Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37)

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Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37) Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  “I guess they were right.” She took the handle of the chestnuts and placed the pan back on the fire. “We might as well not waste these.”

  “No. Like I said, this is going to be romantic. Our third date. Right?”

  “Third?” She sputtered a giggle, almost dropping the roasting pan. “You’re dreaming.”

  “I hope not. Waking up and finding you weren’t in my life was hell.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Here, let me do the work.” He reached out to take the chestnuts from her and began shaking them in earnest. “Dreams aren’t a big part of those gifts I was telling you about, not nearly as big as my being able to see dead people.”

  “What?” Clare squealed. “You’re not serious.”

  “I am.” He glanced at her in the candlelight. “Dead serious.”

  “Stop!” She slapped him playfully on the arm. “Why did you tell me that? I live alone. I don’t want to be thinking about stuff like that.”

  “I’ll be here if anything goes bump in the night.”

  “Yea, but what about all the other nights?”

  “Patience. We can negotiate that possibility later.”

  “I didn’t mean…” Seeing his teasing smile, she just let it go. “I think those nuts should be ready.”

  “Okay.” He pulled them off the fire. “I guess they need to cool a bit.”

  “Yea. You don’t want to burn your mouth.”

  “Would you kiss it better?” he asked in a seductive tone.

  “You’re pushing it, cowboy.”

  “Am I?” He laid back on the pillow, stretching out in front of the fire. “You’re so beautiful. The firelight makes your hair gleam like pure gold.”

  “Don’t, you’re embarrassing me.” Clare liked his compliments more than she wanted to admit. “I wonder what time it is.”

  “Nearing ten, I would think. After we eat these chestnuts, we should probably think about calling it a night.”

  “Okay.” Just the thought made her shiver. “Didn’t you just have a birthday?”

  “I did. How did you know?”

  “Storm told me about the pen they bought for you.”

  “Yes, I appreciated the pen very much. I got some great gifts – everything from a Clovis point arrowhead to a restored classic Mustang convertible.”

  “Oh, really? Neat.” Clare smiled to herself. She’d purchased the Clovis point from a collector who’d charged her a lot. Regardless, she’d been thrilled to put it in the mail for his birthday. Clare remembered the article she’d read about Nathan and how his collection was put on display at the Kerrville Western Art museum. “Sounds like quite a celebration.”

  “True. Anyway, I’m officially an adult. Although, I feel a helluva lot older sometimes.” He looked her in the eye. “How old are you?”

  “About eleven months older and wiser than you.”

  “Wow, I’m dating an older woman. I like it.”

  “You’re a mess.” She shook her head. “I’m sure those nuts are ready to eat now.”

  “Okay.” He sat up and pulled the pan near them. “How do you do this?”

  Taking one of the nuts, she showed him out to coax the shell off. “Just like that.” She popped one in her mouth.

  Nathan carefully followed her example. “Hey, they’re good.”

  “I think so.” They munched in silence for a minute or two. “Did you go to college?”

  “I’ve accumulated some online hours. No degree yet. How about you?”

  “No, much to Mad’s disappointment.”

  “I understand. I’ve disappointed my family more than once – or twice.” He pointed at her easel holding a painting she was working on. “You’re so talented already, you don’t need any classes.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I could improve with training. I just didn’t want to waste the time.” She pressed her fingers to her lips, afraid she’d said more than she should.

  “I get it. Practical experience is valuable too.” He opened another nut, then turned to offer a small piece to Clare. “Open up.”

  She did so and Nathan slipped it between her lips, his fingers lingering a bit longer than necessary. “I’m sure it’s a bit awkward for you, me feeling I know you so much better than you know me.”

  After enjoying the bite, she answered him, “Not really.” Clare’s tendency to be evasive with him was beginning to feel like dishonesty. “You’re easy to be with.”

  “I’m glad.” He took his time cracking another nut to share with her. “How about boyfriends. Are you seeing anyone? Should I be jealous?”

  Clare spread her hands, looking around. “No boyfriends. Look where I live, the back of nowhere.”

  “You go to town occasionally. I’m sure you meet people. No red-blooded American guy is going to be able to ignore you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Clare held her hands over her cheeks. “Nathan, I don’t know what to do with you when you talk like that.”

  Covering his face as he yawned, Nathan muttered, “I guess you can take me to bed. I’ve been up since dark thirty.”

  “All right. Let me get a blanket for the couch and you can have the bed.”

  “I thought we’d already settled this. You said we could put pillows between us. I won’t let you sleep on the couch.”

  Clare didn’t argue with him. She didn’t want to. The prospect of being in the bed with him appealed to her more than she could say – even if all they did was sleep.

  “Fine.” She managed to put a token protest in her voice. “Which side of the bed do you prefer?”

  “I tend to take my part out of the middle.” Nathan added a log to the fire, then picked up the two candles she’d lit and carried them to her bedside table. “May I use your shower?”

  “With the electricity being off, I’m not sure how hot the water will be. I think I’d rather warm some water on the stove and just use my washbasin.”

  Nathan chuckled. “I won’t go into details, but I could use a cold shower about now.”

  “Oh.” Clare wasn’t sure how to take that bit of information. “Okay, there are clean towels under the sink.”

  “Gotcha.” Taking one of the candles, Nathan entered the small bathroom. He loved her cabin. Even being so small, it was ultra-comfortable. He was sure her brothers spared no expense in having it designed for maximum efficiency. After placing the candle on the vanity, he knelt to find a towel. Reaching in, he rummaged around, knocking one or two things over as he did so. “Oh, heck.” He bent to look but couldn’t see a thing. Not wanting to spill anything, he retrieved the candle and brought it down so he could see better. “Shampoo, body wash, towel – there you are.” He also took the body wash. “Romy won’t mind if I use it.” As he straightened the items he’d put into disarray, his hand brushed a plastic bottle which fell over on its side. The rattle of pills was unmistakable. “Bull in a China shop,” Nathan mumbled as he leaned further in to retrieve it. When he did, the candle illuminated the writing on the bottle, and he could make out the word INHIBITOR. Not giving it much thought, he shrugged. “Mind your p’s and q’s, McCoy. Don’t be nosy. You don’t want Romy giving you something to inhibit your unruly behavior.”

  Raising up, he proceeded to turn on the water, strip, then make fast work of a shower. Unfortunately, not even the icy water could cool his ardor for Romy. He was, at the same time, looking forward to sharing her bed and dreading doing so. Being so near to her without making love would be torture. Yet…he wouldn’t trade the opportunity to lie at her side for anything in the world. When she told him she was a virgin, he knew he couldn’t rush things – no matter how much he ached to.

  …Rushing to ready herself before he returned Clare performed her evening ablutions, then fussed over what she would wear to bed. Having never anticipated such an opportunity, her nighttime wardrobe was geared more to comfort and warmth than allure. “Dratz, this is hopeless.” Eventually, she settled on a long white cotton gown with d
elicate ruffles and a matching robe. “Wow, sexy.” She looked like a Victorian old maid. Oh, well. Clare didn’t know why she was worrying, with the candle extinguished, they would just have to feel their way. She giggled, that idea didn’t sound half bad actually. Besides, there was no assurance anything was going to happen anyway. Nathan was tired and his flirting was probably just habit.

  With her nerves tingling from excitement and anticipation, she paced the floor until she heard the bathroom door open, then she raced to get under the covers and arrange herself in some semi-seductive pose. After stretching out this way and that, supporting her head with her hand, and fluffing her hair – Clare just groaned and pulled the covers over her head.

  This is the way Nathan found her, just a curvaceous little lump under the bedspread.

  “Make room, Connelly, I’m coming in.”

  He dove under the blankets so fast, Clare didn’t get a chance to see what he was wearing. “Good grief,” she exclaimed as she bounced on the mattress. “This isn’t a trampoline.”

  “Sorry. I’m just excited,” he stated plainly. “I’m gonna blow out the candles now.”

  Once he did, Nathan scooted deeper under the covers. Turning to face her, he realized there were no pillows separating them. “You forgot something, didn’t you?” he whispered, close to her ear.

  “What?” she whispered back.

  “The bundling board.”

  Tingles of awareness made Clare feel more alive than she could remember. “What are you talking about?”

  “Some of the more traditional Amish still use a bundling board to put between an unmarried couple to keep them from canoodling in the bed at night.”

  “What’s canoodling?”

  “Oh, canoodling is cuddling and kissing. Fooling around.”

  “Why is the unmarried couple in the bed together? I thought the Amish were very conservative.”

  “Ah, that’s a mystery to me too. Maybe they’re marooned together in a snow blizzard and need to keep warm.”

  “Really?” Clare was having more fun than she could remember having in a long time.

  “No, I think I read that bundling is a part of their courtship ritual. So, the couple can continue their conversation and their courting into the night.”

  “That’s just asking for trouble.”

  Nathan laughed, so happy he could barely contain the joy. “For sure. So, when I crawled into bed, I was expecting a bundling board of pillows between us.”

  She reached under her head and pulled out the pillow to place between them. “Feel safer now?”

  He grabbed the pillow and tossed it to the end of the bed. “I like to live dangerously.”

  “Do you? I’m thinking I do too.” She was beginning to think this was one of the things that was worth the risk. “Nathan, would you make love to me?”

  Her whispered question stole Nathan’s ability to think or breathe.

  When he didn’t immediately respond, she turned over. “Goodnight.”

  “Hey, hold on. Come back here.” He reached for her, pulling her against him. “You left me speechless. My answer is yes. Hell yes.”

  When he began kissing her neck, his arm around her waist, she wiggled to move and face him again. “Nathan, there’s just one thing.”

  “I have protection. In my wallet.”

  “That’s not it, I’ve taken the pill for years.” The doctor insisted because pregnancy would be a recipe for disaster for her. “I want to make love with you, but just tonight. I’m not interested in anything long term. Tomorrow we pretend this didn’t happen.”

  “Why?” Nathan felt like he’d been punched in the solar plexus.

  “Because…just because.” Too many reasons to count and none she could share.

  There was something about her voice, a wistfulness that gave him hope. “Okay.” He wasn’t about to turn her down. He wasn’t about to give up either. “Whatever you say, you’re the boss.”

  “Good.” They lay face to face in the dark. “I wish I could see you, but I don’t think we should waste the candles.” This was probably for the best, there was no way she could keep the love light from shining in her eyes.

  “I don’t need the light to see you. I know what you look like. All of you. Even down to the tiny heart-shaped birthmark on your thigh.”

  Clare gasped. “How do you know that? The dream?”

  “Yes. The dream. I can’t explain it, but the dream lasted longer than a night. Way longer. I spent a lifetime with you, and I made love to you again and again. You see, Romy, for me – this isn’t our first time.”

  “I’m jealous.” She wanted more than just this once with him. She wanted forever.

  “You don’t have to be, I’ll be glad to catch you up.” Ever so gently, he eased her into his embrace, his mouth finding hers as easy as if they’d made love in this bed a thousand times. Holding her was the homecoming he’d ached for and kissing his Romy was something he could do for the rest of his life and never grow tired. Hungrily, he ate at her mouth. Feasting like a starving man on a banquet fit for a king. Her mouth was silken and sweet as she kissed him back, pressing her body to his – just the way he’d dreamed.

  Clinging to him, Clare needed to be closer. She wanted as much of Nathan as she could get. To her delight, he freely gave everything she’d been dreaming of. His touch was magical, and his kiss was powerful and deep. When his tongue slipped between her lips, her entire body felt like it was on fire. Raising one leg to drape over his, her hand moved feverishly over the smooth muscles of his broad shoulders.

  “I want to touch you too.” Nathan began tugging at her gown. “What have you got on?” he muttered as he just kept pulling voluminous material up, gathering it in his hand, then pulling some more. “You’re wrapped up like a Christmas present.”

  “Let me help.” She sat up and slipped off the robe, then loosened the buttons at the top of the gown. As she opened up the neckline, Nathan picked the garment up from the bottom and pulled it over her head. Nude, she shivered – a little from the chill in the air and a lot from expectancy. She needed to be skin to skin. “Can I return the favor?”

  “I wouldn’t turn down…a hand.”

  Clare’s mind wasn’t nearly as inexperienced as her body. With just a bit of hesitation, she reached out until she found him. The soft cloth, the elastic band at his waist. Unable to resist, she traced his shape, rubbing her thumb over the tip of his erection.

  “Romy…mercy, please.”

  “Raise your hips,” she whispered. With his help, she peeled away the material to finally touch him. Hot. Hard. So much bigger than she expected. “I don’t think one hand will be sufficient.”

  “Good thing you have two.” The words came out between sharply inhaled breaths as she cupped him, lifted him, and stroked him. As his hips bucked, Nathan nearly passed out from the pleasure, his whole body jerking at the miracle of Romy’s soft touch. He endured the euphoria as long as he could before picking up her hands to kiss. “I’m hanging onto my control by the smallest of measures.”

  “There’s nothing small about you, McCoy.”

  “Flatterer.” He eased Romy down into the bed, intent on worshiping her with every ounce of his being. Being with a woman was new to Nathan, yet there was no hesitation, no second-guessing as to where to touch – how to touch. This was a return, a reunion of soulmates destined to be together. His body knew hers, recognized every precious inch.

  Like any normal male, he’d fantasized about sex. Yes, he’d even looked at pictures and visited a few adult sites out of natural curiosity. They hadn’t satisfied him.

  Now, he knew why.

  Making love to Romy was why he’d been created.

  With hands and mouth he pleasured her, kissing her lips, her neck. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She shivered as he nuzzled her throat, his tongue hot on her skin. “You can’t see me.”

  “No, but I can feel you. The sweetest form of Braille.” He ran his fingers over
her body, down her arms – up her thighs. Caressing, stroking. “Being with you is heaven.”

  Clare gave herself over to him, writhing in ecstasy. The total darkness seemed to magnify every touch, every kiss. Her heartbeat was fast, her breath came in pants. If she left her life at this moment, the journey would be worth it all. She couldn’t imagine leaving this world and never knowing such joy. “Nathan, I need…”

  She didn’t have to say more, he remembered what she craved – what they both craved. “I’ll give you what you need.” With shaking hands he molded her breasts, kneading them, relearning their shape and what would make her keen with delight. He rubbed his face against her velvety soft skin. Romy was so feminine. So perfect. “Feel good?”

  “Yes, oh yes.”

  She wove her fingers into his hair, holding his head as he captured a plump nipple between his lips to tease and suckle. The sweet noises she made only fueled his desire. Despite the inky blackness, he closed his eyes – better to concentrate on the amazing reality of having Romy in his arms. No fantasy he’d ever conjured even came close to this. Nathan marveled at what he’d been missing, yet he was grateful he’d waited. He couldn’t imagine sharing this sacred act with anyone else.

  Clare moaned, arching her back, pushing her chest into his face. She adored how he made her feel. The love scenes she’d penned were a pale facsimile to this. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  “Ready?” he murmured, as he kissed his way down her body. “For this?” He slipped his fingers between her legs to touch her intimately, sliding one finger down her soft, slick seam.

  Clare gasped, spreading her legs wider in invitation. No one had ever touched her this way and she wanted no one else to do so – only him. “For you. I’m ready for you. I feel so empty. I need you inside of me.”

  “Good. I need you to be so ready for me that you’re begging.” He moved to her feet to kiss his way up one trembling leg. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. I know what to expect.” Her eyes widened as he made a place for himself between her parted knees. When he began to kiss the inside of her thigh, Clare whispered. “I was wrong. I didn’t expect this.”


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