Worlds Away

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Worlds Away Page 10

by J. L. Hendricks

  He sat down at the other end of the couch. It was pretty comical because he always kept a discreet distance from me.

  “Do you know what to do in case something happens?” Cazon had a very serious look on his face, and he was sitting up straight as a board. For someone who usually was happy and smiling, this was odd to see.

  “Have you been keeping your emotions in check around me? I haven’t seen you so serious before.” I narrowed my eyes and waited for his response.

  “Yes, I have. Now answer my question, please.” He started to roll his shoulders and kept breathing in and out.

  “I am to wait here in my quarters, unless he calls me or you come to get me. What’s wrong, why are you so upset?” His nervousness was starting to wear off on me and I wondered if the situation was worse than what Venay had led me to believe.

  “If they attack us, we should be able to fight them off… but should something happen, I need you to find a way to get over to Lisa’s. You will be safer with her than here, in the Commander’s quarters. If the enemy finds you here, let’s just say they will either kill you, or take you as prisoner. You don’t want them taking you as prisoner.” He shivered.

  “Stink, you think they might get on this ship, don’t you?” I started breathing heavily and worry began to take over. Venay had definitely not told me everything.

  “I can’t rule out the possibility.” He tried to smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Then give me a weapon, something to defend myself with. I won’t turn it on you guys. I am beyond that now. Please trust me.” I pleadingly looked at him, while wringing my hands.

  He heaved a heavy sigh, “Alright, I will show you where you could possibly find a weapon, but only get it and use it as a last resort. The best thing is to wait with Lisa. I am going to tell Sheila the same thing if she comes home with me.”

  Cazon stood up, and I followed him into the kitchen.

  “If we are attacked, all of the living quarters will be unlocked. No one can get in without the proper access, but all of the mates will be able to get out if they need to. And you will want to leave this room as quickly as you can. The Zateelians will want you as leverage against the Commander.” He walked over to the cupboard.

  He opened it up and took his Taser out of his belt and put it in the back of the top shelf. “Come grab this if you need it, and then run to Lisa’s. You should all be safe there. I doubt they will look at regular crew quarters, not at first anyway. Just be very careful you don’t shoot any of us with it, ok?” He closed the door and motioned for me to follow him back to the living room.

  “Of course, I don’t want to hurt you guys. Most certainly not while enemy aliens are boarding this ship. That would be very stupid.” Unless they seemed like they might be attacking us to save the humans. But that was starting to seem less likely. The more time I spent with the V’Zenians, the more I believed they were the better choice. At least for now.

  As we sat back down on the couch, I yawned, and my stomach growled at the same time. The gurgling from my stomach was even louder than normal due to my mouth being open from the yawn.

  Cazon chuckled and stood back up, “Alright, I am heading back to my mate. I suggest you eat something and then get some sleep. Tomorrow just might be a really crazy day. If that ship doesn’t leave this system by tomorrow, we will have no choice but to open fire on them. You will need to be ready for that.”

  I put a hand on his shoulder before he walked to the door, “Thank you, Cazon. You have been a great friend these past few days. I just want you to know that I really appreciate everything you have done for me up to this point.”

  “Hey now, don’t go saying goodbye. I know nothing bad is going to happen to you, but I want you prepared in case the worst-case scenario does happen. It’s just me being prepared, that is all.” He walked toward the door and looked over his shoulder at me and smiled as he walked out.

  “I really do hope I see him again, and that those aliens just leave the system now that we are much closer to them,” I mused as I walked to the kitchen to make dinner for one. It was getting late and I still hadn’t heard from Venay.

  After dinner, I took a shower and got ready for bed. The drugs hadn’t worn off completely, and I was too tired to wait up for Venay.

  It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes after I fell asleep when I felt him sit next to me on the couch. “You should sleep in the bedroom, I will sleep out here on the couch. That way if I need to get up in the middle of the night I won’t wake you.” He leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips.

  “No, this is much better. You need the sleep more than I do. And somehow I doubt your big frame would fit on this couch very well.” I pulled my hand out of the blanket and rubbed his arms. For some reason, I felt like I needed to touch him. Once I did have my hand on him, I felt pressure coming off my back and shoulders, almost like I had been carrying a heavy load, and now he took it away from me.

  He smiled before he leaned down and gave me an even better kiss. This time he laid down on the couch with me partially underneath him while he continued to kiss me. I put my right hand in his hair, something I had wanted to do for a while now. I grabbed a handful and pulled him closer to me while my other hand made its way to his lower back.

  He used both of his arms to prop himself up so he wasn’t crushing me with his body weight. The level of kissing was growing hotter and more intense as the minutes passed. I had never felt this close to any man before, and I wanted to be closer still. I pulled him as tight to myself as I could and a small moan escaped from his lips.

  Venay started to slow the kiss down, and then eventually pulled away, and my warmth went with him. “When this business with the Zateelians is over, will you be ready to become my mate?” He whispered in my ear, and it sent chills down my spine.

  I couldn’t think. All I wanted was for his lips to be back on mine, but my mind was registering what he said even as my heart was chastising me for letting his lips get away. “Yes.” That was all I could think to say as I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back to me for another kiss.

  He gave into my desires, but stopped me when it started to get heated again. “I am so sorry, but I can’t kiss you like this and not cross that line.” He looked into my eyes and used his left hand to caress my cheek. The next thing I knew he was peppering my face with soft kisses, and I heard him moan, but it was more of an angry moan.

  He immediately stood up and walked a short distance away from the couch. “Paris, you tempt me too much. It is probably a good thing we are not sharing a bed yet. I doubt I would get any sleep if you were next to me.”

  I smiled and looked up into his face and knew he was going to be my mate. And I wanted it soon. Although, this seemed to be happening too quickly. Maybe that mating bond thing Venay talked about was real after all? “How soon do you think we could arrange the ceremony?” I sat up on the couch and patted the seat next to me.

  He shook his head, “I can’t sit next to you and not touch you, Paris. The only way to keep in control is for me to stand over here.” He ran his hand through his hair, and I watched as his biceps flexed. All I wanted to do was touch his arms. “But I think we could arrange it in about a week, or less. Once we get rid of the Zateelians, I think we should have our ceremony on the planet. They have some of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen. It would be the perfect place for our mating ceremony. Then we could spend a night in one of their mountain cabins. Just the two of us, with no one to disturb us.”

  It sounded so romantic. Was he a closet romantic? Cuz that would be nice. By day he seemed to be this strong, steely warrior, and by night a soft, cuddly teddy bear? That would work for me … best of both worlds.

  “I like it, a lot. It’s time. Let’s make those plans Venay.” My heart was fluttering thinking of what it would be like to marry him and one day to have his children. My thoughts were just about to turn to something else, when he turned around and headed to his roo

  It all seemed to be happening so fast. It wasn’t too long ago I wanted to use him to find a way to get back to Earth. Now, my heart was telling me to let him love me. What was wrong with me?

  He called out, “Goodnight my mate,” over his shoulder and closed his bedroom door.

  My heart flipped again, and I wondered if we could we have the perfect family while flying through space with me supporting him in his mission. Hold up. That won’t work for me. I could not support abducting more humans. Marrying him was what my heart was calling for. However, if we did marry, I couldn’t support him in his job.

  It seemed as though my heart and my mind were not in sync.

  I released a heavy sigh and laid back down and tried to go to sleep, but my mind wouldn’t shut off.

  There had to be a way to help his people and not hurt mine in the process. But, first things first, we had to get through tomorrow.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning brought nothing but dread and nerves. I must have slept very lightly, because for the first time I heard Venay get up and get ready. He never made noise in the morning, or if he did, I couldn’t hear it.

  While I was laying on the couch thinking about today, he walked out of his room all ready. He looked at me but only gave me a tentative smile and a soft, “Good morning.” Normally he came over to my couch and sat down. We would speak a bit, and he usually kissed me. But not today. He looked to be all warrior, and no mate.

  I got up and followed him into the kitchen, “Are you heading to the bridge?”

  “Yes, how are you feeling today? No side effects from the procedure?” Venay didn’t even look at me as we spoke. He was focused on what he was doing.

  “I’m just fine. Sleep wasn’t as good as normal, but with everything going on, I’m not surprised.” I shrugged my shoulders and fixed myself a cup of coffee. Before I left our quarters I would most likely need another cup.

  I still didn’t know what to do about marrying him, since I can’t marry someone whom I can’t support. His job was really the only thing causing me to be unsure. I did feel that mating bond. It was the only thing that explained how my heart had changed so quickly. However, his work in the slave trade was a major issue for me.

  But we still had a tense situation to get through first, and I certainly couldn’t tell him my doubts in case he went into battle today. He has to believe I am behind him 100% today. Hopefully, when this mess was over with, I could talk some sense into him.

  He fixed himself something that resembled a protein shake. Normally, he fixed me an Earth breakfast, and he ate it with me. But today he was all business, even in his food choices.

  “What is that?” I pointed to his tall, clear cup that had a straw in it. The ingredients didn’t look too appetizing. It was a puke green color of sloshy liquid. Not something I wanted to try.

  “It is a healthy protein substitute. I need something that will metabolize quickly today, and this is usually what I have when I prepare to go into battle. That ship is coming back around, we will intercept him in less than 3 hours. Please stay here in this room today, unless I or Cazon instruct otherwise, okay?” He took my hand and brought it to his lips.

  I couldn’t help but smile as he worried over my safety. “I need to feed the people in your holding cells. But after that I will come back here. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

  “That is fine, but do not tell them what’s going on. Maybe you can leave them some protein meal replacement bars. We use them when we go down to planets for a few days, just in case we can’t find any local foods to our liking or dietary requirements.”

  “Actually, that’s a great idea. Thanks.” I smiled and kissed him on his cheek before he left the room.

  As I started to make my breakfast, he came back in and grabbed me for a warm and solid hug. “I love you, I hope you know that. I will do whatever I have to in order to make sure you are safe, do you understand?” His whispered words sent chills up my spine.

  I pulled back from his warm chest and looked up to his eyes. I had yet to see him cry, but in that moment, I knew I never wanted to see him do so. The look on his face was enough to bring me to tears. His eyes, with those enticing violet irises, were teary. He had such a sad expression on his face. I wanted nothing more than to hold him and kiss away his worries.

  Frown lines were forming and getting bigger. It had me worried. “I know you will take care of me, don’t worry about me. You have an entire ship to take care of. I will be here or at Lisa’s, once we are done feeding everyone in the holding cells. Please focus on your work today and not me.” I gave him a tentative smile and kissed him one last time before he left our quarters.

  I sat down at the table after he left and thought about what just happened. This seven-foot giant of an alien was possibly about to go into battle with a ship that shouldn’t have the ability to hurt us, but most likely did. And, he was more worried about me than the rest of the inhabitants on his ship. I hung my head and scratched the back of my neck. He really does love me, doesn’t he?

  Before my breakfast was finished, Cazon showed up. But my appetite was pretty much gone anyway. I was nervous but not for myself. I was more nervous for Venay, and for my people locked up in cells with no way to protect themselves if we were boarded.

  “Cazon, what would happen to the humans if we were overtaken by the Zateelians?” I didn’t even take the time to great him a proper good morning.

  He took a deep breath and huffed out, “Nothing good, that’s for sure.” Then he hurried out of my quarters, and I had to almost run to catch up to him. He kept a really fast pace and before I knew it, we were at Lisa’s door.

  He pushed her doorbell, and we waited in the hallway for her.

  “Cazon, please tell me. I need to know. Will they be killed or left alone?” I bit my lower lip worrying about everyone’s safety.

  He scratched his head, “Neither, they will be taken as slaves to the Zateelian’s home world. But it won’t be any better than my home. In fact, they will wish they were back here in their cells eating that, what did you call it? Chalky, jello mold?”

  “Will they, um, will… they try and force the women to mate with them?” I couldn’t think of anything worse to happen to us.

  “No, they are more insectoid then humanoid, so there isn’t compatibility between the two species, thankfully.” His face darkened and knew there was more he wasn’t telling me.

  The door swooshed open, and Lisa came out.

  “Hey there, why the sad faces?” She looked between both of us.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just wondering who was going to mate next? Any ideas?” I didn’t want to worry Lisa. We all had enough on our plates, plus I wasn’t sure how much she knew about the situation.

  Cazon stood up proud with the biggest smile I have ever seen on him. “Last night, Sheila came home with me to be my mate.”

  Lisa and I both squealed with excitement. “Oh, how did you ask her? And what did she say?” Lisa and I both blurted out questions to him without really giving him a chance to answer.

  It would be nice to have another woman in our group to talk with, and hopefully walk around freely with.

  He backed up a bit and held his hands up in front of him, “Whoa, wait a minute. Give me a break. I don’t do hysterical female speak.” He stopped moving when his back hit the wall across from Lisa’s door.

  “Sorry about that this is just exciting for us! Where is Sheila? Why isn’t she helping us?” I looked at Cazon and narrowed my eyes at him, he was up to something.

  “She, well, I decided she needed to stay in our room today. I wanted to make sure she gets plenty of rest.” The big alien warrior wasn’t looking me in the face.

  I knew what he was up to, “Cazon, you want to protect her don’t you? You have locked her up so she can’t be near me today, haven’t you?”

  He looked between the two of us, “She doesn’t know.” Then turned his eyes toward Lisa.

“What don’t I know?” Lisa asked as she looked back and forth between Cazon and me.

  I didn’t care if got in trouble, Lisa needed to know exactly what was going on. It would probably upset her, but how could she be prepared if she didn’t know? “We might have to fight off an alien ship who has tried to play chicken with us for the past couple of days. Venay is worried they might have the arsenal to hurt this ship, badly. If we end up in a firefight today, I am supposed to come to your room and stay with you. I was hoping that all of us women would stay together.”

  “Wait, what? We might have to fight another alien species?” She put one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead, like she was getting a headache, or mad. Probably mad.

  “Well, at least we have a good shot at beating them.” I was trying to be optimistic, not just for Lisa, but for myself too. There was too much going on, just as I was starting to adjust to my new life and maybe even accept it, we had to deal with an eminent attack. We all needed optimism.

  Cazon ushered us towards the mess hall, “Ok, so no one says anything about this to the guests in our cells, got it?” He eyed us both once we looked back at him.

  “Of course, I have no desire to start another panic with the guests as you eloquently put it.” Part of me wanted to keep calling them prisoners, abductees, but another was almost ready to refer to them as slaves, and that part of my brain was scaring the tar out of me.

  We quietly made the lunch as quickly as we could. While we were in the last room, which was Alpha room, things got dicey.

  “Huh, sounds like…” All of a sudden we heard a really loud banging sound, and then it felt like we hit something. Everyone who had been standing fell down on the ground.

  As I stood up and looked around, I noticed that Cazon had a very worried look on his face. “Alright, everyone sit down and hold on to the bars, we are going to be flying through some very tough space. Paris and Lisa, come with me, now.”

  Lisa and I looked at each other and started to follow Cazon. Natalie called out to me, “Paris, what’s going on? Did we hit something?”


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