Dangerous Curves Ahead: A Perfect Fit Novel Mass Market Paperback

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Dangerous Curves Ahead: A Perfect Fit Novel Mass Market Paperback Page 17

by Sugar Jamison

  Ellis’s rapidly clicking heels on the pavement alerted him to the fact that he wasn’t alone with his thoughts. Looking down at her he could see that her cheeks were slightly red and her breathing heavy.

  “Ellis.” He slowed his pace. “I’m sorry. I was going too fast.”

  “I’m okay,” she puffed. “All this speed-walking is a good way to burn off dessert. I only wish I wasn’t wearing four-inch heels.”

  “I’m sorry, Elle. I—I wasn’t expecting to see him.”

  She nodded and squeezed his hand. “So that was your dad, huh? At least he didn’t walk in on us having sex like my parents did.”

  Despite himself he laughed. “No, he’s much better at walking out.”

  She was quiet for a moment then tilted her head to study him. “Was that the first time you’ve seen him since he left?”

  Mike nodded. “I didn’t recognize him at first. I wasn’t sure if he was dead or alive until a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Oh,” Ellis pursed her lips. “How does that make you feel?”

  Her question stunned him for a moment. Nobody ever asked him how he felt about his father leaving. “I don’t know. I’m done talking about him. He doesn’t deserve our wasted breath.”

  “I’m sorry.” She pulled her lower lip between her teeth. “I wish I knew what to say in situations like this. I wonder if Hallmark makes a card?” She thought for a moment. “Something like: Sorry your deadbeat dad returned. Hope his tires get slashed.”

  Something tugged at his heart again. It was the same feeling he got in the park yesterday. It was the same feeling he had this evening he was with her in her store. Somehow Ellis had firmly planted herself under his skin.

  It was the last possible thing he wanted.

  It scared the shit out of him.

  Twenty years ago he’d promised himself that nobody else would ever have that kind of power over him, the power to change his world as he knew it. Ellis might be able to do it, might be able to affect him. He couldn’t let that happen.

  “You should apply for a job with them. You seem to have a knack for writing greeting cards.”

  She shrugged. “I’m multitalented.”

  He nodded and continued to walk her back to her store, his chest feeling heavy, his brain racing. He’d moved to Durant to get away from his hectic former life. He never guessed that he would run into a whole different, more troubling set of problems.

  A few minutes later they were standing beside her car. She stared up at him and he could see in her eyes she wanted to say something. Whatever it was he didn’t think he could bear to hear it.

  “Good night, Ellie.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek, but she turned her face so that her lips connected with his. She wrapped her arms around him, giving him a comforting kiss. In that moment he knew he didn’t want to go home alone. He wanted to stay in her soft hold all night, forgetting about every unpleasant thought that clawed at his brain. But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t let her have the same kind of hold over him that his father had over his mother.

  Breaking the kiss, he stepped away. “Text me when you get home.”

  He opened the car door for her, helping her in, and when the car started he walked away from her, forcing himself not to look back.


  Nine days had gone by since Ellis had seen or heard from Mike. She hated herself for knowing that it was nine days, for counting their time apart. She hated herself for finally letting go of the little piece of doubt that plagued her. She should have trusted her gut. She should have kept him at a distance. She shouldn’t have let herself care about him so much. One night, she told herself. One night of earth-shattering, heavenly sex, but her statement was quickly forgotten after spending a few hours in his company. He was like potato chips: One night was not quite enough.

  At first she was understanding. She thought he needed a day or two to sort out his father’s reappearance. It was a big deal but after five days of ignored texts and unanswered phone calls she realized that maybe it was more than that. That maybe she had read more into his feelings than she should.

  She made a pact with herself to forget him. Her life had moved on without him. She had lunch with Dina twice. The shop was getting busier. She had taken in more altering. The wedding dress she was working so hard to complete was coming to life. Her display case had been fixed. Her finances were less dismal. Her life was good. She just hated that she felt so damn crummy.

  She was going to fix that. She had two whole days off. Two whole days to herself where she would see nobody and do absolutely nothing. Maybe she would take a bubble bath and read the book she had been putting off for a year. Maybe she would sleep all day and not bother to get out of pajamas. It was rare she got to do anything for herself. It used to be all about Jackass, seeing that his wants and needs were met. Before that it was making her way through law school and studying for the bar exam. Now her life was consumed with making the store work. Ellis had never taken personal time. She never relaxed.

  Which was probably why she was wide awake on a Sunday morning, filled with restless energy. She glanced at the clock: seven oh two. She shouldn’t be up this early. She turned over, trying to find a new spot that would make her instantly comfortable and drag her back into dreamland. That spot didn’t exist.

  She sighed. Maybe she would visit her parents or check out the local vintage store for inspiration. Ellis was no good at doing nothing.

  The doorbell rang as she sat up. It had to be her mother. Nobody else would dare to visit her this early on a Sunday. If Phillipa had on her jogging gear Ellis would scream. No amount of restless energy would ever make her want to go jogging.

  It rang again and this time she forced herself out of bed and rushed down the stairs. She didn’t want her mother calling her name, waking up the entire neighborhood in the process.

  When she opened the door, the hairs on her arms rose. It was the last person she expected to see. The one she had just put out of her mind. “What are you doing here?”

  Not you. Not now. Not today.

  Just when she starting to forget about him he showed up and knocked her on her ass. Mike stood before her, looking a little tired, unshaven. Not himself. Her heart squeezed painfully. She wanted to pull him in and hug him. She wanted to slap him.

  “I want to spend the day with you.”

  Nine days. Nine whole days without a word. She cared about him. She worried for him and he ignored her. It was like the night of her party all over again.

  No. She wouldn’t let that happen. This was her life. She wouldn’t play on his terms.

  “I’m busy.” She tried to push the door closed but Mike caught it and pushed it opened again.

  “You aren’t. I called Belinda yesterday and she told me you have two days off.”

  She paused at his words. He called? She shook her head, her resolve strengthening. “I do and I plan to spend them in bed. Alone.”

  He grabbed her wrist when she began to step away. “You’re mad at me.”

  “I’m not. I don’t care enough to be mad.”

  “Bullshit,” he spat. “You’re mad at me for walking away. I get that I—”

  She wrenched herself away from him. “I’m not mad at you for walking away. I’m mad at you for ignoring me and thinking you could just come back whenever you please. I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, but I’m not here for you to pass the time with when you get bored. I’m not just a good time. I’m not just sex when you want it. You don’t get to stroll in and out of my life when you want to. This thing goes both ways.”

  He shook his head, his expression softening. “It’s not that, Ellie. I—I just—”

  “What? Found somebody who looks better naked?”

  His jaw tightened. “Don’t go there, Ellis.”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have gotten involved with you. I should have run the other way.” She pinched the bridge of her nose to lessen the throbbing in her head. “Screw you, Mike. Getting invol
ved with you is always a mistake.”

  She turned and left him where he was, not bothering to slam the door in his face. She didn’t expect to be so angry. With him for thinking he could walk in and out of her life whenever he wanted—and with herself for falling for the last man she should.


  Mike watched Ellis stomp up the stairs toward her bedroom. He should leave. He should shut the door and walk away for good.


  She’d used that word and it hit him in the chest. There were many words he would used to describe what they were. Mistake wasn’t one of them.

  He knew he’d been wrong to ignore her. He wanted so badly to pick up the phone and hear her voice. But he didn’t. He knew he was getting too attached to her. His body craved her in bed but his mind and every other part of him craved her conversation, her naughty smile, her presence in his world. He wasn’t in Durant for a serious relationship. This place was just a rest stop—a place where he could gather his thoughts before he moved on. He didn’t want to fall in love. But staying away was too damn hard. He had to proceed with caution.

  He shut her door behind him and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. He could tell by her anger that the last nine days had been just as rough on her as they had on him. He’d counted their time apart, hating himself for doing so. The thing he hadn’t counted on was missing her.

  She was huddled under the covers when he arrived in her bedroom. Unsure of what to do next, he stared for a moment. He’d never had trouble with women before, but when it came to Ellis he never seemed to do the right thing. It was as if he never found his balance when he was around her, and that was one of the things that bothered him the most. Stripping off his boots, jeans, and sweatshirt he slid in bed beside her, his body sighing as her soft figure came into contact with it.

  “Go home, Mike.” Her muffled voice came from beneath a pillow.

  He yanked it away. “I’m not leaving.”

  “I won’t let you do this to me.” She turned to face him. “I’m not a doormat. You can’t just walk in, out, and all over me.”

  “I’m not going to. I was dealing with—”

  She cut him off. “I would have been there for you.”

  “I know.” And that’s what scared him. He stroked a lock of hair from her face. He pulled her closer and was glad to feel her body slightly relax against his. “I’m sorry.” He kissed her forehead. “I missed you being mean to me. I didn’t know what to do with myself.”

  “You should have jumped off a cliff.” She frowned up at him, but he could tell she was softening. “Your beard is scratching my skin. Oh, and I hate you.”

  “That’s my girl.” He pulled her into his body, wrapping both arms around her. His lids grew heavy. He’d spent nine days restless, jumpy, unable to relax, but now all that left him.

  “Mike?” Ellis called as he was shutting his eyes.


  “I was serious, you know. If you walk out again, don’t expect to ever come back.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Back Fat Bitch Fest

  I generally like the way I look. Most days.

  I stare in my full-length mirror and think I’m looking all foxy.

  But then I turn to the side.

  Back fat. Bra bulge. Chub flub.

  The bane of my existence.

  Ellis stared at the big sleeping man in bed beside her. He needed a haircut. His formerly short hair had transformed into small black, silky curls. He looked yummy with them. Unable to stop herself, she lifted her hand to run her fingers through it and sighed. He was gorgeous even in his sleep. He didn’t snore. He didn’t drool. He didn’t sleep with his mouth open. And there she was in her rumpled monkey-printed nightgown, her hair probably looking like a rat’s nest.

  Where’s your willpower, woman?

  She was going to end up hurt. She could feel it coming. It wouldn’t be like it was with Jack. It would be worse. Mike wouldn’t mean to break her heart. She should end things once and for all. Before it all came crashing down.

  “I like your monkey pajamas,” he said, startling her from her thoughts.

  “Thank you.”

  He pulled her closer, brushing his fingers across her cheek. She didn’t want to bask in his nearness but as soon as his skin came in contact with hers she tingled. “Your bruise is finally gone,” he said sleepily. “You’re back to being gorgeous again.”

  “Hey, didn’t you think I was gorgeous with it?”

  He placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “Every time I looked at you I wanted to kill the guy who hurt you.” He dragged his lips across her skin, kissing the place where her ear met her neck. “It almost made it hard for me to make love to you those six times but somehow I managed to soldier through.”

  His words brought a smile to her face and she shut her eyes, enjoying the smoothness of his lips on her skin, the tingles of pleasure that shot through her body. She’d missed him. Despite everything she’d missed him. But she didn’t want him to break her heart. “You should have stayed away, Mikey.” She opened her eyes to see his face. “It was for the best.”

  His eyes shuttered a bit before they moved to the clock on his side of the bed. “I can’t believe you let me sleep for almost three hours. What do you want to do today?”

  “Mike.” He wasn’t going to make things easy for her.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve laid around all day. We can do that. Maybe go to the movies later? Or go for a walk in the park?”


  “You want to take a bath? I can run you one and put all that smelly girlie shit you women like in there. By the time you get out I can have brunch on the table.”

  He slid out of bed and headed into her bathroom, where she heard the faucet turn on. “Do you have any food in here or should I order out?” He stuck his head out the door waiting for her response.

  She should send him home, remind him what a mistake they were, protect herself from heartbreak. This was her time. She needed to be focused on her store—on growing her business. She needed to make a clean break. But not just yet.

  “Food? You know I don’t keep any in the house. We’ll have to order out.”


  The day passed quickly. Too quickly, Ellis thought. She took a long hot bath, and when she got out the food he promised was waiting. Warm bagels, cream cheese, fresh fruit, and orange juice. They ate in bed, and afterward dozed a little. Ellis finally got the chance to begin the book she had been meaning to read while Mike read the newspaper. They didn’t talk much, didn’t kiss, and barely touched. Ellis kept waiting for him to make his move, to attempt to make love to her. But he didn’t try a thing. She would welcome it if he did. Too many times she’d thought about him, his mouth, his body, his hands over the past week. Too many times she caused herself to grow damp because she couldn’t stop herself from thinking of him.

  Tomorrow she would officially cut the ties between them. She knew she wasn’t the type of girl who could just have sex. And she knew they weren’t the type of people who could just be friends.

  Mike set down his paper, placed his warm hand on the back of her neck, and settled his gaze upon her mouth. She knew he liked her lips. She remembered how much time he spent kissing them on that night they spent in his bed. “Put the book down, Elle.”

  She did as he asked, anticipation filling her. Finally. It had been hours. Actually it had been weeks. She deserved this. His lovemaking. When she was with him she stopped feeling like the insecure little fat girl and more like the desirable women she always wanted to be.

  “Want to play Rummy?”


  “Rummy? I saw a deck of cards on your shelf. Or we can play Hearts. Actually, I could go for a game of Spit. I haven’t played that since I lived at home with my sisters.”

  Ellis shook her head, not sure if she was hearing him correctly. “You want to play cards with me?”

  “Yeah.” He looked at her as if it were obvi

  “You’ve got me in bed and the activity you want to engage in is card playing?”

  “Yes.” He frowned. “Unless you want to take a nap.”

  “No,” she sighed. “I don’t want to take a nap. Go get the cards.”


  Mike stood in front of Ellis’s door preparing to leave for the night. It was nearing eight PM. He had been there all day and still he was finding it hard to step over the threshold and leave.

  “You’ve had enough of me today?” she asked him.

  No, he wanted to say. He wanted more. “You cheat at cards. You think it’s funny to put your cold feet on me and you kept stealing my fries at dinner. I think I’ve had all I can take.”

  “I didn’t cheat.” She tried to keep a straight face but was failing miserably. “I lost, remember?”

  He shook his head, smiling at her outrageous lie. “I didn’t say you were a good cheater, but you switched hands while I was in the bathroom and that constitutes cheating. I should have known better than to play cards with a lawyer. They always cheat to win.”

  She pulled her lower lip between her teeth. “If it makes you feel better, I felt slightly guilty about it.”

  “Only slightly?”

  She nodded. “If I’d won I would have felt really guilty.”

  He smiled at her, wanting to pick her up and carry her upstairs to the bed they spent all day in and bury himself inside of her. “I have to go.”

  “Oh.” He watched her shoulders slump a little. He felt the same way. “I had fun today.”

  “So did I.”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her into his arms, an erection forming as soon as her body touched his. It was almost enough to set her away from him. Almost. Instead he brought her closer, tipping her chin up so that he could taste her. He purposely kept his kiss light, only allowing his lips to brush over hers, keeping the flame from growing into a fire. But Ellis wasn’t content with that and deepened the kiss, slipping her sweet tongue in his mouth, inviting him to consume her. She set his damn heart racing. He gently broke the kiss before it could go any farther, before he found himself stripping off her clothes where they stood.


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