Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set) Page 4

by Rachel Wilson

  “I’m not sure.” He studied them with an intensity that reminded her of a scientist facing the questions of mankind. “I want to say they’re probably not any different than a standard strip club, except you get a happy ending.”

  She nearly lost her lunch trying not to laugh at his reference. “I don’t know. I’d like to think it’s more than that.” Bouncing anxiously, she looked at him in question. “You want to check it out and see?”

  He shrugged, giving her a strange expression she couldn’t read. “Sure. Maybe it’s not exactly a separate thing after all.” His mouth suddenly curled into a shit-eating grin. “Maybe you have to dance for me or something.”

  She stared at him with a gaping mouth, amused and surprised. “If that’s the case, it must be an exchange.” He turned the color of fresh boiled lobster, and she dropped his hand. “Okay, let’s go.” They stepped through the curtains at the same time, and Shayne blinked. Lined up on a counter in front of her were several adult toys of all shapes, sizes, and uses. Above them were two signs. One had an arrow pointing to the right and read ‘Restrooms’, and the other said ‘Self-Service Station’.

  She stepped toward it, seeing a small plaque on the mirror lit with track lighting. She read aloud, “For those of you who might not be fully satisfied at the end of an attraction, we offer additional support here. Use whatever you need. Lubricant can be found in each bathroom stall from an automatic dispenser. You will also find a ‘recycle bin’ in which to place borrowed goods when you are done so they may be sanitized. Thank you.”

  Glorified restrooms.

  She rushed out, giggling so hard she doubled over, holding her stomach. She found Tyler out there, laughing so hard he teared up. “Moving right along, then,” he gasped, reaching for her hand and tugging her away. “I think they’ve come up with everything in this place.”

  Her stomach aching and her chest tight but settled, Shayne agreed, “I’ve got to hand it to them. When you can even turn the bathroom into an adult attraction, you are truly deviant.” She would have said more, but there was a loud whooshing sound, followed by the rush of wheels on tracks. She and Tyler turned as one to the left, and Shayne was shocked she hadn’t noticed it before.

  At the back of the park rose the distinct hills of a roller coaster. Giddy, she turned to Tyler. “Okay, you may think I’m completely insane, but roller coasters are my addiction, and I can’t stand not going on one. I don’t care what it does, Tyler. I want to ride it.”

  He gave her a withering look, and Shayne felt profound disappointment washing over her. Then, as suddenly as he’d gone still, he started dancing and broke out singing in falsetto. “Roller coaster of love!” It was not only hilarious, but he was actually pretty good, and Shayne danced and laughed along. When he stopped, he looked at her with twinkling eyes. “Okay, now you see why I’m socially awkward.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please! I guarantee if you break that out at a party, every girl there is going to drop her panties for you and throw them like little groupies.”

  He said nothing about it. “Okay, I admit, I love roller coasters like a groupie. Let’s go find the line and see what it’s all about.” He took her hand without asking this time, and they all but ran in the general direction of the machine, now that they could see it. Shayne was beside herself with anticipation, and it only added to her joy that she was having a stellar time with Tyler.

  When they found the entrance, they both burst out laughing again. With all the creative titles on these attractions, this one was simply called ‘Roller Coaster of Love’. How appropriate…and ironic. Shayne nudged Tyler in the ribs with an elbow. “You know, you could make big bucks as part of this attraction. You could wear some tiny little skivvies on those tight little buns of yours, a pair of sunglasses, and maybe some Vans and do your song and dance at the entrance. You’d probably reel in at least a couple thousand a night in tips for a couple hours of work.”

  He feigned shock and fear. “No way! I’m great with the air guitar and the air mic, but you put me in front of a crowd with the real thing, and the boys shrivel up. It’s not falsetto anymore, just me.”

  Shayne laughed and planted a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. “You are quite entertaining. Really, Tyler, you’ve got a great sense of humor, and the minute you let that out in public, people will take note of the nice package it comes in.” He blushed again, but they didn’t have long to address the topic.

  The attendant tapped Shayne on the shoulder, and she turned to look at a guy whose smile was devastating with even white teeth set in a tan face and framed with long blond hair. “Hey, lovebirds, there are a few rules on the Roller Coaster of Love. As you’re seated, those rules will be explained. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As far as I’m concerned, the only important rule is the first one, and that’s ‘Get on to get off.’ He winked and sent them forward.

  Chapter Two

  Shayne’s body was already clenching, and she could feel moisture building between her thighs. She was turned on by roller coasters anyway, and the friendly relationship she was building with Tyler added to the effect. To top it off, she was facing a ride meant to make her wet dreams come true. If she’d thought the Ferris wheel was a good time, she was certain this was going to be her favorite adventure all night.

  They stepped up to the train car, and Shayne was a bit confused. There was a single seat, and the attendant here, a woman with a chipper attitude, pointed to their jeans. “All clothing below the waist must be removed and left in these bins. Gentlemen take the seat, and ladies straddle, with legs through the harness behind them.” Shayne stared at the device and suddenly understood. Tyler would be riding the roller coaster; she’d be riding Tyler.

  The ups and downs would be their rhythm, and they would have little, if any, control of their coupling. It was so erotic Shayne had to fight back an orgasm at the mere thought. Tyler hesitated but began to undress, facing away from her politely so she could do the same with a modicum of privacy. As they stripped and the woman took their clothes, she told them, “You’ll be strapped in. Ladies have grips here and here.” She pointed to rungs hanging above. “That’s in case it gets too intense.”

  As Shayne turned to watch Tyler take his seat, she could see his erection already stiff and tall, ready for her, and he was quite nice. She closed her mouth before drool poured down her chin. With the woman’s assistance, she climbed on, threading her legs through the holes of the harness, and sat. She didn’t impale herself, and the woman didn’t try to make her. “You can sit as you like at the moment, but you should be in position by the top of the first hill. During the Tunnel of Love, you can do as you like, but you may not unstrap anything or dismount from the ride at any time until you return. Do you have any questions?”

  Other than how much longer they had to wait, Shayne didn’t, and Tyler shook his head rapidly, his chest heaving with pants. Their faces were maybe three inches apart, and she bit her lip and smiled at him. “Are you ready for this?”

  His vigorous nod was pretty reassuring. “I signed on when we got in line. What about you?” The quivering nerves in his voice spoke volumes about his concern with performance. Shayne was willing to bet he didn’t have a lot of sexual experience, and she placed a quick, desperate kiss on his lips.

  When she pulled back, she told him, “I am ready for the literal ride of my life. I hope you can hang on tight.” The train jerked forward, and his cock brushed deliciously against her wet lips. The tease was enough to make her moan, and Tyler grunted his own pleasure. She wriggled in her seat, making sure everything was lined up. “If you aren’t too busy holding on, you can touch anything you want, just so you know.”

  He swallowed visibly as they climbed the first hill with the slow chugging motion of any roller coaster, his head tapping against her opening the whole time. Shayne locked her hands in the stirrup-like handholds and braced herself. She could just see the front of the train dipping downward, and she took a deep breath,
sliding down on his cock as the speed picked up and the momentum rushed them over the crest.

  Symbolically enough, Shayne crested, screaming with delight as the force of the movement of the train pushed Tyler deep inside her. She burst with sheer pleasure, and as the motion switched on the up track, it slid him halfway out before slamming him inside again on the downside. He held the seat white knuckled, and she could feel his cock jumping inside her with the effort not to come already. Again and again, the roller coaster forced the rhythm, and Shayne’s breasts grew heavy with her arousal, hot and needy on her chest.

  As they slowed around a curve and entered a dimly lit tunnel, the screams and pants of other riders assaulted her ears, and she writhed deliciously on Tyler, her orgasms coming in ebbs and flows but never stopping. She kissed him deeply, and he cupped her breasts, molding and massaging them as the train rocked along through the tunnel. He set a slow rhythm for them, using his hold on her breasts as leverage, and with her grasp on the handholds, she fueled the motion.

  It was slow, sensual, and erotic, and Shayne lost track of her crests and valleys, too intent on the feel of him sliding so easily in and out of her. His hands were amazing, too, and he finally drew his fingers down her sides and around her back, touching bare skin. He cupped her ass, pulling her body tighter against him, and she gasped into his mouth. Experienced or not, Tyler lacked nothing as a lover. He had the whole package, including the vitality and desire to please.

  The train started to vibrate, and Shayne’s squeal of delight chorused with several others as Tyler broke the kiss with his own jerk of surprise. As it vibrated, adding another layer of sensation, it picked up speed, and the anticipation automatically quickened the rhythm of their coupling. She stared straight into Tyler’s eyes, and he didn’t break the gaze as they climbed again, faster up the hill this time, and she reveled in the smile that crept over his lips as they careened over the hill and back into the fast up and down of the roller coaster. Was it vibrating now? Who could tell?

  Shayne’s entire body practically convulsed as they rode the waves, creating ecstasy internally. Tyler held back, letting the pressure build again and again, and Shayne couldn’t watch the tightness and pain in his face anymore. She threw her head back and let the pleasure overwhelm her, the orgasms no longer separate but one long continuous stream. At that, she felt his reaction, his cock jumping several times and then firing inside her.

  He screamed with the blast, and Shayne’s body tore apart. Still, the coaster hadn’t come to an end, and they rode out the explosion for what was probably long seconds but felt like hours. Shayne didn’t even notice they’d come over the final hill and slowed, chugging around a winding track at a snail’s pace. She thought about sliding off Tyler’s still pulsating shaft, but she didn’t have the energy. Honestly, she was actually enjoying his last sputtering of pleasure, her body quaking with aftershocks from it.

  He leaned his head back against the seat and looked up at her with slits for eyes. Her eyelids felt just as lazy, and she gave him a smug smile. “I think we did that rather well, don’t you?”

  His laughter held little force, but it was genuine. “Considering I don’t know how I’m ever going to get out of this seat, much less wander the park for the rest of the night, I would agree.” His voice rasped from his throat, and as they came to a halt, their friendly attendant handed them each a cup of water.

  “Swallow this. The dismount is a bit of a process.” Shayne could imagine. If everyone else was as drained as she was, the attendants probably had to carry half the passengers to a recovery center somewhere. “This is vitamin water, with extra electrolytes. When those are gone, we’ll help you out of the train and onto these cots.”

  Shayne laughed and exchanged knowing glances with Tyler, who’d obviously had similar thoughts. “There, we’ll clean you and help you dress. We’ll give you another cup of this stuff and a quick shoulder rub. You likely don’t even realize how much upper body strength you just used. Finally, you’ll get one more cup and be on your way, good as new.”

  It sounded like a five or six minute ritual and Shayne somehow doubted it was that simple. She imagined having difficulty getting her gelatin legs under her when they shoved her out of the tent. But to her amazement, she felt like a brand new woman as she stepped outside into the night breeze. It was refreshing and as she searched for Tyler, she found him striding out with a bounce in his step.

  “What the hell do they put in that water?” he asked, his eyes bright and his shoulders strong and square.

  “I don’t know.” She saw him in a new light now, and he was insanely attractive. “I feel better than ever. Of course, I think I have to attribute a lot of that to you.”

  He blew it off. “It was the ride.” Then, he thought about it and feigned smugness. “Maybe I added a little something. Not as much as you, though.” He shook his hand like he’d burned it. “Smoking hot, Shayne.”

  This was definitely not the Tyler who’d walked into the park tonight, and she blushed under his praise. “Thank you.”

  He sighed and looked out ahead of them. “There’s still a lot of ground to cover, you know. I was thinking about going to the bathroom, but I’m afraid they make you serve yourself as a toll or something.”

  She laughed, more light-hearted than she could remember being in a long time. “I doubt it.” She motioned ahead of her. “I think I’ll go, too, but you don’t have to stay with me, Tyler. Like you said, there’s a lot of ground left to cover. You could meet some gorgeous chick, or find something you want to do by yourself. I don’t want some other girl thinking you’re taken or something.”

  He shook his head and made a face. “Maybe I’ll start thinking about picking up women tomorrow. I love this park, but I’m not really sure it’s the place to pick up strange women, if you know what I mean.” She nodded and he said, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to stick around. I don’t want to run into a bicycle built for two sort of ride without a partner I trust on the second set of pedals.” It was an odd way to make a request, but in their quiet friendship, they had the kind of understanding to make such comparisons. The last think Shayne had expected from this evening was to make a new friend, but she was grateful.

  Holding out her hand in offering, she told Tyler, “Well, we found some good trouble once. I think it’s entirely possible we could do it again.” He took it without question, and they practically bounced down the path, looking for another adventure. Shayne had small aches and pains in places she hadn’t known she had muscles, but they felt good, and she wasn’t about to stop now.

  As far as she was concerned, if she kept having this much fun, she would stay with Tyler all night and wake up a tight ball of torn ligaments in the morning with a smile on her face.

  To Be Continued…

  Thrill: Naked Touch

  Chapter One

  While he’d enjoyed his experience so far, Garrett’s pleasure was tainted by anger. He’d lost track of Willa over an hour ago, and his possessive nature was taking a severe hold on his mentality. He’d brought Willa here to gain experience so they could be more imaginative and creative in bed. But now that he’d been apart from her and hadn’t been able to keep track of what his girlfriend was doing.

  He knew he had a problem; plenty of his friends had told him he was a little too controlling. He wanted to fix it, and that was another reason for being here. But he couldn’t handle this amount of separation in a place filled with sexual stimulation. He honestly wasn’t that secure in his relationship.

  He watched left and right as he strolled as calmly as he could through the lanes of the park. He saw Leslie in the distance at one point, and he thought he saw Ethan going into some attraction, though from behind, the black hair could have been anyone. With a sigh, he ran his hand through his blond hair and realized he’d circled back around to the last place he’d seen Willa. Maybe he should just stop here and wait for a bit. After all, two moving targets could circle forever and never meet. One o
r the other had to stand still.


  Willa had been wandering aimlessly for a while now. She didn’t particularly feel up to hitting another attraction right now. After all, she’d been in a permanently aroused state for quite some time, and her body needed a rest. At the same time, she wasn’t exactly sure she was ready to seek Garrett out, either. She wanted to see him, to know what he’d been doing. It drove her crazy to think that he’d been hitting ride after ride without her. But she wasn’t sure she wanted the same things that he did. If he suggested an attraction for them to experience together, she didn’t know if she could look Garrett in the face and tell him no.

  “Willa!” Her name chorused through the air, and she looked up from her despondent consideration, searching for the source. She was taken aback when she saw Shayne and Tyler coming toward her, hand in hand. That was an odd coupling, if she ever saw one, but then, she didn’t know either of them well enough to make judgment calls. “Willa!” they called again, picking up their pace.

  She strode toward them, meeting them in the middle. “Hey, you two? Have either of you seen Garrett?” she asked. Instantly, she regretted it. She should have just let it go. She sounded desperate, codependent, and all around helpless. “I only ask because we went separate ways a while ago, and I thought it might be nice to check in.” Now, she sounded needy and like she was making excuses.

  Tyler shook his head. “I haven’t seen him since we left the front gate.”

  “Me, either,” Shayne told her. “In fact, I think I’ve seen everyone but Garrett. You’re probably looking for each other and circling in the same direction at the same speed. Why don’t you just hang with us for a bit, and we’ll all go a little slower, see if we run into him?”

  Willa shrugged. She supposed that would work. It was at least nice to not be wandering alone. It wasn’t like there weren’t tons of singles and loners. But that wasn’t Willa’s style. It never had been. “Sure. Where are you coming from?”


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