, with his own ragged breaths making his chest rise and fall as though he’d been running. He swallowed hard, the muscles in his throat contracting. She watched his tongue snake over his bottom lip. All the while, his intense eyes were devouring her.

  Claire knew in that moment that whatever question he was asking, the answer was yes. Setting down the mug of tea, she turned to him. “Yes.”

  Luca didn’t hesitate. He scooped her up into his arms and pulled her hard against his chest. His mouth met hers with the ferocity of a man dying of thirst and she was his glass of water. He drank her in and Claire was powerless to stop it. She didn’t want to. It had been too long since she’d been desired. Wanted. Jeff had never once in their years of marriage kissed her with as much passion as Luca did in this moment. She didn’t want to let that go.

  Claire wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her back to press her hips into him. She felt the evidence of his desire there, insistently nudging against her. He groaned her name against her mouth when they made contact, then spun her around until her back was touching the cold stainless steel of the refrigerator. The chill did little to dampen the heat building inside her. With every stroke of his tongue and graze of his hand along her body, he stoked the flames that she’d once thought had died out for good.

  When she felt his hand slip beneath her nightgown and his fingers brush the lacy trim of her panties, she felt the slightest hesitation. Like a lightning bolt, it startled her out of the hormone-driven haze she’d fallen into. Things had moved fast. Too fast. Was she really ready to have sex in the kitchen with a man she barely knew? The man who was trying to take Eva from her?

  Before she could answer, the sharp, angry wail of her daughter interrupted her thoughts. It wasn’t Eva’s usual cry for hunger or a wet diaper. Something was wrong.

  Luca stilled and pulled away, his lips a fraction of an inch from hers. He was breathing hard, likely cursing his bad luck and hoping that Eva would fall back asleep. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Claire pushed against Luca’s chest and he took a step back. “I’m sorry, I have to go check on the baby.” She fled the kitchen as quickly as she could, both out of concern and awkwardness. That situation had quickly gotten out of control, and thankfully Eva woke at just the right time to keep things from going too far.

  Entering the bedroom, she turned on the lamp and scooped her red faced and teary daughter from her crib. “What’s the matter, baby?” she asked, but the second Claire’s cheek touched Eva’s, she knew what was wrong.

  Eva was burning up with fever.

  Claire started frantically searching through her diaper bag for the baby thermometer. Her desire-addled thoughts were scrambled by the sharp cries in her ear. “Shhh, you’re okay,” she soothed, but Eva could not be comforted. Poor, sick baby.

  “Is she okay?”

  Claire turned to find Luca in her doorway. “She has a fever.” She finally located the thermometer and placed it inside the infant’s ear. “One hundred and three.”

  That seemed high. She felt the panic start to well up inside her. She hadn’t brought her baby bo
ok. She was hours away from Eva’s pediatrician. She knew that the seriousness varied by age and temperature, but she didn’t recall what the cutoff was for calling the doctor. The louder Eva cried, the harder it was for her to try to focus.

  “Here,” Luca said, gently taking Eva from her arms.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Claire asked.

  “I’m taking care of our sick child.” Ignoring her irritable tone, Luca immediately started unsnapping Eva’s onesie. He seemed unfazed by the sharp screams of his daughter, so in control when Claire felt anything but. “I’m going to put her in a cool bath to make her more comfortable. Do you have any medication to bring down her fever?”

  She nodded. “It’s in the diaper bag. I’ll dig it out.”

  Luca disappeared into the master bathroom and Claire quickly dug around in the bag until she found the medicine. By the time she joined Luca in the bathroom, Eva had started to quiet down. She was lying in her bath chair in a shallow pool of water while Luca rubbed a damp sponge over her skin. The lukewarm water and lavender scented bubbles seemed to soothe her. After a few minutes, the tears were dried, and while she still seemed a little cranky and uncomfortable, they’d made good progress.

  At last, Luca lifted Eva up into her yellow bath towel with the ducky hood and bundled her up. He squeezed the dropper of medicine into Eva’s mouth and handed the bottle back to Claire. “While I get her dried off, can you make her a bottle with cool water in it? She might be a little dehydrated from the fever, and it will make her more comfortable.”

  Claire nodded and wandered off toward the kitchen, feeling oddly useless as Luca took charge. She wasn’t even entirely sure what had just happened, aside from the fact that in a crucial moment she’d choked and given Luca the window of opportunity he’d been waiting for. When she reached the kitchen, she eyed her abandoned mug of tea and the smudged refrigerator and shook her head. Apparently tonight was a night of missteps.

  At the same time, she was happy to have someone here with her. This was Eva’s first real fever, and although she thought she was prepared for it, she’d been completely off her game coming fresh from Luca’s kisses. She supposed that was the benefit of having two parents, to split the responsibility and pick up the slack for the other. She didn’t know what that was like.


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