My Sweet Paige

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My Sweet Paige Page 7

by Mallory Funk

  My heart is beating so fast that I can barely keep myself from laughing hysterically. I see Tara across the lawn behind their cars laughing into her hand. I look across the street and see Courtney running out of the house probably looking exactly how I had. She is laughing really hard and dashes into the bushes on the side of our house before the guys come storming out of the house.

  Trevor is drenched. He is only in sweat pants. Fuck, he looks good. He’s storming down the steps at the same time that the others come out. He is covered in water. Damn, she got him good. There’s a wet spot on Derek and Cole’s backs. I’m guessing that’s how they didn’t know what happened. Sam and Liam both have one on their front, but Liam’s is right on his crotch making it look like he pissed himself. We are all covering our mouths so that they don’t hear us laughing.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Derek asks, glancing at his brothers.

  “I didn’t see shit. Next thing I know my back is wet. I thought it was you, asshole,” Cole says.

  “Bro, did you piss yourself?” Trevor asks trying to contain his laughter at his brother’s expense.

  “Fuck no. We heard Derek and Cole yell, and your girl was standing behind us with the most evil smile on her face. It gave me the chills. Quiet as a fucking mouse. Next thing I know, she throws balloons at us and runs out of the house before we can digest what the fuck just happened,” Liam says sounding pissed although he’s looking rather amused.

  Trevor starts laughing until something comes to his mind. “Well, I woke up to water splashed in my face and Courtney high tailing it down the stairs.”

  They all start laughing. Derek speaks up. “Well where the fuck are they?”

  They all start looking around. Suddenly, we hear a crashing sound across from them. I know that Tara must have fell. I have gotten to know that she is pretty clumsy.

  The brothers look at each other with matching grins wearing smiles that us women were probably wearing only minutes ago. Tara stands up holding a water balloon in her hand. “Stay back! I mean it!”

  “Where are the others?” Cole says slowly walking towards her. She starts to look for a way out. I look over to see Courtney holding a couple of water balloons coming out of her hiding spot.

  I grab some and get up. I quickly throw them and hit Liam and Trevor in the back. They quickly turn around as I duck into the bushes. My heart’s beating fast hoping that they didn’t see me.

  “Who the fuck was that?” Liam says.

  Courtney throws next hitting Derek and Sam in the back too. As they all turn in different directions, I see Tara run away across the street.

  “Oh, they’re playing dirty,” Sam says with a grin.

  “Come out ladies. You know that it’s only a matter of time before we catch you!”

  Liam comes closer to my hiding spot. He is almost standing in front of me. I quickly chuck a balloon and run out of there.

  I hear laughter as I’m running away. I catch up to Courtney and Tara. We are all laughing.

  “I found a bucket over here with a shit ton of balloons,” Liam says.

  “There’s one over here too!” Sam yells.

  At that moment, they all turn around to look at us with Cheshire cat grins on their faces.

  “Oh shit!” we scream and run to the other buckets to grab ammo.

  The brothers are throwing balloons at us and ducking behind cars and the fence. We are at a full out war of men versus women, but we didn’t seem to factor in that they have more men on their side than we have women.

  After both sexes are out of ammo, we are all laughing so hard. We fall down on the ground to catch our breath.

  “Fuck, that was fun,” Cole speaks up.

  “How did you ladies manage to fill up that many balloons without any of us knowing?” Sam looks at us three.

  “Oh, I was just walking in the kitchen when I saw T and Court finishing up the last bucket. I decided to play too.” I wink up at him and put my hands behind my back. He just smirks back at me.

  “Well P and Trev were napping and no one else was over all afternoon, and we were bored, so there you go!” Courtney says.

  “I still think she is a traitor!” Tara says loudly causing me to laugh.

  “You walked right in front of me! What was I supposed to do?” I ask innocently.

  “Ugh, how about not throw a water balloon at my face?” she says with her lip twitching, trying not to smile.

  “I was already in the throwing motion, so I couldn’t help it!” I say.

  Courtney just laughs. “Right… And the balloon you threw to the back of my head?”

  “My direction was off, and I was on a roll,” I say with a smile.

  “Hah-Hah… It’s because her man was on our side,” Derek says.

  Liam groans. “Oh, I don’t think that made us safe from her.”

  Everyone starts laughing. I pat him on the head. “How are the fellas? Are they okay?” I ask trying my hardest not to smile.

  He tries to glare at me, but I see the smile on his lips. “Why? Three times! You had to aim for my dick three times?!”

  “I wasn’t aiming at it. It just happened to get caught in the cross fire,” I say with an innocent shrug.

  “If I can’t have kids, I will remember this day! I will get you back for that, P!”

  “Oh, I’m scared now!” I mock in fake terror. Everyone bursts out laughing. I can see the wheels turning in Liam’s head, and I know that he will try and get me back.

  After we all catch our breath, we decide to clean up the mess from the balloons. We are all still laughing while cleaning. I start up the BBQ for dinner, and then Sam takes over and starts cooking us some burgers. I spend the day cuddled up to Trevor’s side. I find it hard to be in the same room as him and not be sitting on his lap or holding his hand. My gaze always seems to land on him, and he smirks at me a lot knowing that I can’t take my eyes off him.

  Chapter Ten


  The next week seems to fly by, and I spend every moment I can with the brothers. With still no word from Shaun, I am beginning to wonder if he was just trying to scare me.

  My phone buzzes on the counter while I’m getting ready to start supper for everyone. Since everyone I hang out with is sitting in the living room, I’m assuming that someone from work is phoning me.

  Unknown Number: I told you that you were mine. You don’t belong to anyone else.

  As soon as I read the text, my blood runs cold and I turn pale. With shaky hands, I go into the living room. Everyone looks up at me when I walk in. Trevor gets up as soon as he sees my face. He just grabs my phone and reads the text I just got.

  “FUCK!” he yells and grabs my face between his hands.

  “You’re mine, baby. You got that? I’m not going to let him hurt you, you hear me?” I look into his eyes and I can see the anger, but I can also see that he’s scared too. I nod my head and bury it in his chest.

  “I just want him to leave me alone. Why can’t he just let me go?” I start to cry.

  Just then, my phone beeps again. Everyone goes still.

  Unknown number: He can’t keep you safe forever. I will have you again.

  I’m shaking so much. I’m scared he’s going to hurt Trevor or one of his brothers because of me. I know how possessive he is, and he never wanted me to be friends with men. I can see him going crazy right now, and what scares me is that I don’t know what he will do or when. I hate the uncertainty of it all.

  Trevor picks me up bridal style and takes me upstairs. He holds me against him whispering words of encouragement and telling me how much he loves me and that he will do anything to keep me safe and make sure that no one hurts me. That’s actually what I’m afraid of.


  I hate this. It has been a long time since we have heard anything from this asshole. I hate seeing my girl scared and shaken up. I’m scared that this guy is going to take her from me. I can’t have that happen. I love her too much. She’s become a par
t of my life, and I know that I need her. She makes my day better just by being by my side. I’d do anything to make her smile or hear her laugh.

  I’m not going to let this fucker mess with my girl. I know my brothers are just as messed up as I am about it. Paige has become a sister to them. She makes us all laugh and smile. She fits in with us. I know now the reason why I never found another girl that made me want to be in a relationship. I was waiting for her. The woman that makes me want to be a better man; a man that takes care of her and protects her and not just her body, but also her heart.

  Once she is fast asleep, I slide out of bed and head downstairs. Everyone is still in the living room eating and talking.

  “Fuck man, what are we going to do?” Cole says.

  “We can’t let this asshole keep doing this to her,” Sam replies.

  I scrub my face with my hand. “Fuck, I know. I know. She’s scared shitless. This asshole is just sending texts- he hasn’t showed his face yet, but he is obviously following her or us because he knows she is with me. We’ve got to catch him. I can’t keep having him do this to her.”

  “Doll, do you have a picture of him so that we know what he looks like?” Cole asks Courtney.

  She nods her head and opens her phone. “I found this the other day. I knew I would have to show you what he looks like, so I went to go look for one. With all his social media accounts down, I had to look through all the friends we had in common. It was hard to find because everyone dropped him as a friend when they found out what he did to Paige. As you can see, she’s an easy person to love. She never let anyone but me get close to her after that. She pushed everyone away. I was worried about her. After her parents died, I knew it would be a good idea to move back to our hometown. With all of you coming into our lives, I don’t want him to ruin that again. What if she tries to push everyone away again? If he scares her enough into thinking that he’s going to do something to us, or harm one of us, then she will push or try to run. I know she will.”

  “We won’t let her, okay Doll?” Cole says putting an arm around her.

  “She can’t get rid of us that easily,” Liam says with a wink.

  “She’s going to try…” Courtney starts to say but gets cut off by Sam.

  “Then she’s going to have a tough time. You ladies are like family to us. I see you three as sisters and there’s nothing one of you can do to push me or anyone of my brothers away. I know how stubborn you all can be, but we are more stubborn. You can kick, fight, scream, call us names, but we stick together. We are in this together. You ladies aren’t alone anymore.

  Tara and Courtney nod their heads. Derek hands me a plate of food.

  “Eat up, brother. Sounds like it’s going to be a rough next couple of weeks.

  I grab the plate and start eating. We all start talking about how everything is going to go. We agree to stick close and ensure that not one of the girls is to be left alone. We don’t know what’s going on in this guy’s head.

  A couple hours later, I bring a plate up to Paige. She never came downstairs since I brought her to her room. I go into the room and I hear the shower shutting off. She comes out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. She clutches her hand to her chest.

  “Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me!” I just smirk at her.

  “I brought you a plate since you didn’t come down. We can just watch a movie and relax tonight, baby.”

  She gives me a grateful look. “Thanks. I’m not in the mood to see anyone. Well, except for you of course.” She winks at me and damn if it isn’t cute.

  We settle on the bed, and she sits cross legged beside me. “Sorry about everything that’s happening. I know when you decided to start dating me that you didn’t sign up for all this extra drama.”

  I grab her chin and get her to look at me. “No baby, I would want you with or without the drama. Don’t you get it? I’m crazy about you. My days are better with you in them. You smile at me and take my breath away. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if you hadn’t had moved into your parents’ house across from me. These last few months have been amazing.” I take a deep breath and it feels like my hearts going to beat out of its chest. “I love you Paige. More than you will know.”

  She looks into my eyes and I see tears forming in hers. “I love you too. I tried to fight it, but I just couldn’t.”

  I slam my lips down onto hers. We get lost in the kiss. I lay her down until she’s under me. I settle between her legs. We’re kissing hard, groping each other and grinding. Then we begin stripping each other frantically taking off each other’s clothes. We both are completely naked. I’m looking down at her. This beautiful woman. She’s mine. She’s bucking her hips up to me. Her pussy is soaked. She’s coating me with her juices. The tip of my cock is grinding from her clit to her entrance. I stop and look into her eyes.

  “Are you sure, baby?” She looks up at me. I can see the love she has for me in her eyes. She nods her head.

  “Words baby, let me hear the words.”

  “Yes, Trevor I want you.” Once my cock is at her entrance I slowly sink in until she is grabbing onto my ass with her feet in a desperate attempt to get me in deeper. Just as she closes her eyes, getting lost of the feel of me slipping inside of her. I pull back and thrust into her all at once. Her eyes fly open. “Fuck.”

  “Am I hurting you?” I ask, keeping still and gritting my teeth. Fuck, she’s tighter than anyone I have ever been with. This feels amazing. Best. Pussy. Ever.

  “No, don’t stop,” she says wiggling her hips.

  “Fuck,” I yell. I start off slow and let her get used to my size. Once I feel her getting wetter and she starts moaning louder, I start thrusting harder and deeper. I take one of her legs and put it over my shoulder giving me a different angle. Fuck, this feels good. Not only has it been awhile since I fucked anybody, but I’ve been waiting to fuck this girl since she moved across the street from me. I slam into her harder and faster.

  “Oh fuck. Trevor. Right there.” She’s moaning louder now. I feel her pussy start to contract around me. Her pussy starts squeezing my cock. I know that she’s coming, and I can’t stop myself from going off with her. Her pussy is milking every last drop of cum from me. I still myself and drop onto my elbows on top of her so that I don’t crush her under my weight.

  Our breathing slows down, and I pick my head up off her chest and look at her. She’s gorgeous. And all mine.

  “Fuck, baby, that was…fucking fantastic.” She gives me a smile.

  “You weren’t so bad,” she says with a mischievous look in her eyes.

  I narrow my eyes at her.

  “Were you or were you not just screaming my name?”

  She shrugs with a hint of humour in her eyes.

  I give her a playful glare and she starts laughing. That’s my girl. Just as I’m about to tickle her, she stops me. Laughing she says, “Okay, okay, that was fucking awesome, alright?!”

  “That’s what I want to fucking hear.” I give her a small kiss and slide out of her. I look down and see my cum dripping out of her.

  I look up at her panicked. I never forget to put a condom on. I always remember. I never took a woman bare before. She must see the look on my face because she starts to frown.

  “Trevor, what’s wrong?”

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I never put a condom on. Shit. I never forget. I don’t know what came over me.” She sits up and grabs my face.

  “Trevor, it’s okay. I’m on the pill. I never wanted you to wear one anyway, I just never got a chance to tell you. I can’t help but grin widely, and when she sees my face she just rolls her eyes.

  Thank fuck. I’m never wearing a condom with her. She feels too good and now that I know what she feels like bare. I don’t think I could feel her with a condom.

  Chapter Eleven


  Slowly, I wake up to myself wrapped around Trevor. I remember the night before. How Shaun messaged me and then how later that night Trevor
made love to me. I can’t believe he loves me. I wasn’t expecting him to say it, but when he did I couldn’t help but feel relieved. I had known for a while that I was falling in love with him, maybe since I first met him. My wall came crumbling down, and I know there was nothing that I was going to do to stop this thing between us. I had never felt this way about someone before. Loved, safe, protected, cherished. Who knew moving back into my parents’ place that I would end up meeting not only all the Hastings brothers, but also that I would fall in love with one of them?

  I slowly slip out of bed and put a couple pillows down. I see Trevor reach out for me in his sleep. So sweet. I brush my teeth, get dressed, and head downstairs.

  It’s still quite early so everyone is still asleep. I make my morning coffee and get both pots started knowing everyone will slowly be getting up. I notice all the stuff we are running low on in the kitchen and decide to make a grocery list so that I can go shopping later. I pull open a junk drawer that I haven’t really been in before. There is a white envelope at the bottom. It seems as though someone stuffed it in there in a rush. I open it and find pictures of three boys. I keep going through the pictures, and it seems that the boys are getting older. They look familiar. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something about them is familiar. I grab one that looks to be the most recent. I turn it around and it says, “Noah, Kyle, and Lucas Johnson Age: 28, 29, and 31.”

  Johnson? They had my dad’s last name. I look at the men again and I could see why they were familiar. They had many similarities to my father. The youngest one was two years older than me. Who were they to my dad? I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I look into the envelope again and there is a paper with an address on it. It was across town, but still in town. I quickly grab the photos and address and run out of the house not caring that I was only in leggings and Trevor’s t-shirt.

  I didn’t care that it was six in the morning, I had to know what was going on. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate all day if I didn’t know. The threat of Shaun was far from my mind when I took off down the street. Thirty minutes later, I was pulling up to a house that was average in size. Nothing like the big house I was living in, but still a nice place. I can see three vehicles outside that must belong to the men of the house. One was in front of the house, and I had pulled up behind it. Two more were in the driveway. I take a deep breath, grab the photos, and walk up to the house.


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