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My Sweet Paige

Page 1

by Mallory Funk


  Copyright by Mallory Funk 2017

  This book may not be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form (electronically, mechanically, by photocopying or recording) without written permission from the author.

  This book is fiction and created using the ideas of the author. Any names or places that are used are from the author’s imagination. This book is for your enjoyment only.

  Edited by, Amber Gaida


  For my husband, thank you for believing me every step of the way.

  Chapter One


  This is it. I’m finally here!

  The neighbourhood I moved into is not only in the nicest area of the city, but also the safest. My house is big, but it was always that way. I grew up in this house. Growing up, it felt loveless. I was always lonely. I had always spent time with my best friend because there was never anyone else here. My parents were always cold towards me, and I never knew why.

  The main floor of my house has a living room, kitchen, and one bedroom that I had never seen anyone ever go in. The second floor has a den and two bedrooms, and the third floor has two bedrooms also. Coming back to this house, I hope to make this place feel more like a home than it did growing up.

  I spend the next few hours helping or directing the movers to where they should put everything that I owned into my five-bedroom house. I know it’s a big place for just one person, but it was my parents’ before they died. As their only child, I was left everything. I had people come in and grab their stuff for donation, and anything that looked personal was left in one of the bedrooms for me to go through.

  I am not a big fan of living by myself which is why my best friend Courtney was going to be moving here in two months, after she sells her house. She is also dealing with one of my salon locations. After I had left my parents’ house, I went to college. I got a degree in business, and Courtney and I had decided to take courses to learn everything we could to open our own salon. With my parents’ money, I had opened my own salon and a couple other salons in different cities. We were all over the place, but it was a nice start. The one in our home town was a success, and constantly busy with regular clients and walk-ins. We had decided to open a second location to see how that would work out, and it turned out to be just as successful. Taking the time to hire and find the kind of staff we wanted, including the right management when we weren’t there, made all the difference. After getting the third location up and running, I found out about my parents’ death.

  This was my childhood home, and I needed to get out of my old city where I had been living for the past few years. I didn’t speak much to my parents over the years, but we were never close. They had been in an accident a few months ago. They had gotten hit by a drunk driver late one evening. No other siblings, no other family; just me, well, besides my best friend Courtney. She is an only child and an orphan too, so all we really have had is each other. That is how we have always been. Courtney liked her adoptive parents, but she has kept people at an arm’s length for as long as I can remember. If I hadn’t of met her before her parents died, I doubt I would have been able to be as close to her as I am now.

  Courtney has blonde hair and green eyes. She’s about average height standing at five feet, six inches, and she is very beautiful. I have curves whereas Courtney has a slim waste and a big chest. I had always envied her chest even though I don’t have small boobs. She would always tell me that her chest was her best asset. We have been stuck to each other for as long as I can remember. She’s got a sassy personality. You have to get to know her to see the real her. I have known her my whole life, but I have seen people who look at her and see just a potty-mouthed woman. Deep down, I know she’s got a heart of gold. She would do anything for me like I would do anything for her. We are sisters by heart and have always been.

  Just as the movers are leaving and I’m signing the papers, my phone rings. I smile when I see who it is.

  “Hey Court.”

  “Hey bitch. How’s moving? All done?” I laugh at the name she calls me. Over the years, the term bitch, slut- you name it, stopped being insulting when it came from one another.

  “It’s going well. The moving guys were just leaving.”

  “Guys… were they hot?”

  “Court!” I roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

  “What!? What a great way to start off in a new city, watching some hot guys get all sweaty moving your stuff in.”

  I have to laugh. “I don’t think so. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

  “What? Girl, if a hot guy walks by, you will not be able to help but pay attention!”

  “Alright. Well maybe they just weren’t my type.” I honestly didn’t know what my type was, but that was because I haven’t dated in three years. After breaking up with my ex, I found it hard to get myself back out there. I knew one day it would happen, but I still wasn’t going to put myself out there yet. Courtney and I had argued about this topic on more than one occasion.

  She keeps on talking, but my focus goes to the guys who pull up across the road. The house they pull into is as big as the one I moved into. Three guys pull into the driveway. Damn, they are good looking. Please tell me that those are my hot neighbours. I could spend my days watching them from across the road. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, and I’m sure they will catch me staring sooner or later.

  “Paige! PAIGE!” I snap out of my daze. Shit.

  “Oh shit, sorry. I uhh... got distracted.” I hear her snort.

  “Did something hot just walk by?”

  I’m so glad that she couldn’t see me blush. “Totally… three somethings.”

  “Oh my god! What do they look like?!” I start laughing at the excited tone my best friend has. Of course, my laugh had gotten the attention of the three gorgeous men across the street.

  “Shit, they saw me staring at them,” I whisper into the phone.

  She starts laughing at me, bitch- it wouldn’t be so funny if it was her. Why are they still looking over here? They start walking towards me, and I feel my heart start to beat faster.

  “They’re coming this way,” I say in a low tone.

  “Call me back once they leave!” she says in a whisper too. Why is she whispering?

  Once they get closer, I can see how gorgeous these men are and that they know it. Great, cocky bastards. I have had enough of them in my day.

  “Hey sweetheart, are you our new neighbour?” the one with dark brown hair and grey eyes asks. He is probably around six-foot-four or five. He has a big build. He has big shoulders and muscle on his arms, so I can tell he works out. He is probably one of the hottest men I have ever seen. One look from him and I’m already nervous like a school girl talking to her crush. I like to hide behind my humour when I am nervous.

  “No, I just like to stand on random people’s porches and talk on the phone for fun,” I say as I roll my eyes.

  There are a few snickers coming from the other men. The one who asked me the question’s lips twitch.

  “Got a smart mouth on this one,” I hear one of the other men say. This one has dark brown hair too, but his eyes were a light brown. The man next to him looks exactly like him except he has blue eyes, so I know that they are twins. They are all very tall making me feel short compared to them. I hate that feeling. Looking at the three of them, I could tell they were all related.

  “Well… Hi, I’m Paige. I just moved in as of thirty minutes ago,” I say with a small smile.

  “The name’s Trevor, and these are my brothers Liam and Cole. There are two more that aren’t here right now, Sam and Derek,” the one with grey eyes says back to me.

  “There are five of you?!” I exclaim, may
be a little too loudly because they all start to chuckle.

  “Sure are, sweetheart.” I had to roll my eyes. Judging by the smirks on their faces, they had seen it too. No doubt these men knew how good looking they were.

  “Okay, let’s get one thing straight. I’m not your sweetheart, nor will I ever be your sweetheart. Got it?”

  Liam and Cole started laughing “Damn, I like this one,” Cole says slapping his brother on the back.

  “Me too,” I hear Trevor mumble.

  “Anyway, I should get back. Got to unpack and all,” I turn around and run inside. I must have ran like my ass was on fire because I could hear them laughing behind me.


  That girl was something else, I could already tell. Looking at her, she was hot as fuck. I just hope that we don’t see a boyfriend or husband moving in. I could already tell that I had to have her. We started walking back to our place when my other brothers had pulled up. Derek is the youngest of us at twenty-five. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. Derek and Cole got their eyes from our mother. Sam has light brown eyes like Liam. But he has light brown hair instead of dark. We all look pretty similar. You can tell we are all related. Our parents had also had us close together.

  “Hey, where you guys coming from?” Derek said as soon as he got out of the truck.

  “New neighbour across the street,” Cole says with a grin.

  “Was she hot?” Sam asks, glancing across the street.

  “How do you know it was a girl?” Cole said.

  “Judging by the looks on your faces right now, I’m going to say that was no man across the street,” Sam says raising his eye brows and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Fuck yeah she was,” Liam says.

  “Got quite the mouth on her too,” he adds with a chuckle.

  “Bro, why are you so quiet? You’re never this quiet. It’s kind of freaking me out,” Derek asks looking like he’s ready to run away from me.

  Cole and Liam laugh, “She told him not to call her sweetheart, and then ran out of there like he asked her to suck his dick right there.”

  My other brothers start laughing. “Lost your charm, bro?” Sam says.

  “Fuck off,” I say while walking inside the house. I hear them chuckling behind me.

  We all start to get supper ready. Well, Sam and I start supper. Cole couldn’t cook worth a damn, and I wouldn’t trust anything he attempted to make. Liam and Derek were okay, as in if you only wanted to eat salad or frozen pizzas for the rest of your life okay. Sam and I learned from our mom. She tried to teach all of us, but that didn’t go over very well with Cole. He would burn or undercook everything; there was no in between. Derek and Liam never had the patience.

  It’s just us five boys. Our parents died a few years ago. They were great parents who showed us more love than most people have. Then mom got sick from cancer. They had found it too late, and there wasn’t much time left when she found out. We lost our dad soon after. I think his death was caused more by a broken heart than anything. He was never the same after our mother passed away. He would always tell us that his other half was gone. He became a shell of the man we once knew him to be. I never imagined loving someone so much that you weren’t you without them. I think that scared my brothers and me. This was why we never set out to find a wife, or girlfriend for that matter.

  My parents’ deaths left my brothers and I with only each other. The oldest are the twins, Liam and Cole, and then Sam came next. Derek and I are the youngest. Cole and Liam were always together, but I never understood that twin bonding thing. We moved here a year ago. We all wanted a fresh start and decided to live together since we have always been together. No one man or woman has come between my brothers and me. It helps that we are all single and don’t “do” girlfriends, not that any of us ever has had a girlfriend…

  After we eat, and I go upstairs and get ready for bed, I can’t help but look out my window across the street. There she was sitting on her porch talking on her phone. When I first saw her, I never thought I had seen anyone more beautiful than her. Long, light brown hair down to her curvy ass, and beautiful, light brown eyes. I knew, from one look into those eyes, that I had to have her. There was something about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I knew I had to get to know her. There was no way I could stay away, and I know that if I didn’t then one of my brothers would jump on in.

  When I woke up the next morning, Derek and Cole were already awake. We all like to sit on the front porch and drink our coffee. There is something so relaxing about drinking coffee as soon as you wake up while breathing in the fresh morning air. It’s a perfect way to wake up. The mornings were always peaceful. We had been doing this for many years now. Our parents used to do it too. They always said that the early morning was the best time to enjoy the quiet, listen to the birds, or think peacefully through any stressful thoughts.

  “Morning,” they say as soon as I go outside and sit down.

  “Morning” I grumble. We sit in silence for a few minutes, and then Sam and Liam join us. Some mornings, we didn’t talk for a long time. It was a comfortable silence. I think we all enjoyed it.

  The front door opens across the street, and we all are silently watching our new neighbour. She has a cup in her hand and sits down on her front porch. That’s just perfect. It seems that she loves spending the early mornings just like we do.

  “Is that her?” Sam asks.

  “Yeah, that’s her,” I reply.

  “It looks like she likes our kind of mornings; coffee on the front porch,” Liam says with a small chuckle.

  I just sit there and stare at her. Even in the morning with her pyjamas and morning hair, she is still beautiful to me. I hope that I can have many mornings to look at this beautiful woman in front of me. Where did that thought come from? I never think about a woman like this. It’s always fuck and get out before they get attached. No cuddling, no sleepovers, unless I was too drunk to kick her out of bed. Then, this woman comes along, and I’m thinking of how many mornings I could look at her? I haven’t even fucked her!

  “Are you calling dibs, bro?” They all turn to look at me. “Dibs” is something we had started a long time ago. If one brother called dibs then the others backed off until he tapped out. We started it so that we never had to fight over a woman; we made sure that one would never come between us. We had only used dibs when we were serious about a woman or were after her for more than a quick fuck, so it hasn’t been used very often by us. We were brothers first before anything else. I don’t know how they could all tell I was interested, but I sure as fuck didn’t want to see her with any of my brothers.

  “Yeah, I’m calling dibs.” I hear them all snicker. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

  “I knew you were hung up on her, bro,” Liam says to me, and we all glance back over the street. After a few minutes of talking with all of us looking at her, she glances our way, smiles, and waves. Damn, she was sweet. I bet she had the whole fucking package.

  Of course, that made all of them start shouting stuff at her.

  Chapter Two


  I had spent the night thinking about Trevor. There was something about him. I already knew that my life was about to change. I didn’t know how or why, but I could tell. It also didn’t bother me that he was fucking gorgeous. I caught a glimpse of him last night when I met them, and when I looked out my window when they were crossing the street, I had seen two more men show up. I am guessing those were the other brothers they were telling me about. Did they all have to be so fucking hot?

  I started to unpack, avoiding going into the room on the main floor. That’s where all my parents’ stuff was. I had asked for all the furniture to be removed and bought different sets to replace them. All my parents’ clothes and personal belongings were in that room. I don’t know why I just won’t clean it out, but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it at this point.

  I had ordered a pizza for dinner and kept unpacking.
Sometime in the evening, Courtney called me back and I had told her about my interaction with the hot as fuck brothers. She laughed and seemed more excited about moving now that we had eye candy living across the street. We had talked for about an hour. We usually didn’t go a day without speaking to each other. We were all we had. It was going to be a long two months before I saw her again. The longest we have gone without seeing each other was about a week.

  I woke up this morning and looked out my window. I saw Trevor and his brothers sitting on their porch. That made me smile. I wondered if they loved it for the same reasons that I did. The mornings always seemed peaceful to me. I would spend that time thinking or just staring out into the world loving the morning breeze. It was a time before the streets got busy with people running around, not taking the time to enjoy their surroundings. I had run downstairs to make my coffee. I needed coffee every morning before I did anything else. I loved the smell and the taste of it. There was nothing like taking that first sip in the morning. I always feel so relaxed after that first sip.

  I made sure to unpack my coffee pot and mugs so that I could have everything ready to make coffee in the morning. The few items I had picked up at the store were creamer and stuff to snack on while I unpacked. I knew I wouldn’t be cooking just for myself, so I didn’t bother buying stuff for meals just yet.

  I had gone out to sit on the porch, and they were all still sitting there. Now, they were all looking at me. I waved to them, and that had made them wave back and shout at me.

  Once they started shouting questions at me, I just told them to head over for their morning coffee. It seemed like they liked to do what I did in the mornings. I was usually by myself, but I loved the quiet. My days were usually hectic, and there was nothing better than sitting with a hot coffee in the slight morning breeze.

  “Hey Darling, I’m Derek and this is Sam. We weren’t fortunate enough to meet our beautiful neighbour yesterday.” Smooth. They were all heartbreakers, I could tell.


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