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Conquest Page 15

by Ronica Black

  “You don’t?”

  “No.” She kissed her lips. “There isn’t going to be any more Conquest.”

  Mary held her face and searched her eyes.

  “All I want and need is right here.”

  “You’re sure?”


  Mary beamed at her and her eyes filled with tears. “Jude, I don’t want to scare you, but—”

  “But what?”

  “Nothing.” She wiped her eyes and shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just glad you’re here. I’m just so glad you’re here.” She kissed her and when it deepened, she moaned and straddled Jude once again.

  “Oh no,” Jude said playfully as she sat up.

  “Oh yes.” Mary wrapped herself around her and tugged on her lips with hungry teeth and tongue. “Fuck me. With your fingers, right now.” She pulled away a little and Jude slid her hand down her front to her center. It was slick and waiting and when she went inside, Mary threw her head back and groaned.

  “Oh, Jude. Oh, beautiful Jude.”

  She came back up and looked in her eyes as she began to move her hips. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me all night long.”

  Jude kissed her and tightened her grip on her lower back as she curled her fingers against her. She was tight and wet around her. She was beautiful and flushed and moving against her.

  No, there was no other place on earth Jude would’ve rather been.

  “I will, Mary,” she said, putting her mouth to her neck. “I will.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was already dark when Mary pulled up to Conquest. The one streetlight hummed and struggled just like it had the first night she’d come to the club. That night seemed like a million years ago and so too did the anxiety she’d felt.

  Crossing the parking lot, her high heels clicked and her tight leather skirt swished a little against her backside. A man near the door grinned and nodded to her as he lit up and she waved to him even though he was bare-assed and still a little creepy.

  Nothing in the club scared her now, and when she stepped in the door and saw and heard the roar of laughter from her colleagues, she didn’t run off or burn with embarrassment and shame. Instead, anger and amusement passed through her.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” she asked, making her way to the bar. Though slightly unnerved, she hid it well and downed a shot of tequila.

  “Us? What about you?”

  “Holy shit! She’s really here!”

  “In fishnets and stilettos!”

  There appeared to be five or six of them, most of them men. Mary remained calm and ordered another shot of tequila from Cord who was giving her a curious look. She knew he was about to blow, and from the looks of the guys sitting at the bar, he wasn’t the only one.

  Mary slung back her shot and turned to face them. As she did she saw Bethany and Carla Meeker in the far corner. Both were watching her. She crossed to them slowly, surprised at seeing Bethany.

  “Ladies,” she said. “Enjoying yourselves?” They were holding hands and Mary wasn’t sure if it was out of fear or something more.

  Bethany was quick to speak. “I had no idea where we were going. They just said we were going out for a drink.”

  “Well, why don’t we have one? On me?”

  Carla just stared at her, eyes wide. She kept looking Mary up and down, and Mary was amused. She’d never seen Carla so quiet before.

  “Or maybe not.” She turned back to the men. They were taking bets and talking about who Mary would get it on with. She was surprised at how calm she still was. At how meaningless these men and what they thought were. Still…she did have to work with them.

  “You assholes need to go,” Cord suddenly belted, silencing them.

  Mary approached. “Wait a minute. They had the card, right?”

  He gave her a hard look and eventually nodded. A man at the bar spoke. “One of ’em did.”

  “Which one?” Mary asked.

  Wade’s face fell as they all pointed to him. Mary walked up and held out her hand. “Let’s see it, Wade.”

  He glared at her and refused. But Cord rounded the bar and dug it out for him, fished it right out of his back pocket. It appeared to be well used and it had a name scrawled on the back.


  Mary called out over the music, and there Night appeared in all his unisex glory. His sidekick Sky, who wore a mask, slinked up to Mary and hung off her side. The sight of them brought back visions from her first night, and that same excitement rushed through her again.

  “The fresh one,” he hissed at her, trying to lean in and kiss her. She pushed him away, excited but not interested.

  “It’s not my card,” she said. “It’s his.” She pointed to Wade. Night quickly sized him up.

  “Oh, him.”

  Mumbles and some laughter came from her colleagues.

  “He’s been here before?” she asked, trying to hide her surprise.


  “He’s been with you?”

  Night looked at Cord who crossed his beefy arms and nodded. Night answered. “Yes. He only likes me. Says he likes little men.”

  There were gasps all around. Mary fed the card back to Wade who stood looking completely shocked and embarrassed. She moved to the rest of the guys.

  “Was this enough of a show for you?” None of them held her gaze and every single one of them looked uncomfortable. She nodded a thanks to Cord who ordered them out. She couldn’t help but smile a little in victory. She’d faced up to them and showed no fear while being exactly who she was. She was proud of herself.

  “Hey, Mary,” Cord called to her as she headed down the hallway. She turned. “Those two chicks that were with them, they wanna stay.”


  “Yeah. They wanna go off to a room together with Sky.”


  “Are they gonna give me trouble?”

  Meeker and Bethany. She shrugged. “I don’t think so. Watch the blonde one though.”

  “The tart with the fake tits?”

  “Yes. She’s a bit—”


  She nodded. He threw up his hands and walked away mumbling to himself.

  Mary faced Jude’s door. With a deep breath, she entered without knocking and Jude jumped out of her skin.

  “Mary, Jesus.” She was holding a leather vest and had it gripped to her chest.

  “Sorry, I know the red sign is up,” she said, grinning.

  “That’s okay,” Jude said with a low, seriously interested voice. Her eyes traveled over her several times. “What are you wearing?”

  “Oh, just a little something I felt like trying on.” She edged the room slowly, letting Jude take her in. “What are you up to?” The room had been cleared of personal items, leaving only the bed and dresser.

  Jude finally tore her eyes away and refocused on her large duffel bags. “I’m packing.”

  “Moving out are you?”

  “Yes. You know that.”

  “Do I? Oh, I must’ve forgotten.” She was teasing her and Jude knew it.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” She placed her bags on the floor and walked toward her. She looked deadly in her worn jeans, dark, heavy boots, and a black tank. Mary could’ve come on the spot, especially when Jude’s wicked gold eyes flicked at her just like they did that very first night.

  “Yes, I think there might be.” She held her ground even when Jude was a short breath away. “I’m looking for a teacher.”


  “Yes, someone who can teach me a bit of German. Know anyone?”

  “I might.”

  “She has to be good-looking, though. Gorgeous, in fact. With a jawline like a god and hard-edged muscles.”

  Jude leaned in.

  “And blond. She has to have short blond hair, and—”

  But Jude cut her off, lifting her quickly and pinning her to the wall. She kissed her wildly. Mary had to turn away to spe
ak, and it was still difficult with Jude rubbing against her and sucking on her neck.

  “And she has to be tall and strong and confident. And—”

  Jude kissed her again and lowered her a bit to fumble in Mary’s purse. When she found what she was looking for, she grabbed it and then flung the purse to the floor.

  “What are you—” Mary couldn’t quite see what Jude was doing; she could only feel and then Jude was pressing against her tightly, holding her up with her body while her hand messed with her jeans. As soon as Mary realized what she was doing, Jude had shoved up her skirt and was positioning the phallus at her opening and then—

  Jude thrust and Mary flung her head back and cried out short and sharp.


  “Yes, baby, take it.”

  “Oh God. Oh God. It feels so good.” She ran her hands over her face and kissed her deeply as Jude continued to shove into her. “Jude, oh fuck, baby.” She clawed at her back and hair, held on to her neck as the thrusting grew more frenzied.

  “Jude, Jude,” she said, closing her eyes to the onset of pleasure. “Jude, Jude, Jude!” And she came with her body tensing against Jude, pushing back on her, legs flexed, toes pointed, arms squeezing Jude tightly. It went on and on and Jude never stopped. She just kept thrusting and pushing, until Mary went hoarse and limp in her arms.

  They both struggled to breathe, and eventually Jude lowered them both as she eased to her knees. Her neck and face were red with exertion, her veins thick with rushing blood. Mary nibbled on one running along her shoulder.

  “Jude?” She smelled of sweat and that same masculine cologne.


  “Remember when I told you I didn’t want to scare you?”

  Jude searched her eyes.

  “Well, I think I should tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  She looked so raw with desire and spent energy.

  “I love you.”

  Jude stared at her, but Mary could tell the words had reached her. Her eyes were churning like a glowing pot of honey.

  “I’m in love with you,” Mary whispered. She touched her face. “Am I scaring you?”

  “No, not at all.”

  Mary sighed and laughed nervously. “Good. I was afraid you might want to run.”

  Jude took her hand and kissed it. “I—”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I didn’t say it so you would—”

  “Shh.” Jude pressed a finger to her lips. “I’m in love with you too.”

  “You are?”


  “Are you sure?”

  Jude laughed. “I am. But—”

  “But what?” Her heart raced with panic.

  “I love you, Mary, but you talk too much.” She laughed and kissed her, squeezing her buttocks. “Way too much.”

  “Oh, I do, do I?”


  Mary pushed away, laughing when Jude held fast to her, trying to kiss her. She managed to stand and gain her balance. Jude’s laughter died as Mary retrieved her purse.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “No. But—”

  “But what?” Jude stood. Her confidence had returned, and Mary had to look away so she could concentrate on what she was looking for. When she found it in the bottom of her purse, she smiled devilishly at Jude.

  “But there’s something I wanted to do before we left this place for good.”

  “Really.” She nodded. Jude inched closer. “Well, what is it?”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for it?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “You have to be really sure. And if you want me to stop you have to say stop. No other—”

  Jude pressed her finger to her lips again. “Zip it and tell me, Mary.” She tugged on her lips with her hot mouth. “I won’t need you to stop.”

  Mary held up the handcuffs and swung them on her finger.

  Jude laughed and tried to take them.

  “Oh, no,” Mary said. “These are going on you, my love.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I know so.”

  “You’re going to have to make me,” Jude said, serious with need and desire.

  Mary tossed her purse aside and moved toward her. “Oh, I plan on it.”


  About the Author

  Ronica Black is an award winning author and a three-time Lambda Literary Finalist. Her books range from romance and erotica to mystery and intrigue, and she enjoys trying her hand at all. Her next book, Wholehearted, a traditional romance, is to be published in 2012. Ronica also enjoys drawing, painting, and sculpting. She lives in Glendale, Arizona, with her partner where she relishes a rich family life and raising a menagerie of pets.

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