Holt: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance

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Holt: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance Page 13

by Desiree A. Cox

  “Has her water broken?” I asked Jenny.

  “No, she’s not dilating either. I hate to say it, but I may have to take the baby by Cesarean section if something doesn’t change soon.”

  “Do it now! Cut me open and get this damn kid out of me!” Veronica was out of her mind. I tried not to chuckle out loud, but wasn’t able to stifle it.

  “Laugh now, Daci, laugh now. Your day’s coming. This shit isn’t fun or funny. And I think it’s a really shitty move for you to laugh at me, my so-called friend.”

  “Veronica, I didn’t mean it that way. I am your friend and I love you.”

  “You love me? Really? Then why haven’t you taken pity on me and driven a stake through my fucking heart yet? Huh?”

  I was fighting the smile that refused to leave my face. I had pulled my lips into my mouth and held them tight with my teeth. No more laughing, I tried to convince myself.

  Veronica redirected her gaze to Dolph. “You! You’ll never touch me again. Ever!”

  Dolph was frozen in place. I heard Holt’s retreating footsteps and his laughter coming from the living room.

  Veronica screamed again, so loud I felt like I’d go deaf. The Healer reached under the top sheet to check her again.

  “You’re making some progress. You’re dilating now. You’re at six, only four more to go.”

  “Can I push yet?” Veronica asked.

  “No, dear, it’s too soon. You have to wait until you reach ten centimeters.”

  “I really feel like I need to push, now!”

  The Healer checked her once again. Her jaw hung open when her eyes met mine.

  “Hello? Jenny, I’m the one having the fucking baby, not Daci. Can. I. Push?”

  “Yeah, you’re at ten.”

  Veronica bore down with so much force, her water burst all over the front of Jenny.

  “Holy shit!” Dolph said.

  Jenny ignored the shower of fluid and continued like nothing happened. “Push, dear. One more good push and your baby will be out.”

  Veronica inhaled a deep breath, then pushed with all her might. Within seconds we all heard the cry. Their baby was here.

  Dolph rushed over to see. He raised his eyebrows and inhaled deeply as he wobbled on his feet. His face turned green and his eyes rolled back in his head before he hit the floor.

  “I do all the work and this fool passes out,” Veronica said.

  We all laughed.

  Jenny cleaned up the baby and handed her to Veronica. A beautiful baby girl. I was the proud aunt to this precious little baby.

  We all offered our congratulations, and Holt tried to get Dolph up. The Healer reached into her bag and pulled something out and waved it under Dolph’s nose. That roused him immediately.

  He looked at Jenny.

  “Congratulations, Dolph. You’re the father of a perfect daughter.”

  Dolph shook his head, still trying to get his wits about him, then stood and made his way to Veronica. He gazed down at his mate and their daughter, before kissing Veronica on the forehead.

  “I love you, Muffin, and I hope you didn’t mean anything you said during your labor.”

  “I love you, too, Pooh Bear.”

  Holt and I looked at each other and smiled. It would be our turn soon enough to welcome our own precious baby into the world.

  Chapter 28


  Three years ago, we welcomed our son, Sam. He’s been the perfect little angel. He’s smart as a whip, too. He knows his alphabet and is beginning to read, but what he loves more than anything is being with his father. He’s a daddy’s boy without a doubt. He tells me every night he wants to grow up to be Alpha, just like his dad.

  I’d like to say we’re the only two who spoil him, but his uncles, Trey and Chadwick, are even worse than Holt and me in the spoiling department. There’s nothing this little boy could possibly ever want with them around.

  Things were changing in the Pack. In the last year, unfortunately, we had a house become available close to us. In our Pack, houses are only empty when bad things happen.

  One of Chadwick’s older students had decided to pursue joining Council and was accepted, but after nearly six months alone in the house, his mother died. She’d been out gardening; the Healer said she had a heart attack.

  After cleaning the house up and the son finished moving all of his things to a new home, Dolph and Veronica and their daughter moved in and became our neighbors. It was perfect for Sam and Chassidy, Dolph and Veronica’s little girl. It’s worked out great for us adults, too.

  Veronica is expecting again, any day. Dolph is a nervous wreck and we’re all hoping the labor isn’t as rough as the first time. Either way, I’ll be there for my best friend through it all.

  I felt my stomach tighten and my breath hitched. This had been happening most of the morning, but this time it seemed to be more intense.

  “Mommy,” Sam said.

  “Yes, baby,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Is baby waking up?”

  “Yes. Can you do Mommy a favor, please?”

  “Yep,” he said.

  “Can you please go get your father?”

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  Sam rushed outside through the front door, screaming for Holt. Within seconds, Holt was at my side.

  “Princess, is it time?”

  “Yes, baby, it is. Call the Healer, please.” I smiled at him through gritted teeth as another pain shot through my stomach.

  “Sam, hold Mommy’s hand while I make a phone call. Okay?”

  “Daddy?” Sam asked.

  “Give me one minute, Sam, okay? Just hold onto Mommy.”

  “Okay.” Sam held my hand in his tiny one and rocked back and forth. A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at my gorgeous little boy. “It’s okay, Mommy. Don’t cry, I’ll protect you.”

  Holt looked down at me and had a look of concern on his face. I had no idea what he saw. I mouthed, I love you. That was the last thing I remember before everything went black.


  I sat by Daci’s side for two days straight, watching her sleep. Watching her take in every breath. Wondering if and when she’d come back to me. She had to come back to me, to us. We all needed her. The tears I thought I no longer had welled in my eyes. I wasn’t moving from this chair until I knew she was going to be okay.

  The Healer had just left and said she didn’t understand what happened. She said there was no medical reason for Daci to have blacked out or to remain in a comatose state. But, thankfully, the Healer was able to deliver our baby girl without any issues and she was perfectly healthy.

  Miracle. That’s her name. She’s a miracle and the Healer said it was a miracle she was born without any issues. Now I was praying for another miracle. I needed to get my soul mate back.

  “Daci, I love you, baby. Please, wake up.” My tears streamed down my face.

  I sat in silence for at least another fifteen minutes before I heard the tiny footsteps of my baby boy approaching me.

  “Daddy!” He lunged at me and wrapped his arms around my neck. “I miss you, Daddy.”

  “I miss you, too, Sam.” I ran my fingers through his curly dark hair. “Have you and Chassidy been having fun?”

  “Yeah, but she pinches me. Hard.”

  I laughed. I desperately needed something to make me laugh or smile. Thank Goddess for Sam.

  “How’s Miracle doing? Are you taking good care of your sister?” I asked.

  “Baby’s doing good, Daddy. I take good care of her.”

  I wrapped my arms around my son and hugged him tight.

  “Is Mommy still sleeping?”

  “Yes, Sam. She’s still sleeping.”

  “Mommy’s tired, right, Daddy?”


  I buried my head in Sam’s neck and hugged him tight again. He pulled away from me and took off running into the living room and turned on the television.

  “Any word from the Healer?” V
eronica asked.

  “Nothing. She said Daci should wake up, but doesn’t understand why she isn’t. How’s Miracle?”

  “She’s sleeping in the living room. Want me to bring her to you?”

  “Yeah, I miss my baby.”

  “Don’t worry about any of the Pack business, my friend. Trey and I are taking care of everything for you. Just stay with Daci, that’s where you’re needed right now,” Dolph said.

  “Thanks. You’re a great friend.”

  “Here’s your beautiful little girl. She’s getting so big.”

  Veronica transferred Miracle into my arms. I held her tight. She looked just like her mother. Was this it? Would I only have our children to remind me of Daci and what we had? I shook my head. I needed my mate back. Then I had an idea.

  “Sam, come here, please,” I said.

  Sam ran back into the room. “Yes, Daddy?”

  “I think I know what Mommy needs. I think Mommy needs a kiss from her big boy.”

  “Okay.” He stood on his tiptoes and tried to bend over far enough to touch her. “But I can’t reach her.”

  I lifted him up onto the bed, then lay Miracle next to Daci on the other side.

  “On the count of three, we’ll all kiss Mommy, okay?”

  Sam giggled. “Okay.”

  “One, two,” We both leaned in, and I turned Miracle so she was facing Daci’s cheek. “Three.” We all kissed Daci. It was a stretch, but I was desperate. Maybe if she knew we were all surrounding her and loved her, she’d be able to will herself back to us.

  But it didn’t work.

  “Holt.” Veronica placed her hand on my shoulder. The tears streamed down my face. I was a broken man. I lifted Sam off the bed, and picked Miracle up, then took my place in the chair again.

  “She’s going to be fine, Holt. Give her time. She’s not going to leave you.” Veronica rubbed my shoulder again. “She loves you, Holt, you know that. And she loves her kids. She’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”

  The lump in my throat kept me from replying. I wanted so badly to believe Veronica. They gathered the kids and took them back to their house, and left me sitting in that fucking chair.

  I was awakened from my sleep when I heard a cough. I jumped up and rushed to our bed. Daci coughed again.

  “Daci,” I said through tears.

  “Holt,” she muttered.

  My eyes closed tight. I wanted to pinch myself. Was this real or a dream?

  “Holt,” she said.

  I reached for her hand and held it in mine. “I’m here, princess.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “It’s a long story. I need to call the Healer.” I tugged my phone from my pocket and hit speed dial to get Jenny on the line. After letting her know Daci was waking, she said she’d be right here.

  It seemed like just seconds from when I hung up that Jenny was at my door.

  “Come in, it’s open,” I hollered. I didn’t want to be away from Daci for one second.

  I watched her move her head, then shrug her shoulders slightly, then she stretched her fingers before curling them into a ball.

  “I got here as fast as I could,” Jenny said.

  “Your timing is fine. I know I called and woke you, but I appreciate you coming.”

  “Anything for you, Alpha, you know that.”

  “Can someone tell me what’s going on? Why do I feel like I’ve been in this bed for days?”

  “Princess, you have been. You blacked out shortly after you sent Sam to get me, and you’re just waking up now. Three days later.”

  “The baby,” she said. “Oh my gosh, the baby! What happened to her? Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay!” Daci’s hand reached out for me and I quickly grasped her small hand in mine.

  “You knew we were having a daughter?”

  “I could sense it, the pregnancy was different than the first. Holt, please, just tell me, is she okay?”

  “Calm down. Miracle is fine. Jenny delivered her and she’s perfectly healthy.”

  “Oh, thank Goddess.” Daci sat quietly for a couple of seconds. “Miracle?”

  “Yeah, I named her that. We had no idea what happened to you but Jenny said it was a miracle that she was fine. You can change her name if you want.”

  “No. I love the name. And I love you. How’s Sam?”

  “Sam’s fine; he’s next door. He’s been here to visit you every day, and I know he’s looking forward to seeing you with your eyes open.”

  “I won’t be long, but I need to do a quick check to make sure Daci is doing well. You can stay if you like, or you can get something to eat,” Jenny said.

  “There’s no way I’m leaving,” I said.

  Jenny checked Daci’s vitals and then checked her stomach.

  “Everything’s fine. You should be able to get up and about, but take it very slow. If you get lightheaded, stop and wait for it to subside. And whatever you do, if anything changes, call me immediately.” Jenny packed her things back into her bag. She stood to leave, but stopped and looked up at me.

  “Take care of yourself, too, Alpha. Sometimes we forget that we need care, too, when a crisis happens. Take some time off and get some rest; this has been a rough few days.”

  “Thank you, Jenny.” I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug.



  To this day we had no idea what caused the episode Daci experienced, but we all were happy it was behind us.

  We’ve had nearly everyone from the Pack come by to offer their wishes and to make sure their Alpha, Daci, was feeling better.

  It has been over six months since Miracle was born, and there hasn’t been a sign of anything being amiss with my beloved mate. We’re all feeling much better since Jenny did another check of Daci and said she was perfectly healthy.

  Veronica gave birth to another little girl, Ariel. Things were getting back to normal in their household, too. As normal as things can be with a toddler and a newborn.

  “Daddy, come on,” Sam said.

  “I’m coming.”

  I turned and looked at my son with his baseball glove on his hand and mine under his arm. He was getting ready for T-ball. We had enough small kids to start our own team to compete with other kids from surrounding communities.

  “Daci, Sam and I are going outside,” I said.

  She walked out of Miracle’s bedroom with our daughter in her arms. She had the prettiest natural curls in her sandy-brown hair. She was going to keep me on my toes for sure.

  “Da, da,” she cooed.

  I walked over and took her from Daci. Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck and she kissed me with her wet lips. She was teething and drooling like crazy.

  “How Daddy’s little girl?”

  She made her baby noises at me. I’m sure to her she was talking, but they were words I couldn’t understand.

  “Back to Mommy, Sweet Pea.” She stretched out her arms toward Daci.

  “Daddy!” Sam screamed.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I smiled.

  “You better get going. Someone,” she nodded her head in Sam’s direction, “is quite impatient.”

  I leaned in and kissed my beautiful mate. “I love you, princess.”

  “I love you too, my Alpha.”

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  Thank you for reading my very first Paranormal Romance story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’m honored and humbled that you chose to share your time reading it.

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  A Wolf’s Hunger

  Book 1: Rafe by A.K. Michaels

  Book 2: Kade by A.K. Michaels

  Book 3: Marrok by Julia Mills

  Book 4: Ax by Monica La Porta

  Book 5: Zohar by A. K. Michaels

  Book 6: Saint by Bella Roccaforte

  Book 7: Her Highlander’s Desire by A.K. Michaels

  Book 8: Mako by Bella Roccaforte

  Book 9: Sheba (part of Magic Unleashed boxset) by A.K. Michaels

  Book 10: Kendall by Monica La Porta

  Book 12: Shade (part of Creatures boxset) by A.K. Michaels pre-order available now! Release Date: Aug 15

  Book 13: Finn by Julia Mills– Coming In August

  Also coming soon:

  Brick by Elaine Barris (August)

  Tatum by S. Raven Storm

  Damian by Desiree a. Cox

  Find your next great book by Desiree…

  The Lust, Desire, & Love Trilogy

  Twisted by Desire (book 1) - #FREE

  Jaded by Love (book 2)

  Reclaimed by Love (book 3)

  Fantasy Come True

  Deviant Dream

  Intertwined Hearts

  Poly Amore

  Unselfish Love

  No Remorse (Mystery/Thriller)




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